Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter First Date

Selena’s P.O.V

I was exercising in the garden with Ash and Jacob when I saw Xavier.

I hadn’t spoken to him since the ball and I was so caught up in Adam that I forgot about Xavier. Which is completely wrong of me.

I told the boys that I was done for the day and headed to find Xavier. He was doing push ups and I went and stood in front of him.

He looked up at me and smirked.

“How may I help you?” He spoke to me in a teasing tone and I rolled my eyes.

“Well...I’m looking for an ugly guy named Xavier. He smells really bad and he has a bad attitude. He’s been missing for two days”

“Sorry...I only know one Xavier and he is good looking, smells good and has an amazing attitude. So I can’t help you”

“Aww that sucks well if you see my ugly Xavier tell him. I’m upset with him”

“What’s wrong” I sat beside him as he sat up.

“You’ve been silent for the past two days Xavier, I barely saw you around the house”

“I’m sorry I’ve just been busy. Congrats on finding your mate, I’m glad it’s Adam. I mean the guy looked like he loved you since day 1”

I blushed at his comment and laid my head on his shoulder.

“Xav, I know things aren’t perfect between us. But I just want you to know that no matter what happens whether I have a mate or not. You’re still going to be special to me.”

Whatever happend between us will take time to get over but we can’t pretend it didn’t happen. We just needed someone to love us and we took it too far.

“I know Lena, but no matter what happens we’ll still be friends. I don’t want things to be awkward. But for me your still that girl that I met in the field”

I smiled and remembered the first time I met Xavier. Both as wolf and human.

“I love you wolfie”

Xavier started to laugh when I called him that. It’s been ages since I called him that. I remember seeing his wolf form and being absolutely mesmerised by his midnight blue eyes.

“Xavier, I’m so confused about this whole mate thing like what am I supposed to do”

He laughed and then turned to me.

“You don’t think, whatever feels natural you do that because this is a special bond. Something about it is just so special like you want to be with that person all the time. You can’t force things or over think them”

I nodded my head and laid down on the grass. We both talked about the most randomest things. He told me a lot about his mate and their bond seemed so special. My heart that Xavier didn’t have her.


I sat up to see the girls come running towards me. Jade’s words were offensive and filled with excitement.

“Guess what the fuck just appeared into Giselle’s fucking hands”

I looked at the girls so confused because right now they sounded like little girls.

Jade was waving a white note in my face and I grabbed it off her.

I opened it and it was a letter.


2 days.

2 days since we found out we are mates and in these 2 days all I could think about was you.

Tonight at 7pm meet me at the light field.


“AAAAAAH BITCH HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE” Jade looked so happy and was jumping.

I had the biggest grin on my face. Our first date ever. My heart was racing so fast that I thought it would just explode.

all I could think about was you. That makes two of us. I feel like at this point I can explode with happiness and all he’s done is sent a note imagine what I’d do when I see him tonight.

“What’s the light field” I was confused by the weird name.

“Well, it’s a field where all the magical light creatures stay at. So when it is dark they light up the whole place and it is so magical”

“Aww, how cute little Lena all excited for her sappy date” Ash spoke to me in a sarcastic tone.

“Ow what the fuck was that for”

Ash rubbed his head and scowled at Jade.

“Fuck you Ash this date will be amazing. Now I have to wash my hands I have man whore all over it”

Everyone burst out laughing and Ash showed his lovely middle finger to Jade. Don’t you just love my friends.

“I’ll get someone to drop you off to your date because I’m supposed to be meeting with a pack tonight” Xavier got up and headed inside.

“Thank you Xav”

“No problem, good luck on your date tonight”

I laid back on the grass and tried to calm my nerves about the date.

“Lena stop worrying its just a date” Giselle tried to clam me down but Chloe butted in.

“JUST A DATE?!?!, Girl its with her damn soul mate” Chloe was getting quite agressive, she takes dates way to seriosuly as you can tell.

“Yeah everything has to be perfect Lena. Don’t fuck up. DON’T LET MY SHIP SINK”

Everyone turned and looked at Giselle who was being way too dramatic, she had a crazed look in her eye.

“You ok there Jade” I put my hand on her shoulder

“Laugh all you want you sluts but Adelena is my otp and none of you can take that from me ok”

“Adelena” I tried to raise my eyebrow at her and she just laughed at me.

“Lena honey stop trying to raise your eyebrow it looks weird and Adelena is your and Adam’s couple name” I tried not to be offended about the eyebrow thing but the couple name thing was kinda cute....

“Anyways if you’re done being a crazy hormonal teenager we need to get you ready” Giselle pulled me up to my feet and started to drag me inside.

“Giselle I have the whole day”

“Its actually 3pm” What ?!?!!?

“Yes we have been talking for hours and we have a lot of work to do. But first you need to shower”

The girls all dragged me to my room and then Chloe pushed me into the bathroom. I got into the shower and took my sweet time. I thought I should pamper myself in the shower so I took my time with everything.

I was so over the moon about the date that I nearly slipped 3 times dancing in the shower.

“Get the fuck out Lena, you’ve been in there for nearly an hour” I quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around myself.

Jade grabbed me and sat me into a chair. She pulled out my hair dryer and started to dry my hair. Giselle fixed my eyebrows and she started to do my nails. Once my hair was dry Jade started to work on it, while Chloe did my makeup.

We all had music blasting and everyone in the room was so excited, I literally had a hard time sitting still. I was going to see him for the first time since we both had our first kiss ad found at that we are mates.

“Lena can you stop smiling like a weirdo I’m finding it hard to do your makeup” Chloe gave me a angry look and I blushed because I didn’t realise I was smiling like a freak.

“Someone’s excited for their date, you gotta look good Lena because you and Adam are gonna be getting down and dirty in that light field” Giselle smirked at me and I glared at her, but I’m pretty sure my face was on fire.

“Making amazing love in the magical field and-” I elbowed Jade who was having way to much fun teasing me.

“Guys seriously stop”

“But its true, the moment Adam see’s you, he gonna want to make love to you” I covered my ears.


“Lena deny it all you want now but wait til you see him tonight AHHH I’M SO EXCITED” Jade was jumping in her spot and I was terrified because she had a hot curling iron in her hand.

I rolled my eyes and let the girls finish off my makeup. Once I was done Giselle gave me a baby pink dress to wear. It was fitted from the top and loose from the waist down. I put the dress on and it reached just near my knee’s.

I stepped in front of the mirror and the girls did an amazing job on me. My hair looked wavy and my makeup was glowy finished off with a fierce wing.

“Awww thank you, you guys did a great job”

“No worries Lena, we’re just so happy for you....ahhhh this date will be amazing” Chloe pulled me into a tight hug and the other two also joined in on the group guy.

“Lena, your car is outside” I heard Jacob shout as he came into my room with Ash.

We all pulled away and Ash came to give me a hug only to put his hands through my hair and ruin it.

“Ash...you idiot stop ruining my hair” He smirked at me and Chloe slapped him for ruining my hair.

As we got near the door the boys stopped me.

“Lena, if he does anything to upset you, I’ll fucking sort him out” I rolled my eyes at Ash

“Yeah, Prince or not he’ll get a beating if he hurts you”

“Ok Jacob I get it, you’ll both beat his ass if he does anything”

“Glad we cleared that up” Ash patted my head giving me a look you would give a child.

I headed outside and stepped into the car that was waiting for me. I said a thank you to the guy that waited with the door open for me. The view changed from the wooded area we were into the town. Soon after we headed towards a deserted place, the car stopped and the driver came and opened the door for me.

“Thank you” I stepped out and look around confused.

“Erm, is this the light field because I don’t see much light”

The young guy beside me laughed before speaking to me.

“The light field is at the end of this place I’ll walk you there”

I walked beside the guy and we walked for 2 minutes before we could see a faint light.

“Just follow this path and you’ll find your way”

I nodded my head and started to walk. It was pretty dark I could barely see. I looked at the ground a bit further down and there were candles on the ground making a pathway. I walked around following the candles.

As I was walking I saw a piece of paper hovering in the air. I pulled it down and a smile made its way to my face.

It was a moving picture and it was the first day I saw Adam in the class. He looked scary and I remember just staring at him.

I carried on walking until another picture was hovering. I pulled it down and a laugh made it way put of my mouth.

It was the day I sat in Adams lap on the way to school. I laughed at the memory because I remember rambling so much making a fool of myself in front of him.

I walked forward only to see another picture. Now this one made me laugh loudly. It was the day we did makeovers.

In the picture I was sitting in Adams lap and was laughing while Adam was smiling at me. This day was just amazing. I remember dancing around the house on Adam’s back.

The next picture brought a smile on my face. It was the day we went out for karaoke and it was a group picture. Everyone had wide smiles on their faces. I looked at Adam who was looking at me with a smile on his face.

Seeing this made my heart melt. How did I not see this before.

I kept putting all the pictures I came across in my purse because I wanted to keep these forever. The memories they bring back are so special to my heart.

The next picture was the day I was drunk and Adam carried me home and stayed with me until I fell asleep. That night I embarassed myself so much in front of him, singing songs like Justin Bieber Boyfriend.

I followed the candles around only to be greeted with more photos of beautiful memories.

The first time me and Adam hugged before Christmas holidays. I remember him being all sweet one moment and then back to cocky.

The next picture was of me and Adam in front of the mirror and he was putting on my necklace for me for my date with Damien.

This picture made my heart race, it was the time we both fell down the hill when it was snowing. I was underneath Adam and we were looking at each other with a loving look which back then I didn’t realise I did.

My cheeks burned when I was the next one. It was the time I was in his shirt in his room and things got heated and we nearly kissed only to be interupted by Reece.

The next one was so cute, it was the time we fell asleep watching mean girls. Adam had his hands around me and I was gripping his shirt sleeping.

The candles ended and the picture that was hovering in the air had something written behind it.

The kiss that changed everything

It was our first ever kiss. I could feel my cheeks hurting from smiling at the most beautiful memory of all of them. Something about this picture gave me so many butterflies in my stomach.

“I take it that you liked the pictures”

I turned around to see Adam standing behind me. My heart started to race so fast. He was dressed in a simple white shirt with black jeans.

“Liked would be an understatement”

He laughed and all I could do was fangirl over his laugh on the inside.

“If you ask me, this kiss picture has to be my favourite memory of ours” he whispered in my ear and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin.

I laughed nervously and Adam grabbed my hand taking me forward. I tried to ignore the sparks flying through my body as Adam took me forward.

“Close your eyes Amado” I nodded and then shut my eyes.

I felt Adam put his arm around me and he guided me forward. We walked for about a minute before we stopped.

“Open your eyes”

I opened my eyes and was gobsmacked. The whole place was lit with little things flying around. The whole place looked like it came out of a fairytale.

“This is amazing Adam” I turned to see Adam looking at me with a smile on his face.

“What?” I looked at him with a confused look.

“Nothing Amado” I rolled my eyes at him before walking off.

I didn’t make it very far because I was pulled into Adam’s back.

“Amado you look beautiful” I felt the huge grin on my face form. I turned around and stood on my toes to whisper in his ear.

“And you look very handsome” I pulled away only to have Adam hold me from my waist.

“I look even more handsome with no shirt on Amado”

My cheeks burned while he was smirking at me. I hit his chest making him laugh.

“Lets go eat” He held my hand as we made our way to the little place he set up.

He had a blanket on the floor, with flowers on it and food was in baskets. There were pillows around with blanket.

We sat down and started to eat. I thought things were going to be weird but I spent the entire time laughing with Adam. Once we finished eating Adam got up and held his hand for me.

“I wanna show you something”

We both started to walk and we stopped when I saw the stars in the sky shining so brightly. I have never seen stars shine this bright. I sat down beside Adam.

He put his arm around me and I moved closer to him leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Adam, thank you for this amazing date night. It was beyond magical. The photographs were probably the most amazing memories we have made even though we didn’t know at the time. Thank you”

I lifted my head and smiled at him.

“Amado, stop saying thank you. You’re my mate, my other half. You’re going to get even more amazing dates than this because you deserve the world”

Adam put his hand on my cheeks and I put my hand over his. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

“To end this date lets dance” I looked confused at him. Why does he want to dance.

He pulled me up to my feet and put his hands on my waist. I was confused until I heard Justin Bieber Love Me Like You Do. Call me weird but I always imagined dancing to this song with the one. Something about this song was just amazing.

(Listen to the song while reading this part...really sets the mood 😏😏)

I put my arms around Adam and he pulled me closer. Everything was so amazing right now.

I know me and Adam have had a weird relationship but right now I wouldn’t trade anything for the world right now. How did I get someone like him, he may seem scary to others but this side of his is just so sweet and amazing.

We danced to this song and we pulled away at the end. I looked up at Adam who was staring at me with the same look he did the night we kissed.

Before I could even register what Adam was doing I felt his lips on mine. My stomach felt like it was a zoo. His kiss was sweet and soft. He pulled me even closer and I also tightened my hold on him.

He pulled away and I let out a whimper. I was shocked that I did that. Adam laughed at me while brushing his finger over my lips.

“If you wanted me to kiss you Amado just ask” he smirked at me me before kissing me again.

This time the kiss was much more passionate. I pulled away and Adam rested his forehead on mine.

I pulled him into a hug because right now I was so grateful for having Adam in my life.

“Amado, can I ask you something”

I nodded my head.

“Now that we are mates and our bond is stronger, staying away from you is so much harder”

“Well that makes two of us” Adam laughed as I moved my head in front of his.

“So I was wondering if you want to stay with me”

I knew he would ask this question.

“Adam it’s too dangerous to live at your palace. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me again”

“Well I knew you were going to say that. So I thought of moving back with you in Xavier’s pack house. Staying at the palace would be risky and I also don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me”

I felt the inside of my stomach flip at the thought of us staying together. I mean we’ve been together before but now we are mates and that changes literally everything.

“I think that would be a great idea” Adam laughed before he gave me a quick kiss. I don’t think I’ll ever get to used his kisses.

We both headed back out of the field as it was very late. I saw the car that brought me here was parked outside the field.

I stood in front of Adam to say bye.

“Thank you for the amazing date Adam”

“Amado stop saying thank you.” He gave me a stern look before kissing my forehead.

“Goodnight beautiful” I blushed when he called me beautiful.

“Goodnight Adam” we both hugged and then pulled away going our separate ways.

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