
Chapter 31

I thought I was prepared to see Celine’s Aunt but then I was wrong. I have parked in the yard and now I am scared of coming out of the car, it looks to me like the funeral is not entirely over because they are still a few women there. Or maybe they have come to visit her, last we spoke about her Aunt Celine mentioned that she was struggling financially and that is why she kept pushing in her modelling business so that she could help her make ends meet. The thought of Celine being gone with no one to help her Aunt makes my heart bleed.

Gathering all the little strength I have, I finally manage to get out of the car. I didn’t think buying any groceries would be appropriate, what if they chased even before I could enter the house? So I decided to just bring money and hopefully she will be able to take it.

‘You have guts don’t you?’ Someone asks as I approach the house. I don’t recognize her but she does have some of Celine’s features, I am guessing they are cousins.

‘What do you want here? You want to mock us huh? As if killing Celine wasn’t enough now you are here to rub it in our faces that you are doing fine whilst our own is rotting in the ground not so?’ Another lady who looks older than the first says angrily

‘If I were you I would leave. That your killer of a brother doesn’t even deserve what he got, he should have been killed the same way that he killed my sister!’ the first lady says.

‘What’s going on here?’ Celine’s Aunt asks coming out of the house.

Last I checked she was still young but seeing her today she looks like she has grown way older than expected, she has bags under her eyes and she looks like she could really use some sleep.

‘Look who showed up.’


‘What do you mean so? Have you forgotten who she is?’

‘She was your sister’s bestfriend.’

The word sister takes me out but I pretend like I didn’t hear it. Celine was an only child as far as I am concerned.

‘They killed her! How can you be so entertaining!’

‘Zara please come in.’ the older lady says

I should be happy that they have let me into their house but another part of me scared. What if they harm me in the house?’

‘You have come this far, you won’t give up now will you?’ the lady asks disappearing into the house.

I swallow hard and follow her inside. It seems the funeral is not over yet even though its been months, the chairs haven’t yet been put back in the living room, they are mattresses everywhere and I notice that two or three people are sleeping.

‘We can talk in the kitchen.’ The lady says

I continue to follow her wordlessly. We get there and she offers me a seat then opens the windows, the kitchen smells like roller meal I find myself salivating.

‘How have you been child?’

‘I have been okay.’ I say unconsciously touching my belly.

‘When are you due?’

‘In a few months.’

‘You will make an amazing mother.’

‘Thank you Aunty.’

‘Can I offer you anything?’

‘I am fine but thank you.’

She gets two cups and a container of chibwantu and pours some in a glass for me then pours another for herself.

‘Thank you.’

‘You are welcome.’

I take the first sip and my baby kicks.

‘I guess she likes the drink.’ I say with a smile

‘I drunk only traditional drinks when I was pregnant and I only eat traditional meals. My pregnancies felt like they were always from hell.’

‘My experience hasn’t been so bad.’

‘Look at you being God’s favourite child.’ She teases and I find myself relaxing

‘Aunty I wanted to see you because my conscious has been bothering me.’

She looks at me.

‘I feel like somehow I am responsible for what happened to Celine, I feel like being her bestfriend I should have protected her.’

‘Zara stop doing this to yourself, both you and I know that you and Celine were not in good books for a long time. The both of you chose different paths and it’s just sad that my niece decided to be bitter when things went south for her.’

She pauses.

‘What your brother did was wrong, but we can’t take it back. It happened, the only thing that we need to accept now is that she is gone and at least Zac confessed that he killed her. Imagine if he didn’t? Imagine how as a family we would have been left in questions. Yes the pain will forever be there but we are at peace too and honestly I am too old to hold grudges against your brother. God will deal with him how best he can. As for you, you need to stop thinking that it’s your fault because it’s not. You didn’t do anything wrong.’

Tears build up in my eyes. I guess I really needed to hear this.

The lady from earlier walks in. how does it feel drinking from the cup your dead friend should be drinking from?’

‘Can you just stop it.’ Her Aunt tells her.

‘She was my sister! My twin.’

‘I am tired of you pretending like you were the best of friends, where were you all this while? The two of you fell off and had not spoken in fifteen years so stop pretending like her death hurts you more than any of us because what did you know about her?’

The lady angrily storms out.

‘Celine was a twin?’

‘She wasn’t a loner, she came from a family of five but left home to live with me when she was very little. I still don’t know what happened with her parents but she left and never looked back. Her sister chose a side.’

‘Oh wow.’

‘I know, don’t let her words get to you. It’s sad that the two of you were no longer close but what you once shared was important to my niece. To me. You were the most valuable person in her Zara, never forget that. Now go and live your life guilt free because you didn’t do anything wrong.’

Kwenje’s Girl



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