
Chapter 27

Demon Pov


NO, this can’t be happening, not again

Not after everything I have done to keep them safe.

Shadow yells, “we have to get there faster”

“I know” I yelled back

Shadow come into the forefront and we half shift, running wildly through the woods trying to make the 50 miles between me and the boys vanish within a few seconds.

I can feel Onyx about 20 feet behind me running as fast as she can.

I jumped over a log and know that she did as well.

I hope the boys are okay and that James was just being fucking stupid. I hope they aren’t hurt. If they aren’t then I’m taking them and we’re leaving.

I thought it was safe for us to stay with Knox for a little while, but I was wrong and now I may have to pay the price.

Why must the people I care about have to pay for my mistakes?

Why does the moon goddess do this to me?

What did I do for her to try to take everything I love?

They cant be dead.

They can be

If they are I don’t know what I’d do.

We ran for two hours before we ran pass the markers for the others and could hear the moans and groans of pain

Running towards them, I couldn’t process what was around me

Rouges were in pain everywhere, some dying, some with missing limbs caused by torture or a brutal fight.

Mates were crying for their loses and fear.

I look around for Ana but can’t find her.

They have to be okay

I head towards our tent and for some reason the rouges nearby go quiet and bow their head in fear.

Shadow mumbles, “They have to be okay. They need to be okay.”

I get to where our tent should be and find Roger bleeding out holding Ana’s body close to him.

This can’t be happening.

“Ana please don’t leave me.” Roger whispers to her body with his face covered in tears.

I whisper, “No”

Roger looks at me, “Bring her back to me please”

I shake my head and stare into his eyes, “She’s dead Roger and she can’t come back. Now where are my sons?”

He frantically shakes his head, “No No, she can’t be dead. We had so much planned out for the future. She wanted a home with kids. She can’t be dead. she can’t leave me alone with nothing but memories of her. She can’t be dead.”

I was tired of his dramatics, so I yanked him up by his shirt and yelled in his face, “She dead. She died before she can do any of that, so get the hell over it. Now, WHERE ARE MY SONS?”

My yells caught all of their attention and immediately ended all the moaning and whining.

No one spoke instead they shifted back in fear.


Knox spoke from behind me, “They don’t know Demon, Ana was the last one last seen with them.”

I dropped Roger and started pacing.

What if they got away?

What if they’re dead? What the hell is going to happen if I find out they’re dead?

Onyx came beside me and looked at Rojer and then Ana before she locked eyes with me, “No one is faster than us and you know that. We’re going to find the boys they couldn’t have gone far. And if they were dead they would have left the bodies here. We’ll find them.”

I nodded and headed to the other side of camp since there is no way they got pass us, “I’ll go left, onyx you go right.”

She walks beside me nodding, “Sounds like a plan”

Knox yells, “Wait interrogate James first and if you really want to take send someone you can trust a head of the both of you.”

Onyx pauses and touches my hand. I sigh and look at Nathan and Zack, “Zack go left, Nathan Right”

They both nod and sprinted to the edge of the camp and then split going where I told them to.

I felt so much anger inside me that was just waiting to be released and James is going to be a tiny outlet that I plan to use.

Until he dies suffering that is.

“Where is he?”

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