Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Betrayl

Selena’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes and felt everything around me spin. In the split moment of gaining consciousness I lost all feeling of my body. It took a moment for me to register the feeling of my body. Once I did everything hit me at once and I felt as if my arms were being torn away from my body, I could feel that they were tied above my head. My body was slumped forward as I stood in a awkward position, my feet barely touching the ground below me.

I opened my eyes properly and saw nothing but darkness. I felt fear set in me as I started to thrash my arms and tried to run forward only to be pulled back by the harsh ropes. It was a stupid move but I felt completely helpless and I was hoping that anything would work. I tugged on the ropes that my arms were tied, both arms were tied separately, making my shoulders and arms ache.

My body was crying in pain and worst off all my head felt as if it has been smashed a thousand times. My hair was stuck to my sweaty face and my jaw ached as I tried to move my face.

I screamed out loud, but nothing came out. I tried again, this time sound left my mouth.

“Someone help me...let me out” Trying to speak felt as if I had pieces of glass in my throat that were cutting me as every word left my mouth.

The fear I felt right now made my heart beat so fast I was sure it was going to burst. I closed my eyes praying that this was all a dream and that vile man didn’t actually show up last night.

The one thing that overpowered everything that I felt right now was hatred towards Colton. How could I have been so stupid to think that he would just leave me alone just like that. How did he even find out where I was and why did he do this to me. All these questions were spinning in my head making me sick.

My thoughts were disrupted as I heard a loud bang coming from the other side of the room and I raised my head to see what it was. Slowly light started to fill the room, it was a dim light surrounding me. The person who made sound, was still hiding in the shadows.

“Would you look at that, someone finally is awake. Took you time” I felt the blood in my veins go cold. The thought of him being this close to me again made me sick and gave me goosebumps all over. It brought back the horrible memories of the evil creature that was once my ‘boyfriend’.

Colton slowly came into the light and he had the same smile on his face that I once thought I loved. The smile that made me fall hard for him, but now all I can see in that smile is a sick demon. I glared at him not giving him the satisfaction of a reply. It took a lot since I wanted to scream in his face, but I kept quiet.

He walked over and I stood up straight, despite my body screaming in agony because of the sudden movement. Colton came and stood right infront of me and he brought a hand to my face, I moved my face but that didn’t bother him. He caressed my face gently, as he gave me a smile that once would have made me weak in the knees but this time I felt sick at the mere sight of him.

“Feels so good to finally see you again. But after this I’m not letting you out of my sight until your last breath.” Colton whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps, I felt sick knowing that he doesn’t intend letting me go.

“You won’t get away with this Colton” I tried to keep my voice as steady and harsh as I could, but I knew it didn’t intimidate him because he laughed right in my face.

“But I think I already did, I mean I took you straight from your grandparents home and no-one even realised. So it looks like this time I’ve won” He had a proud look on his face and I wanted nothing but to slap it right of his face right now.

“You look so cute when you’re angry, it’s like watching Bambi getting feisty, just adorable.” He brought his hand to caress me but I flinched away.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you’re sick in the head. Colton you are nothing but a lowlife, the sight of you makes me sick !!” The smile on his face dropped as I lashed out, it was quickly replaced with a look all too familiar. The rage was clear on his face reminding me of the evil he was capable of committing.

I felt a stinging sensation as Colton slapped me hardly on my face. I’m surprised my head didn’t fall off. Before I could even register the fact that I had been slapped he grabbed my face roughly and made me look at me. He brought his face so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my face.

“Don’t you ever speak like that to me again, do you understand.” He screamed in my face and he held my face even tighter, making my cheeks ache even more. His hands were going to leave a bruise on my face, no doubt.

“You are mine now and I can do whatever the fuck I want to, you had plenty of time to play house with that stupid Prince of your’s. But now you’re back to me, where you rightfully belong.”

“I am not yours, you’re a sick fuck Colton. You need help” This time he grabbed my hair harshly and pulled them back to a point where I thought my neck would snap.

I looked at his face and felt disgusted that at one point in my life I was attracted to this piece of shit. His eyes that I had fell for were now only reflecting the demon he really is, these eyes once brought me comfort and love, now only bring fear and disgust. I couldn’t believe that I once thought that he was ‘the one’, I was blinded by his false demeanour, I fell for his act so hard that I blindly believed his every word and hung onto it like a lifeline.

“You little bitch, you’ve got quite the mouth since I last saw you, but don’t worry once I’m done with you, you’ll be the little mouse I found years ago and the dream of being the saviour will be long gone” I glared hard at time, not letting his words get to me before I spat right in his face. I felt a smile form on my face as Colton’s face scrunched in disgust.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH” I saw Colton’s fist coming towards me and it made contact with my face. Before my body could react to the pain, I felt the darkness consume me.


My body was slowing giving up, I was covered in cuts and bruises. I felt hot tears slide down my face, they stung as they went down due to the cuts on my cheeks. I could feel my heart slowing down, all I could hear was the quiet sound of my heartbeat.

My heart ached at the thought that I was slowing dying, no-one found me and I was left for Colton to use and break. He not only broke me physically but also mentally and emotionally. I couldn’t feel any emotions, slowly I learnt to block everything out.

I heard the door slam open and I didn’t bother to look up to see who it was. I felt my hair being pulled back and Colton’s hand made contact with my skin once again. He did a spell and the chair that I was once sitting on, now had disappeared and body crashed into the ground.

“Did I say that you could fucking sleep.” He looked at me to expectantly, but I couldn’t speak.

“Answer me!!.“a moment of silence went by and he realised that I wasn’t going to speak anytime soon. How could I, I was just a living corpse.

“I have had enough of you, for years now you have been here like a pathetic creature. No-one ever came to save you and they won’t because I’ve decided it’s time I put you out of your misery. You are no longer any use to me”

I felt the panic set in and Colton approached me slowly. He started to kick me and beat me. Screams of pain and agony left my mouth. At this point my whole body was broken and injured, he was just adding to my pain. I felt Colton stop and I moved onto my back. I looked up to see him, whispering a spell, his hand started to glow and I knew exactly how he was going to kill me.

He was going to rip my heart out.

I felt my body being thrown against the wall and he tied my arms once again, and he covered my mouth. The sinister smile on his face was going to be the last thing I saw and it sickened me.

“Goodbye Selena” I closed my eyes as he came close to me, bracing myself for the pain, except it never came.

I heard screams of pain, I opened my eyes to see Colton’s face morphed into a deathly look. His eyes were wide open as his body dropped to the ground.

I looked up to see the sight before me and it made my heart beat faster, all my hope that once died was brought back by the man stood in front of me.

Adam was stood there with Coltons heart in his heart, which he crushed and it disappeared. I felt hot tears slide down my face as Adam untied me and pulled me into a hug. The feeling I felt in the moment he hugged me, was one I couldn’t describe. My heart was soaring with happiness seeing Adam in front of me.

“You found me” My voice was scratchy and came out as a whisper.

“I’ll always find you Amado” I felt Adam kiss my forehead, bringing a smile on my face, I knew that know he was here I would be safe.


“Wakey wake bitch” I felt someone slap me hard across my face, leaving a stinging sensation which I knew would leave a bruise. Before I could open my eyes I felt ice cold water being thrown on me, completely drenching me.

I opened my eyes and felt water being thrown on me again this time it didn’t stop it kept pouring on me, making me choke, I felt as if I were being drowned. I tried to scream and tried to move but alas it didn’t work because I was tied down to a chair.

Suddenly the water stopped and my face was held tightly by someone else, I instantly knew it wasn’t Colton due to the hands being much slimmer than his.

I finally managed to open my eyes and once my eyes had adjusted to the light in the room and the person in front of me I felt shock hit me straight in my gut. I felt sick to my stomach because of the betrayal .

“Regina” My voice came out in a broken whisper reflecting exactly what I had felt on the inside.

“Surprise bitch” She slapped me again and this time I felt her ring cut my lip open.

“How could you Regina, why would betray everyone like this” Regina moved away from me and started to laugh like a maniac. Soon after she stopped laughing Colton came into the room, he walked towards Regina and kissed her, making me feel sick. She moved away from him and came towards me.

“Oh it was very easy, come into everyone’s life, manipulate them into thinking I’m on their side and then finally take the saviour and kill her. See simple”

“Your sick Regina just like him you’re sick. Whatever you two are planning to do, I won’t let you succeed in it”

“Oh I’m the one that’s sick, no sweetie you got it all wrong I’ll tell you who is sick. It’s you and all the rest of them !!” She screamed in my face, she came towards me and yanked my hair back.

“First you came and stole Adam from me. Him and me were meant to be, I loved him and he loved me, but no you had to come along and take him away from me. Then my father was insulted by Adam because of you, in front of the whole kingdom. If that wasn’t bad enough he was hurt because of you trying to protect the mighty saviour who is a pathetic bitch. You took everything from me, I was meant to be Queen by Adam’s side. I was meant to be his everything and you took that from me. But now I’m slowly going to take everything from all of you.”

“You are completely delusional Regina. Adam is my mate, him and you weren’t meant to be. I didn’t take him from you, no-one took anything from you, all of us have suffered many losses. So don’t you dare think even for a minute that you can harm anyone for revenge” Regina walked towards me and punched me in the face. She bent down to my level and gave me a cold glare.

“I am not delusional you took everything I ever treasured and once we all are done with you there will be no saviour and I will kill each and every person you ever came across in your pathetic little life.!!!” Regina shouted at me and I didn’t give her the satisfaction of any reaction. When I didn’t respond when tried to hit me again but Colton pulled her away.

“Start counting down your days Selena because once we are done with you, you will face your death which is will be by the hands of Draco” Regina smirked at me and I felt the colour drain from my face.

“You both are working for Draco..how could you” At this point Colton started to laugh, he walked towards me and he didn’t bend down to my level, which in this moment showed the superiority he had over me.

“Oh I’m not working for him. He’s my father” Colton smirked at me and I felt like everything in the room had been turned upside down. My head started to spin.

“This whole time Colton...you...knew” I felt tears fill my eyes, I knew he was a monster but to know his intentions were to hurt me from the side made me angry at myself.

“Off course I knew you were the savior. The moment you told me about your parents and brothers, I put two and two together and realised that you were the one who was destined to kill my father. But I wasn’t too sure, but that was until Adam showed up and then I knew you were the one who had to fulfil the prophecy.

Now you must be wondering how Regina comes into this, well her and me both hated the fact that you and Adam were mates. I wanted to kill you the moment I found out you were the saviour. But Regina and I then made a plan. To get close to you again and gain your trust and eventually kill you but your stupid brothers and Adam unfortunately interfered when you and I made love the night of the party”

He gave me a sick smile reminding me of the monster he was and what he was capable of. The events replayed in my head, making me want to cry and scream. But I kept it together because I won’t let him think he has power over me.

“I was banished by the mighty Prince, but Regina however was still in your little circle. So she kept me up to date with everything and things were even better when she started to live with you and that’s when we made the plan to take you away”

What I felt right now was something I couldn’t put into words. The rage, the hurt, the betrayal all these things were clouding my mind. Colton this whole time was Draco’s son and he only came into my life to destroy me. Regina on the other hand I wasn’t surprised I knew she loved Adam, no she was obsessed with him. Now because of me they are going hurt each and everyone of them. Everything that we had done to prepare to take down Draco is gone out the window because of my stupidity of coming back home.

The thought that I loved Colton once made my skin crawl, this whole time I was just a toy in his and his father’s game. I’m just an object that everyone is using for their own benefit and now that I’ve ended up in the wrong hands I’m going to die.

I felt tears slide down my face, my heart ached as I thought back to the dream, hoping that Adam will come for me. My heart ached at the thought that I was angry with him and now I might not be able to see him again. I closed my eyes and all I could see was his beautiful greens eyes, vibrant and full of life. The same eyes that showed me love every time I looked into them, there was a passion in them that consumed my whole being.

The darkness soon consumed me again and the image of my handsome mate was the last the thing I saw.

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