Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Playing With Fire

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with my face buried in Adam’s neck. I pulled away to see him with eye’s open looking at the ceiling.

“Morning Amado” I stretched and make a weird sound as if I were some dinosaur.

“Morning” Adam laughed at me before getting out of the bed to go to the bathroom. Once he came out I went in and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I walked out to find him back in bed. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smirked.

“Adam, get out of the bed.” He ignored me and closed his eyes.

“Adam come on we have to go downstairs” He opened one eye and then closed it.

“Fine you leave me no choice” I walked to the bed and pulled the covers away from him as hard as I could. The covers fell on the ground leaving him cold.

“You shouldn’t have done that Amado” I squealed as he jumped up and ran after me. I ran around the room trying to get away from him.

I felt two arms grab me from behind and lift me up. I screamed as Adam grabbed me and threw me on the bed.

“Adam...” I warned him as he came close to me with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Don’t come any closer Adam” I moved to the other side only to have him drag me back by my foot.

Adam moved onto the bed so he was hovering above the bed.

“Silly mistake you made there Amado, taking the covers off me. All I wanted was to spend more time with you in bed” My cheeks burned when I heard him say that.

He kissed my jaw making me close my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

“We can still do that” I said it as a whisper with a innocent smile.

“Not anymore Amado” Before I knew it he started to tickle me. I tried to move around but couldn’t.

His lower half was fully on mine making it hard for me to move. As much as our position made me blush and made my feelings on a high.

I knew he wasn’t going to stop tickling me any time soon so I started to scream as if I were in pain.

“Owww Adam stop, owww you hurt me” I tried not to laugh but Adam soon stopped and moved back.

“Shit” He gave me room to sit up. I tried not to laugh as I made my plan to escape.

“Amado, I’m sorry where are you hurt” He looked concerned and I felt guilty but I still carried on.

“I’m hurt...here” I pushed him off the bed with all my strength and made a run for the door. I heard him swear as I ran towards the stairs laughing like a madwoman.

I walked in to see everyone having breakfast, I went and sat beside Chloe.

“What the hell was all that noise”

“Nothing” I smirked as I started to eat my breakfast.


I walked onto the field towards Xavier to start our training session. During breakfast we dicussed what we had to do to defeat Draco.

Since we don’t know under what circumstances we may meet him, we are only preparing. Which includes intense training sessions with Xavier and getting all my spells right.

The prophecy doesn’t state exactly how to kill him so we just have to figure it out and hope for the best.

Xavier and I started to warm up and were ready for our session. He was teaching me how to get out of someone’s hold. So if Draco were to grab me from the back, I should be able to get out of it.

Xavier was talking to me and he caught me off guard by grabbing my hand and spinning me around so I had my back to him.

“Rule one, never take your eyes of your opponent. Now try to get out of my hold” I struggled and I couldn’t get out.

I sighed and leaned my head on him. Xavier started to laugh and I moved my head to the side so I could see his face.

“What’s so funny”

“Looks like your mate is getting kind of jealous” I frowned at Xavier before turning around to see Adam on the other side with a glare on his face. I started to laugh and then an evil plan formed in my head. I turned to Xavier with a grin on my face.

“I say lets have a little fun with his jealousy” I needed to get revenge for the little stunt he pulled this morning.

“Yeah, I don’t think so, I don’t need him killing me right now”

“Oh come on Xav its going to be funny....please” I gave him the puppy eye look and then he sighed.

“Fine what do you want me to do”

“Just follow my lead”

I knew I was playing with fire here, but it was funny seeing this side of Adam and I was certainly going to have fun with it.

Xavier still had me in his hold and he showed me how to get out of it. He then gripped me in his hold again and this time I decided to be flirty about it.

“Oh, damn Xavier aren’t you strong” Xavier smirked at me and spun me around.

I put my arms around him and smiled at him because now Adam couldn’t see my face while I was talking, which worked in my favour because I was silently laughing.

“Well what can I say” Xavier smirked at me and pulled me closer to him.

“He is fucking fuming Lena” Xavier whispered in my ear and I burst out laughing. I laughed extra loud so he could hear me.

“You’re so funny Xav” We carried on flirting and messing around until Xavier bend down and whispered that he was coming towards us.

Next thing you know I was pulled away from Xavier and into a hard chest, I could feel Adams heart beating so fast that it scared me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my mate” Adam held Xaviers neck and I was quick to jump in and pull him away.

“Adam...Adam leave him” I managed to pull him away from Xavier.

“Adam I was just messing with you. Its not Xavier’s fault” Adam turned to me with an annoyed look and I sighed.

Xavier walked away leaving me alone with Adam.

“What the hell was that Amado” He seemed pissed which means my plan worked.

“I was just training with Xavier until I smelt a bit of jealousy” I smirked at him and Adams cheeks from the side started to turn slightly pink. Awww he’s so cute.

He cleared his throat and raised his eyebrow “Jealous me, pfft Amado I think you need to get your eyes checked”

“Oh so you weren’t jealous when I was flirting with Xavier, or putting my arms around him. Ugh his arms are so strong and muscl-” I didn’t finish of my sentence because Adam put his hand over my mouth silencing me.

I gave him a look and he sighed.

“Fine Amado I was jealous, there ya happy, I got jealous when I saw my mate touching another guy” I laughed and pulled him into a hug.

“Awww Adam you’re so cute when you’re jealous, but I would feel the same if I saw you touching another girl, maybe I’d rip off an arm or two” He pulled away laughing.

“Wow Amado and I thought I had violence issues” I hit him and he laughed at me, while pulling me closer.

“But never do that again Amado, because playing with fire is a dangerous game” The evil glint in his eye made me swallow hard. Here he is giving me a warning but all I’m focused on is how good he looks. I nodded my head and looked at him.

Adam started to move closer to my face and my heart was beating so fast I’m sure it would come flying out. I moved my head closer and closed my eyes as I felt Adam’s breath on my lips.

“LENAAAA” my eyes snapped opened and I saw Adams open with anger in them.

Our head turned to the voice who interrupted our moment. Giselle.

“In case you forgot we have a magic lesson” I looked at Giselle and then realised that I was going to be learning a whole load of spells.

“I didn’t forget”

“Uh sure you didn’t, you both seem too busy making gooey eyes out here to remember anything let alone our lesson”

“Shut up Giselle, there’s no need to make gooey eyes out here, when we can actually-” I didn’t let him finish that sentence because I elbowed him.

“Too much information Adam keep it to yourself, I don’t need to hear about it”

“Well if it bothers you that much you should leave because we were in the middle of something”

Adam turned towards me with a cheeky smile and he pulled me to his chest, he did it so fast I barely had time to register it.

“Now where we were” I gulped when Adam moved his lips closer to mine.

“WE were getting the fuck away from a horny guy” Giselle pulled me away from Adam who looked annoyed.

We both ran away laughing, I turned back to see Adam still standing there watching me. I blew a kiss at him and he winked at me making me laugh.

Me and Giselle got inside and she didn’t give me time to rest and we started to learn the spells. It was hard because most of the ones used to fight were all about mind control and I was still scared to use my powers. After 2 hours I managed to feel more confident and we were making good progress.

I channelled all my anger for Draco into what I was doing and it helped me a lot.

“Damn Selena you’ve done well, at this rate we’ll be ready in no time to kick Draco’s ass” I laughed at Giselle as we both collapsed on the bed.

“I hope so”


The rest of the week went on like this, my day begun with an intense training session with both Xavier and Adam. After that little jealousy incident Adam occasionally decides to drop in while I’m training. It makes me laugh because he looks so cute when he is jealous. Then I usually learn spells with Giselle for a few hours and then rest, have dinner and go bed. By the time I get to bed I’m knackered.

Today was Saturday and I was planning on staying in bed longer. I came to bed way earlier than Adam so when I woke up to see him sleeping it made me smile. I leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead. I started to play with his hair and right now everything felt as if we were a normal couple with a normal life. But sadly reality sucks.

“Why’d you stop” I looked confused down at Adam who was giving me a pout.

“What?” He grabbed my hand and put it on his head making me laugh. I rolled my eyes at him before stroking his hair.

“Happy” He laughed before he flipped over me.


“Well aren’t you in quite the mood this morning” I looked up at him taking in his appearance.

His morning voice along with his dishevelled hair made him look so amazing.

“You could say that, I woke up beside my beautiful mate what else do I need” He winked at me making me blush.

I moved closer and kissed him. Adam is everything I could have asked for, he makes me laugh, protects me with his life and best of all he is an amazing person inside out. The kiss was slow but Adam turned it passionate. It made me smile because he always shows his affection for me through his actions and it’s the most amazing thing ever.

I moved up and pushed Adam down so I was on top. It was a bold move but I wanted to show Adam how much he meant to me. We barely got time alone and when we do I want to cherish all of it.

I kissed his jaw and his hold on me tightened. I looked at him before kissing him on his lips once more before laying my head on his chest.

“Amado, you have no idea how amazing you are and how lucky I am to have you” I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

“Adam, I’m the lucky one here. You’ve done nothing but treat me well and protect me with your life. Just promise me that once this all is over, we can actually spend time together like a normal couple.”

“Amado once this blows over we are going to be doing more than just spending time together” I gasped as he smirked at me before kissing me, it was a weird kiss because we both kept smiling. I hugged Adam close to me and he relaxed under me.

We both laid in bed talking about what we would once this was all over. Adam had to drop his sexual jokes in every now and then making me laugh.

“We can have all the time in the world and I can take you out on dates and have my way with you at the end of the night” This made me burst out laughing and he raised his eyebrow at me.

“Oh really?”

“Yes really and Amado you will gladly let me” He winked at me making me get a pillow and hit him.

“You are so dirty minded Adam” I sat up as he caught the pillow.

“You love it though” I stuck my tongue at him making him laugh.

“You are so delusional” I moved away from him to the other side of the bed.

“Oh yeah”

“Yup” Next thing I knew Adam moved close to me and pinned me down.

And well after that you guessed it, we had a intense make out session.


I was sitting down with my friends in front of the T.V watching Vampire Diaries.

“Ughh why is Stefan so cute”

“Are you dumb Jade, Damon is way hotter”

“Err don’t you have a boyfriend Chloe” Ash looked at Chloe with a disappointed mum look.

“Errr don’t you have something better to do ugly” Chloe mocked Ash who got annoyed and threw popcorn at him.

“Guys cut it out” I tried to stop them but they carried on, I looked at Jacob for help but he just put his up and laughed. I scowled at him, before snatching the popcorn from Chloe and Ash.

Just as I was about to sit down I heard a loud cry, it made all of us look in the direction of the door.

“Who the hell cries like that” Ash sniggered as Jacob joined in with him. I gave them a stern look before getting up and making my way to the hallway.

Regina was bawling her eyes out while hugging Adam. I felt kind of annoyed that she was clinging onto him for dear life but I had to overlook that since she was crying.

“Regina...is everything ok”

“No” She started to cry again and hugged Adam who looked worried.

“Dante and her were attacked, but sadly Dante took most of it and is in serious condition” Xavier explained it looking worried. The attacks were becoming more frequent which scared me.

Even though I hated the annoying old guy, he was attacked and that worried me.

“My dad can barely breathe, serious is an understatement” Dad ?!?!

I looked at Adam who confirmed what I heard. So she was his daughter...wow that explains a lot.

Xavier called someone to take her inside to a spare room. Adam came and stood beside me giving me a smile which I returned.

“So is she like staying here” I turned to see Jade with a look of disgust.

“Unfortunately yes, her father requested that she stay here under my protection” Great.

“Well that’s fucking great” Chloe made us all snigger but I covered it up.

I sighed while leaning my head on Adam, she was the last person I wanted to see but what can I do.

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