
Chapter 19

After getting off the phone with Zara, I decide to call mum. When she told me that she wanted them to link up for a meal, I thought it was one of those dates they have had in the past, but Zara sounding upset means that it didn’t go as planned.

‘Don’t tell me that your wife came crying to you.’ She says immediately she picks up.

‘Lucky for you Zara is not a cry baby and if she had to, she wouldn’t be crying to me because you are my mother.’

‘She is a softie. I was just being real with her. Thando you are my child and if there is anyone I should be supporting, it’s you.’

‘Mother what’s going on here?’

‘James told me.’

I sigh deeply.

‘What? You thought he was never going to tell me? I helped that boy when they all left him to dry. He owes me and if you are going to hire him to look into your wife then he might as well just tell me.’

‘He wasn’t supposed to tell you.’

‘But he did. So suck it up.’

I remove the phone from my ear and breathe out deeply. I didn’t even for once think that he would tell mum about the investigation. I was hoping with the gravity of the case that he would be more discrete but I guess I had too much faith in him.

‘Look Thando, James is very good at his job. And him telling me about what’s happening is just a part of it. Now I need to know why you had to go to those lengths yet your wife looks so calm. What is is that you are planning behind her back?’

‘I am not planning anything.’

‘I birthed you child of mine, I know you.’

‘I have just been extremely worried mum.’ I say going to sit on the nearest couch.


‘I have been having questions, this marriage, this case. It’s been giving me sleepless nights and it bugs me how Zara seems okay with all this. I mean she confessed to me about her past and the reason why she got close to me but I can’t help but feel used. She used me and she hasn’t even apologised for anything.’

‘What makes you think that she is sorry?’


‘You want her to apologise but is she sorry?’

‘Isn’t she?’

‘Thando you need to get out of this bubble that you have created and come back to reality. Zara hurt you, she used you. And she was going to do so as long as she could, if she has come clean now it’s because she has been found out. But have you sat down and asked yourself if she is sorry or maybe she is just guilty about the truth being in the open?’

‘I didn’t think about it in those lines.’

‘You need to start doing that. I understand that you love her and you want to build a future with her, but this woman lied to you. And she did it with a straight face, she might have started having feelings for you but that doesn’t take away the fact that she still came into your life full of lies. I am your mother Thando and no I don’t know what’s best for you but I need you to do what’s best for you and your child. Zac will do anything to protect his little sister even if it means burning down anything in the way. This is the time for you to be smart and use your head. I didn’t raise a sissy, you are a man and you have a whole life ahead of you with or without Zara. This is the painful truth but it’s just that – truth.’

‘Thank you mother.’

‘You are welcome. Now why are you so calm about everything that she told you? I need to know the truth.’

‘Mum honestly I just love Zara, I don’t know if you believe me but I really just love her.’

‘I don’t believe you. But I am hoping whatever it is, doesn’t come back to bite you in the back.’

I smile knowing I am not about to say anything to her. We say our goodbyes and I immediately call James, he owes me for telling mum what’s happening.

‘I told you I would call you when I have any news.’

‘Why did you tell mum about this?’

‘Was it supposed to be a secret?’

I sigh in frustration.

‘Yes it was supposed to be kept away from mum. So do you have anything for me?’

I hear ruffling of papers.

‘Zac killed his parents.’


‘The fire wasn’t an accident, the man was abusing Zara for years so the twins decided to take action into their own hands.’

‘Oh my word. That’s awful.’

‘There is more.’


‘Lona didn’t kill Gabriel, Zac did.’

I swallow hard. This is not what I expected to hear.

‘And her alibi, anything on that yet?’

‘She and her lawyer are really keeping it private but I am still digging.’


‘How far with my request?’

‘Don’t worry, immediately we are done with this case I will get you everything you want James.’

‘I trust you.’

‘Don’t. Just trust yourself.’

‘Thando can I ask what you want to do to Zara? It just seems weird that you are doing all this and yet are so calm.’

‘A man never tells all his secrets.’ I say before cutting the line.


Kwenje’s Girl



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