Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Amethyst

Xaviers P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and sat up in my bed. My muscles ached due to the position I slept in last night. Achieving sleep last night was a mission, my thoughts were clouded by Scarlet. Memories of her flooded my mind, her smile and her beautiful eyes were slowly killing me. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her, but then the horror strikes and her death replays in my mind tearing me apart on the inside.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone shout Selena’s name followed by curse words. I instantly jumped out of my bed not bothering with a shirt and ran towards her room. Judging by the whole family being in the room and no Selena meant trouble.

“What the hell is going on?!?” I got into her room to see her brothers pacing in the room and her room looked like it had been blown up. John was sitting on her bed with his head in his hands.

“Selena, I...came upstairs to wake her up, but her room was empty...so I looked around the house for her and couldn’t find her so I checked the boy’s room to see if she was there and she wasn’t. She gone” Nana broke down and cried into Gramps chest.

I felt my heart stop and all the worse possibilities filled my mind.

“Has anyone checked outside” I looked at all of them and they had broken looks on their faces.

“We did check but we didn’t find anything” Jake and Josh both looked torn, their sister whom they had just got back was missing and taking into account the situation, something bad may have happened. I took one look at her brothers who were going crazy before running outside.

I shifted into my wolf form and started to check the whole garden, trying to see if I could find her scent. All I could see was red, whoever has taken her will pay for it, I will tear him limb by limb. My blood was boiling as I ran faster.

But something in the air made me stop in my tracks. I sniffed the air and caught her scent, it was barely there but I could still smell it. I followed slowly and it led to the far end of the estate. The area was just trees and bushes.

I went over slowly and saw that the grass was uneven as if someone’s feet were dragged through it. As I went closer her scent became stronger, I went further to see if the scent gets stronger but it remained in that one place. Along with another unfamiliar scent.

I felt fury take over by body as I howled loudly, all I could feel was anger and I wanted to kill someone right now. Someone had taken her and it was no brainer that it has to do with Draco.

How the fuck did I let did this happen, I knew I shouldn’t have brought her back this was all my fault.


I went back inside and heard voices coming from the living room. I walked in to see that everyone looked a mess and what I had discovered was only going to make things worse. Never in my life have I felt this much anger, hurt and guilt. I only felt it once and that was when Scarlet had been killed. Her laugh echoed in my mind and I shook my head and I went to sit on the seat that was opposite everyone. I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me.

“I went down towards the end of the estate, near the tree’s and found her scent lingering there. It was very faint and there was also an unfamiliar scent there as well. So I looked around and saw nothing weird expect a patch on the grass that looked like someone’s feet were dragged through it.”

I didn’t have to look up to see that hell was going to break loose. I heard something smash and looked up to see Blake taking deep breaths.

“He fucking took her, that bastard took our sister right from under our nose and we didn’t fucking realise” Ben was trying to fight back his tears as he walked out slamming the door behind him. Draco had somehow managed to take her away from us, I should have taken her dreams more seriously and done something about it.

I was going to say something but was interrupted by my phone. I pulled it of my pocket and saw it was Adam. He was going to be beyond pissed because not only did we switch off our phones yesterday to ignore everything, we also didn’t tell him where were going.

I answered the call and was immediately bombarded with a question I didn’t not expect.

“Explain to me why the fuck I woke up to find a deep gash across my stomach, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SELENA YOU ASSHOLE” I felt my blood run cold at the mention of the gash.

Due to their mate bond they could feel their emotions but to get an injury would have to mean that it was very serious and that made that situation even worse.

“I-” Before I could say anything he had once again interrupted me.

“Don’t give me bullshit because I know she is fucking hurt, you took her away from here knowing it will put her in danger and pray to god that nothing has happened to Selena because if something has I will hurt you so bad that even your future generations would feel my wrath”

I felt my blood boiling knowing that she was hurt and having Adam argue with me right now was not making the situation any better.

“Can you just shut the fuck up and listen. Just get to her grandparents house ASAP and don’t tell anyone where you’re going” I hung up the phone and turned around to wall to punch it in.

“FUCK” this was all my fault she was taken away because of me. I threw my phone across the floor and ran a hand through my hair.


We were all sitting down in silence, not knowing what to do or say because Selena was taken and for someone who promised to protected her I sure did a fucking good job. The sound of the door bell pulled everyone out of their thoughts.

I heard people walk in and looked up to see Adam walking in with Cole and Giselle.

“Explain to me why I have this and where is Selena” Adam looked around hoping she would show up. He lifted up his shirt and showed us the wound I heard Nana take in a deep breath and heard her starting to cry.

Adam looked at her confused as to why she started to cry. He sat down beside Jake and Ben and looked at everyone.

John cleared his throat and turned to Adam to tell him.

“We woke up this morning to Nana shouting for Selena looking for her. I got up and saw that all the boys were in a crazed state looking for her. We searched her room, the whole house and the garden. We couldn’t find her and so then Xavier went out to look for her and found her scent along with another unfamiliar scent. But we couldn’t find her”

I looked at Adam whose face showed various emotions from hurt to anger. His eyes looked at me with pure fury, he got up and came towards me to hit me, only to have Blake break it up.

“You fucking dick, you took her away from me knowing well that the second she fucking steps out her life is in danger. How the fuck could you do that, she is hurt and I will fucking kill you if anything happens to her” Adam’s body was shaking with anger as the boys held him away from me.

“Maybe if you didn’t hurt her she wouldn’t want to run in the opposite direction of you” I spoke to him in a harsh and hateful tone.

“Both of you be quiet, with you two arguing we won’t be able to get anywhere” Gramps stepped in the middle shouting at us with a stern voice. Adam moved away from the boys and walked out.


Selena’s P.O.V

I groaned as the pain in my stomach became more unbearable, I cried but no tears fell out of my eyes, at this point I could barely keep my eyes open. My lips were dry and cracked and my hair was stuck to me. I tried not to move around too much due to the wound inflicted by Colton and Regina. They both kept torturing me to the point where I thought I would pass out but they would stop and hurt me again. It was like an endless cycle.

I couldn’t use magic to heal myself because Colton had drugged me which prevented me from using my magic, but I haven’t attempted because I knew it would be futile.

I was glad that Regina had left along with Colton. But it also scared me because they both could go back and hurt everyone. I’d rather have them be here and hurt me instead.

I could feel my eyes slowly shutting, I tried to keep them open but my body was shutting down. I slowly let the darkness take over me, taking me away from this hell for a while.


The wind was warm as it danced across my body, it felt nice to finally breathe again. I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by trees and in the distance I saw a beautiful waterfall. The whole atmosphere was beautiful and it made me feel at peace.

“I was expecting you” I opened my eyes and looked around to see the source of the voice. When I saw whom the soft voice belonged to, I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I could feel my eyes widen with shock.

I felt as if I were looking in the mirror. Expect the person in front of me had messy light brown hair with piercing grey eyes. I blinked a few time to check if I were dreaming. But the person in front of me stood amused.

“I’m Amethyst, I was hoping we would meet under better circumstances.” It finally clicked in my head, she was THE Amethyst and she looked just like me. WOAH.

“Its nice to meet you” I looked awkwardly at her because she looked just like me despite a few minor features. I looked at her clothes and it was a very old fashioned dress almost medieval. She looked very elegant and carried herself with confidence.

“You must be wondering why we look exactly the same, there could have many reasons, but we both have the same destiny, the same purpose in life and maybe that’s why you ended up looking like me” I nodded my head taking in the fact I have a doppelganger.

“That is so weird” I let out a nervous laugh and Amethyst laughed along with me.

“It’s a good thing we are good looking then, twice as beautiful” she winked at me making me laugh. The way she spoke was much more formal compared to me. We both looked around and took in the beautiful view.

“How comes you can come into my dream” I never thought much of dreams before until all this started and it scared me. Draco was able to come into my dreams and harm me.

“I can come into your dream due to the powers I possess, it easier now that you have fully accepted your destiny and when you are away from your mate. Being near Adam stops me or anyone coming into your dreams due to a barrier he put up because of Draco harming you”

It all seemed to click in my head, every time I was with Adam not once did I have a nightmare, I always had them when he was no near. My heart swelled at the thought of him protecting me even when I was sleeping.

I nodded my head at her as she led me to huge rocks near the waterfall. She sat down gracefully and sorted out her dress. I followed and sat down beside her.

“The real reason behind me coming here today is very important. I know that Colton has taken you and is torturing you, but you cannot give up. You have to find a way out, the only person that can save you is yourself.” I shook my head because I knew that I couldn’t save myself due to the state I was in, I was damaged beyond repair.

“I can’t save myself...he’s a monster” Amethyst’s eyes softened and she held my hand.

“You are stronger than you know and you can save yourself, you can defeat this cruel monster, give yourself justice.” I nodded my head and tears filled my eyes thinking about how he had hurt me.

“Your parents are immensely proud of you” My head lifted up when mentioned my parents.

“My parents?”

“Part of this prophecy being fulfilled will bring back the souls of the innocents magical beings that were killed. This prophecy is so much more than just taking Draco down”

“I will get my parents back” I felt a sob break out thinking about seeing my parents again. My heart was soaring with happiness.

“Yes you will, but in order to do that you need to first get out of where Colton is keeping you” I wiped my tears as I listened carefully as she narrated the full prophecy to me.

“Once you leave you will have to come to this place and this is where the journey for fulfilling the prophecy begins. You will have to enter the maze forest and I won’t lie it will be hard getting out of there. It will trick your mind, release terrifying creatures but you have to get through. You will have fully trust yourself and your magic to get through. Once you have left it you will reach the place where the final battle will take place. There you and Adam together will have to cast the spell to kill Draco, it is the whole reason you two have the strong mate bond.”

“How will they know where I am and where this all will take place”

“Once you have entered the ground, the veils that conceal it and make it this terrifying maze will be lifted and Adam will find his way to you. You just have to trust yourself and your bond with him.”

“So once he gets there we cast the spell together and end Draco.”

“Well yes, but it’s easier said than done. You will still have to sacrifice the purest part of yourself to defeat an evil like him” My heart sank, there was a slight hope in me that now that me and Adam will cast the spell, I won’t have to make that sacrifice.

“Your sacrifice is bigger than you know and it will be hard for you to make. But the decision is yours”

Amethyst smiled at me and everything after that turned into a bright light.


I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was still held captive. I groaned as my head hurt. I straightened my aching body as I started to recall my strange dream.

I still had to sacrifice myself, it may seem selfish that I now don’t want to due to knowing that I will do the spell with Adam. But can you blame me, who wants to willingly die. But if it means that all the innocent people including my parents get their lives back then I will make the sacrifice.

After all it is the whole purpose of my life.

My thoughts drifted to Adam and to how our relationship became a mess. I have forgiven him for what had happened but his words will always echo in my mind. Being raped wasn’t my fault and I know he said it in anger but the saying of when you’re in a state of anger your true feelings come out and it hurts to know what was going through his mind.

But I had to trust the bond I had with him and I can’t deny how it strong it is. I just have to trust it.

I cleared my thoughts and solely focused on Adam. His green vibrant eyes came to my mind bringing a smile to my face.

I suddenly felt as if I were no longer in my body. I could hear voices, voices that seemed familiar.

“We will...anything...back” The conversation was distant. I focused my thoughts on the voices and what happened next shocked me to my core.

I could see an anxious Cole pacing back and forth in my grandparents garden. My breath caught in my throat when I realised what I had done.

“Adam” My voice came out in a low whisper. I had managed to get into his mind and see through his point of view.

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