
Chapter 1- Ben

Ben takes a blow to the face and three more to the stomach given to him by the pack. Bones snap and get dislocated but he doesn’t care. So long as they never touched the five-year-old twin boys and two-year-old girl, who see him more like a dad than their own father who is the one that gives him this punishment.

Ben looks into the crowd to see all three children trying their hardest to keep the tears from spilling over. Knowing that if they do then the punishment, they would get is much worse than his.

Some weight lifted from his chest not because the beta stopped kicking his chest but seeing both boys’ brown hair and blue eyes and little Sophia’s blonde hair, blue eyes.

Blood fills his mouth and soon cover the floor.

Shadow we might die today, hopefully they remember to never cry, he thought as blackness close in on him.

Shadow tries to fix our body but struggles keeping up with the damages, “We have to live for them.”

As the torment and pain came upon him the rain pounded on the roof showing the same amount of mercy he was given. The babies had to grow up almost the same day they were born. Their father hates weaklings and emotions. If there were any emotions shown, they were to be killed having their intestines ripped from them and no burial for them to rest in peace.

The alpha would never let a weakling lead his pack. And just to prove to everyone that it wouldn’t happen on his watch, the alpha killed his eldest son.

The sudden thought of his only friend dying for love gave him more pain than the hits. That friend is the reason that he is now the guardian of the only three pure innocent souls in this pack. He’s only seventeen but they are his children, and he will protect them. Even if he is the weakest in his pack.

Ben made a vow to himself when his friend died two years ago, the three angels standing a few feet away will not go through the same fate that he is now, he would die before that happened.

The sun hits my face, rewarding me with its rays and reminding me of the hits I took last night when I try to turn away.

Pain courses through me because some girl said I bumped into her, last night, ‘touching her with my dirty skin’.

So, her brothers were so kind to beat me, leaving my broken body to heal quickly or die trying.

Assessing myself I see new lashes that will be scars later have joined the former ones but nothing major is broken just some deep cuts already bandaged. Most likely blondie and brown eyes did it.

Getting off the wooden floors hurts like a bitch, but I do it, No one else will help me up anyways.

One step and I am back on one knee, the dizziness, nauseous, and fatigued hits me like a train.

Going to have to try and steal something to eat today, or I might not wake up tomorrow.

Shadow scuffs, ’we eat today we get another beating later.’

I nodded my head agreeing with him but stand back up anyway and head to the basement.

I could end it all here and never have to go through any of this again with the razor hidden in a pile of clothes.

The silent mansion should bring temporary peace, but it only reminds me how alone Shadow and I are.

Shadow whimpers, ’There isn’t a reason for us to be alive, so why the hell are we still here?’

The agony that we both feel sweeps though me along with the loneness and self-hate that’s been built for the past few years. Breathing heavy it suddenly feels like everything is crashing in at once causing me to fall into the door to the basement.

20 steps and a quick turn will lead me to the razor. The other slaves are all doing their jobs so no one would find me until later.

Just as I go to pick it up and end it all, Sophia pops in my head as I see her big innocently happy eyes and a big smile while being chased by Timmy and Tommy who also have smiles but are missing their front teeth.

I take a shaky breath and say to my wolf, they are the reason we are alive Shadow, no matter what happens we need to make sure that none of them turn up like their father or like Alek.

He goes silent when I mention Alek and can feel the sadness coming off of him. I know that he misses his friend… hell I miss him.

Even though he had to act like an ass to me when he wasn’t a wolf, he made sure that I had something to eat once his siblings were taking care of. He did that for everyone that needed help, even people from different packs. Alek would’ve been a good alpha that cared for his pack and others, but his mate came too early.

I remember his mate, Lola, she was pretty and nice. But her being nice is what got her in his parents’ bad graces. His parents wanted him to reject her and mate with the pack tramp because Lola was nice, and she was his true mate. His parents thought that true mates make you weaker than just having a random one, so they both rejected their true mates and mated each other. If you found your true mate in this pack the pair has to get approved by the alpha before you can mate. If you break this law, then you both die.

Alek broke that law since he mated Lola as soon as he saw her. From what he told me he was hoping that his father would let it slide if he went to them and told them at the pack dinner. The alpha did but on the condition that Alek rejects Lola for a slut, things went downhill when he refused. The Luna tried to get Alek to change his mind, but Alek still said no. Everyone in the pack was there when they disowned Alek and sentence him to death. His mate started crying and he wrapped her in his arms for the last time before they were pulled apart.

The Luna made him watch as they killed Lola but not him. The alpha told him again to mate with the other girl and Alek refused. So, the pack killed him too, but what nobody knew was that right before he died, he minds linked to me asking me to take care of his brothers and sister. I nodded slightly since I was starting to get a headache and watched Alek die.

The whole pack had a migraine for weeks and no one knew why until they examined Lola’s body. It turns out that Lola was pregnant with the future alpha and the connection between him and the pack was forming but was soon cut when Lola died which created a migraine for everyone.

Slight pain to my head brought me back to the present as someone tries to call for me.

I can’t have a moment to myself, can I? I ignore the summon and leave the basement after changing into another pair of clothes. Walking up the stairs to the main floor, I brace myself for the light in the kitchen.

Walking in I blink a few times before I can see the kitchen and the kitchen slaves in their brown over used torn dresses for girl and trousers for the guys.

A few look my way with the same sad, depressed looks that I probably have on my face as well. One of the girl slaves wrote something on a sheet of paper and gave it to me. I nodded my thanks and waited for her to leave.

The note says that the kids are in a room on the first floor at the end of the hall and that the alpha is in a bad mood today.

One of the slaves many rules is to never speak or communicate with each other. But a few break the rules so I can know whether or not to go get the kids.

Other than that, I have never had a conversation with any of them. There are a few who are brave enough to sign to each other but none of them ever spoke to me. Except for three of the maid slaves, two of the kitchen slaves, and one other pain slaves, we write notes to each other but that’s it.

I crumble the note and throw it in the trash, as I walk to the kids’ room quickly. If the alpha is in a bad mood, then it won’t be pretty for anyone.

Silently I open the door to the kids’ room and peak in making sure no one else is in there before I step in and close the door.

The sight before me puts a smile on my face. There was a patch of brown hair leaning off the side of the bed with another pair of feet beside it. And a bundle of blonde hair, that has a flower hair piece that never leaves, at the head of the bed with her feet on top of the boys’ bodies…and all of them were snoring.

Still smiling, I shake my head and pick out their clothes from their backpack before trying to wake the kids up.

I make sure that none of them are close to the bed or the pillows on the ground as I watch them sleepily put their clothes on backwards.

I bite my lip and wait until they stop moving before I fix their clothes. Just as I finish, I hear loud heavy footsteps coming towards the room.

Not wanting to find out who it is, I quickly open the window and wave the kids over to me while telling them to be quiet. They listen and make a semi-circle around me. I bend down and pick Sophia up as Tommy and Timmy climb on my back.

I step out the window, thankful that they were able to find a room on the main floor and make my way to the forest path.

After a few minutes we’re not too far from the pack house but I’m starting to feel pain all over and carrying the kids is not helping. I keep going until I’m sure no one could see us from the house.

As soon as I stop the kids jump down and look at me with their innocent blue eyes.

“Are you ok daddy?” my little girl asks with a tilt of her head

I smiled and lied, “Yes baby girl, I’m fine”

Sophia nodded her head but didn’t look convinced.

I bent down and kissed the top of her head while picking a flower off the ground. When she opens her eyes, the flower I picked is in front of her face, causing her to squeal slightly about me having magic.

I never corrected her before because what harm would it cause, but this time she said something shocking.

“Oh, daddy you can use your magic to fly us away from the bad people and then we can go to Never land.”

I shook my head before she even finished her sentence, Sophia paused and I took the chance to speak, “Princess, I don’t have enough magic to get us away from the bad people. I only have enough to try to protect you from them.”

The happiness and hope in the kids’ eyes went away. I feel like shit for putting them back into reality, but I can’t have them hurt because I didn’t tell them the truth.

Both the boys look sad, but Sophia looks so heartbroken, “But…”

I pulled her into a hug; I wait for Timmy and Tommy to join in before saying, “I’m sorry my nuggets but we can’t leave, not yet anyway”

Feeling them nod, I stand back up and Sophia grabbed my hand while Tommy took the other and Timmy is in front of me.

And the sorrowful and depressing atmosphere went away when Timmy started singing a random song that Sophia and Tommy knew and they started singing the song too.

I shake my head and listen to them singing a song that I don’t even think is real as we walked to the day care about a mile away from the pack.

As soon as we see the colorful building, the kids start to speed up, but Timmy doesn’t run off, he speeds up but keeps looking back to make sure that I’m still behind him.

Sophia and Tommy let go of my hand and went to help Timmy open the front doors.

They tried to open the doors on their own but couldn’t do it, so I sneakily opened it for them which caused them to think that they are superheroes.

I smile again and acted shocked to find out that they are superheroes.

They made noises and posed as superheroes all the way to their classroom.

I open the purple door for my three superheroes and watched as they went to the little cubbies area to put away their things then went to the coloring table.

The teacher assistant popped out of nowhere and tries talking to me like always. She randomly tries to ask me out. I almost nodded my head before it clicked of what she asked me. I snapped my head to her and raised my eyebrows in confusion.

I know that she can’t see the blood on my black clothes but surely, she can see the bruises on my arms and face and the slight limp in my walk.

She is about to speak when Ms. Bakes, the teacher, walks in the room. I sigh in relief and give her the sign in sheet.

She takes it and smiles at me then looks towards the kids who are the only ones in the room right now.

“Will you be late picking them up again, Mr. Williams?”

I shrug my shoulders in an apologizing motion

“It’s fine dear. Those three never cause me any trouble and I love having them around.”

I nod my head grateful and go to where the kids are.

Bending, I don’t flinch at the pain I’m causing to my stomach but still wrap my arms around the three of them.

They put down the crayons and turn in my arms to hug me back.

“I love you Dada” Sophia whispers

“I love you daddy” Tommy whisper after her

Then Timmy whispers, “I love you dad”

I blink away the tear that’s starts to build and hold them tighter to me, never wanting to let them go.

I kiss them on their forehead and whisper hoarsely, “I love you to Pluto and back, my little nuggets”

I stand up and leave once they let me go and went back to coloring. Nodding to Ms. Bakes I walk out the daycare and walked back to the pack that I’m supposed to call family.

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