Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Past Demons

Selena’s P.O.V

The next morning I ended up waking up in Xavier’s room. We both ended up talking the whole night and I must have fallen asleep. I sat up in his bed and ran a hand through my hair before turning to the side and looking at the clock which showed the time was 5:30am. Great.

I was going to lay down and sleep in when I saw Xavier walk in.

“Rise and shine, hope you had a good sleep.” He looked at me smiling and then it slowly turned into an all familiar smirk.

“Yes it was, thank you Xavier for bringing me up” My face heated up just thinking about how embarrassing it must have been falling asleep on him.

“Yeah I could tell you had a great sleep...I mean judging by the drool on my pillow” He made a gagging sound and I felt my face heating up even more. As an instinct my hand went to rub my face, making Xavier burst out laughing. I sat on my knees to steady myself as I threw a pillow at him, which he caught effortlessly.

“Nice try, but I am an Alpha King, you’re going to have to do more than throw a pillow at me to hurt me” He put up his arms to show me his huge muscles on his arm with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him. If anything he seemed to be even more cocky in the mornings.

“You sure about that...Alpha King” I emphasised his title because I knew how proud he was of it.

I winked at him and he rolled his eyes at me. Boy he had no idea what was coming. I got off the bed and mouthed ‘watch your back’ and he mimicked me in a childish way. I started to walk away from him before turning around.

“What time will we be leaving?” Xavier looked at his watch and then looked up at me.

“In about an hour so get ready, get your things together and we’ll have breakfast on the way there” I nodded my head.

“Thank you Xavier, you have no idea how much this means to me” I smiled at him, which he returned with his amazing smile. I hugged him and he hugged me tightly. It was a comforting hug which was exactly what I needed. I pulled away and looked at him.

“Thanks Xav”

“Anytime”. I stepped back and then turned around looking confused.

“What’s wrong” Xavier looked worriedly at me.

“I have this weird feeling that I’ve forgotten something” I scratched my head and then moved towards him.

“What was it, do you need help finding it” I gave him a sad smile, he seemed worried and I didn’t want to do what I was going to do next, but the evil voice in me told me not to fall for his concern.

“It was...THIS” I raised my knee and hit him in the balls, before running for the door.

Xavier howled in pain and fell to the ground. I must admit it was a quite the blow, I put way too much force into it than intended. Xaviers scream were mixed with a bunch of colourful words making me laugh even harder.

“Not so invincible are we now...Alpha King” I mimicked what he did before, showing my muscles. Xavier got up and I screamed before running off.



I quietly walked into my room and saw Adam peacefully sleeping. The sheets were off him and the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt wasn’t helping his case. I slowly walked towards him and carefully put the sheets over him. I stayed near him for longer than I intended. But when I felt tears filling my eyes, reminding me off his harshful words, I moved away and looked for something to wear.

I got my clothes and headed back to Xavier’s room. I took a quick shower and headed downstairs.

Xavier was waiting for me and when he saw me, he gave me a very hard glare. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s go” He got up and walked out. Well I guess he didn’t take the blow well. I tried not to laugh at the way he was walking.

When we got outside the sky was a beautiful colour and I couldn’t help but just stare at it. I was broken out of my trance when I heard a door slam. I saw Xavier sitting in the driver’s seat waiting for me. I opened the passenger seat and sat beside him.

He started the car and we headed out of the area.

I tried not to laugh at Xavier’s scowl on his face. He clearly was pissed and was throwing a tantrum as if he were a two year old. Watching Xavier be angry was pretty hilarious, I knew he wasnt really mad at me because I have seen his angry side and it makes you want to cower in a corner, so this was nothing but him being slightly pissed.

“Is the wittle baby upset” I cooed and pulled his cheeks as if he were a little baby, but wasn’t having it and he moved my hands of his face. He looked at me with flat,bored look on his face. Which I mirrored to mock him.

“Xav I’m sorry, I thought you were invincible you know. Not being able to feel pain and all” I tried to keep a straight face while talking to him but I kept remembering his scream in my head which was killing me on the inside. Xavier continued to ignore me and so I let a deep breath and turned to apologise sincerely.

“Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit your balls that hard. I’m sorry” I gave him the puppy eyes and pouted to which he rolled his eyes at. I knew if I did that Xavier would give in, it works like a charm all the time.

“Do you have any idea what damage you caused to my jewels down there” I burst out laughing at the choice of his words but quickly shut up because of his hard glare.

“Yeah, I was totally ignorant, I mean I could have damaged all the mini Xaviers in there you know”

“Exactly, so remember that next time before you go around kneeing me in the balls” I nodded my head at him, which returned his annoying smirk.

“Yes sir” He rolled his eyes at me laughing at my childish behaviour.

I looked out of the window to take in my surroundings. Everything about this place was just magical and breathtaking. The world seemed brighter and full of life.

“I’m really going to miss all this” I intended for this to come out as a whisper but I misjudged my loud mouth.

“So you’re really not staying here after this all goes down” I turned to Xavier with a sad smile. I mean we all knew that I was never intending on stay here. I couldn’t it wasn’t my home.

“Xavier, no matter how much I try, I don’t belong here. I have a life back home and I can’t give it up for a future that doesn’t that include me.”

“This is your life now and Adam’s future does include you, you’re his mate” I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

I scoffed before turning to look at Xavier “Yeah I doubt that, I don’t think I’ll be in his future, our relationship so far has been a lie and he needs someone who will rule beside him one day and not someone weak like me who can barely fulfil a prophecy” It hurt saying it outloud but it is what it is. There was no denying that our relationship was messed up.

The rest of the ride consisted of us both singing badly to music at the top of our lungs and having the occasional argument.


I stood outside my grandparents house and knocked on the door. Xavier was stood beside me wearing an encouraging smile on his face. It felt so good to be back where my family was, I had missed them so much.

The door opened and on the other side was my grandmother in her PJ’s with rollers in her hair. The sight of her made me laugh before she engulfed me in a tight hug. I instantly felt myself relax just by being her in motherly presence.

“My baby....oh how are you” She grabbed my face and started to kiss me making Xavier laugh at me. She pulled away and looked at me before pulling me in for a hug again.

“Nana.. you’re killing me here” I laughed as her hug crushed my bones.

“I see how it is...you moved on so quickly Nana and now you’re rubbing it in my face. Whatever we had is over” We turned around to see a sulking Xavier. Nana rolled her eyes before she pulled him into a hug making me laugh. It was nice to see this side of Xavier, deep under his hard exterior was a big baby.

“How can I forget you Xavier. I have not moved on from you...I had to hug her...make her feel that she’s special and all” She winked at Xavier making me gasp. He kissed the top of Nana’s head which brought a smile on my face.

“Hey” I put my hands on my hips as they both mocked me. Nana shook her head as she held my hand and walked inside with Xavier on the other side, with his hand draped over Nana’s shoulder.

We walked inside quietly and all the boys and Gramps were quietly eating their breakfast. I stepped in the room quietly and shouted “SURPRISE.”

All their heads shot up and their eyes were wide with shock as they saw me. Hell broke loose once they registered that I was back. My brothers all literally jumped out of their seats and pulled me into a huge hug. They all were all talking at once.

I could just about make out what Ben was saying and it was mostly “How the fuck did you come here” I rolled my eyes at him, I loved his absurd reactions.

“Guys...you’re killing me...can’t breathe” Just imagine 5 built guys hugging you with all their might, yeah it crushes you, and here I thought Nana’s hug was bone crushing.

“We don’t give a fuck...you’re finally home” We all laughed at Blake and after a few moments the boys finally pulled away.

“Not that I’m complaining, but how are you home. I swear you aren’t supposed to be here until it all blows over” John smiled at me and it reminded me how much I missed him.

“Well, I missed my amazing family and wanted to come back to them. Is that a crime John” I teased him and he rolled his eyes at me before pulling me in for a hug. I pulled away with tears in my eyes and after a very long time they were of happiness.

Gramps walked to me and gave me a hug, which relaxed me instantly. I never really thought I would miss having a father because the boys filled the void but the feeling I have right now with Gramps is one I cannot describe and wouldn’t know what I would do without it.

“Welcome home beautiful, we all missed you” He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“I missed you too Gramps” I kissed him on the cheek and leaned my head on his chest.

We all walked to the dining table where they were having breakfast. I took a seat near Ben and I was sat opposite the twins. Me and Xavier forgot all about breakfast due to the very eventful ride here.

“So what’s for breakfast Nana” I heard a someone snicker and looked up to see Jake trying not to laugh.

“Something funny Jake” I gave him a hard stare to which he returned with a huge smirk.

“I think you can lay off breakfast, I mean you do look kinda pudgy” I felt my jaw hang as I gasped. The rest of the boys howled with laughter. I felt Ben poke me while laughing and I slapped his hand away and his laughter died down because I hit him pretty hard. “ow” he glared at me and I returned it with a sarcastic smile.

“Awww Jake really, insulting me to feel good about your tiny dick size. Real mature” I heard two gasps which I’m sure were from my grandparents and the rest of the boys burst out into laughter.

“BURN” Josh screamed in his face and he punched him in the stomach.

“Language young lady” Nana gave me a stern looked and I blushed.

“My size is not tiny for your kind information” I stuck my tongue at him and he threw a pancake which landed straight on my head. I picked up an egg and leaned across the table and cracked it on his head. His laughter died down as he realised what I did. Jake gave me a murderous look before lunging across the table. I screamed and moved my seat back. He made the situation worse for him because now he was covered in food.

“Welcome home sis” John raised his glass up as a toast making me laugh. But it was short lived because Jake tackled me down.


I was currently sitting outside in the garden sitting on the floor, taking in all the calmness of being back. It felt good being back with my brothers. Whenever I’m around them I feel like nothing can go wrong. I feel like a little girl who knows her brothers will protect her no matter what.

No matter how badly I messed up I always knew my brothers would fix things for me. But this time round they can’t fix things and it frightens me because I spent my whole life in a bubble, a bubble which my brothers created. I never felt the sense of responsibility because my brothers treated me like a princess, I never felt the weight of any issue because my brothers always made sure that I was happy and stress free.

Now all of a sudden I’m given the responsibility of millions of lives and they include the ones I love. I know right now I’m running away from my problems but I can’t help it. I sighed as I opened my eyes.

“Whats got you sulking” I looked up to see my brothers walking towards me. They all came and sat beside me.

“Nothing just thinking” I didn’t want to talk about it but clearly my brothers wanted to.

“About” Ben gave me an expectant look and I gave him a glare.

“Stuff” I smirked at him.

“Well then, seeing as missy over here doesn’t want to share her thoughts I wanted to talk to all of you about something and Lena being back makes it a perfect opportunity” Everyone’s attention turned to Ben.

“I know this is a hard subject to talk about but it has to said. After all this goes down what are we going to do. Do we stay here or go back home” Everyone became quiet.

“If I’m being honest I have no idea, because we now have Gramps and Nana to take care of too and we can’t abandon them.” I looked at John and realised that going back home won’t be as easy as I thought. All of the boys looked at me because what I wanted also mattered.

“I don’t know, before I wanted to go home after this was over and I still do, that world is my home I have dreams and goals. But now a part of me also wants to stay here because of all the new relationships I’ve made” They all understood that I was talking about Adam, his family. Giselle and the boys.

“Well whatever you decide to do we’ll do” John put a hand on mine.

“Because sadly we are family and we can’t dump you, like trust me I’ve tried” I rolled my eyes at Josh as him and the rest of the boys put their hands on mine. We all put them in the air screaming.

Soon after Nana, Gramps and Xavier joined us.

“Whatever you kids decide to do know that we’ll fully support you and if you want to go back home it’s alright because you have every right to do so. We’ll always visit you” Gramps put his arm around me with a smile on his face.

“Thanks Gramps” I looked up to see Xavier who was trying smiling but I knew that hewas having an internal battle. He could no longer fool me because I know him all too well


As the sky darkened we all headed upstairs to our rooms, because everyone was tired from the surprise reunion. I definitely needed the sleep. I hugged my brothers and my grandparents before heading for bed.

“Goodnight Lena” They all spoke at the same time making me laugh.

“Goodnight guys....love you” I blew a kiss to them before going up the stairs.

As I walked towards my room I saw Xavier walking to his room and I quickly caught up with him.

“Can we talk for a minute” I grabbed his arm as he nodded and looked at me weirdly. We walked into my room and I shut the door.

“Coz this isn’t creepy at all, I have to keep reminding you that you have a mate. I’m off limits, yeah I know it sucks because I’m irresistible” I rolled my eyes at him while smacking his chest.

“That’s not why I dragged you in here...I actually wanted to know if you were ok” Before he could he speak I cut him off.

“Don’t say to me you’re fine because believe it or not but staying with someone for awhile you kind of know when they are lying or hiding their emotions” Busted.

“So now tell me, what’s actually wrong” He sighed before running his hands through his head.

“The reason as to why I am upset is selfish to say to you. But since you’re so damn adamant on wanting to know here it goes. I don’t want you to go back, see totally selfish.” To say I was shocked would be an understatement.


“No I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to get in the way of what you want. You have every right to go after the life you want even if it means leaving here. I just guess I’ve kinda grown close to you and you leaving might mean that we might not see each other again and that sucks because you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a while” I felt tears fill my eyes as I pulled Xavier into a hug.

It felt weird but also nice to see Xavier for once openly express his feelings, in the time I’ve known him he’s always kept his thoughts and feelings to himself. For him to say this to me was pretty big and I felt my heart ache at the revelation.

“Awww Xavier.... no matter whether I stay here or not, you will always be a part of my life. Believe it or not but i’

I’ve grown very close to you, since the the day I saw you as the beautiful ‘wolfie’ you became one of the best things in my life. Xavier even if I do choose to go back I will never ever forget you. You are one of the most important people in my life. So don’t even for a second think I will forget you because you have put you life on the line for me so many times and I am forever grateful for it. So don’t ever think I will forget you just like that.”

Tears were flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall. This whole time I thought my decision will only affect me I had been thinking selfishly, but now that seeing it from a different perspective I know that it will affect all those that I have grown close to here. Xavier pulled me in for a hug, his hug warm hug made me feel safe and it made me realise how much was at stake here.

I pulled away from Xavier and he wiped my tears.

“Everytime....every bloody time there’s emotional talk, you become a wreck” He rolled his eyes at me before laughing, I hit him lightly on his chest as he pulled me in for another hug. He kissed the top of my head, making me smile.

“Goodnight Lena”

“Night Xavier”


I kept tossing and turning, but sleep still wouldn’t come to me. The fact that it was boiling hot in my room didn’t help either. I was wearing a tank top and shorts and still felt hot. I kicked the covers off me and sat up.

“UGGGGH” I grabbed my hair in frustration.

I need fresh air. I slipped my feet in my minion slippers and stood up. I closed my eyes and thought of the garden. I felt my body going light and when I opened my eyes I was outside.

“Yes” I did a happy little dance.

“I see you’ve been working on your spells” I felt my blood run cold at the familiarity of the voice. I was too shocked to move. But once I turned around I saw the figure emerge from behind the shadows.

“Stay.The.Hell.Away.From.Me” I felt all the emotions come flooding back as I saw the persons face. Hatred was one emotion that overpowered the rest.

“I’m not here to hurt you or anything. I just came to say goodbye” Bullshit.

“There’s nothing left for you to say Colton. Just leave” How he managed to find me scared me out of my wits.

“Just give me a second. I’m leaving tonight far away from everything. I just wanted to apologise to you”

“Get lost Colton, what don’t you understand, I don’t want to talk to you” I could see him losing his calm and I heard him whisper something.

“What the hell are you doing” I turned around but halfway I found myself incapable of doing so.

“WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME” I tried to move but my whole body was frozen.

“Always the stubborn bitch, guess we’ll have to do things the hard way” What the hell is he going on about.

“SOMEONE HELP ME....HELP” I shouted at the top of my lungs and then I saw Colton come towards me with a sick smile on his face.

I felt something hard hit the top of my head and all my surroundings suddenly started to become blurry. My head felt as if were cracked open the pain I felt in that moment was indescribable.

Then I felt myself give into the darkness.

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