Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Hard To Ignore Him

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up when I heard someone groan in pain beside me, I ignored it at first but then my hand was squeezed very hard.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. Sweat was forming on his forehead and pain was evident on his face, his eyes were still closed, I held his hand between both of mine as I moved closer to him.

“Adam, open your eyes, it’s ok” A lump formed in my throat as I tried to speak to him.

I placed a hand on his cheek and gently rubbed it.

“Adam you’re going to be ok, please....please open your eyes”

His facial features started to relax and slowly he opened his eyes. My heart started to beat fast and loudly in my chest when he looked at me.


I moved my hand from his cheek and took my hand away from his. I got up from the room to go find someone.

As I left the room I heard him repeat my name but I carried on walking. I ran through the hallway to find Xavier walking towards me.

“Xavier” I ran to him and stopped. He looked worried when he saw my face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Adam... he’s awake” I was trying to catch my breath as I told Xavier, who quickly walked away to go get the doctor.

I rested on the wall behind me and closed my eyes. He was finally awake. I calmed down my breathing and tried to think straight. Even though he was conscious, it still won’t change the fact that I need to stay away from him.

I heard the voices of everyone coming closer; I opened my eyes to see the doctor, Giselle and the boys walking fast into Adams room without acknowledging my presence. Xavier came and stood beside me.

“Do you wanna go in” I didn’t know what to do, but then Xavier held my hand and took me inside with him.

The doctor was checking Adam and then he moved back. He turned to all of us and spoke.

“The recovery is speeding up a lot, I’m quite shocked. I thought that he would be out for another month, but between last night and now his body healed up very well and if it keeps going at this rate he will be back to normal in 2 or 3 days”

I let a relived breath and everyone in the room was excited. Cole and the boys all surrounded him on the bed.

“Glad your doing well Adam” Xavier spoke to Adam who turned his attention towards us.

“Thanks man for letting us stay here”

“No problem” Xavier turned to the doctor and started to talk to him.

Adam’s gaze was now on me and then it trailed down to my hands. I still was holding hands with Xavier. I turned my body away from Adam and faced the doctor.

This time I wasn’t going to let Adam get to me.

Xavier turned to me and spoke in a low voice.

“I hope a certain someone hasn’t forgotten what they started” Xavier’s face was close to mine and his smirk was starting to annoy me.

“If I remember clearly I wasn’t the one who started it” I smirked back at him and Xavier gave me a huge smile.

“Oh really” He raised his eyebrow at me.

“Yes really” His eyes glinted with mischief and I felt him squeeze my side and I screamed catching everyone’s attention.

“Xavier!!” He quickly moved away and made it look like he did nothing.

Giselle looked at me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at her. But Adam’s expression was tight and he was glaring.

“Anyways I’ll catch you guys after breakfast, I have some work to do” Xavier walked out of room but not before giving me a cheeky smile.

“Selena what was that all about” Giselle came near me and smirked. All the boys in the room went quiet and looked at us.

“Nothing, he was being an idiot”

“Sure he was”

“Giselle” I could feel my cheeks heating up.

“Awww does little Lena have a wittle crush” Reece came up to me and squeezed my cheeks.

“Reece...stop” I punched him in his stomach and he moved back.

“Keep the feistiness for Xavier he might like that stuff”

Everyone in the room started to laugh loudly and I hit Reece again.

“What the hell Reece”

“I’m only messing with you, besides you won’t end up with Xavier” I gave him a weird look like erm what the hell.

“What do you mean”

“I meant that...er...you will end up with Shrek” Everyone started to laugh at Reece’s stupid joke.

“I hate you Reece” He came near me and hugged me. I pulled away and then told them that I was going down for breakfast because today I was starting training with Xavier.

I said a quick bye to everyone and looked at Adam. The awkwardness between us was obvious, I didn’t say anything to him and I walked away.

I had my breakfast and then I went to my room to shower. The shower relaxed my muscles that were aching due to how I slept last night. I got out of the shower and took my time getting changed. I left my hair down and let them dry naturally.

I put on a crop top and my training bottoms. The sun was out so this would be suitable for the session.

I sprayed on some perfume and headed out of the room.

(Can we just talk about how amazing this outfit is 😂😂...ok back to the story)

I walked onto the field and saw that most of the people were training. Xavier was shouting orders at them, when he saw me he let them train by themselves. I saw that Cole and the other boys were also training, I looked around to see Giselle and she was just laying down soaking up the sun.

When he walked towards me I could tell that he was in his King Alpha mode. His white tank top clung to his body.

“You took your time” He looked at my whole body and then looked at me in the eyes. He had a smirk on his face.


“Nothing” I grunted at his childish behaviour.

Soon after Xavier made me warm up and we started our training session. 10 minutes into the session I was out of breath, I hadn’t worked out in such a long time so I was getting tired quickly.

My body ached but Xavier kept going. After an hour we stopped and I shouted in happiness.

“Finally” I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes. My body was covered in sweat I felt so gross.

“We’re not done yet. Take a 10 minute break and then we’ll start again”

“What...Xavier please I can’t, my body is giving up”

“Are you serious, I’m going easy on you and you can’t even do that”

I got up and glared him. He raised his eyebrow at me and then started to walk away.


I gasped when I heard what he said. That’s it. I walked beside him and he ignored me and so I stuck my foot out and he tripped over landing on his face.

“FUCK” His face hit the grass and laughter came out of my mouth. He gave me a cold look and then I knew I should run for my life.

I ran screaming around the field trying to get away from Xavier. I was going to run to hide behind Cole but I saw that Adam was talking to him, so I ran past them quickly and they turned around and looked at what was happening.

I ran not knowing where I was heading, I saw that there was huge pool in front of me and I stopped. I felt Xavier pick me up from behind.

“Gotcha” He was out of breath and so was I.

“Xavier let me go” He started to walk towards the pool and I screamed.

“Xavier don’t I’m serious...I can’t swim”


Before I knew it he threw me into the pool. I screamed when he let go off me. I fell to the bottom of the pool and started to panic. The pool was deep and my lungs started to ache. I heard Xavier’s laughter from above the pool and I tried to move up but I was panicking too much.

I felt someone grab me and pull me into the surface. My lungs screamed for air. I clung onto the person and tried to calm my breathing.

“You fucking idiot, she doesn’t know how to fucking swim. If someone says don’t throw me you don’t” I opened my eye and saw that Adam was holding me. His face was red with anger. His grip tightened on me as he spoke.

“Selena I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” Xavier’s eyes were filled with regret.

“It’s ok, you didn’t know”

Adam held me as he swam to get me out of the pool. I had my arms around his body in a tight grip. I was scared I would drown if I let go off him. My legs were wrapped around his waist. In that moment the sparks were setting my body on fire. I didn’t make eye contact with him but I knew he was looking at me.

Xavier held his hand out and he pulled me out. Adam got out behind me.

“Are you ok” I turned to look at Adam.

“Yeah...umm...thank you” Adam smiled at me and I returned the smile.

“I’m going to head inside and get changed” Xavier nodded his head.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“Its ok Giselle, I’ll be fine”

I walked away and I heard everyone talk.

“Adam you should go inside and get your bandages changed they are wet”

“Yeah I’ll go”

I started to walk quick because the last thing I wanted right now was to talk to him.

I went into my room and stepped back into the shower. I smelt really bad. I leaned my head on the shower wall and sighed.

Why is it so hard for me to stay mad at him? Why does he keep helping me? My head hurt because of all these thoughts. I scrubbed my body and washed my hair and let the water flow down my body.

I stepped out of the shower and changed into a long shirt. I dried my hair and laid on my bed. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

In this moment I missed my friends so much. I miss just goofing around them, tears pooled in my eyes because in this moment I realised that I was truly alone. No matter how much everyone says they love me it’s just not the same as my friends.

I blinked back the tears and took a deep breath.

Once this whole thing is over I’m going home because whether I complete the curse with my mate or not I will go home.

Thinking of my mate a weird desperate feeling bubbled inside of me. Honestly where the hell is the idiot, seeing everyone with their mates or their someone special kinda makes me want to have mine but at this point I would rather not know because with my history with guys it might end badly and I just want to leave this place as soon as I can.

I laid in my bed for hours and gladly no one interrupted me. I tried to sleep but my stomach kept annoying me. I had missed dinner because I didn’t want to go down, I just needed time to myself. I got out of the bed and walked into the hallway.

It was dark and quiet, I was thankful that everyone was sleeping. I walked slowly down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. I needed a cup of warm hot chocolate.

As I came nearer to the kitchen I saw that the light was on and I could hear voices.

“Lucy always cries at this time for milk and Liam doesn’t bother to get out of the bed, lazy ass”

I heard a deep laugh and as I walked in I saw Hailey walking around the kitchen, my eyes trailed to the other side and Adam was sitting on the table with a white tank top.

“Selena how long have you been standing there” Hailey’s voice brought me back to reality.

“Um I just got here”

I walked into the kitchen and awkwardly stood there.

“Can’t sleep?” I nodded my head at her.

“Take a seat near Adam I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate too”

I turned and walked towards him. I saw him looking at me, his eyes trailed down and stopped at my legs.

I realised that I was still in that long shirt that just about reached mid thigh. I avoided eye contact with him and went and sat down a few seats away from him.

“Are you ok Selena I heard what Xavier did”

“Yeah I’m ok, I just panicked a lot” From the corner of my eye I saw Adam make his hands into a fist.

“Xavier didn’t know and much to everyone’s shock he apologised which he never seems to do”

I let out a small laugh, Xavier seemed like the type not to apologise and so did Adam. Ughh why am I thinking about him.

“Here’s your hot chocolate” Hailey placed the cups in front of you.

“Im going to head upstairs before Lucy makes Liam cry” Me and Adam both laughed.

“Trust me that girl doesn’t be quiet until she gets what she wants.....anyways goodnight I’ll see you guys tomorrow” Hailey started to walk out the door but then she stopped.

“Selena, could I ask you a small favour”

“Yeah sure”

“Tomorrow me and Liam going for a small date and no one is going to be home to look after Lucy, could you please look after her in the evening. Just for a few hours”

“That’s totally fine, I would love to”

“Are you sure”

“Yes I’m totally sure; I used to babysit children all the time”

Hailey thanked me and then walked out the kitchen.

“You’ve never babysat kids before have you” I turned to the side to see Adam looking at me with a smile on his face.

“Never” We both started to laugh.

“Then why did you say yes”

“Well they both are trying to get some time alone and having a child around won’t be that romantic”

“Yeah you’re right the kid would be a major cock block, imagine them getting it on and Lucy starts to cry” I gasped at Adams face which looked pretty serious.

“Adam that’s gross, shut up” He started to laugh and I rolled my eyes at him.

“I’m serious though, like if I was try to have some sweet time with my girl I wouldn’t want a kid to cry when I’m about to get some”

Adam smirked at me when he said and I felt my face go red. I tried to cover it up with a disgusted look on my face.

“Adam seriously shut up” He raise his hands up and then drank his hot chocolate.

The silence between us wasn’t awkward at all. When we both finished, I took our mugs and washed them. I walked out of the kitchen with Adam behind me. I tiptoed quietly until I reached the hallway upstairs.

“Ughhh could you walk any slower” I quickly turned around and put my hand to his mouth.

“Shush you’ll wake someone up”

Adam didn’t reply but his eyes were intensely watching me. I didn’t move my hand from his mouth, I felt as if I was frozen. We both kept looking at each other and all you could hear was our breathing.

My mind finally came to its sense and I realised that I wasn’t going to let this happen again. I moved my hand away and moved back. My body went cold because his warmth was no longer there.

“Err....goodnight Adam”

“Goodnight Selena”

I walked away and I knew he was still standing there because I could hear his footsteps.

“Umm Selena” I turned around and Adam looked like he wanted to say something but then he shut his mouth.

“Nothing...night Amado” He smirked at me and I was frozen for half a second.

I walked quickly into my room and jumped on my bed. I slipped under the covers and my heart was still beating fast. All that I could see and hear in my mind was ‘night Amado’

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