
Chapter 25

Demon POV

I watched Onyx walk away with the purple eyed man and the other one, not at all worried about her.

Instead worried about one of them trying to do something to her and her having to get her hands dirty.

Shadow rolls his eyes at me, “She’ll be fine. Now how do you feel about the purple eyed man?”

I shrug, “He’s just another vamp”

He sighs, “Ignore that and tell me what you actual feel about the guy.”


“Just do it”

The woman, Celia, crosses her arms when Onyx and the vamps left, “Okay Knox what is it that you want to talk about?”

Knox looks over at me but I ignore him and make my way to the bar in the corner.

What do I think of the purple eyed vamp? Hmm…

Knox calls out to me, “Demon”

I cut him off before he could finish, “If you are going to explain the whole thing it’s it best for you to talk about it. I have control but that control may snap if you make me explain anything.”

I pour a shot of some random drink they had behind the counter and thought about the purple eyed man.

He seems like a bloodthirsty vampire by the way he was drinking from that human when we walked in.

Probably more bloodthirsty than the others in the room.

When he spoke to the others it was like he had power over them, but Celia is the one in charge. They are not mates so there’s no reason for them to see him as their leader if Celia is.

I throw back the shot and pour a glass of another.

Celia had respect in her eyes when she spoke to him but there was also fear when she asked him to go with that other man.

Mates shouldn’t have to fear each other but with the way things are now.

Shadow sighs as Onyx comes to mind, “Its understandable if they are mates”

“I still don’t think they are. Its clear that Celia is really the one that runs this coven. Not the man that requested James services.”

“You’re right but neither is the purple man. This coven holds too much fear of him to let him be their leader.”

I look around the slightly cramped room and see that the vampires are more relaxed then they were before the purple man left.

The music is still on, but they turned it down. There nineteen vampires facing Knox and the others but there’s one behind a bar across the room and she wasn’t paying any attention to what her leader was saying unlike the others.

In fact she keeps glancing at the doorway and looking down at her hands as if she was debating on whether to go after the man or to stay where she was.

The woman is petite and is wearing clothes that are too big for her.

She looks like she is the same size as Onyx.

She has long black hair with the tips of her hair looking like a blue fire.

I felt the same feeling earlier for the purple man as I do with her.

“That’s his mate”

“How do you know that, Demon?”

“I don’t know, its just I have a feeling that flame girl is his mate.”


“About your question earlier, I think that the purple man is going to a good friend of ours. I feel like I know him from a different lifetime or some shit. You know?”

When we walked into the room and he looked at me, I knew that we have met before just not in this lifetime.

In the two seconds that we looked at each other it was almost like a bond was formed.

Not a mate one but something like a pack one.

“Shadow, is it possible to create a pack with other species?”

He’s quite for a minute before shrugging, “No one’s ever done it before but there’s no law saying that its not allowed. Why you ask? Want to make a pack with the vampires?”

I shrug and finish the glass. Knox just finished the brief and Celia looks sympathetic likes she’s been in Onyx’s shoes before.

Celia’s eyes cuts over to my mark and there was a look of respect in her eyes.

The others have a look of shock on their faces, some have a look of disgust.

I roll my eyes at all of them and glance at the door hoping Onyx would come down.

“Whats taking them so long?”

“Mika said that they’re fine and wants to bring something with us.”

Nathan looks over at me and see his eyes widen and his mouth open in a shout.

Before anything came out, time seemed to go in slow motion

I could see the others in front of me tense up and grow worried with fear in their eyes.

The flame girl finally took her eyes off the door and turned to me. That when I realized that she isn’t a woman but literally a little girl maybe just entering her teens. And on top of all that she’s human scared out of her mind.

Why isn’t she not dead or turned yet?

The aura of innocence that this girl gives is extremely strong almost to the point of where I wanted to protect her from everything.

And that includes the vampire trying to kill me from behind.

I roll my eyes at this fool’s idiotic way of thinking.

He’s midair when I turn around and catch him by the throat.

The vamp bares his teeth at me making me roll my eyes again, “Didn’t anyone ever tell you to never attempt to backstab the devil?”

He struggles when my hand starts squeezes his neck, “I know that somebody has and yet you still try to do it…like a dumbass. Sad thing is that I know you didn’t think of this on your own. I also know that it was James that basically set you up for death so you can thank him for what’s about to happen.”

I morph my hand into my wolf’s and dig the claws into his neck. His black blood covers my hand while he tries to breathe.

I turn to the flame girl and see her eyes the size of bowling balls.

“I would look away if I were you, little flame”

She shots herself under the bar and out of site.

I grabbed the man under the chin and pull his head away from his body while squeezing his throat into nothing more than a stick until his head pops off.

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