
Chapter Prologue

Screams shock the building as Themis tries to get her baring, running to the lower levels of the sky.

Zeus and the others were dodging the object and other things being thrown at them.

A voice echoed, “That stupid BITCH”

The sisters destroyed everything but their scrying mirror showing a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed werewolf laying on the ground broken and used by all the ones that declared her as their mate.

Risking getting hit as she looks around for the woman’s creator in this crowd as Ares pushes her away as a bookshelf was hurled past her head.

His Deep voice resonates through the area, “Don’t bother Themis, Selene is not here. She has not been seen in the last few days.”


The sisters three head snap to the two gods and screams her fury for the universe to hear, “Bring her here NOW!!”

The gods start rushing to do their bidding for the fury of the fates was something to never be tested.

“THEMIS, you stay.”

Themis walks into the sisters’ chambers as the others leave, Ares closes the grand doors behind him and showing an emotion on his face other than rage for once that struck a chord in Themis filling her with fear and appreciation.

Anger, Fear and Worry was all she could see from Ares’s eye as the door fully shuts behind him.

What has happened for Ares to worry about her? What did Selene DO?


Themis kneels to the sisters and keeps her eyes at her own feet, “Sisters-”

“Don’t bother doing the whole greeting speech, we are not in the mood for that.”

Themis stays kneeling, “As you wish, Sisters”

“Selene has taken something very precious from us and Hades cannot find her soul. Why is that?”

Themis finally looks to the three headed creature staring into their blind eyes only used for finding out the future of their favorites, both in the human world and her with the gods.

One wrong step or word will not only have her killed but sent back to the human realm without her godly powers to redo the trials to become a god again, if they allow it.

She must be smart about this, “Selene is still young and inexperienced with the rules of the world. I am to assume that she created her own heaven for her creatures to rest for eternally and believes that she could handle the responsibility.”

The head screams in complete fury as they turn towards the woman in the scrying mirror. The woman’s soul long left her body and yet still continued to be defiled by the wolves around her. Each passing second added to the rage felt that it even affected Themis, the goddess of justice, divine order, law, and custom. Rage was not a just emotion for her to feel without doing something about it.

The sisters knew this and turned back to her seeing the rage building in her eyes, “Can you give her justice?”

“I can if you wish it.”

“Give her justice and peace if you can.”

Nothing else was said as she did their bidding and taking their chances for mates away from this pack while putting the others to sleep. Themis brings the woman’s body back to the sisters.

Resting the body on the stone table suddenly brought into the room, just as Selene walks into the room with a smile on her face without a care in the world.

Selene doesn’t bother greeting or acknowledging Themis, she only bows to the sisters not knowing that their fury was directed at her and not the forgotten goddess.

Selene opens her mouth, but the sisters scream at her silencing her with their fury.

“You wretched GIRL!!”

Selene has a small smirk on her face, still oblivious to what the problem is, “Sisters I understand that Themis has done something wrong but please spare her as she is a stubborn being.”

They scream at her ignorance and smack her across the room. Selene grabs her cheek worried that they ruined her perfect face and still not understanding what she could have done wrong. She didn’t even acknowledge her creature laying on the table, Themis sighs, “You are annoying, Selene.”

Selene yells at Themis, “What did you just Say?”

The sisters throw their guiding stick that is as thick as a log at Selene. She barely dodges and bumps into Themis’s leg, she sinks her nails into Themis’s leg, “What did you do?”

Another sigh comes from Themis as she leans away from the incoming statue, that was never in the room, flying towards Selene once again.

Selene takes the hit but hang on to Themis, muttering that she did nothing wrong.

Themis kicks her hand away, “That is where you are incorrect, Selene. What you have done to one of your creatures is the reason for the anguish that is brought on the sisters.”


Themis waves her hand over the werewolf, “So you didn’t know that one of your creatures was a favorite of the sisters. You didn’t know that they had very special plans for her?”

She looks over to the woman, ready to say that she did nothing, but Themis cut her off, “Why did you make the entire male population in her pack as her mate, knowing what was to happen?”

“I did no such thing. She was a who-”

Themis wraps her hand around Selene’s throat, “You forget that I can see past, present, and future. And I have the authority to outcast you and take your abilities away for all time until I say otherwise. Lie to me again and that is what will happen.”

Selene stares at the blindfold not believing that the goddess was blind and feels fear for the first time since becoming a god.

The sisters calm slightly at the sight of the moon goddess suffering for her imprudence, Themis throws her to the sisters’ feet, “Answer her Selene before you lose your head.”

“She…It was a mistake. She was well suited for all males and there was no one fully suited for her, so I was just going to let whoever got her pregnant first to be her mate.”

Themis shakes her head, “The woman gave birth to a child two human years ago. If what you said is true, why did you not fix your mistake, instead of letting it continue?”

“I didn’t think she would turn into a whore and let all the males fuck her.”

“She didn’t. She was raped by ALL of them.”

“I can fix this and give you-”

The sisters speak, “Silence. You should have come to us for who was suited for the mate, and you did not for that the child of that woman has been place within another pack and The Elite pack will no longer have mates assigned to them for we have never seen such a vile act done on to the one they are supposed to cherish and protect. You are no longer allowed to walk among the humans for a hundred years as you bluntly ignored the call of not only Zeus and Themis but Us as well. Now leave both of you as we burn this precious body for our feast.”

Themis and Selene bow to the sisters and leave the room quickly.

Selene fumes in anger as a small chain appears around her neck, Themis says to Selene, “The child of this creature is within a pack call The Blood Pack. At the moment she is not the favorite but that could change. Watch what you do from now on Selene or you will lose much more than what you have received.”

“Burn where you stand Themis.”

Themis smiles as the next two hundred years is seen behind the blindfold and the pain that will be brought to Selene, “You have been warned.”

She walks away from the angered goddess, already making plans on making the two wolves soon to be known as Demon and Onyx as her vessels for a dark bloody justice.

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