
Chapter 18

It’s both amazing and surprising that we have already started planning the baby shower. Thando’s mother wasn’t about to let it slide when I said that we could meet another time to start making plans. According to her, we are already here and there is no need for us to procrastinate any further.

‘So what do you think about the theme being pastel?’

I breathe out deeply. Right now I am starting to feel overwhelmed, this is more than I can take in at the moment.

‘It’s okay.’

‘Don’t just say it’s okay, I want your views.’

‘Mum I think let’s end here today, this is all too much for me to take in.’

‘Too much? There is nothing like too much when it comes to your child. How are you going to deal with the bigger problems if you can’t handle something as simple as a baby shower?’

I look straight into her eyes searchingly, hoping this is coming from a good place.

‘Fine, we can do this another time. But make sure that when you go home you are thinking about it. Besides there isn’t much that you do now, is there?’

‘I will think about it.’ I say ignoring everything else that she has said. For the next few minutes there is silence. I don’t want to bring up anything, lest she misquotes me. I am starting to pick on her energy, it’s like she has things that she wants to let off her chest and she is just waiting to drop the bomb.

‘So I hear that Thando is back on the case.’

‘That he is.’ I say before picking up my mocktail and drinking from it.

‘How does that make you feel?’

‘That’s his job, eventually he is going to be on some cases that I won’t like but what can I do about it?’

‘So you don’t like him being on this particular case?’

‘No I don’t.’

I was going to lie to her but what’s the point? If she wants to start playing psychology on me I might as well just lay it out simple for her.

‘I didn’t expect you to give me that response.’

‘I know.’ I say drinking from my glass again.

‘Are there things that you think might jeopardize his job or your marriage that he needs to know about? Because you know he is a detective and he will dig out any information that he will need whether it comes from your mouth or not.’

‘I already know that. Which is why I told him my side of the story without leaving out anything. It’s now up to him to decide what to do with that information.’

She looks curious.

‘And what is that information?’

‘Unfortunately mum I am married to Thando and it is him I owe explanations to. Not you or anyone else, bitter but it’s the honest truth.’

She chuckles.

‘Eventually he will tell me, when your baby comes you will realise that there are bonds created between mother and child that no one can ever match up to. These are going to be bonds just for the two of you.’


‘For what it’s worth Zara, when push comes to shove you know whose side I am going to be on.’

I remove some hundred kwacha notes from my purse and put them under the water glass I was drinking from.

‘I didn’t realise that there were sides, but thank you for putting me in the loop. Enjoy the rest of your day.’ I say standing up. I am feeling irritated because now I know that calling me for this date was just to get in my head.

‘Take care of yourself, if I were you I would be thinking hard about the future of my child because yours doesn’t seem too bright right now.’

‘You know, I was just going to walk out of this place without saying anything offensive but it looks like you keep pushing me. And my baby brain is trying to figure out what exactly you want from me. I hate it when people pretend to be nice to me meanwhile they have a hidden agenda.’

‘Don’t get ahead of yourself Zara, I still like you for my child. But that doesn’t mean that I am not concerned about the type of person you are and the impact you will have on him or his future. Thando might be blind and so in love with you but that is why I am there with a pair of fresh eyes to see through you.’

‘So everything you ever said to me, everything you ever showed me was a lie?’

She shakes her head.

‘It wasn’t, but he is my son and you are not. If there is anyone whose back I will always have it’s his. Of course that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel affection for you, you are just not of my womb Zara. He is.’

‘I see. Thank you for this honest talk, I guess we can stop pretending to like each other going forward. And I am not having this baby shower, you can have it for your child.’ I say and walk away without giving her a chance to speak.

I get into my car and call Thando. Once he picks up I connect the phone to the Bluetooth speaker.

‘Hey babe, how did the date go?’

‘Not so good.’

‘What’s up?’

‘Your mother bluntly told me that she will always have your back no matter what, but that’s not the reason I am calling.’

‘Okay. I won’t ask what led to that conversation right now because you sound pretty upset.’

‘I have just left the restaurant but I want to see Zac so I might be home a little late.’

‘Oh okay, is everything okay?’

‘Yes everything is fine, I am hoping to run into Celine at his house. We haven’t spoken in a while so I just want to catch up.’

‘I will pretend that I believe you.’

‘Come on Thando.’

‘It’s just that you ladies have been distant and then all of a sudden you want to make amends, sounds suspicious to me.’

‘Later babe, I love you.’

‘I love you.’


Kwenje’s Girl



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