
Chapter Final

My labour was supposed to last less than twelve hours, but the baby just didn’t want to come and I ended up spending fifty five hours before she finally did come. The doctors at that point were even thinking of Caesarian Section but I wasn’t having it. I wanted a natural birth and until they told me that I didn’t have any more strength to push her out I was going to wait. Which I did until she came – beautiful, healthy and kicking.

‘Give her to me.’ Leo says wearing a huge smile

I love June with everything in me but I get tired and the past few days have taken a huge toll on me.

‘Please do.’ I say handing her over without hesitation. She warmed up to him really fast and I am glad she did because he has been really helpful from the time that she was born. I was shocked a day after I gave birth when Thando came through with divorce papers that he had signed. The only thing that he asked for was that he should be a part of June’s life, not once did I think that I would take her away from him. I mean the issues we have are between the two of us and shouldn’t involve our child.

‘You know, I was really shocked when Thando signed the divorce papers, I thought he was going to fight you tooth and nail.’ Leo says as if reading my mind

‘I am still in shock, it has been three months and yet I feel like everything is a dream. He was so bent on making my life hell I am still in disbelief.’

‘Let us just thank God that he didn’t fight you, Zac might still be in prison but I know he has connections out here that would have straightened out Thando.’

I laugh lightly. Not telling him about the conversation I had with Zac concerning the divorce.

‘I have been meaning to tell you, you will never guess who I ran into.’



‘Your bestfriend James.’

‘Yes him, and no he isn’t my bestfriend anymore.’

‘Boy did your friend almost do a number on me, I can’t believe he was working with Thando and his mother.’

‘You know he was so embarrassed. Like he couldn’t even face me, I think things are not okay for him. I actually felt sorry for him.’

‘Knowing the type of person that you, I am sure you wanted to start helping him right?’

‘The urge was strong but then I remembered everything he put you through.’

‘You know Leo, it still doesn’t make sense. Like why did he do what he did? I mean I never wronged him. Or is it that he was trying to get to you by virtue of us being close?’

‘Friend don’t bother thinking about him, bad people will do whatever they can to hurt other people. They don’t care, people like James are not so different from Sasha.’

‘Speaking of that one.’ I say rolling my eyes. God knows I still despise Sasha, someone shouldn't harbor that much pain in them. She behaves like she grew up in a loveless home like myself, I know I have done some terrible things but not like her.

‘Here, put her to sleep.’

‘You should just go with her, how do you manage to get her to behave and sleep this quick?’

‘I won’t tell you my secret.’

I roll my eyes.

I manage to put her sleep without waking her up then get a bottle of beer which I hand to Leo and pour myself some apple juice.

‘I am happy for you Zara.’


‘Look at where we have come from, look at everything we have been through. You have overcome everything, another person placed in your shoes would have given up a long time ago.’

‘I guess the few good people I have had, have helped me get to where I am. Zac, you and you won’t understand but Celine and Thando too.’

He lifts his hands in surrender.

‘Celine was a good friend, yes things went south between us but then before that we had a good thing going. And Thando made me remove my mask, he had his own agenda but I got to be raw whilst with him. And he gave me the most important thing in my life right now.’ I say pointing at June.

‘I know I have told you this before but Zara I am proud of you, proud of the woman that you have become and I can bet on my life that you will be a good mother to June. She deserves that, for her sake I am glad you decided to remove the mask.’

I smile widely.

‘I am being sincere Zara, I am proud of you.’

‘Thank you friend for everything, who would have thought that you and I would be here today.’

‘The universe has a funny way of aligning the stars.’

‘You can say that again.’ I tell him



‘Its good to see your face. And you are beautiful with your scars.’

I smile again. I am happy. I am content. And life might not have gone how I thought it would but it went exactly how it was supposed to go.

The End

Kwenje’s Girl



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