Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Taking it Slow

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up feeling so happy which is rare because I hate mornings. The reason behind my happy mood was Adam, I let out a squeal remembering our date last night. Everything about it was perfect, Adam doesn’t seem like the type to be all romantic but hey you learn something new everyday.

I got out of bed and had a shower. I put on some sweats because I wasn’t planning on doing anything today. I let my wet hair air dry and I headed downstairs.

“Well isn’t someone happy today” I looked at Jade and gave her a huge smile.

“You could say that” I sat down beside Jacob and took his waffle earning a glare from him.

“Spill the details now” Chloe grabbed my hand and gave me an intense look. I nodded my head and swallowed the waffle.

I told everyone who was at the table about the date but not giving all the details because the date was a very intimate thing between me and Adam. Everyone had huge grins on their face’s as I told them.

“Where can I find me an Adam” Jade threw her hands in the air groaning making all of us laugh.

“Well tough Jade, there’s only one and he’s all Selena’s” Hailey winked at me and I blushed putting my hands in front of my face.

“Awwww looking at you blushing it’s so cute. You’re so whipped” Giselle pulled my cheeks and I hit her hand away.

“Says you, you and Cole are joint by the hip lately” I smirked at her and she gave me a glare which failed terribly because she started to smile.

“More like joint by the lips” Ash laughed and I gave him a high five.

We were all gushing over previous dates we had while the boys kept making gagging sounds beside us, everything was great until Xavier and Cole came rushing into the room.

We all turned to them and they looked out of breathe and I had a feeling something wasn’t right.

“Draco” As soon as those words left Xavier’s mouth my blood ran cold, I could feel the change in the atmosphere.

“People were killed near your grandparents house and someone that was there said that they saw Draco and he is responsible”

“Is everyone in my family ok?”

“Don’t worry they are all fine” I grabbed my hair in frustration as them both sat down opposite me.

“How is that even possible, I mean Draco can’t be here in the wizard world”

“Well that’s what we thought, but when I was looking at the bodies I saw something carved into them. It was Draco’s family crest” Cole looked stressed and it was scaring me so much

I felt sick to my stomach, upon hearing that Draco has entered the wizard world. Everyone is in grave danger now. First he was getting others to do his dirty work and now he is here himself.

“What are you guys going to do now” Everyone turned their heads to Jade.

“Well, we all need to make sure everyone is safe and while you all are here you are safe. But we need to get Selena ready in case anything happens.”

Xavier looked at me with a sympathetic look and I just wanted the ground to swallow me because I know Draco is here for me, there is no denying that. The prophecy has to be fulfilled no matter what. I have to kill Draco and end this all, but I don’t know if I can do it. I am nothing compared to an evil wizard who is probably a thousand years old.

“Selena” Jacob waved his hands in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah” I felt completely clueless, everyone’s eyes were on me.

“I was saying that you need to be ready because no matter how much we avoid it, you’re going to be the one who has to kill Draco. So we need to be prepared we need to have a plan” I nodded my head at Cole and got off the table, heading to the field.

I need fresh air and time to gather my thoughts. I walked outside barefoot letting the cool air hit my body which was feeling very hot right now. How did I ever think that I could be free my whole purpose of being here is to kill Draco so everyone is safe.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm down my nerves because at this point I was close to having a breakdown.

“You ok” My snapped open and I saw Xavier standing in front of me.

“Its just me...you don’t need to be worried here because this whole place is safe” I nodded my head as Xavier put his arm around my shoulder.

We both sat down on the grass in silence, no one spoke a word.

“Um...Xavier do you know any of the people who got killed” I swallowed the lump in my throat as I said that because those people were killed because of me.

“I couldn’t recognise them but only one...” Xavier stopped and looked at me, making me worry.

“It was Mason, Adam’s best friend”

I felt like I was going to be sick. He killed Mason, my heart hurt because even though I met Mason a few times him and Adam seemed so close. Losing your best friend is something I can’t imagine, my thoughts went to Adam and tears started to pool in my eyes.

“Does Adam know that Mason...was...killed” Xavier nodded his head. I started to cry and Xavier held me close to him.

Why were innocent people being killed, why doesn’t Draco just come straight for me.

We both stayed like this for a while until it was time to go in for dinner. We both walked inside and saw everyone sitting at the table.

“Come sit Selena” Hailey patted the seat beside her.

“I’m not hungry, I’m just going to sit in the other room” I walked in the other room to see Lucy sleeping. I went next to her and stroked her soft little cheeks before giving her a kiss.

I sat down on the sofa and closed my eyes. All I could think about was the safety of my family, I was praying that they will be safe. I felt sleepy so I let it overtake me.

I felt someone shake me and I opened my eyes to see Chloe.

“Hey” She smiled at me as I sat up.

“Hey” I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust my eyes to the light.

“You ok” I nodded my head as she sat beside me. I snuggled into her side. I looked at the clock to see that I was slept for 1:30mins.

Everyone started to come into the room and started to sit down. Jade sat on my other side hugging me. I let out a sigh, just having my friends around made me feel safe. Ash tried to lighten up the by telling everyone about the time he planted stink bombs around the school with the boys from the football team.

“Everyone ran so fucking fast out of the school it was hilarious, the whole place smelt so bad and while we were running out a stupid person called Chloe tripped making the people behind her fall on her”

I burst out laughing while Chloe smacked me. I remembered that day clearly everyone ended up tripping over her and crushing her. All we did was stand there and laugh instead of helping her.

“It was not funny I had bruises all over my legs and I couldn’t breathe while I was squashed under everyone and all you guys did was laugh” Chloe gave us all a hard glare.

“It was years ago Chloe get over it” Jacob smirked at her and before Chloe could say anything we were interupted.

“Sorry to interupt King Xavier but Prince Adam has just come. He is on his way in” Xavier nodded his head at the man and he walked away.

Hearing that Adam was here made me get on my feet quick. I followed Xavier out to the front entrance. When we turned the corner I saw Adam walking in and I couldn’t help but run to him.

“Adam” I hugged him tightly and Adam was quick to wrap his arms around me.

“You ok Amado?”

I nodded and Adam kissed the top of my head. Just having him around made me much safer than what I was feeling since I heard about Draco. I pulled away from Adam and turned around to see that everyone else had made their way here.

Adam and Xavier started to talk and I went and stood near the girls. The boys were all talking so we thought we might aswell head back inside.

As I was walking Xavier called me.

“Selena, do you want to show Adam upstairs and help him with his stuff” I raised my eyebrow at him and he smirked at me.

I took one of Adams bags from him and he pulled it back.

“You’re not carrying anything Amado, not on my watch”

“Its just a bag Adam”

“Exactly, which is why I’m perfectly capable of taking myself”

I started heading up the stairs with Adam behind me. I headed towards the room he was in last he was here. I opened the door and let him walk in.

Adam put his bags down and let out a sigh. He ran his hands through his hair and in frustration.

“Adam...I...er...heard about Mason. Are you ok?” He turned around with a broken look on his face.

I walked up to him and pulled him in for a hug. Adam wrapped his arms around me and after a bit I felt his body relax against mine. I kissed his shoulder and looked up at him.

“I’m so sorry about Mason...” I couldn’t even finish my sentence because tears started to fall out of my eyes. I put my head on his chest and cried.

“Its all my fault Adam....I’m so sorry”

I felt Adam pull me away and I looked at him confused.

“Its not your fault, its only Draco whom is to be blamed. Not you, you had nothing to do with Mason being killed.”

I knew it was my fault deep down despite what Adam was saying, it was my fault, Draco was doing this all because of me.

We both pulled away as Adam wiped my tears before giving me a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes as he kissed me.

“Now promise me you won’t cry Amado.”

“I can’t make any promises on that”

“Oh yeah how could I forget, crying is what you do best”

Adam smirked at me as I gasped.

“That’s so mean” I hit him as he was laughing.

“I’m only kidding, lets head downstairs I need to speak to the guys”

We both held hands and headed down the stairs. Adam walked away into one of the rooms with all the boys, I went and sat down with the girls to watch TV.

I didn’t pay much attention to the T.V my mind was still consumed by thoughts of Draco. I closed my eyes hoping I could stop thinking about Draco but sadly I couldn’t.

The girls and I decided to call it a day. I looked at the clock and it was 1:00am, the boys were still talking in the other room.

I headed towards the room with the idea that they should go to bed. But I stopped halfway because it wouldn’t be wise to interupt a King and Prince in a heated discussion. I turned on my heels and headed to my room.

I stopped before going into my room. My eyes travelled to the end of the hallway where Adams room was. I let out a sigh before opening the door to my room.

I mean I wanted to stay with him but I didn’t want to seem too clingy. We were taking things slow and for me to run in his bed the first night isn’t exactly taking things slow.

I got under the covers and closed my eyes. I tried to sleep but my brain was wide awake.

“Ughhh” I turned to the other side in frustration.

I was going to get out of bed when I heard footsteps outside my room. I quickly closed my eyes and faked to sleep.

My room door opened and I heard someone walk towards my bed. I stayed as still as I could. I felt someone’s hot breath on my face.

The kiss placed on my forehead cleared my doubts. I tried not to smile so I carried on faking to sleep.

“Goodnight Amado”

Before I could get up he was out of my room. Hopefully now I could get sleep.

But boy was I wrong, an hour later and I’m still tossing and turning in my bed. I sat up and pulled my hair in frustration.

You know what, I’m going to his room. I don’t care if I seem clingy but I’m his mate and I need him near me.

I got out of my bed and slowly tiptoed into the hallway. I walked towards him room slowly and held my breath as I opened the door.

I looked inside to see him fast asleep. He looked so handsome sleeping, I smiled before closing the door behind me. I walked carefully to his bed and got under the covers. I closed my eyes trying not to wake him up.

“I knew you couldn’t resist me” My eyes snapped opened and I saw Adam smirking at me.

The moonlight had illuminated the room and I could just about see Adam.

“Whatever” I rolled my eyes at him.

Adam laughed before pulling me closer and putting the covers onto of me properly. The warmth of his body made me move even closer.

“I thought you were sleeping” I glared at him

“I could say the same for you” I blushed.

“Well me faking to sleep did work in my favour. I got a kiss out of it” I smirked at Adam who gave me a mischievous smile.

“You don’t need to fake to sleep to get kiss. Just ask and I’m all yours”

“Ugh, you’re so cheesy” I moved away and rolled my eyes.

“You seem to be loving it”

“Keep telling yourself that Adam” Before I could turn on my side Adam moved on top of me.

My breathing quickened and I started to panic. What the hell was he doing.

“The way you react to me Amado tells me that you love it, so stop lying” I closed my eyes as he leaned down and kissed me.

I pulled Adam closer and the way my heart was beating right now has proven his point. Adam moved his lips and kissed along my jaw.

He stopped and looked at me. His eyes held an a emotion that I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing.

“If the circumstances were different I would have proven how much you love it” He kissed my forehead and laid beside me.

Missing the touch of his body I moved closer and wrapped my arms around him, making him laugh.

“You’re like a monkey Amado, wrapping yourself around me” He kissed my nose making me laugh.

“Being near you makes me safe so call me a monkey all you want” He kissed the top of my head pulling me even closer than what we were. His muscular arms tightened their hold on me, making my insides flip.

“Who’s the monkey now” Adam laughed at me before saying goodnight.

I kissed his cheek and I laid my head on his chest as I listened to his heart beat.

Before I knew it sleep started to take over me and for the first time in forever I fell asleep feeling at so much peace despite everything happening.

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