
Chapter 2-Rose

Meanwhile Rose cleans the kitchen spotless as she finishes setting the table for dinner in nothing more than t-shirt.

She puts the final dish on the table and hears footsteps. Quickly she goes to stand by the door and puts her head down with her arms behind her back.

The alpha walks in just as she closes her eyes hoping, praying, that he won’t try to get a feel today. Luckily, he doesn’t but the beta and the warriors all touch her in some way before sitting at the table and eating like barbarians while laughing like complete fools over something that isn’t funny at all. Rose stands like a statue and doesn’t make any type of noise. She ignores the aroma of the food she just made and wished she had tried to sneak some for herself but knew she would get caught if she did.

Once the barbarians are done eating, they talk about pack business and drink the bitter tasting alcohol.Not caring that she could hear every word they said, they knew she would never have the balls to turn on them. And even if she did, she doesn’t have any proof.

Rose stood in the corner for another hour, as still as a statue, before they all moved from the table and left the room. Rose’s shoulders sagged in relief. She didn’t have to be a man’s beck and call for a blow job nor was she going to get punishment.

She let the relief go through her senses as she cleans up the mess, they made but once she was done it vanished.

She should have known that something was going to happen, every time she started to feel relief something happens. That something, now, is the beta standing in the door with a boner and his eyes says he wants more than her mouth tonight.

Rose closed her eyes tightly as fear consumed her body and hoped that he would take her quick then leave instead of degrading her anymore tonight.

I stirred the pot of spaghetti while checking the bread in the oven.

Done with that, I started setting the table.

The timer went off and I rushed to get it before it annoyed one of the men.

I carefully take the pound cake out the oven before taking the bread out the oven as well.

I take care of the spaghetti to let the other dishes be cool enough to get out the pan.

Footsteps sounded like they are coming my way and I froze.

I wasn’t able to move until they walked past the kitchen and to the front door.

I sighed and took the bread and the cake out the pans.

I made lemonade just the way the alpha likes then filled all of the glasses.

Scooped up spaghetti onto all 50 plates, made sure there were napkins and forks beside the plates and the cups in the right spot.

Then I moved to the table for the mates of the men. Smaller table but still more work.

By the time I’m done, a bunch of footsteps came towards the room I’m in, so I hurriedly go to my corner by the door and as soon as my hands are behind my back and head is down, the alpha walks in.

I don’t say a word as he stops beside me and runs his finger down my arm and across my chest.

I keep the disgust off my face as he looks at me, waiting for something he doesn’t like to happen, when he doesn’t get it he huffs and goes to his seat.

The beta walks by and smacks my butt before getting to his seat.

The rest of the unmated men touch me in some type of way while the other men look at me seductively either because they aren’t happy with what they have, or they don’t want to be in trouble with the alpha.

Once all the men are seated then the women come in the room submissively and sit in their seats. They aren’t allowed to look at their mates in public unless her mate or the alpha says so. They can’t talk to their mates in public either unless it’s for something important. The only way you will know if a girl is someone’s mate is if they have their mates mark or if you have a very public mating ceremony, meaning you fuck in front of the whole pack.

It’s extremely degrading for any woman with power yet none of them every leave their mates. Yet when I overhear the woman’s conversation they sit there and complain about their mate cheating on them with one of the pleasure slaves and bad mouth the pleasure slaves. They talk about being free and independent and actually loved yet they never do anything about.

The men in the pack thinks whatever the alpha thinks and the alpha thinks woman aren’t worth anything except for sex and baring children.

Its why there are so many pleasure slaves in the pack instead of mates.

If a woman is unlucky enough to have a mate from this pack then two things could happen. One they will get dragged back here and the men will do whatever they please with the girl or two, if you are lucky, they will reject you and never talk to you again.

But if you’re born into this pack and you’re a girl, when you have your first cycle then you will be a pleasure slave.

It’s happened to plenty of girls and their lives are living hells for the fact that they didn’t come out to be a boy.

I should know, I am one of those girls.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when the alpha grabs my arm and drags me down the hall.

Once we get to his office, he throws me against his desk and leaves.

I know better than to move from where he threw me, there’d be consequences if I move an inch.

After a minute or two the alpha drags his mate in the room and shuts the door.

She’s new and came from an alpha family so she doesn’t know her place yet. If she did then she wouldn’t be glaring at him like he was nothing than scum, right now.

Alpha went to his cabinet full of toys and pulled out the robe laced with a shiver of silver.

I feel a chill go down my spine while the Luna turned white then red.

Her fist clenched and she was seething, “I am not letting you tie an innocent girl up, Adam”

The alpha glared when she said his name, “Oh my lovely mate you have it all wrong, the rope isn’t meant for her.”

He shook his head and smirked, “She’s been beaten in submission since before she was born. Little Rose will do whatever I say when I say it, unlike you. But starting tonight that will change.”

Before Luna can move, Alpha pushes her into the seat across his desk and ties her up.

She struggles a little before she stays still and glares at alpha.

He smirks back evilly before turning to me. His brown eyes hold a sick lust and I know exactly what he plans to do to break his mate.

He grabs my arm and goes around his desk to where they are facing each other than pushes my face into the desk.

There’s intense pain from my nose but I don’t make a sound and hope that there isn’t any blood on his desk.

Alpha bunches my dress up to my waist and unzips his pants before he buries himself inside of me, all while looking at the Luna.

I turned my eyes to the desk once she started to glare at me, I knew she was going to hate me sooner or later but I hoped it was for a different reason. I hoped she would understand that I’m forced into this, that I get raped everyday by multiple men because of the fact that my mother was the favorite pleasure slave along with my grandmother.

I had hoped that she would be the one to tame the alpha or at least keep him away from me. But the look in her eyes said the complete opposite. She isn’t going to help me because she thinks I’m the pack whore and that I enjoy this.

It happens every time one of the men had to break their mates in and I’m the one they always pick to show as an example of what they were supposed to be like.

The alpha starts to grunt and I know he’s about to come so I force myself to squeeze him and he comes immediately.

He sighs as he empties himself inside of me; I turn my head towards the Luna when he doesn’t leave me, only to see the tears going down her face as she glares at the both of us.

Alpha slowly pulls out then I hear his zipper as he fixes himself.

He puts his hands on my butt and leans forward, “Did you enjoy the foreplay, mate?”

Luna stayed quiet and looked away.

Alpha chuckled and sat in his chair and patted my butt, “You can leave now Rose”

I stood up and bowed my head to the both of them, “Yes Alpha”

As quickly as my sore and painful body could, I ran out the room and made my way to the dining room.

I sighed at the amount of dishes left on the table and I can hear the groans coming from the kitchen.

I stacked the plates and waited for the two to be done. Hopefully they’d be done quickly so I go to my blanket in the basement.

But nothing ever happens the way I want.

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