Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter My Heaven. My Hell

Selena’s P.O.V

I ran upstairs not looking where I was going and I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Cole. He moved my wet hair from my face and I burst out into tears again.

“What happened Selena are you ok” I started to tell him what happened while crying.

“Slow down and calm down” Cole took me into his room where Giselle was standing near the wardrobe.

When she saw me she came running towards me.

“Selena what’s wrong” Before telling her what had happened, she gave me some dry clothes to wear and then made me sit on the bed. I told them everything and my heart was aching.

“That fucking asshole is going to get fuck beaten” Cole’s hands were in a fist while Giselle was shouting and screaming about how she is going to kill him.

“Lena, no matter what he shouldn’t have said that. Whatever happened to you wasn’t in your control, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” I leaned into Giselle and cried.

That’s all I could do right now is cry, cry because the man I loved had broken my heart. Adam had become a part of my soul in a such a small time and slowly this love I have for him is starting to kill me.

Adam was my heaven and my hell. He is the reason why I feel free to breathe, why I feel safe but at the same time he is the reason I feel suffocated.

Have you ever been in love so much that it seems to have consumed your whole being because that is what I feel right now. In such a short period of time I fell for him, I fell for him hard and he is all I think about, even though he has hurt me I cant find it in me to hate him.

Adam is a drug, a drug that I cannot quit. ever since he walked in that day in school, I felt a pull towards him, something I have never felt before. Now that same feeling is killing me, suffocating me.

His words have hurt me and I know he regrets them, but I cannot help but think that he might have meant them. In anger people often say what is on their mind and if that is what he thinks of me, then maybe I don’t deserve him. I’m not fit to be a Queen, to rule beside him, hell I cant even fulfil a prophecy how am I supposed to be a Queen one day and rule a whole magical kingdom.

I’m just not good enough for him.

My tears were rolling down my face, my heart ached and slowly sleep took over me.


I woke up to loud voices arguing.

“You are not fucking going in there. Can’t you see you’ve hurt her enough” I heard Cole’s voice shouting at who I presume is Adam.

“I love her and you can’t keep me from her. I have to apologise” I got up and moved closer to the door. The started to rattle and I quickly locked it.

“Amado, please open the door” I felt hot tears slide down my face as I slide down the door. I wanted to let him in and hug him but I couldn’t find it in myself to open the door.

“Leave her alone Adam, you’ve done enough damage. She doesn’t want to see your sick face. You’ve hurt her a lot today.” Giselle’s voice was stern and full of disgust.

“If I’m being honest bro, you don’t fucking deserve her, especially after this” Cole sounded like a protective older brother and in this moment it made me miss my brothers so much.

I heard Adam walk away and I let out a breathe I didn’t know I was holding in.

“Selena he is gone” I got up and opened the door. I saw Cole and Giselle standing in front, Giselle moved forward and pulled me into a hug.

“He’s not going to hurt you anymore” I nodded my head through tears.

We all moved into the room and sat down.

“I want to go home, I don’t think staying here is doing me any good. I feel suffocated.” I missed my brothers so much and my grandparents.

“Selena for your safety you have to stay here” I knew that I couldn’t leave until this whole thing blew over. I nodded my head and listened to Cole and Giselle talk about random things.


I walked downstairs to see Hailey sitting down with Liam in the main room watching T.V not wanting to interrupt them I slowly started to walk away.

“You know....you can come and join us. We don’t bite” I heard Liam behind me and I turned around to see him with a smirk on his face. I laughed at him before walking back in and sitting down on the sofa where Lucy was lying.

“You sure about that biting thing...you are werewolfs so biting is kinda your thing” I teased Liam making them both laugh.

“I think that’s more the vampire thing” I rolled my eyes at them before playing with Lucy who had now realised that I was near her.

“You doing ok? ” I looked away from Lucy to look at Hailey, who was looking at me with a concerned look. I nodded my head at her, unable to form a sentence. By now I’m sure everyone knew me and Adam got into an argument.

“Honestly if this all was up to me I would have killed that asshole and send you back home to your world so you can live your life without all this mess” I laughed at Hailey whose face was slightly red from her outburst.

“You and me both Hailey. I would love to do anything to get my old life back” I drifted into thought about all the good memories I had.

“What’s it like back where you live” I looked at Hailey who was looking at me with curiosity.

“Well for starters you guys are just fiction. There are tons of movies done about magical beings and magical creatures. So you guys are quite popular” Hailey and Liam both were listening intently to what I was saying.

“One thing that sucks is school, the teachers are mean and give you a ton of work. But right now I would do anything to be back.

My favourite teacher was our performing arts teacher. We had a competition before we came here and it was so much fun, we won and it was such an amazing feeling. The boys had won their sports competition and so the whole time after was filled with celebrations.

Me and my friends would always have sleepovers. Jacob and Ash used to hate them because we used to do girly things so halfway through they would ditch us for my brothers. My house was always hectic, the boys would be arguing and if wasn’t them it would be them pulling prank on each other.

My favourite time would be summer, that’s when we would have fairs at our school. All the kids would contribute and we would put together fun activities and have prizes for everyone. It would be like the best day ever, most of us go either as a group of friends or with our dates.

Then at the end of the year we would have the big dance at school. It’s a bit like the balls you have here, everyone dresses all nice and goes with their date to the dance. Being a teenager in that world honestly is the most amazing thing.”

I felt someone looking at me and I saw Adam standing in the doorway. He was about to say something but I looked away.

Adam cleared his throat and turned to Liam “Uh...Liam we need to go. The other people are here for the meeting” Liam got up and walked away.

“Your world sounds amazing” She had a dreamy look on her face making me smile.


Hailey had left me alone with her baby as she had Luna duties. I played with her and right now I was putting her to sleep as it was her bedtime.

Lucy kept giggling every time I attempted to rock her to sleep. “Lucy, what’s so funny young lady, you have to go to sleep”

She laughed back at me, making me laugh. I shook my head at her and she smiled before yawning.

“Let’s sing you a lullaby hopefully that will make you sleep. My voice is enough to bore anyone to sleep”

(Link to song is above...its so cute for this little part ❤❤)

Hush now my Storeen,

Close your eyes and sleep

Waltzing the waves

Diving the deep

Stars are shining bright

The wind is on the rise

Whispering words of long lost lullabies

Oh won’t you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We’ll be sailing

Oh won’t you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We’ll sing the song of the sea

I had a dream last night

And heard the sweetest sound

I saw a great white light and dancers in the round

Castles in the sand

Cradles in the trees

Don’t cry, I’ll see you by and by

Oh won’t you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We’ll be sailing

Oh won’t you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We’ll sing the song of the sea





Oh won’t you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We’ll be sailing free

Oh won’t you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We’ll sing the song of the sea.

“Looks like you will be a great mother Selena, she slept really quick to your voice” I snapped out of my daze and looked at Liam, who was smiling. Behind him was Adam who had a look of awe on his face and I took a deep breath and looked away from him.

Lucy was fast asleep and I leaned down and kissed her soft forehead. Liam came and took her from me.

“You should head up to bed Selena it’s quite late.”

“I’m going to go in a bit, I just have something to do” Liam nodded his head before saying goodnight. I had a smile on my face as I watched Liam take Lucy away. It was sweet to see a man who was an Alpha full of power, being really soft around his little baby. Liam held Lucy in a way which just showed that she was his world. Hailey was honestly very lucky to have him.

Adam was standing still looking at me and I worked up the courage to speak to him.

“I’m going to sleep in Giselle’s room tonight” I lied, Giselle was already upstairs sleeping and Cole was most likely with her.

“Amado, please...don’t do this” He came close to me and I tried to step back but he held my arms in the most gentle way, as if I were going to break by his touch.

“Please...Adam...just don’t. I need a bit of space” His words from earlier were piercing my heart like a knife and that’s all that I could think about.

“I’m sorry...Selena” He spoke gently near my ear and it gave me goose bumps all over. I looked up to see Adam had regret written all over his face and I looked away from him because I couldn’t keep giving into him like that. It wasn’t right. I had to take a stand for myself and not let anyone walk over me.

Adam kissed my forehead and walked away. I sat down on the sofa and the tears rolled down my face, I felt so hurt and the pain was all too much. I slowly felt myself drift into sleep.


“Would you look who finally got thrown to the side. It was time Adam said what we were all thinking.” A dark sinister voice spoke and slowly my vision was adjusting to the light.

I looked around to see everything upside down. The cold dark ground was close to my head and the midnight sky was far away. My feet were tied up on a tree and I then realised I was hanging from a tree. I started to panic and tried to free myself.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you. But since you are pathetic and won’t listen to anyone. Go ahead, hurt yourself, makes my life easier” I could feel the blood rushing to my face and head. I looked around to see a dark silhouette approach me.

The person came closer to me and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin when their breath hit my skin.

“You seriously think you can kill me. You look like a pathetic lost puppy” My blood ran cold and I started to panic. It was Draco.

I felt him yank my hair and slap me hard on my cheek. I screamed at the top of my lungs and that encouraged him to hit me once more and pull my hair harder.

“Please stop” The tears were rolling down my face. He started to laugh and his laugh was probably the worst thing I had ever heard. It gave me goosebumps.

“Look the so called saviour, who was supposed to kill me is begging me to spare her life. How funny is that. You are no saviour, you are insecure, stupid and even your own mate is disgusted by you. But he’s just like you, sleeps around with anything that has a pulse” I felt my blood boil at the mention of Adam, he had no right to speak about him like that. I spat on his face and felt a ghost of a smirk make its way to my lips.

“Don’t you dare speak about Adam like that, you have no right to say his name through that foul mouth of yours. He is nothing like that” Draco brought a knife close to my arm and cut it, making me scream. He had a sick smile on his face while doing so.

“You will pay for that you bitch. But wait...I think you have already paid for your stupid mistakes. Look around” He grabbed my face harshly and turned it to the left.

I felt sick to my stomach. Everything came to a stop, my whole world came crashing down. Everyone was lying dead on the floor. Blood covering them. Everyone’s bodies were disfigured badly and I could feel my heart shatter.

“You fucking heartless animal how could you do that” I saw him smirk and he waved his hand in the air and instantly I fell on my head.

The impact with the hard ground hurt my head. When I got up I felt the world spinning but I got up on my feet. I ran to the where everyone was.

Xavier was dead along with Cole, Giselle, Liam, Hailey. My tears were blurring my vision as I looked around. I saw my brothers covered in blood and my grandparents lying still beside each other. I fell to the ground beside Adam and picked his head up. His skin was cold and I cried my heart out and screamed while Draco watched with a sick smile.

“Looks like the saviour didn’t do her job. You were never strong enough to do it on your own that’s why they all helped and look where it got them” He came close to me and dragged me away. He started to recite something and soon I could feel huge gashes forming on my body, blood starting to come out of them. I screamed in pain as I laid on the ground.

“Wake up Selena, it’s just a dream, please wake up” I could hear someone’s voice in the background but there was nothing but darkness. I felt my body being shaken and that’s when I snapped out of the shock and opened my eyes.

I saw Xavier’s worried face above me and I quickly hugged him.

“Xavier...you...and everyone else-” A loud cry escaped from my lips and tears were rolling down my face. Xavier pulled away from me and held my face gently.

“Calm down and tell me what happened” I nodded my head and tried to stop crying to tell him what had happened. The tears were choking me while I spoke but I managed to tell him about my awful dream.

“He’s doing it again, coming back to you in your dreams. That’s the only way he can communicate with you.” Xavier ran a hand through his hair and looked at me with an intense gaze, his eyes travelled to the my side and I followed his eyes.

My mouth opened in shock when when I saw a gash on the side of my arm. I thought back to the dream and realised that he had caused many of these gashes on my body in my dream. But how I managed to get one on my arm was alarming.

“Selena, how the hell did you manage to hurt yourself that much”

“It was in the dream Xav, he hurt me like this in my dream.” Panic filled my body when I remembered a similar event.

“Oh my days....oh my days. Xavier he is here...he’s playing with my mind again. He did it before, he’s hurt me in my dreams before and they left a physical injury” I felt hot tears slide down my face.

Xavier got up and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll go and get the first aid kit” Before he left I stopped him.

“Xavier...could please check on...umm...Adam. I’m just worried” Xavier nodded his head and didn’t press the matter any further because I’m sure by now he knew something was up.

I waited until he came back and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t care about whether Adam was ok or not because despite our situation right now I still care about him. No matter what happens I always will.

“He’s fine...he’s sleeping upstairs” I looked up and saw Xav who had a first aid kit in his hands. I let out a breath of relief as Xavier sat beside me.

He held my arm gently and cleaned up the wound and covered it up. He put the kit aside and put an arm around me. I leaned into his touch and felt safe already.

“Thank you Xav”

“How many times do I have to tell you to not always say thank you to me. You make me feel like a stranger”

“Xav you are far from a stranger. I keep saying thank because you’ve helped me through a lot and I will forever be grateful” I felt a lump in my throat thinking about how unfair life had been to him.

“Xavier...” I already knew the answer to this question but there was no harm in trying.

“What’s wrong”

“Could you please take me home...I don’t think I can stay here....I feel suffocated, I need to clear my head about the whole Adam situation and I really miss my family”

“But it’s not safe there for you or your family”

“Xavier please...just let me go home...please” A tear slid down my face because the heartache of being away from my family especially my brothers.

“Arrghh fine...but I’m going to go with you” I smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes at me making me laugh.

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