Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter I Love You

Selena’s P.O.V

My brain was aching so much, but I had to complete the spell. Ever since hearing that Dante was attacked it scared me because he was powerful in the sense that he knew dark magic and to see him get attacked has scared me so much.

“Can we please stop Giselle” I laid down on the floor and Giselle sighed, we had been working on spells for two hours now and to Giselle it still wasn’t enough.

“Fine, but only because you’ve been making good progress” Giselle had been helping me perfect my spells and I’m so glad for her help.

“Cole was telling me that they found someone from the witch’s family and she has agreed to come here and help us” Giselle had caught my attention when she mentioned the witch. I propped myself up and gave her my full attention.

None of us were sure fully about the prophecy and how to kill Draco. So the boys had searched along with my grandma to find the witch who was present at the time when the prophecy was created. Sadly that witch had died but now they have found her family and they may be able to help us.

Killing Draco wont be an easy task, he is one of the creators of this supernatural world so taking him down will be hard.

“Don’t worry Lena, once we find out how to kill Draco we will work on it and we’ll all be behind you when this all goes down” I nodded my head at Giselle.

We both got up to leave from the room and when we headed out we bumped into Regina.

“Wow, you look a mess...I mean that shows...that training must have been intense” Regina gave me a fake smile to which I returned the exact same.

She walked away from us and compared to yesterday she was doing pretty well considering the fact that her dad was in critical condition.

“That bitch, I hate her so much, she just makes me want to strangle her. Ughhh I cannot stand that girl” I had to hold Giselle back so she doesn’t attack Regina. So far out of everyone she has made it quite obvious that she hates having her stay with us.

We both headed downstairs to the garden, everyone was just sitting around talking. Giselle ran and sat near Cole who put his arm around her waist. How cute.

I went and sat down beside Jacob and Jade.

“Well its going to suck but we’ll have to” I looked at Chloe confused and she sighed.

“In case you forgot its almost time for us to go back home” I completely forgot that they had to go back.

“Do you guys have to go back” I gave them the puppy eyes and Jade put her arm around my neck playful.

“Those puppy eyes ain’t gonna work and sadly we have to go back” I let out a childish sound trying to show that I don’t want them to go back.

Having my friends around made me feel so much at home and it just brought some normality back into my life. It sucked that they have to go back, but I can’t stop them from going back.

Everyone was talking, having fun until Regina walked towards us. She had a smug look on her face. I mean I was kind of shocked because before when we were in the ‘other world’ she was nice to me but here she is completely different. I brushed it off and gave her a small smile. She went and sat down beside Ash.

“Soooo what’s everyone talking about”

“Nothing” Chloe gave her the stink eye and turned her head back to us. I tried to hold in my laughter because Regina’s face right now was pretty hilarious.

The whole atmosphere turned pretty awkward and I was just looking at the sky, but two voices caught my attention. I turned my head and saw Xavier and Adam walking towards us.

Both men had power radiating of them, you could tell they both were full of authority. My heart started to beat faster when Adam gave me a small wink.

“Lover boy alert” Jade sang in my ear making me blush. I looked up and saw Regina giving me a nasty look but it went so quick, it was as if she didn’t even make a face. She brushed it off with a innocent smile.

Everyone got up and I brushed myself from the back in case I had grass on me. Xavier walked off towards Ash and Jacob.

“Boo” I jumped slightly, before turning around and giving Adam a dirty look.

“A simple hello would have been just fine”

“And how would that be fun” I rolled my eyes at him.

“How was the session with Giselle” I groaned just thinking about it, but I’m in no position to complain because I need all the help I can get. I turned around and looked up at Adam.

“I take from that response that you didn’t like it much” He chuckled making me smile with him.

“It was just mentally exhausting that’s all. I’m just stressed about everything and concentrating on the spells is so hard” I groaned and leaned my head on Adams chest in a lazy way.

“I know you don’t like it but trust me in the end it will be worth it when you defeat Draco and set everything right” I just hope I don’t let anyone down, everyone is depending on me and I have no idea how I’m going to fulfil this prophecy.

I moved back to put space between us but Adam had other plans, he pulled me in for a hug and wouldn’t let go off me.

“Erm...Adam you can let go now”

“Um...I don’t think so” Everyone turned around and they were watching us. My friends started to make kissy sound making me blush but for Adam it just gave him a confidence boost. He lifted me up bridal style and started to head inside.

“Put...me...down...Adam everyone’s watching” He smirked at me and I glared at him.

“Let them” I just gave up and let him take me inside.

Once we got inside he set me down on my feet and winked at me. I glared at him making him laugh. I wasn’t really mad at him, I’m just not a fan of PDA even though it was hugging. I get embarrassed quickly and since our relationship is new I get embarrassed when Adam gets all lovey dovey in front of everyone. I mean I love it but not in front of my friends who will potentially tease me for the rest of my life.

“What are you thinking about” Adam snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned around with a smirk.

“Nothing really just remembered someone” I let out a long sigh and he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Who? anyone special”

“Just this person I knew once, he really was an amazing person” I felt mean for teasing him but it was funny to see him jealous side surface.

“He ?!?!” Adams voice changed and on the inside I was dying of laughter.

“Yes, he really changed me you know. I was so innocent before I met him but then he showed me things I had never seen or done before” The expressions on Adams kept changing from curious to jealous to angry.

“What things” At this point he was just jealous, my friends were all watching also trying not to burst into laughter.

“Well I can’t speak about these things out loud...you know...but they are in the past now” I sighed which made Adam more suspicious. Chloe walked towards me with a smirk and I knew exactly that she will play along.

“Awww Lena, you need to stop thinking about the good things that happened with him. You have a new guy now.” I died at good things she made sure he knew it had a double meaning behind it.

“Who the hell is this guy you’re talking about?” Adam was pretty jealous and this point and he wasn’t even being subtle about it anymore.

“Just a special someone who you know made little Lena’s world so amazing”

“What?” His face right now was priceless. Me and Chloe both looked each other and burst out laughing making Adam more confused than he ever was.

“Ah lover boy you get jealous pretty quick you know” Adam glared at Chloe who ran off laughing with the rest, leaving me alone with Adam.

“Care to explain” He raised his eyebrow at me and I tried to keep a straight face but failed.

“I couldn’t help myself I’m sorry. Your reactions are priceless” I burst out laughing and Adam started to walk away.

I quickly ran behind him and pulled him into a hug.

“I thought you were embarassed to hug me” I rolled my eyes at the drama queen before he turned towards me.

“Well in front of everyone I get kinda shy but since no one is around...” Adam rolled his eyes before kissing my forehead.

“Now do you want to explain to me how he made ‘your world amazing’” He is still jealous and it was honestly the cutest thing ever.

“Well you know, what else makes someone’s world ‘amazing’” I smirked at him and he groaned.

“Once this is all over I’ll make your world more amazing than he could” I looked up at him and smiled.

“There’s no need for that” He looked at me confused and I could already feel my heart beating fast.

“Because since the day you walked into my life, you made my world complete and that’s all I ever needed” Adam smiled and pulled me into the best hug ever. His smile made my heart soar with happiness. He slowly made his way into my heart and there’s no way in hell I’m letting him think that he hasn’t made me happy.


I was helping with dinner today the girls and me thought it would be a fun thing to do together while the rest of the pack members take a rest. It was weird that they always had dinner separate from us but then again this place was always chaotic. Some trained while we ate, while others were resting. The atmosphere of this place was very energetic and everyone was so friendly, so I know that once this is over it will be hard to leave.

I took the plates and put them on the table and I didn’t miss the look Adam gave me before I headed back to the kitchen. He was pretty annoyed I made it up to make him jealous but he got over it soon.

Once everything was set on the table me and the girls headed to sit down. Giselle went and sat beside and I was going to sit beside Adam as he saved me a seat. As I walked towards the seat, a certain someone decided to show up. Regina avoided eye contact with me as she went and sat in the seat beside Adam. While she sat down she brushed her hand very slowly on Adam as she sat.

His body tensed making me smile slightly, he looked at her to tell her to move but I signalled him not to. I didn’t want any unnecessary drama at dinner. I went and sat on the other side of the table with Hailey. I put food for myself and started to eat.

From the corner of my eye someone’s hand grabbed my food and when I turned I saw Adam sitting with a smirk on his face.

“Oh were you going to eat that” I rolled my eyes at him before laughing.

“As a matter of fact I was”

“Sorry” I winced because he spoke with mouth full, I nudged him before giving him a stern look.

“Eww don’t talk with your mouth full its disgusting”

“Oh so I’m disgusting now” I nodded at him and he made a face to show that I hurt his feelings.

“You don’t seem think its disgusting when you kiss me” I could instantly feel my cheeks burn and I hit him on his side.

“Shut up Adam” I out my head down and from the side I heard Hailey laugh whom I glared at and she laughed back at me.

“He got you good Selena” I groaned when Hailey started to tease me.

The rest of dinner was full of teasing and torment from both Adam and Hailey.


The next morning I woke up to an empty space beside me. I sat up and looked around for Adam who was nowhere in sight. I got up and looked on the bedside table which had a little note.

Morning Amado,

I had to go out for important with Xavier and Cole. But I will try to be back soon if not I’ll see you later for our date.

I know this isn’t the perfect timing to go on dates but I honestly don’t give a fuck, I wanna spend some time with you and tonight is the perfect opportunity.

p.s I have a dress I picked out for you to wear for our date tonight.


I squealed and did a happy dance when I read that we were going on our second date. I felt like a little girl who just got asked out by her crush. I ran towards the end of the bed where a box was placed with a red rose on. I picked up the rose and inhaled its scent. It made me feel all giddy inside and made me feel somewhat closer to him.

I opened the box and inside it was a red dress. I held it up and it was absolutely beautiful, the material of it was so soft that I couldn’t help but hold it close to myself.

I put the dress down and got ready for the day.

Once I had trained outside with a member of the pack, I had my session with Giselle. I put my all into the session and I was improving a lot.

“Damn Lena, you’re doing amazing today and you didn’t even complain once. What’s the occasion” Giselle looked at me while she wiggled her eyebrows which made me laugh. I sat down beside her and tried to hide my smile.

“Nothing” She gave me a flat looked to which I grinned.

“Adam’s taking me out on a date tonight” As soon as those words left my Giselle screamed. I quickly covered her mouth and my door flew opened with my 4 friends looking like crazy lunatics.

“What happened?” I rolled my eyes before getting up.

“Adam is taking Selena on a date tonight” This was followed by two loud screams and then I was attacked by Chloe and Jade.

“Why the fuck do you girls feel that its necessary to scream at stupid things” Jacob was giving us dirty looks but I don’t blame him because these girls have screamed as if someone was being murdered.

“Erm...did you uh...call this date stupid...Jacob” Jade did a fake little laugh to add to her already creepy aura, which worked well because Jacob looked kind of scared. He gulped and then laughed hesitantly.

“What...no... what I meant was...that...you screamed as if you got attacked and it scared us because of the whole Draco situation so I got slightly angry when I found out it was over a date...which by the way isn’t stupid...its...uh great, amazing”

I tried not to burst out laughing at Jacobs lame cover up of calling this date stupid. Which by the way slightly hurt me but not that much, I mean he’s Jacob so it was kinda expected.

Jade believed it and let it go before giving me a lecture about the date and then after that we headed downstairs to grab something to eat before I started to get ready. Which by the way can I add my date is in 3 hours, yet my friends think it’s necessary to get right now. I can’t complain though because my friends will help me look presentable from the potato I look like right now.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. When I turned around I saw Regina sitting on a chair, I smiled at her and she gave me a genuine smile back.

“So uh how is your dad have you heard anything about him” She looked a bit surprised that I asked about her dad. But her expression turned slightly hateful.

“Well he is ok I guess, he was attacked pretty bad which wouldn’t have happened if circumstances were different and certain things didn’t happen” There it was, I knew at one point she would blame me for this.

“I’m sorry Regina about your dad I really am” She rolled her eyes at me and turned the other way. Talk about awkward, I started to look around until I heard Regina clear her throat, which made me turn and look at her.

“So I heard you and Adam are going on a date” Wow news gets around fast.

“Uh yeah we are” This conversation had taken a pretty awkward turn like she was his ex for crying out loud.

“Its weird how he’s changed so much since he’s met you” I smiled at the thought.

“Before he used to just get straight to it, if you know what I mean” She did a fake little laugh that made me uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as her comment.

“Adam’s good at sweet talk, he tells you how beautiful you are and then makes you feel all special. But he does that with everyone. When him and me were together it was just a wild relationship, always having a great time” She winked at me, making me feel slightly sick. I knew she was trying to get under my skin by saying these things about Adam and I wasn’t going to let it get to me.

“I was kind of shocked when he actually stuck beside you, seeing that you know, you’re not like his usual choices....experienced and good looking” Ok I was done here. I got up to leave.

“As much as I would love to carry on this conversation I have a date with ‘my mate’ to get ready for” I made sure to emphasis ‘my mate’.

I walked out of their fuming, I get that I’m nothing like Adams choices from before, beautiful experienced but I’m his mate and that’s honestly all that matters to me. I cant help but feel slightly insecure, like I know I shouldn’t let her words get to me but can you blame me. My mate is a frickin prince who probably dated the most beautiful girls and I’m just a teenager whose life is a mess.

“What with the dull face” I didn’t realise that I was already in my room and I looked up to see Chloe standing infront of me.

“Nothing...just thinking about something” I let a deep breath and gave a smile to my friends.

“Ooooo bet she is thinking about how her and Adam will get down and dirty tonight”

“JADE, can you not” I put my hands over my face because I could feel it heating up.

“Awww she’s getting all shy just thinking about how Adam is going to make her feel” The girls all started to laugh at what Chloe said while I groaned.

After the teasing they finally decided to help me get dressed. Since the dress was red we went for a very simple elegant look. My skin was very glowy with a bold red lip and a bold wing.

“Since we all know ya’ll gon be kissing its our safe bet to use a liquid lipstick” I glared at Giselle and she just winked back at me in return.

Once I was done getting ready, I went to the bathroom and put on my red dress. It felt so soft on my skin and it hugged my body. It reached just above my knee’s and it was sleeveless. I slipped on my heels and walked out.

“AAAHHH” Jade came running to me and hugged me, making everyone burst out laughing.

“My baby looks so good, your man has great taste” I rolled my eyes at her trying to hid the fact that I was completely over the moon.

I walked towards the mirror and smiled. My hair was in curls which were loose and the makeup looked amazing and the dress it look beautiful.

“Lets head down, Adam rang saying he should be here soon” I nodded my head and followed the girls down the stairs.

When we got down the boys were sitting down playing with Lucy and they turned around when we walked in.

“Damn Lena” Ash winked at me, making me laugh. We sat down a bit and were all talking until we heard the door ring. Hailey went to answer it and we all heard her laughing so we went to see.

I literally stopped breathing for half a second. Adam was standing at the door in dressed smartly and his hair was messy yet good looking. He had a red tie on to match my dress. When he saw me, I saw his eyes widen but he quickly covered it making me laugh. I walked towards him and my heart was beating so fast. When I went near him he took my hand and kissed it.

“AWWWWWWW I think I’m going to die” Jade was squealing in the back which made us all laugh. Adam laughed and I couldn’t help but just be mesmerised. He moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

“You look really beautiful Amado” I blushed and calmed myself down before replying back to him.

“You don’t look to bad yourself” He let out a laugh before bringing his other hand in front. He held a red rose and his cheeks went slightly pink making me laugh. He gave me the rose and I smelt it and boy it smell so good.

“Thank you” He winked at me and then we both said bye to everyone and went to the car. He opened the door for me and I sat inside first followed by him.


“So where are we going” I turned to him and he shook his head.

“No can tell Amado, its called a surprise for a reason” I groaned making him laughing.

“Patience Amado, patience” I frowned at him which made him laugh. We both spoke about random things until the car stopped.

“Now close your eyes Amado” I nodded my head and closed my eyes. Adam led me out of the car and I felt a cool breeze and I could hear the sound of water surrounding us.

“Where are we”

“Just a second and you’ll see” we walked a bit and then Adam stopped. He let go of my hands and I panicked.

“Open your eyes” Adams breath was on my neck, giving me goosebumps all over my body.

I opened my eyes to see a yacht covered in what looked like fairy lights and since the sky was starting to get dark the whole view looked magical. I turned around and hugged Adam who had a huge smile on his face.

“Adam this is so amazing, thank you” We pulled away and he kissed my forehead.

I’m glad you liked it...shall we” He held his arm out for me and I linked my arm with his hand and we both walked towards the yacht. Once we both got on it started to move and the first thing I saw was the little table set up with lights all around it. I was honestly so gobsmacked, just when I thought the last date was amazing he out did himself on this one.

“I have no words for how amazing you are Adam. Thank you” He smiled and his dimples literally took the life out of me. He held my hand and we walked towards the table. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. Our food was brought to us and it was all my favourite foods.

“So how was your day...must have been pretty lonely without me” Adam smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“It was actually not that bad” I remembered what Regina had said to me earlier on and I tried to push her annoying voice out of my head but I couldn’t.

“Whats wrong Amado” Adam stopped eating and looked at me concerned.

“Nothing, just daydreaming” I brushed it off with a nervous laugh.

“Amado you don’t have to daydream about me...I’m right here” He winked at me and I threw a bunch of pea’s at him which hit him in the face. He gave me the puppy eyes and I nearly felt bad for him but I had great self control so I didnt give in.

“Get over it you big baby” I laughed at his expression, his attempt at looking sad was pretty hilarious.

“Glad my hurt amuses you Amado”

“You are so dramatic Adam get over yourself” He soon joined in with me and we both were just laughing and he stopped after a while and I saw him staring.

“What” I looked at him confused and he smiled at me.

“Nothing, you just look really beautiful when you’re all carefree and happy” I blushed and looked around. Whenever he compliments me I get all shy and can’t look him in the eye.

Once we had finished our food Adam led to the end of the yacht. The wind was blowing softly and the sky was a deep blue colour. Everything look so peaceful and beautiful. We both watched the water crashing against the yatch. I felt Adam come behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. Everything in this moment was more than a dream come true for me. The soft music in the background playing made the moment even more beautiful.

“Do you want to dance Amado” I nodded my head and turned around. We both slow danced surrounded by the beautiful sky and water. Adam spun me out and then pulled me in. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath on my face.

Soon after I felt kiss me and it was full of passion. He pulled me closer and I felt like I was going to explode from all the emotions I could feel right now. Adam picked me up bridal style and carried me to the other side of the yacht where a cute little bed area was made. I took off my shoes and went sat on it.

Adam sat beside me and I snuggled into his touch. He pulled away from me and held my hands.

“Selena, I brought you here today because I want to tell you something. Ever since you’ve stepped into my life you’ve brought nothing but pure happiness, you’ve made me a better man and you’re the best thing that has ever happend to me. Just hearing you laugh is enough to drive me crazy, everything about you is perfect your smile, your laugh and the fact that no matter what happens to you, you always pull through stronger”

I was speechless, Adam just poured his heart out to me and it was the most special thing ever. I felt tears prick my eyes as I started to talk.

“Adam, you are so sweet. I don’t know what I ever did to get a mate like you, you always have put my life before your’s. Since you’ve walked in my life all I’ve felt is love and happiness. You always take my breath away and I feel like I’m in heaven everytime I’m around you. You never fail to make me laugh, you make me feel like I’m in a fairytale. I always thank god for you because I can’t imagine life without you. You are the most perfect man, you protect everyone and have the biggest heart ever.

Adam...I love you”

I said it, something I had felt ever since Adam and I got close. Adam was my first true love, something I had never felt before.

“Amado, you have no idea what it feels like to hear those words from you. I love Selena. I love you so much” I laughed through my tears as Adam shouted ‘I love you’ like a mad man.

He pulled me close and kissed me. This kiss was just full of so much love and both of us were trying to show that. Adam laid me down and carried on kissing me.

Soon after one thing led to another and well you can guess what happend. The night ended in the most perfect way ever.

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