Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter All So New

Adam’s P.O.V

I was laying in my bed and all I could think about was Selena.


As soon as those words left her mouth, I was left speechless. My whole life I waited for this moment and finally she knew we were mates. When she kissed me I was so shocked, I thought maybe I’m being fucking delusional but then her soft kiss brought me back to reality. In that one kiss I tried to show her how much I fucking love her, I don’t care that I was aggressive but she needed to know how much she meant to me.

I never thought I could ever love someone but then Selena came into my life and fucking hell she was all I could ever think about. I tried to distract myself with other girls but all I could think about was her.

I don’t know how I managed to control myself around her tonight. When she walked in behind Xavier, I was gobsmacked, she came in laughing and she looked so beautiful, just like a real princess. From her smile to her dress she looked like a goddess, pure perfection.

The last few weeks were fucking hell for me, seeing her around Xavier being so happy, it killed me knowing that I hurt her and she found her happiness with him. I don’t know how I controlled myself last night when she came out of his room, looking like they did something.

Something about being around her makes me so protective; when we were attacked by those creatures I protected her because her safety was always my number one priority and I tried not to fucking kill Dante when he disrespected her, she is the innocent one in all this, she is pulled into a cruel world and yet she comes out stronger every time.

When we pulled away from kissing, in front of me all I could see was a blessing, my whole world. I sound so fucking whipped but for Selena, I’d be anything.

I got out of my bed and went into the shower. The hot water ran down my body and it relaxed my muscles. I showered and was out in 10mins. I went in my room and changed into my suit as I had an important meeting to attend.

When I walked into the meeting room, I took all emotions out of my face and sat down. Throughout the meeting my mind kept drifting away. All I could think about was Selena and the fact that she knows we are mates.

“Prince Adam are you listening” I turned around to see some stupid guy looking at me with a smug look on his face.

“Yes I’m fucking listening”

“Then what were we talking about”

I let out a laugh, did he just fucking question me.

“You were bull shitting about how well you’ve planned out the safety for everyone, yet fucking creatures managed to get into MY palace and attacked ME. So I suggested instead of acting like a smug fucker, you do something about the security of this whole place.”

I stood up and gave the guy a glare before turning to everyone.

“This meeting is over”

I walked out of the room and headed for my room. I tore off my tie as I came closer to my room. When I opened the door I saw my mum sitting on my couch.

“Adam, what was that stunt you pulled down just now”

I threw my tie on the bed and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and calmed down my breathing down.

“Adam you can’t ignore me like that” I heard my mum move next to me and she sat on my bed. I lifted my head and put in my mum’s lap.

“Adam, what’s wrong?”

“Mum I have something to tell you” I opened my eyes and saw that my mum looked worried.

“Selena is my mate and last night we kissed and she realised it”

“Oh my...Adam that’s amazing I’m so happy for you. Selena is a great girl for you, I’m glad you ended up together. Why are you upset about it”

I groaned and then explained the whole story to her from when I first saw her up until last night.

“I’m offended that you didn’t tell me when you first realised she was your mate but putting that aside you should take things slow, that poor girl has so much going on right now and you are her rock whether she realises it or not.”

“Mum I just can’t handle being so far from her, she’s my mate I want her near me to know she is safe and to keep me sane”

“Well instead of sulking, get your ass up and go talk to the girl”

I groaned and closed my eyes again. I heard my mum laugh; she kissed my forehead and got up.


After a while I went into the gardens to take a walk to clear my mind. As I was walking around I felt someone hug me from the back.

“Hey baby” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Now’s not the time Regina leave me alone” I moved her hands off me and carried on walking.

She moved in front of me and hugged me, honestly I don’t know what I ever saw in her before but right now I was disgusted.

“Regina I’m not going to say this again, so please fuck off”

“What the hell has gotten into you Adam” Her angry face soon turned into a sick smile.

“Oh, so it’s true, she finally knows your mates”

“That’s none of your business”

“But it is, have you forgotten who helped you while you tried to protect your mate”

“I do and I’m grateful for it, but for now please leave me alone”

Regina looked offended and in this moment I couldn’t care less. She adjusted her top which she pulled down low before.

“You’re going to regret treating me like this Adam because we all know you still need me”

I rolled my eyes at her and walked past her. Right now I don’t care about anything, Regina is just full of empty threats, she can’t do anything.

Selena’s P.O.V

Adam is my mate. Holy shit. Adam is mine, how did this happen.

Last night when Adam kissed me I don’t know how I managed to stay sane because being that close to him made my heart soar with happiness. The whole night I couldn’t sleep all I could think about was him.

That one kiss made me feel complete, in that moment all that mattered was him and me and nothing else. I couldn’t help but think back to all those time’s he helped me and every time I was close to him my body felt as if were on some high.

I couldn’t get this stupid smile of my face since last night and everyone gave me weird looks in the house, but I was going to tell everyone later on in the day when my brothers, Nana and Gramps come.

Despite me being this happy at the back of my mind there is a fear, a fear that things won’t work out because right now I’m scared, scared to lose something so amazing, someone so amazing.

I don’t know what this all means for me and Adam. But right now I just want to be with Adam, I feel weird being away from him. I’m already starting to be clingy...great.

“LENA, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS INSIDE YOUR NANA IS HERE” I got up from the grass and dusted my clothes.

I was laying underneath the trees on the field trying to get my thoughts together. I walked inside and was instantly pulled into a hug by Nana.

“How are you baby”

“I’m good Nana” I pulled away and then looked at everyone.

“I have something to tell you guys” Everyone took a seat in the living room and looked at me.

“Well um...last night...woo this is hard” I laughed nervously and I could see Giselle smirk at me from the corner of my eye.

“You aren’t pregnant are you Lena”

“What..NO” I looked at Ben with a wtf look. When I said no the rest of my brother looked relieved too.

“Anyways...last night...I found my...mate” As soon I said that I was literally tackled by Chloe

Everyone ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

“Well who is he” Gramps looked more impatient than anyone.

“Its Adam”

“YAAAAAAS BITCH WHOOOOOOOO” we all turned our heads to Jade who had the biggest smile on her face.

“Told you all along you two were cute together” Giselle gave me smirk and I returned it with a laugh.

“Pay up Liam, I was right” We all turned our heads to Hailey who had a smirk on her face. Everyone burst out laughing at their childish behaviour.

Nana and Gramps both kissed me on the forehead and my brothers all hugged me. Everyone was so happy and it was so sweet. Once everyone calmed down and sat down they all started to interrogate me. My brothers seemed to be taking this quite well but maybe because he was a god friend of theirs that why.

“So are you like going to move in with him or what?” We laughed at how direct Ash was.

“Honeslty you guys I have no idea, I have spoken to him since we both found at we were mates. So I have no idea where things are going to lead”

“Well whatever you decide everyone is going to support you, Adam is a good boy and I know he’ll care for you” Gramps put his arm around my shoulder and leaned into him.

“When are you two getting married?” My head turned so fast when Chloe asked me.

“Married...I’m fricking 18, we haven’t even had a chance to talk about the fact that we are mates. A wedding is not even on the list”

“Well, you might be 18 but he’s 25 so I don’t see the delay in the wedding” I glared at Giselle and she gave me a smug look.

I didn’t miss the look on my friends face when she mentioned he was 25. I gave them a ‘I’ll explain later’ look.

After a while we all had something to eat, it was time for my brothers, Nana and Gramps to leave. I hugged all of them and watched them leave. I walked back inside and was dragged by my friends into my room.

“Fucking spill the details” Jade pushed me on my bed while the rest sat around me.

“Well last night we danced and then things were pretty intense while dancing so I went outside for fresh air. Adam followed me and then I thanked him for bringing you guys over and one thing led to another and I kissed him. Get this while we kissed the fireworks display for his brithday went off and I felt him laugh through the kiss”

“Fireworks while kissing means you guys are meant to be Lena, I’m so fucking happy that you and pretty boy are together” I raised my eyebrows when she called him pretty boy.

“Can you explain to me how the fuck he is 25 Lena, like what the actual fuck” I turned to see Jacob kinda pissed and confused.

I took a deep breathe and expained what Giselle had told me. When I finished the boys were pissed that he didnt tell his age whereas the girls thought he was 10x hotter because he was older. Like that is such a logical reason.

“Well I’m sure he forgot to tell you Lena considering everything that’s happened so far. It’s not that big, all that should matter is you and him being together” Chloe gave me a smile and held my hands.

It was nice to have my friends here with me after a long time I was so happy.

“I’m so glad you guys are here, you have no idea how much I missed having you guys around, despite having all these people around I always felt lonely and now you guys are here, I’m happier than ever.”

I felt tears sting in my eyes as I looked at the people in front of me, you never really know the value of something until you don’t have it and friends are just a gift from God.

“We missed you too Lena, we didn’t have the weirdo and the life of our group, but we are glad Adam brought us here. Even though he is a dick for not telling his age, I know he will be good for you” Jacob wasn’t one to get all mushy it was a rare side but when he did I knew all his words were true from his heart.

“I missed your ass Lena” We all laughed at Ash and pulled into a group hug.

“I honestly cannot wait for all this to be over, so my life can go back to how it was” I wanted nothing more than this whole thing to be over.

“What are you gonna do when this is all Lena, are you really gonna come back home like you said or stay. Especially now that you’ve found out that Adam is your mate”

The one question that was at the back of my mind, Jade voiced it. I wanted nothing more than to leave this world behind and go back, but do I feel the same now. Could I leave Adam behind and move forward.

Just when I thought my life was getting better I’m back to square one of uncertainty.

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