Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Prophecy

Selena’s P.O.V

We both headed home the next morning and I couldn’t help but feel so much happier. Me and Adam spoke the whole night after that and I felt more close to him emotionally.

He told me that now that we had mated our bond was stronger and we would have the ability to feel each other’s pain and see what they are seeing through their eyes. The bond brought us closer and I still feel like all of this is a dream.

Everything is so perfect, after last night it felt as if we were a normal couple who didn’t have the weight of the world on their shoulders. It wasn’t Prince Adam and Selena the saviour.

It was just Adam and Selena.

Adam opened the door of the car for me when we arrived back at Xavier’s pack house and I took his hand and stepped out of the car. He pulled me in a hug and kissed the top of my head, I hugged him tightly.

“Ughhh I hate coming back to reality” I groaned as Adam laughed.

“Well Amado after all this ends, our reality will change for the better and I hope its going to be a lot like last night” I looked up at him to see him smirking and I blushed.

“Come on let’s head inside” Adam spoke to me in a tone which was definitely filled with mischief. We both headed inside hoping no one would notice our presence but boy were we wrong.

“NO FUCKING WAY” We heard a scream which made us turn our heads to the side.

The source of the voice was none other than my best friend Jade. Chloe came behind her and screamed when she saw us. They both ran towards us and they pulled me away from Adam.

“Lena you sneaky little cow” Chloe winked at me making Adam laugh. I got pulled away from Adam and up the stairs.

I mouthed to him ‘help me’ and he shook his head before mouthing ‘have fun’ I glared at him. We went into my room and Giselle had now joined us.

“Spill the details now” I got pushed on the bed as they waited for me to tell. I told them about the amazing date, the dancing and obviously about what happened when the night ended but I didn’t go into much detail.

“OH MY DAYS” Jade tackled me, hugging me tightly.

“I’m so happy for you Lena”

“Me too Lena, pretty boy is for sure your soul mate, I mean just by the way he looks at you is just amazing” Chloe had tears in her eyes making me laugh. I pulled her in for a hug, but we heard someone clear their throat.

“Erm forgetting someone” Giselle frowned at me which made me roll my eyes.

“How could we forget you Giselle” I pulled her into the group hug and we all started to scream.

We all stayed upstairs for a while and I showered and got changed into a cream dress. It was appropriate for the sunny weather and also because we were meeting the witch today. Everyone was eager to find out on how we can kill Draco, since it was a very important prophecy it wont be easy to take him down.

But after today we will have our answers.

We headed downstairs and the boys were nowhere to be seen, the girls went to look for them while I sat down inside with Lucy. I hadn’t had a chance to play with her in a while so I took her from Hailey who was running some errands.

“Hiya baby, look at you, you’ve gone so big” Lucy giggled and I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“Well look who it is” I looked up to see Regina standing in the door with a sour look on her face. I ignored her and carried on playing with Lucy.

“So I saw the little walk of shame this morning” She spoke to me in a very smug tone as she sat down across me.

“We went on a date last night and lost track of time. That’s all. Besides we are mates so technically it isn’t a walk of shame”

“Wow all of that confidence from just one night with him” This cow is asking to be slapped at this point.

“Regina whatever me and Adam do is none of your business, and I’m not being ‘confident’ I’m stating the facts”

“Well whatever it was I’m sure you enjoyed your date, because Adam really knows how to make a girls night” She winked at me and I wanted to throw up, I really didn’t want to know what they used to do.

“We used always have moments and Adam is damn skilled at fufilling a girls needs.” The look of lust in her eyes and in her tone was making me slightly uncomfortable.

“I’m sure he was waiting for this night for a long time. I remember when he first found out you were mates and he was over the moon that he found you. That’s when our relationship started going downhill and when we came to your world and the closer he got to you, the more further away he went from me”

Wait what?

Did she just say that Adam knew we were mates since he saw me.

“What do you mean, since the day he saw me he knew we were mates. We only found out on his birthday” Regina looked at me with shock on her face, which I’m sure she faked.

“Oh, you don’t know. I think I should um go” She got up and I quickly stopped her.

“What don’t I know?”

“I can’t tell you”

“Regina stop beating around the bush and tell me” She sat back down and sighed.

“Well Adam technically knew you were mates 4 years before he met you. Those nightmares you were having were out of control so Adam had stepped in to check what was going on at the time. He was 20 and hadn’t found his mate, so when he came to your house he found out you were mates, he was over the moon.

He helped take away your nightmares and then when he came here he found every excuse to stay close to you because of the bond”

So this whole time Adam knew we were mates and he didn’t even bother mentioning it me. Not even when I asked him the night I found out I was a wizard. He knew I was his soul mate when Colton raped me and he didn’t tell me.

I calmed down because since this was coming from Regina’s mouth it could have been twisted.

“I felt bad because we were still dating when he found out you were mates and we broke up the day after his birthday this year” I got up and put Lucy in her little bed that was in the corner of the room.

I stormed out of the room and headed outside for fresh air because all these emotions were running through me. Adam knew we were mates for more than 4 years. 4 bloody years. Why didn’t he tell me this. Was he even going to tell me about this whole thing.

“Selena” I turned around to see Xavier who pulled me into a hug. I didn’t let go off him because I could use a comforting hug right now.

“You ok there?” Xaviers tone was kind of cautious and I just nodded my head before pulling away.

“Well I just came here to let you know that we are going to meet the witch today. So hopefully we will have some answers”

“I thought she was coming here” I remember Giselle telling me she was going to come here.

“Well she was but for our safety and her’s we thought it would be better if we go to her place. The less people know about our pack house the better” I nodded my head and Xavier before speaking.

“I’m just nervous about whatever the witch is going to say, I mean being the ‘saviour’ will come with sacrifices, that I have no idea about” I groaned as Xavier put an arm around me as we headed inside.

“Whatever the witch says, we will 100% be behind you and protect you from Draco” I looked up at Xavier and smiled.

“Thank Xav” He winked at me and making me laugh.

Xavier went and called some of the pack members who were going to be going with us as security incase anything does happen. Everyone was starting to gather in the hallway ready to go. As I watched everyone come I got pulled into a hug from the back.

“Hello Amado” Adam whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps all over. I leaned into him and it comforted me from all the rubbish Regina said.

“I don’t know why I’m so anxious about meeting the witch, I have a really horrible gut feeling”

“I’m going to be with you and so is everyone else, don’t be nervous, no matter what she says I’m going to be there with you” I nodded my head as he kissed the side of my head.

We all headed outside towards the big car and I sat down beside Adam, I looked outside the window, watching as the view changed from woods to the city. The boys were talking about something which I tuned out of way before the car even started. The car into a little dark road and it was giving me creepy vibes. Before I knew it the car came to a stop and we had to get out.

Adam held the door open for me and I got out to look aorund me. The girls came towards me with the same creeped out looks on their face.

“This place looks like it’s straight out of some fucking halloween movie” Jacob looked very creeped and Ash was clinging onto him which made me laugh.

“Tell me about it, its like the moment before the kids enter a haunted house which is possessed by some freak” I looked at Chloe who was very freaked out.

Xavier did the door and his pack guards were standing around us. We waited for someone to open the door and no one answered so Xavier banged it harder.

I felt Adam hold my hand and pull me closer to him. I tried to find comfort in his touch but I just couldn’t block out Regina’s voice. I looked ahead of me ignoring Adam.

The door creaked open and a old lady came outside.

“Ah the Alpha King, welcome” She didn’t really fit the stereotype witch, that you see in movies, she looked like a normal old lady with a weird sense of fashion.

We walked inside her house and it was kinda creepy, the light was low and she had weird things hung up on her walls. We heard a shriek and we turned around to see Ash literally on Jacob’s back.

“What the fuck dude”

“The stupid skeleton came at me outta nowhere” We all looked at the creepy skeleton hanging from the ceiling.

The witch mumbled under her breathe about stupid child before leading us into a dining room. She told us all to sit down while she went and bought a book.

She sat down beside me on the head seat of the table. She turned to me with a smile on her face.

“It’s so great to finally see you, many generations of witches have awaited your arrival and I’m fortunate enough to witness it. Who knew our saviour would also be the mate of our future king, this pair was meant to be” I smiled at her, while Adam had a cute smile on his face as he looked at me.

“I’m just glad I have someone like you who can guide us through this” She smiled at me as she opened the book.

“One of my ancestors was able to witness the whole thing of when Draco was banished and when the prophecy was made and so she wrote it down in some books.” She started to look through the book searching for how to kill Draco.

She looked up at me with a cautious look.

“What is it”

“Well, here it says that in order to kill Draco, there has to be a ritual, like a sacrifice. He can’t be killed just like that.”

“Go on” Xavier was desperate for the answer just like the rest of us.

“Since Draco is pure evil, the prophecy says that the most purest part of you will be the death of him”

“What does it mean by the purest part” Adam sounded confused just like the rest of us and I put my hand over his to assure him.

“It means her...heart”

“That means she won’t survive after it” Giselle voiced everyone fear and everyone’s eyes were on me.

“Thats bullshit, how can her heart kill him....there must be some other way”

“During the ritual to kill Draco, she has to recite a spell and channel the energy from the purest part of her to kill Draco”

“I don’t believe this crap, my friend is not giving up her life to kill some stupid fucker” Ash stood up and so did everyone else.

“There must be another way to kill him” I looked at her with pleading eyes and she looked away from me.

“Come on guys we have to go” Xavier stood up and thanked the witch for her help. It wasn’t her fault, it’s what was written in the prophecy.

“Thank you for your help and we’ll contact you if we need your help any further”

“It was my pleasure Alpha King” She gave a sweet smile to us which I returned.

Adam pulled me away and out of the house. We all went and stood beside the car.

“There has to be another way, we won’t let you die” Adam was frustrated and he kept putting his hands through his hair.

“Adam there is no other way can’t you see”

“No I can’t see there has to be another to kill that bastard”

“Exactly we won’t let you go ahead and kill him, while killing yourself” Xavier’s face was turning red with anger as with the rest.

“Can’t you guys see this is the only one to kill him. The whole reason for my existence is to kill him. The whole reason for this prophecy is for Draco to die and for everyone in the supernatural world to be given their immortality, for those who were killed to return. One life in exchange of thousands of lives is worth it. So this is my sacrifice to make not yours”

The heartbroken looks on everyone’s face killed me and I could feel tears making their way into my eyes. I walked to the car and got inside not waiting for anyone.

Adam followed behind me with Xavier. I ignored them both, trying to process the whole thing. Just when I thought things were getting better, this happens. I don’t know what to think about this but if it means saving this world including the people I love, then I will make the sacrifice no matter what.

My brothers, my grandparents, Xavier, Liam, Hailey will all be safe and so will Adam. I would risk my life for all of them because they matter more to me than anything and I’m willing to kill Draco and lose my life if it means they get to have a better life.

The car came to a stop and I got out of it and headed inside. I headed for our room and locked the door before laying on the bed. If I fulfill the prophecy my parents get to come back and so does every other innocent person. I felt hot tears slide down my face, I keep hoping that there is another way to kill him but deep down inside I know that this is the only way.

I cried for god knows how long and I eventually let sleep take over me.


I heard a loud knock on the door which woke me up from my sleep. I dragged myself out of the bed and unlocked the door, I opened the door to see Liam standing at my door. I looked at home confused before letting him in.

“You ok?” I nodded at him as he sat on the bed.

“I heard about the bloody prophecy and I’m only going to say this once, none of us are letting you complete it by killing yourself. In the short amount of time you’ve been here you’ve made the biggest impact on everyone here and no one is going to let you die like that” I felt tears fill my eyes again.

“But there is no other way Liam”

“There is, there always is and downstairs there are people who are willing to put their lives before you, so there is no way in hell you’re giving up on yourself”

“And besides we can’t let go of the one crazy person who isn’t afraid to kick the Alpha King and the Prince’s ass” I started to laugh and Liam winked at me.

“You coming down for dinner” I shook my head at him.

“I think I’ll skip, I’m not that hungry” He nodded his head before exiting the room.


I was looking outside at the bright moon shining with the stars surrounding it. I always felt peaceful when I looked up at the sky. The moonlight was the only thing that lit up the room as I had turned off the lights.

I closed my eyes and let the cool air surround me. But the calmness was short lived as my room door opened. I instantly knew who it was.

I didn’t want to turn around and look at him because I would completely break down.

“Selena” I could feel him breathing behind me and it made my heart beat like crazy.

“Adam, please I know what you’re going to say and I honestly don’t want to argue with you out of all people. So please” It broke my heart speaking to him in a harsh way.

“I’m not giving up on you, I just got you and there is no way in hell I’m letting you go. So don’t you are tell me to give up” He hugged me from the back and I felt the tears slide down my face.

In all this, Adam was my biggest sacrifice, giving up him was something that was already killing me. But if it means he will have a safe life that he deserves, I will sacrifice myself a thousand times.

I let myself lean into his touch, trying to comfort myself but then I moved away.

“I’m tired, I’m gonna head to bed. Goodnight Adam” I kissed his cheek and got into bed.

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