Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Happy Birthday Adam

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and saw Giselle sitting near me.

“Morning Lena”

I groaned and turned the other way.

“Let me sleep”

“It’s fucking 12:30”

I sat up straight and grabbed my hair.

“How the hell did I manage to sleep so much” I got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom.

“Well considering the fact that you came to your room at midnight and don’t think I didn’t see how messed up your hair were and your lips don’t even get me started. I saw you and Adam both part ways so anyone can figure what happened.”

I came walking back into the room and stopped when she mentioned him.

“Oh my days Giselle, it had nothing to do with Adam” My face burned when Giselle thought me and Adam did something.

“Then what was it...spill” I sat on the bed and told her exactly what happened last night.


“I know right”

“I mean everyone here thought something was going on between you two but to me something about you two didn’t feel right”

“I don’t know how things led to us being like that. I’m not going to lie I really liked him because after a long time someone cared for me like that and made me feel special. But maybe I just wanted to feel loved but every time I felt something for Xavier there was just something holding me back.”

Giselle smirked at me when I said the last part.

“What’s so amusing?”


I gave her a glare and she put her hands up.

“You never know you might find someone tonight at the ball”

“Uh please I’m done with guys for the rest of my life”

“Sure you are” Giselle winked at me and I laid on the bed.

After a while I had something to eat and I asked her about Adam’s age because it was bugging me since last night.

“Giselle I have a quick question, so last night Adam told me that he was turning 25. I always thought he was the same age as me”

Giselle had a look on her face which showed regret.

“Well you see, when we came to your world we had to protect you and that meant being with you most of the time. So we changed our ages so we could go to school with you”

“What do you mean ‘our’ ages”

“Me, Sean, Reece and Justin are all 23 and Cole is 25”


“Yeah but its not that big of a deal”

“Yeah, its just your age”

I let go of the matter but it hurt that they never told me. I tried to pretend like it didn’t affect me but it did hurt because after all we went through they didn’t bother telling me the most basic things about them...oh well.

“Ok...now that you’re done with breakfast, we need to get you ready for the ball tonight. I was going to take you to your Nana’s house but it’s too risky.”

“Giselle I don’t really want to go. I’m not feeling it”

Honestly everything right now was so overwhelming, the whole Xavier incident and Giselle’s revelation of them guys not telling their real age.

“No you are going end of discussion”

“There’s no point of me going”

“Selena, shut your mouth you’re going and who knows tonight might be ‘magical’” She winked at me and then got off my bed.

“You can cry for half an hour and then at 3 someone’s coming to get you ready”

I laid back in my bed and closed my eyes. I heard Giselle leave my room and I sighed. After a while of me being lazy I heard a knock on my door. I dragged myself off the bed and walked to the door.

My jaw dropped when I saw who it is was.


I was tackled to the ground by Jade, Chloe, Ash and Jacob.


We were all screaming and jumping together. I hugged them all tightly and then pulled away.

“How did you guys get here?”

“Well...Adam told us that you missed us guys and so he brought us this morning”

I felt tears sting my eyes as they all pulled in for a group hug.

“I didn’t tell him that I missed you guys”

“Well...looks like someone pays attention to you” I rolled my eyes at that comment, but in my heart I was so thankful to him.

We all sat down on my bed and caught up on everything that happened. They told me how I missed so much at school and that our final exams were next month, which meant these guys were spending their holidays here !!!!!!

Halfway through catching up the door opened and Giselle stood there with some people.

“Time to get your ass ready”

I got taken to the other side of the room by an elderly looking lady. I was kinda scared that she was getting me ready but right now I was too happy to even care.

Giselle was pulled into a huge hug by my friends. I sat down the chair and the lady started to do my hair. While she did my hair the rest of the girls sat down to get ready and the boys left the room.

“Umm guys do you have any clothes that you can wear to the ball tonight” They just got here and I was worried they won’t have anything to wear.

“Lena...Lena...Lena...you worry your pretty head too much. Your pretty boy Adam already got us things to wear so don’t worry” I rolled my eyes at Jade’s weird tone.

“He’s not ‘my’ pretty boy” I gave her a glare to which she returned with a cheeky smile.

“Sure he ain’t” I rolled my eyes at her.

We all spoke about all the weird things that have happened since we last saw each other. Chloe and her boyfriend are getting pretty serious. I told them all about the whole Xavier chapter, the whole Dante and attack thing.

Getting ready was a great catch up session with my besties. Honestly today is the best day ever and I owe it all to Adam.

Once my hair and makeup was done it was time for me to get into the dress my Nana sent for me. It was a beautiful gold dress and the rhinestones on it made it look as if it were glowing.

Nana had said it was my mum’s dress and so she wanted me to wear it tonight. The lady helped me into the dress and it fit perfectly. She put my mum’s tiara on my head and then took me in front of the mirror. I opened my eyes and I felt tears in my eyes.

I had seen a picture of my mum in this dress before and right now all I could see was my mum in the reflection. I had my hair in a perfect half up, half down do and a classic red lip with winged liner. I touched the tiara and smiled to myself.

“You look just like your mother in this dress”

I turned to see the elderly lady smiling at me. She did a pretty good job getting me ready; it was a very elegant and timeless look.

“You knew my mother”

“I was the one who got your mother ready when she wore this exact dress, she met your father the night she wore this, maybe you’ll get lucky today”

I tried not to cry and the old lady pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you so much...”

“Call me Anne” I nodded my head and then pulled away. I turned around to see my friends and they all looked like beautiful princesses.

“You guys....aww you look so beautiful” The girls pulled me into a hug.

“Says the one who looks like a frickin glowing goddess” I rolled my eyes at Chloe’s compliment.

“Damn girls look at you” We turned around to see Ash and Jacob standing in the doorway.

“Well you look two look handsome as ever” I winked at them and they started to act all cocky.

“Lets head down I’m pretty sure everyone is waiting for us” Giselle sounded desperate to leave because we all know she wanted to see Cole.

I said a quick goodbye to Anne and walked down the stairs to see Cole, Xavier, Liam and Hailey waiting.

As we all walked down the stairs everyone started to gush over how good they all looked, everyone got caught up in their own conversations. As I was the last one down the stairs only Xavier noticed my presence.

He held out a hand for me as I got down the stairs.

“Thank you”

“Your welcome, you look very beautiful”

“Thanks Xavier”

We stood beside each other and watched everyone talk, things were pretty awkward between us and that was the last thing I wanted.

“Xavier, I just wanted to say to you that we should put behind whatever happened last night because I don’t think I can bare losing you, it’s ok that you aren’t over her and that’s completely fine but I don’t want to lose you”

Xavier looked at me intently before closing his eyes.

“Friends” He held out his hand and since I was too happy I pulled him into a hug.

“Woah, thought we were friends” I pulled away laughing at him.

“So glad to have you Xavier” He winked at me before I could say anything Hailey called me.

“Check you out Selena, you look like a timeless beauty”

“Hailey, you looking amazing too and Liam you’re gonna have to make sure no guy’s take her” I winked at him and he pulled Hailey closer to him in a protective manner, we all laughed.

I went to kiss Lucy because she looked so adorable.

“Guys we need to take a picture before we leave, when will we ever get the chance to be together like this” Jade made everyone stand near the main entrance of the place and then got one of the maids to take the picture.

I was standing between Xavier and Ash while Liam and Hailey were in the middle with everyone on their sides. Then we took a group picture of just us friends.

We all realised that it was 8pm and we were way late so we ran outside to limousine. The whole ride to the palace was the best, we laughed and sang loudly annoying the boys. Chloe seemed like she was already drunk which wasn’t a good idea, but her dancing made my day.

When we reached the Palace we were in tears from laughing. We all followed Xavier and we walked up to the top where everyone had to make an entrance and then lead into the main hall. We all were behind Xavier as his name was called.

“The Alpha King...Xavier” The man introduced Xavier and everyone’s head turned towards him.

He flashed a smug smile to the crowd and all the girls started to giggle, he certainly hasn’t lost his touch, he ran a hand through his dark hair and started to descend down the stairs. We all followed behind him and I tried to keep a straight face but failed because Ash was making weird jokes.

It was pretty intense having everyone staring at us as we walked down the big stairs, but having my goofy friends by my side made things better. When we got to the bottom of the stairs I was pulled into a tight hug by Nana.

“Ah my baby, I missed you” She started to kiss my face as everyone laughed.

“That’s enough lovin for the girl Ruth” Gramps pulled Nana away and I mouthed a thank you to which he winked at me.

“You look beautiful, I knew this dress would be perfect for you” I said a quick thanks to Nana for the dress and then hugged my brothers.

“Nana, I’d like you to meet my best friends from since I was a child”

I introduced them to Nana and Gramps and funnily Ash and Gramps seemed to click pretty fast. We were all taken to the dining room to eat and while eating I had a catch up with my brothers. I was having fun so much and right now I don’t think life can get any better.

Once we finished eating the boys started to mess around and they threw food at each other, first it was harmless but then they threw something at me so we started to throw food across the table at each other. I tried to hit Ben but I missed very badly and I hit Dante.

He gave me the dirtiest look ever and muttered under his breath.

“Stupid children...make me sick” I rolled my eyes at him and then I felt my Nana smack my shoulder.

“Ow...what was that for”

“You kids need to stop messing around, time to get up and leave.” We all got up and went into the ballroom where everyone was dancing. On the stage there were 3 chairs on which Adam and his parents were sat.

When we got to the dance floor we all looked clueless since none of us knew how to dance like everyone here so we started to dance as a group. I started to laugh when people gave us horrified looks. Ash started to do some crazy dance move and Jade was grinding on me.

I was laughing so loudly and I saw Nana give me a weird look. We all started to shout and scream and at this point everyone watched us make idiots of ourselves. I was having so much fun after such a long time and so I carried on being weird.

“WOOOOOOO” Chloe screamed at the top of her lungs and we all burst out laughing.

Ash pulled me and started to waltz around and then after a while he picked up and started to spin.

“AHHHHHHH ASH PUT ME DOWN” I started to scream but was laughing at the same time.

Ash put me down dramatically for his finale and everyone cheered for him as he bowed. I rolled my eyes at him when he pulled me in for a hug.

“Well you guys time for the big dance, you all have to change partner’s” Before Giselle even finished her sentence Cole took her away. We all burst out laughing and then looked for partners.

Ash grabbed my hand and we started to dance fast, I was laughing so much because we were so clueless.

“This fucking makes no sense to me” I laughed at Ash who bumped into a few people.

Ash spun me around for a partner change and I ended up with some random guy. He knew what he was doing whereas I didn’t. We changed partners again and I was pulled in by Xavier.

“Well hello my lady”

“Hello sir” He winked at me as we started to dance, we didn’t change partners this time around because we were having too much of a good time. It was nice that things were no longer awkward between us.

“I see you have improved since last time, you only managed to step on my feet twice”

“Well...what can I say...I’m amazing like that” He raised his eyebrow at me and the smirked before spinning me out really fast.

I would have fallen flat on my face if it weren’t for the person who grabbed me.

“Thank you” When I looked clearly I realised it was Adam.

“No problem”

He pulled me close to his chest and I put my hands on his shoulders which tensed. His grip on me was tight but not a uncomfortable one.

“Happy birthday once again”


Well this was awkward.

“So... how’s your birthday going so far”

“Well it was pretty boring until you and your friends made an appearance and did the weirdest dance” He started to laugh and I was so caught up in his laugh that I didn’t realise that my tripped over my own feet.

“Woah there Amado, I thought by now you’d learn how to walk”

“Hey, I can walk; it’s just this stupid dancing I can’t do”

“I bet you can walk...stop making excuses to cover the fact that you can’t walk” He gave me a smirk and I glared at him.

“Adam..” I warned him

“Yes darling” I blushed when he called me that but I tried to stay annoyed at him.

“I can walk, not everyone is an expert at dancing like you”

“Well what can I say Amado, I’m amazing”

He spun me out then pulled me back expect this time I had my back against his front. My heart started to beat so fast when I felt his breath on my neck. At this point I would be surprised if my heart came out of my chest. We danced like this for a few seconds before he spun me around and I held his shoulders.

Everyone changed partners but Adam held me close to him.

“Amado I can feel your heart and it’s beating fucking fast”

“Well it’s because your dancing too fast” He raised his eyebrow at my lame excuse.

“Are you sure that’s the reason Amado” His lips were so close my ears and at this point all the music was drowned out and all I could hear was him. I could feel his smile on my ears and when he pulled away to face me I’m pretty sure I was red.

“By the way you look really beautiful Amado” When he said that I looked up to see him with the most breathtaking smile ever. His green eyes made it so hard for me to look away.

“Thank you” Before I could even finish saying that Adam dipped me down and I squealed to which he laughed at. He pulled me back up fast and our faces were so close that if either of us moved any closer our lips would touch.

“You’re welcome Amado”

With that the song ended and Adam let go off me, he walked off and all I could do was just watch.


I needed fresh air so I walked into the gardens and I followed the route I did the first time I came to this garden.

When I got to the fountain I was gobsmacked, the whole place was lit up with lights that made the whole place look magical, I went and stood beside one of the tree’s and looked up at the sky. The dark sky looked beautiful covered in the bright stars.

“Thought I’d find you here”

I turned around to see Adam standing near the fountain.

“I just needed a bit of fresh air; it was pretty hot in there”

“You could say that” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him, I turned back and looked at the sky. I heard Adam move from his spot but I was too intrigued by the whole atmosphere.

“The sky look’s so beautiful”

“Yeah absolutely beautiful” Adam’s voice sounded as if he was in a daze.

I turned around and saw that he was right next to me looking right at me. I could already feel my heart start to beat faster. We both just stared at each other not saying a word.

I broke eye contact first and cleared my throat.

“Adam...I..I uh...just wanna say thank you to you. You brought my friends here and honestly it was the best thing ever. Thank you so much”

“You don’t have to say thank you Amado”

“Yes I do Adam, you didn’t have to do any of this for me but you did and it means the world”

Without even thinking I pulled him into a hug. In that moment I felt those same sparks as I did every time I touched Adam. My heart was beating so fast when Adam hugged me tightly. My head came just under his chin.

Everything about this moment felt right, it felt as if it were just the two of us and nothing else mattered in this moment. I pushed my feelings away for him always because I knew they were stronger than anything I have ever felt in my whole life.

Being around Adam made me feel complete and safe, I closed my eyes and enjoyed this moment because I wanted it to last forever. I felt something that I have never felt before a feeling I can’t describe.

I pulled away and looked up at him. In that moment something inside me clicked, maybe it was the way his green eyes were looking at me with the fiercest emotion, an emotion which made my whole insides flip.

This was right; all this right now was what I wanted. And without giving it a second thought I stood a bit higher and brought my lips to his.

Adam was shocked at first but then he responded. My heart was bursting inside of me while we kissed. His lips were so gentle against mine as if he was making sure he could save every moment of this kiss.

In the background fireworks set off in the sky and I could feel Adam smile in the kiss.

I felt his grip tightened on me as he pushed me against the tree behind me. The kiss went from being sweet and gentle to fast and rough.

It felt as if Adam was putting all his feelings into the kiss, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and I heard him groan when I tugged on his hair.

We both pulled away for air and we rested our forehead against each others as we opened our eyes.

“Mate” the word left my mouth as a whisper and I saw Adam look at me as if I were the most precious thing in the world.

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