
Chapter 17

The past few days have been very good it scares me. Thando has been a very good and supportive partner. If I am being honest, he has been the same man that I got married to but then with the information that he has now, I have all these doubts.

‘Hey you.’ He says coming to kiss my hair.

‘Hey babe.’ I respond. I am getting ready to go for lunch with his mother.

‘Why did mum ask to meet me for lunch and not you?’

He shrugs his shoulders.

‘She didn’t hint anything to you?’

‘She didn’t. I was actually jealous. I am jealous.’

I laugh a little.

‘Stop being jealous. I am sure she wants to grill me about how I wasn’t honest to her son.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘You told her didn’t you?’

‘What makes you think that I would rat you out to my mother?’

‘She is your mother.’

‘And you are my wife, the woman who is carrying our child.’

I smile. Looking at him through the mirror.

‘You better get going. You know how she hates being kept waiting.’

‘Yep.’ I say standing up. I carry my bag and throw in my car keys and phone.

‘If it gets too uncomfortable let me know. I will come and pick you up.’

‘I am driving babe.’

‘I will still come and pick you up.’

‘Whatever you say Mr. Mwape.’

‘Come here.’

I walk over to where he is standing and give him a kiss.

‘Take care of yourselves okay.’

‘I will.’

‘And don’t eat anything that will upset your stomach.’

I laugh. Sometimes Thando behaves like he is the pregnant one.

‘And take care of yourself.’

‘I will.’

I leave the house and get in the car but before I can start it, I hear a phone ringing in the glove compartment. I open it and look through the amount of papers, I have been telling myself for months that I will clean it but I keep postponing.

I manage to find it but tt has stopped ringing. It’s not my phone and neither is it Thando’s so this is surprising. I am about to start the car when the phone starts ringing again.


‘Hey, I thought you would never pick up.’ Zac says on the other end of the line

‘How did this phone get in my car?’

‘I have my ways.’


‘I know you told me not to look into your husband.’

‘What did you do?’ I ask cutting him short

‘I decided to look into you instead.’


‘Your phone was hacked and your car has a gps tracking system.’


I see Thando coming out of the house so I start the engine whilst smiling at him and then drive off.

‘So who is responsible.’

‘I don’t think you want to know.’

‘It’s Thando right?’

‘Zara I am sorry but maybe he was just worried about not knowing the truth.’

‘So the time I opened up to him he already had the information didn’t he?’

‘Sister I really don’t know what to think. Thando has been a good man and he is obviously going through a lot.’

‘You have never liked him, so why are you defending him?’

‘Not necessarily defending him but then I just don’t want you to think that there is another person out to get you. We have been through so much I wouldn’t want you thinking that is all there ever is in this life. I want to believe that there are still good people.’

I breathe out deeply.

‘So what do we do with the tracking system and whatever was done to my phone?’

‘We leave them, it looks to me like your husband wants to find something so let’s give it to him.’

‘And this phone? What happens?’

‘Keep it safe. We will talk on it when there is need.’



‘I meant it when I said that I didn’t want you to look into Thando, for the first time I want to be surprised. I don’t want to know what’s coming, it’s better this way.’


‘Zac I mean it. We have fought way too many battles, it’s high time we just stop. And I know you said we will stop fighting when the war is over but this time around there is no war. Let us just leave this to play out naturally.’

‘Whatever you say sister, but if anything happens to you I will never forgive myself.’

‘Nothing will happen to me.’

‘You seem sure.’

‘I m carrying his child.’

‘Makes sense.’

‘I need to go, I have just arrived at the restaurant where I am meeting Thando’s mum.’

‘Alright have fun.’

‘Thanks.’ I say cutting the line and putting the phone back in the glove compartment.

I look at my face in the mirror before getting out of the vehicle. I spot my mother in law sitting just outside the restaurant drinking her Malawian Shandy, she sure loves her drink.

‘Good morning.’ I say meeting her at her table.

‘Hello daughter.’ She says with a huge smile standing up to hug me. We embrace for a few seconds before I settle opposite her.

‘I need a drink.’ I say fanning myself, it’s getting hot.

‘That you do, this weather is not kind plus your condition.’ She says pointing at my belly and I find myself laughing.

She looks around for a waiter until one spots us and comes to our table.

‘What can I get you ma’am.’

‘A virgin mojito for me.’ I say looking at mum.

‘A Malawian shandy.’

‘Coming right up.’

‘So, Thando told me that you wanted to see me.’

‘I did. I have missed you, we haven’t seen each other in weeks I thought that it would be good to catch up.’

I lift an eyebrow, I don’t know why I don’t believe her.

‘Oh and I was thinking that maybe we should throw you a baby shower.’

‘A what?’

‘A baby shower, it would be nice. Getting together with all the women in my life and you can invite whoever you want. That way even as the baby is coming she will know that she has a group of strong women that are always going to be there for her.’

‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘Just say yes.’

I smile widely then nod my head.


Kwenje’s Girl



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