Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Babysitting with Adam

Selena’s P.O.V

It hadn’t even been 5 minutes since I started my session with Xavier and I was already tired. He was making me start with basic stuff. I laid on the grass and it annoyed Xavier.

“If you don’t get up in 5 seconds you have to do 5 laps around the entire place” I ignored him because he would never to that to me.


“That’s it your doing laps get up” I opened my eyes to see him standing over me with a stern look on his face.

“You can’t be serious Xavier”

“I am...now get up...5 lap’s now!!”

I groaned as I got up. I gave him a dirty look and started to run.

Halfway through the first I was having difficulty breathing. I saw that Cole, Adam, Sean, Reece and Justin were also working out on the field.

Justin stopped when he saw me.

“Awww is the wittle girl having trouble running. Poor pussycat” When he said drawled out the word pussycat I heard Adam cough loudly and everyone gave him a weird look.

I heard Sean whisper “pussycat what the fuck” Justin didn’t bother looking at him, he was too busy mocking me.

“Shut...your...ugly...mouth...Justin” Reece started to laugh beside him and so did Cole.

“Or what?”

“I’ll-” I was cut off my Xavier’s voice.

“Selena, do you want another lap, if not I’d start running if I were you”

I screamed loudly and all the boys started to laugh at me.

I reached the 3rd lap and Xavier started to shout at me again.

“Raise your knees and go faster” I groaned loudly and pushing my body beyond its limits.

I was running as fast as I could, my lungs were burning and my body was covered in sweat. I finished the final lap and screamed in happiness.

“FINALLY” I dropped to the ground and Xavier threw a bottle at me. He stood near me with a smirk on his face.

“I hate you”

“Love you too” I put the water all over me trying to cool down my body.

My top was stuck to me as I got up, I heard wolf whistles. I turned to see some young guys that were training near us, were watching me.

“Unless you want me to rip your fucking throat I suggest you get back to your fucking training” The guys quickly turned back to what they were doing when they realised that Xavier was also here.

Xavier’s voice was loud and scary as hell. His body was in a tense stance. The aura around him was scary, everyone on the field went dead quiet. I put a hand on his shoulders.

“Xavier, it’s ok” He turned to me after a while.

“It pisses me off when they think it’s ok to act like that”

My hand dropped down to his and he intertwined our fingers.

“Its disgusting, but that doesn’t mean you should get all worked up”

He was about to say something but I stopped him.

“Xavier, you have other things to worry about instead of creepy little perverts”

He started to laugh and he leaned his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes for a whole and let myself enjoy this peace.

“You smell” I gasped at what he said.

“Gee, you really know how to make a girl feel good” I moved away from him and he held me close to him by my waist.

Xavier laughed and I gave him a glare.

“I hate you for making me run so much”

“Its your lesson for next time”

“Well lesson is learned”

“You can go inside; your training is done for the day”

“Ugghh...thank god”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, because I have some business to take care off so I’ll be back home tomorrow”

“Make sure you come and say bye to me before you leave, smelly” I gave him a cheeky smile before pulling away.


“BYE SMELLY” I ran inside laughing.

I went in my room to shower and then came out with a towel wrapped around me. I screamed when I saw Giselle sitting on my bed.

“You scared me Giselle”


“Anyway what brings you here?. You haven’t spoken to me properly in days” I sat down with a frown on my face.

“Awww I’m sorry, I’ve just been so caught up with all the drama from the attack”

“It’s ok”

“Anyways...I came here because ColestakingmeonadateandI’mscared”

“Umm...what...could you say that...I don’t know...SLOWER” Giselle laughed nervously and then took a deep breath.

“Cole is taking me on a date and I’m scared”

I screamed happily and jumped on the bed. I held my towel making sure it didn’t fall off.

“Aaaahh this is so exciting” I hugged Giselle and then pulled away.

“When are you two going out?”

“Well we are going to leave with Xavier because we don’t know our way out of here and Cole has the rest planned out” I nodded my head.

“Then let’s get you ready” Giselle went to shower while I picked out an outfit for her.

I took the clothes back into my room. I picked a cream coloured dress, it was tight on the top half and the bottom was nice and flowy. It probably reaches her knees.

Giselle came out of the shower and I pulled her down.

“Lets start on your makeup, I’m thinking of a simple look” She nodded her head and let me do her makeup.

Before I was hopeless when it came to makeup, but now I’ve picked some tricks. I did a winged liner and put on some flattering false lashes. I contoured her cheeks and put a shitload of highlighter on her face.

For her hair I curled it, she always had it straight. She put on her dress and then I took her to the mirror.

“Lena...” She turned around and put me into a tight hug.

Giselle looked so beautiful. Her black hair against her fair skin looked amazing and her dress made her body look beautiful.

“Giselle Cole’s waiting for you” We both turned around to see Adam standing in my door.

He was shocked to see Giselle and then he turned to me. He took in what I was wearing, which was still my towel. He cleared his throat and then walked out of the room.

“Erm...I’ll..um..go..now” Giselle laughed at Adam stuttering and I couldn’t help but laugh myself.

“Good luck Giselle and you better tell me everything that happens when you get back”

“I will mum....see you soon” She hugged me and left my room. I shut my door and quickly changed into my PJ’s its not like I was leaving the house anytime soon.

I headed downstairs and saw that Sean, Reece and Justin were standing with their suitcases.

“Ummm where are you guys going”

“We have been called back to the Palace” Sean spoke first.

“So we’ll probably not see each other as much any more”

“What” My voice came out as a whisper because I was trying to not show I was sad.

I walked towards Sean and hugged him. I gave a long hug to all three of them.

“Bye pussycat” I pulled away from Justin


“Yes seriously” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I’m gonna miss you three clowns” they all laughed and then I stepped back because they all hugged Adam before heading for the door.

“Well I’m off too” I turned to Xavier who was dressed smartly.

“You all are ditching me” I frowned and Xavier pulled me in for a hug.

“Bye smelly”

“I smell good for you kind information” I went closer and smelt him. I made a bad face at him.

“No...sadly you stink”

He pulled away from me and rolled his eyes at me.

“Whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Bye” I waved at him and then they shut the front door.

When I turned around Adam was already heading up the stairs, so I just went and sat down in front of the T.V.

Time for Netflix. I was excited as I sat down to watch Once Upon A Time.

I watched 3 episodes before I was interrupted. I looked up to see Hailey dressed up in a beautiful dress.

“Hailey, check you out, you look gorgeous”

“Thank you Selena” I hugged her and then pulled away when Liam came in with Lucy.

“Hey Selena, thanks once again for looking after Lucy” He handed me Lucy and she was so tiny.

“It’s no problem; you guys enjoy your night out and don’t worry about Lucy”

Hailey explained her feeding and sleeping timetable to me.

I mean it’s only like 6:00pm how bad could this babysitting be.

Hailey and Liam left after a bit and I sat on the sofa with Lucy who was wide awake.

“Hiya Lucy, you’re such a cute wittle baby, yes you are” I gave her an Eskimo kiss and she laughed.

“Oh my days your laugh is sooooo cute” I kissed her and she smiled again.

“So I assume this babysitting gig is going well so far” I looked up to see Adam standing in the door.

“Well she loves me so it’s obviously gonna go great isn’t it Lucy”

“She doesn’t love you, stop being so delusional” Adam came and sat beside me.

“Yes she does” I looked at him with a hard stare.

“She can’t speak you idiot, so you don’t know if she loves you”

“Whatever Adam, don’t you have something to be doing besides annoying me”

“No annoying you is my full time job”

I groaned and he laughed at me.

“Everyone’s gone so I have nothing to do”

We both sat on the sofa in silence watching T.V for a bit, Lucy kept going in and out of sleep. So far this silence was good. It was peaceful something I hadn’t had in a while. I stretched my legs out in front of me, but being careful not to disturb Lucy.

“This sofa is so uncomfortable” Adam made a sound agreeing with me.

“Wait, get of the sofa I have a idea” I gave him a weird look before getting up.

Adam moved the sofa to the side of the room and I stood there shocked because that was a big ass sofa. He made space in front of the T.V and then went in the other room and got pillows.

“Put Lucy down and help me” I nodded my head. I carefully put Lucy on the sofa safely so she doesn’t fall off.

I went and grabbed a bunch of big pillows. Adam sorted them on the floor to make a cosy spot for us to sit on.

“You’re welcome” Adam gave me a cocky smile and I rolled my eyes at him.

“This is pretty cool” I picked Lucy up and sat down beside Adam. Who looked pretty proud of what he put together.

Everything was calm and quiet until Lucy started to cry at the top of her lungs.

I got up and tried to calm her down.

“Hey Lucy its ok” I was getting scared and I looked at Adam who looked just as confused.

“Maybe she’s hungry” I literally wanted to kick myself when Adam mentioned it.

“What time is it?” Adam looked at his phone and told me it was 7.

“Hailey said she drinks milk every 3 hours so we need to make her milk”

“We need to make it?” I sighed when Adam looked completely clueless.

“Yes we do you idiot” I walked fast into the kitchen with Adam right behind me.

“Ok, Adam go in that cupboard and take out the formula milk”

“The what”

“Just open the cupboard and take out the red box” He went and took it out. I told him to take the bottle out and fill it with water.

Adam was panicking and Lucy started to cry even harder.

“It’s ok baby” I tried to calm her.

“Selena stop calling me BABY ITS NOT HELPING” I looked at Adam who was freaking out.

“I wasn’t saying it to you idiot, I was saying it to the one who was crying!!!!”

Adam whispered to himself “You don’t know if I’m crying”

I groaned when he dropped the bottle on the ground.

“You know what, you take her, I’ll do the milk” I handed Lucy to him and he was scared to take her.

I made her milk as fast as I could and it was oddly quiet because Lucy was no longer crying.

I turned around to see Adam holding Lucy close to him and talking to her and she was watching him carefully. The sight before me made my heart fill with a weird feeling. She was tiny compared to his huge body. But seeing him like this with a child made my heart melt.

I checked the temperature of the milk and then walked towards Adam. He handed Lucy over to me, she made a weird sound when I took her from Adam and I rolled my eyes.

“See how much she loves me; she doesn’t even wanna go to you”

“Keep telling yourself that Adam”

I sat down and started to feed her. Hailey had said that she drinks a lot so I made a full bottle for her. But pushed the bottle away after drinking just 2 ounces, I didn’t want to force her so I sat her up to make her burp.

“Why are you doing that for?” Adam looked at Lucy with soft eyes and it was honestly the sweetest thing ever.

“It’s to make her burp” He nodded his head and watched me.

I rubbed her back and nothing happened. The she made a gurgling sound and I looked at Adam to confirm that I wasn’t the only one who heard it.

Seconds later Lucy threw up, her tiny body started to shake and I panicked I sat her up straighter and Adam ran to get tissues.


I started to shout his name because I was so scared. She threw up on me and she started to cry after puking. Adam ran go get tissues to clean her and I didn’t realise that I was crying. Adam took off his shirt and then took Lucy off me.

“Wear my shirt” There was no room to argue with the tone he used. He turned around with Lucy and I took off my shirt and put on his.

“I’ll go get her a clean pair of clothes”

I ran up the stairs and found her Pj’s where Hailey told me they would be. When I left her nursery I walked into Adams room and grabbed a shirt for him.

I went down and Lucy had calmed down. Adam and me both changed her clothes. I held her and started to cry again because seeing her be sick scared me so much.

“Why are you crying...she’s ok..look, she just threw up..its ok amado” I looked down at Lucy and she was looking around quietly.

“I was so scared Adam her tiny body was shaking and she looked so helpless”

“Amado, babies get sick its normal, just please don’t cry”

He wiped my tears and before pulling me close to him he kissed my forehead. Adam had his arms around me and Lucy both. Something in this moment felt so right, I felt safe and relieved, something I haven’t felt in a long time. I closed my eyes and leaned into Adams body.

We stood like this for a while and then when we heard Lucy snore we both laughed and pulled away. I went to put her down on the pillows and Adam went to ring Liam.

When he came back he told me that Hailey said if she’s asleep to leave her because it will help her. We both laid beside Lucy and I turned to see Adam had closed his eyes and had a hand on Lucy. My eyes slowly started to droop, the last 4 hours had worn us out a lot.

After what felt like hour I heard voices fill the room, I ignored them but they got louder.

“Awww Liam, the three of the look so cute together”

“Hailey don’t be so loud its 4 in the morning”

I heard Hailey’s voice near me, I felt her move something from underneath my hand. Thinking it was a dream I slowly started to drift away.

“Awww but they look so sleeping” I heard Liam laugh and slowly their voices faded away. I felt Adam pull me closer to him and I didn’t even bother fighting it. I fell asleep feeling so at peace.

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