
Chapter 20

I get to Zac’s and the place looks quiet. Of course I am aware that my brother is not home today and only Celine will be . She is actually the person I want to see because we have some issues that need tabling.

‘Zac is not here.’ She tells me from the veranda as I come out of the vehicle.

She is wearing one of his baggy t shirts. I know it’s his because I bought it for him.

‘I know.’

‘So what are you doing here?’

‘Are you sure you are asking me that question?’ I ask walking towards her with the bottle of wine that I picked up from the store on my way here.

I walk past her and into the kitchen, put the bottle on the wine cellar and grab myself some water from the fridge. This baby has been giving me serious hunger pangs so immediately I finish drinking the water, I remove noodles from the cabinet and start getting myself busy.

‘You know you just can’t walk in here and do as you please right?’

‘I can.’ I say matter of factly.

She shakes her head, comes to the kettle that is heating up and turns it off.

‘If I were you I wouldn’t do that.’ I say.

I watch as she drags her feet back to the kettle and turns it on.

‘You know Zara, I don’t know why you just can’t let Zac and I be. He might not love me as much as he loves you but we have a good thing going but it’s so hard for him to commit to me when you are all he thinks about. You are like a child who needs saving and he is always on his toes wondering what trouble you will get yourself into next so that he saves you.’

I don’t know where all this is coming from but it’s not a good place.

‘I am sorry you feel that way Celine.’

‘Are you? Because last I checked everything has been going your way. Zac has had to sacrifice his childhood for you! Gabriel is dead because of you! Lona is behind bars because of you! The circle we had of friends is dead because of you! And yet everything keeps working in your favor! I am pretty sure even Thando’s life and career will be ruined because of you and you have no shame!’

I swallow hard. Her words hitting a nerve.

‘You know Zara, I genuinely loved you until you decided you were this perfect person in the group. Until you decided you could leave all of us to the wolves whilst you dinned and wined with the saint.’

‘What are you talking about Celine? I didn’t betray any of you or do any of the things you are accusing me of. I did what I had to do for me.’

‘And Zac, have you thought about how all this has been affecting him?’

‘You know what Celine, I think I should leave.’

‘Please do, because at the end of the day I am the one that has to deal with pieces of him. At the end of the day I am the one to deal with his nightmares, with his cries, his hallucinations! It’s me at the end of it all!’

She pauses, her eyes blood shot.

‘You should have stuck to the plan, you should have gotten married to Thando and then kill him in the process and everything looks like an accident. That was the plan!’

I shake my head.

‘That was never the plan.’

‘Oh, so you didn’t know? You thought a happy ending was your end goal? You thought that is why Zac made you get married to him?’

‘That was never the plan Celine. I would have known this. Zac would have told me.’

‘Right. You honestly believe in that smart head of yours that he wanted you to be happy right?’


‘Zara broken people recognise broken people. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for the both of you! You deserve each other. We all do. And if you think that you are getting out of this happy then you are lying to yourself Zara, because you don’t know what’s coming your way. It will hit you so hard that not even Zac will come to protect you. He is done with you. We are done with you.’

‘I don’t know what you know Celine but Zac is my blood and what I share with him you could never even if you tried. If he has something cooking, I will eventually find out. I always do.’

‘Not this time around princess, because why is he tipping your husband about your past? Remember, when we burn, the whole team burns. Your foetus included.


Kwenje’s Girl



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