Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Awkward

Selena’s P.O.V


“Shut your face Selena, this is why I didn’t want to tell you”

“EEEEEEEEEE” I squealed so loudly and Giselle put her hand on my mouth to shut me.

I just was so happy about her date. Cole had taken her on a yacht for their first date. They had dinner there and then they danced and get this. They DID IT.


Once I teased Giselle enough and calmed down. I laid beside her.

“I’m so happy for you Giselle”

“Thank you baby, but I don’t know if this will work out like I’m just afraid”

“Giselle its natural to be afraid but you never know what you can be if you never if it a try, love is a strange thing, it’s a leap of faith your heart is willing to take”

“True... maybe you should listen to your own advice” with that said she walked out of my room.

Its always easier said than done and right now my heart has been through too much to go through it again.

I got up and took a shower. I felt less tired once I came out. I changed my clothes and sat on my bed. Xavier’s trip was sadly extended for a week. I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in” Hailey walked into my room.

“Hey Hailey” She came and sat on my bed beside me.

“I’m good, thank you for looking after Lucy last night”

“Don’t keep saying thank you Lucy is so cute I love spending time with her”

“So how was your date last night with Liam” I smirked at her and she blushed.

“He took me for dinner and then we went for a walk down the beach and then on the way to the car one thing led to another and we....” Her face was bright red.

“OH MY DAYS HAILEY” I started to scream and she quickly shut my mouth.

“Geez Selena be quiet, someone might hear you” I started to laugh and Hailey just blushed.

“Love was definitely in the air last night” I squealed again and Hailey gave me a stern look.

“Oh you can say that Selena” I looked at her puzzled and she showed me her and my face dropped.

“When did you take that?”

There were two pictures. One was of me, Lucy and Adam sleeping closely together. Mine and Adams hands were intertwined on top of Lucy. The second picture was of me and Adam; I was pulled closely to his chest.

“I took this last night, so you can definitely say love was in the air last night”

“Ughh please no” Hailey laughed at me and then gave me a smirk.

“You never know” She left my room laughing like a maniac.

I changed my clothes and headed down for the gym since Xavier wasn’t there to train me I couldn’t get lazy.

I headed down for the gym to train when Liam stopped me.

“Xavier has left me in charge of your training for the next week”

“Great, I swear that idiot has it out for me”

Liam laughed at me and then we headed for the field. The training session was just as worse as Xavier’s session. An hour later I laid on the ground sweating.

“You and Xavier both are devils”

“No, you’re just plain lazy”

“I’m not” Liam raised an eyebrow at me.

“Ok, fine maybe I’m a bit lazy” Liam coughed when I said a bit.

“A bit” he raised an eyebrow at me and I glared at him.

“Yes a bit and you best stick with that Liam, unless you wanna take Lucy on your next date and when you’re trying to get some she’ll start to cry”

I smirked at him and he looked shocked. But what shocked me was I sounded just like Adam.


“Call me whatever, my time here is done” I got up and left.

I went to my room and Giselle was waiting for me to teach me a new spell.

I rested for a bit and then we got to work. Today she taught me the spell to transport.

“To do this spell you have to imagine the place you want to be in and then imagine yourself from your current spot to your desired spot” I nodded my head at her as I took in the information.

Giselle stood in front of me and then closed her eyes. Giselle disappeared for a split second and then reappeared on the other side of my room.

“Now your turn”

I closed my eyes and imagined my desired place, the area in front of my bathroom door. Within a split second I felt light and my head hit the door.

“OWWWWWW” Giselle started to laugh and then helped me up.

“You have to think about the area you want to move to, you focused too much on the door and so that’s why you crashed into it”

I rubbed my head and laid on my bed.

“Tomorrow we’ll be learning a different spell”

“How am I supposed to keep track to remember all these spells”

“Well most of them you don’t have to say much, the attack and fight mode ones don’t have words you just have to think. The other basic ones you have to say words and they can be words or rhymes”

After a while of lazing around in my room, we headed downstairs for dinner. Dinner was pretty uneventful and boring. I was too tired to stick around so I went to bed.

The rest of the week was the same routine and it dragged on a lot. We barely saw Cole and Adam they were always out.

Today me and Giselle had gone shopping, with Liam and Hailey. We had gone our own ways and halfway through I wanted to cry because Giselle forced me into every shop and made me buy so many things.

She said I needed more ‘sexy things’ so you can imagine the amount of lingerie and other things I got.

Once we were done we met up with Hailey and Liam and headed home. Right now me and Giselle were in her room, after dinner she suggested we try on our stuff. So she has forced me to wear the same night clothes as her a short pink silk dress.

“This colour looks so good on you and makes your legs look so ugggh” I laughed at Giselle.

“Says you, check you out...bet Cole’s gonna love you wearing that” Giselle’s face turned red and she threw a pillow at me.

“Oh my days would you look at that, little Lena is being dirty, tut tut...you’re turning into Adam”

“I am not” My face was all red and I laid on my face flat on her bed.

“Keep telling yourself that”

I made a sound to show my frustration and Giselle laughed and smacked my butt.

“OWWW” I sat up glaring at Giselle.

“Giselle you idiot I-” She cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

“Oh would you look at that Cole’s here” She got up and ran to Cole kissing him on his lips.


“Lena don’t act like you’ve never kissed anyone before” Giselle turned around and smirked at me.

“Couldn’t you have waited until I left the room.”

“And how would that have been fun, besides I missed Giselle’s amazing kisses”

“AAAGH GROSS COLE...you could have spared me from that detail”

I ran out their room with my eyes covered and heard them laughing. I was such an idiot for walking with my eyes covered because I crashed into someone.

“AHHHHH” I crashed into the person pretty hard.

When I heard the laughter I recognised who it was immediately.

“XAVIER”I jumped on him to hug him.

“Woah someone’s happy to see me” He steadied his grip on me.

“Well, you disappeared for a week you idiot” I pushed myself off him and stood with my hands on my hips.

“I had important business to take care off and it’s not like I wanted to stay any longer”

“Sure you didn’t” I smirked at him and he moved closer to me.

“You really want me to prove that”

“You tell me”

Xavier grabbed me from my legs and threw me over his shoulders.

“Xavier you idiot put me down I swear down I will bite you”

“Feisty too” He started to laugh as we went inside him room and it annoyed me because he carried on laughing so I did what I had to.

“OWWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR” Xavier dropped me onto the bed and held his shoulder.

His white suit shirt had a pink lip gloss mark on his shoulder where I bit him. I started to laugh because I bit him pretty hard.

“Serves you right for throwing me over your damn shoulder”

Xavier towards the bed and I got off the bed and moved to the other side.

“Well you wanted me to prove to you that I really didn’t want to stay and now you’re getting the proof” Xavier spoke to me in a very low and teasing tine.

I backed away as he came towards me with a smirk on his face.

“Xavier” I warned him as he came close and grabbed me by the waist.

My breath was caught in my throat as I saw the intense look in his eye. His hand traced the silky fabric of my dress and I felt the goosebumps on my skin rise. Xavier moved his face closer to mine and our lips brushed slightly.

I saw Xavier close his eyes before his lips met with mine.

My heart was racing as we kissed, it started off sweet and slow before Xavier’s grip tightened on me. We were moving back until my legs hit the back of the bed. Xavier pushed me down breaking our kiss. His eyes were filled with lust and I just couldn’t look away.

He brought his lips back with mine this time it was rough and needy, he put his body on top of mine and pulled my legs around his waist. My dress was pulled up and my whole stomach was showing.

Xavier moved his lips from mine and onto my neck. His hands had gripped my legs tightly and I pulled him closer by tightening my legs.

“Fuck Scarlet you’re so beautiful”

In that moment both of us froze, my legs slowly went from his waist back down to the bed and Xavier looked at me with regret in his eyes.

“Shit...Selena...I’m sorry I...” I stopped him.

“Xavier...there’s no need to apologise...we let it go too far”

Xavier sat up straight and let me adjust my dress.

“Selena I don’t know why I said her name. I’m so sorry”

“Xavier there’s nothing to be sorry about, I get it she’s your mate and you’re not over her. I understand”

I got up from the bed and headed for the door.

“I’m sorry” I turned around and smiled at him.

“Goodnight Xavier”

“Night” I walked out of his room with my head low.

What the hell was I thinking letting things go this far with Xavier, he was still hurting from his mate and I think both of us just got caught up in the need to be loved that we let lust take things too far. I think its better if him and me are just friends.

I walked to the other side of the house to get to my room and as I got towards my door I saw Adam walking up the stairs.

“Nice outfit Amado” He winked at me.

As he came closer into the light he looked at me and his smirk dropped. His eyes travelled to my lips which I’m pretty sure were red and they felt sore. His jaw locked and he looked away.

I tried to change the subject because the last thing I wanted to was to make things awkward with someone else.

“So...umm...how comes you’re not asleep yet?”

“Uh...I was just speaking to my mum. I’m going home tomorrow”


“It’s my birthday and so there’s going to be a ball at the palace and I have to be there”

“Oh my days why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday”

“Well you seemed busy and besides it’s not important” Ouch that hurt.

“How are you going to be”

“25” 25?!?!?!?!?

I tried to stay calm about the fact that he’s 25 like what the hell. I have so many questions in my mind about it. But it’s none of my business and beside he never really did say he was 18 like me.

I nodded my head and he started to walk away from me.

“Um Adam” He turned around and looked at me.

“Happy birthday” He looked at me with a frown and I pointed at the clock which showed it was midnight. He gave me a faint smile and walked away.

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