Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Justice

Adams P.O.V

“Adam” The voice was faint but it was loud and clear enough to stop my whole body and give me the chills.

“Selena” My voice came out hoarse and scratchy. I could feel a lump in my throat knowing that Selena had somehow managed to make a connection with me.

“What’s going on” Cole stopped and looked at me with a questioning look. I put my hand up to signal for him to be quiet.

“Adam, please help me....” Her voice was very distant, which meant that the connection we had was very weak. Her voice sounded tired and strained, hearing her cry made my blood boil.

“Amado where are you, what happened” I couldn’t form what I wanted to say into sentences, my heart was aching know that my mate was in trouble and I wasn’t there to save her.

“I don’t....where I am, Colton he....me. Please help me” Hearing that lowlifes name made me fist my hands and I could feel my nails digging into my skin. He had once again managed to hurt her.

“Colton, that fucking bastard had certainly signed his own death when I get my hands on him I will kill him. Amado I will find you” My blood boiled knowing that Colton has something to do this. How he managed to get back into this world and get to Selena angered me.

I could feel the connection I had with Selena slowly start to weaken. I closed my eyes and tried to get through to her, her energy was draining but it was enough for me to push through her mind. I felt the barriers in her mind go down as I started to see a different location.

It was dark and there was a faint light. I concentrated as hard as I could to hold the connection because Selena’s energy was slipping away.

“Amado please hold on I will find you”

“I cant Adam..drug...magic away” I slowly felt a cold and distant feeling and I opened my eyes to see I was back in her grandparents garden.

“Fuck” I got up and slammed the chair I was sitting on.

“She mind linked me cole, Colton the bastard took her away and her drugged her so she can’t use her magic” I ran a hand through my hair as I was thinking of all the ways to kill Colton once I got my hands on him.

“Did you see where she was”

“I fucking saw nothing but darkness, he has her held hostage somewhere” All I could see was red, god knows what pain he must be inflicting on her, he is a monster who is capable of great evils.

“Let’s head inside and let the rest know” I nodded my head as I got followed Cole.

My heart was racing knowing that Selena was not safe. I couldn’t protect my own mate, my other half. Instead I hurt her and broke her. I said cruel things I shouldn’t have, it wasn’t her fault she got raped, I don’t know what came over me when I said that. Her leaving was justified because I had hurt her, all this is my fault.

We headed inside and I told everyone about what had happened. Her grams broke down and it hurt me knowing that all this was my fault.

“What do we do now, that cruel monster has my granbaby. God knows what he has done with her” I felt rage inside of me thinking about what Colton may have done with her.

“Selena will be fine, we will find her” I spoke with a strong assuring tone, I don’t know whether i was assuring her or myself.

“None of this is fine, my fucking sister is gone missing from right under our noses and you’re saying it will be fine. In case you haven’t noticed Adam NONE OF THIS IS FUCKING FINE” I was taken aback by the outburst by Ben, but it was justified.

I bowed my head down in shame, I had no words for what was going on but I was determined to find Selena and save her.

I walked out of the house to leave and go back to Xavier’s pack house. It would be stupid to go back to my palace because it may endanger everyone’s lives.

“Adam” I turned around to see Xavier standing behind me.

“What” Xavier walked towards me and stood beside me as we both watched the sky filled with stars.

“I’m not going to sugar coat the situation, but wherever she is, she is in grave danger, judging from your nasty gash that is probably the least of our worries. Since we can’t mind link her we should try and locate her. I will go to the witches tomorrow and ask for their help”

“I’ll go back to your pack house tonight and ask Regina. I can’t wait until tomorrow”

“We won’t be able to save her if us both are constantly arguing amongst each other, it’s better if we co-operate. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love dearly. Selena means the world to me too Adam and I will do everything in my power to save her”

I nodded my head “Thank you man, us arguing will only make the situation worse”

“Well I’m going to head inside, I’m going to stay here and you should go back to the pack house” Xavier turned his back and walked inside.

Xaviers words were in my head, I know I will get Selena back but he has lost his mate forever and I can’t begin to imagine how it must be to live with that everyday.


We had arrived back to the pack house a few hours ago. We filled in everyone on what had happened and Xavier’s pack were ready to help us in case things got out of hand.

I had been looking for Regina but no-one had seen her. Seeing her right now was the last thing I wanted, she was beyond infuriating but I needed her help.

“Regina...Regina” Where the fuck could she be. I walked towards her room and banged on the door.

The door opened and revealed a very startled looking Regina.

“Everything ok” I looked at her with a questioning look.

“Ye-yeah..I was just...uh...taking a...nap. Yeah”

“We need your help to do a locating spell on Selena” She nodded her head and turned back into her room to get her witchy stuff. I walked back down the stairs, confused by her weird behaviour. But then again this was Regina we were talking about.

I headed downstairs to the dining table. Cole was sat with Giselle whose face was red due to crying and so was Haileys as she sat beside Liam. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I fought back my tears.

I sat down on the table and waited for Regina. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe trying to calm myself down. I felt someone hold my hand and as I opened my eyes I saw Hailey. She gave me a smile.

“Don’t worry we will find her” I nodded my head, hoping that we would find her very soon.

I started to grow impatient as Regina was taking her time. I let out an annoyed breath, as I was about to get up Regina decided to show up. She seem very calm about the situation which annoyed me and also didn’t surprise me as she didn’t like Selena.

She sat down on the head seat of the table and turned to me.

“Do you have any personal belonging of hers” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bracelet that I had seen her wear quite a lot.

I placed it on the table and Regina had laid out a massive ancient looking sheet. It was plain which made us all look at her with a questioning look.

“Once I place her bracelet on this map it will show us the location where she is” We all nodded our heads and watched as she recited a spell.

I was praying in my head that we would find where she was. I looked at Regina who opened her eyes and looked at the map puzzled. She closed her eyes again and recited the spell. She had opened her eyes and the map hadn’t shown the location.

“It’s not working, Colton has somehow put a cloak spell on their whereabouts.” I punched the table as I got up.

“Then try something else. There must be a fucking way to find her” I shouted at Regina startling her but I couldn’t care less.

I got up as I slammed my chair and left the room.


Selena’s P.O.V

My heart ached as I felt Adams faint presence in my mind.

“I will find you” His words echoed in my mind and tears fell down my face reminding me off the dream in which he saved me.

I wiped my tears angrily off my face. Crying hadn’t gotten me anywhere, I had to save myself because Colton is a cruel monster who will probably do anything so that no one finds me. Amethyst is right I had to save myself.

I tried to think of ideas which may help me out but none of them would work in the state I was in. I tilted my head back in defeat, I was took broken to escape.

“You can do this, try harder” My head shot up at the sound of a child’s voice. I looked to my right to see a little girl with vibrant green eyes staring at me with a smile.

“How did you get here...go before someone hurts you” I’m pretty sure my jaw was on the floor. How did this little girl get here. What if Colton saw her I’m sure he would hurt her.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the little girl started to laugh.

“You’re so silly, no-one can hurt me. Enough about me. You need to leave and get out of here”

“I can’t” My voice came out broken and the little girl’s expression softened.

“Yes you can, you just need to try harder. Use a spell or something” I laughed at the little girl’s stubbornness it reminded me of Adam.

I thought about any spell that can help me, I had very little energy left so i had to use it wisely. And just like that it felt like a light bulb lighting up moment.

I remembered a body protection spell. It stops any bad influences from destroying your body and in this case it will prevent Colton’s drug from working, but it will also prevent me from using magic until the contents of the drug leave me body. But it will preserve my magic so I can use it fully.

“Why hadn’t I thought of this before”

“That’s because I wasn’t here before” I laughed at the little girls sass. She gave me a look to do the spell.

The spell required a lot of strength and I had only done it once before so there was a 50/50 chance here. I took a deep breathe and started to recite the spell. I felt my body growing more tired and the pain of the wounds was getting worse. I felt like giving up but then I felt a familiar tingle in my skin and I felt the spell take its course.

I didn’t have enough time to open my eyes because the darkness took over me.


“Wakey wakey Lena” I felt a slight pressure on my lips and my eyes flew open to see Colton right in my face. I quickly pulled my face to side making him laugh.

“What a great way to wake up isn’t it Lena” He smirked at me as he came closer to my face. I gave him a dirty look and he laughed at me. He took out the needle he had and stabbed it in my arm making me wince.

“I’m sorry Lena if that hurt but I have to take precautions” I gave him a sarcastic smile before speaking.

“So caring aren’t you” He gave him a flat look and I rolled my eyes at him.

“I brought you breakfast better eat up unless you want me to punish you.” Colton undid my hands as he gave me the plate and for once I took the food from him because if I was going to escape I had to get all the energy I could get.

When Colton started to ramble on about his crappy life I tried to basic spell to check if my powers worked. I tried to create sparks but they wouldn’t happen. I wanted to scream when I remembered that I had to wait until the drug’s content would leave which meant until the end of the day.

I had to wait the whole day to escape. Colton usually leaves after few hours which gives me the perfect to escape.

“Yesterday your beloved Adam tried to do a locating spell and find you. Luckily Regina faked to the spell and not have them find you” He started to laugh and it made me feel sick to think that the devils were living amongst the ones I loved.

“You both are sick” He gave me a dirty look and completely ignored what I had said as he proceeded to talk.

“So it looks like I’ll be camping in here until my dad decides what he wants to do with you. We can’t have your mate showing up and try playing the hero ” I groaned now knowing he will be here and me escaping will be a 0% chance.

“Adam will find me and once he does you’re dead” Colton started to laugh at the mention of Adam it took everything in me not to try and hurt him.

I tried to think of how I could kill him and Amethysts words came to mind. “You have to defeat this monster and get justice for yourself” I sighed as I looked away from him. I knew the only way out now was to kill him. I just couldn’t bring myself to the thought of it.

Me and Colton sat in silent for quite a while and I found myself dozing off only to be awoken by a startling sound of a door slamming.

“Well if is isn’t the poor damsel in distress.” I opened my eyes to see Regina standing beside Colton. She was sneering at me as she came close to me.

“Did you do something because Adam is suddenly very intrigued by the idea that someone other than Draco is involved in your disappearing” Shit. I gave her a confused look trying to play as if I didn’t communicate with Adam last night.

“What do you mean Regina?” Colton got up and came towards me.

“Well I overheard his conversation and Adam had said that it wasn’t Draco that took her. So what the fuck did you do”

“I didn’t do anything” Regina’s hand connected with my face as soon as the words left my mouth.

“Stop fucking lying” Regina started to use her magic on me and started to strangle me. I found it hard to breathe as she started to fist her hand making it harder for me to breathe. I looked at Colton with a helpless look on my face as tears started to form in my eyes.

“Just fucking stop it Regina” Colton pushed her to the side as he glared at her.

“I’ve drugged her so she can’t use magic, so she couldn’t have. So I suggest you leave for now since you are no help”

“You’re seriously taking her side right now. Unbelievable” Regina threw her hands in the air with frustration before glaring at me.

“I’m not taking her fucking side, I want her dead as much as the rest” Colton sneered at me and I looked the other way. His words meant nothing to me.

After a while Regina had left and Colton took a seat opposite me. I avoided eye contact with him the whole time, seeing him reminded me off all the pain that is still taking me time to get rid of.

“Are you ok” I looked up to see Colton standing beside me. His expression looked soft and it reminded me off when I first met him. His softened expression was sending me mixed signals, he abused me but now he is being nice to me.

I couldn’t help but use this opportunity to see if he still has a soft side and if he does I can use it to my advantage.

I shook my head and looked down at the ground. Colton bent down and put his hand on my wrist.

“What wrong” I looked up at him and tried to get some tears.

“I just don’t feel so good, since last night I’ve been feeling restless and really ill” I made my eyes droopy so he falls for the whole ill act. He put his hand to my forehead and then pulled away.

“You’re forehead is slightly hot” I nodded my head. It was no brainer that my head will feel hot after all the beatings him and Regina gave me.

“Is there anything you want” He fell for the act and it surprised me that he still somewhat was nice.

“Can you please move me to the floor, my body aches sitting on the chair” He nodded his head before untying me. I tried not to smile but then I realised that he was chaining me to the wall.

“There, you can lay here and you won’t run away so it’s a win win” I rolled my eyes at him as I sat on the ground.


Everything was silent and Colton had dozed off a while ago which gave me a chance to check if I could use my magic. I moved my hands slowly trying not to make noises with the chains. I took a deep breathe and tried to make sparks.


I tried again and still nothing. I sighed as I lightly banged my head on the wall.

Colton opened his eyes and looked around and then his eyes fell on me.

“It’s about time sleeping beauty woke up from her slumber” Colton didn’t appreciate my sarcasm as he gave me a dirty look.

“Just because I’ve moved you to the ground doesn’t mean I won’t hesitate to hurt you again” Just when I thought he still had slight humanity left in him.

“Wow and here I thought you still had a soft side”

“Don’t mistaken my humanity for a soft side” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“You don’t have any humanity in you Colton because if you did I wouldn’t be here” Colton got up and came near me.

“Stop fucking talking or you will regret it and then you’ll really see how I little humanity I have left in me”

“Colton you are a monster and proved that when you - ” My voice cracked at the end and he knew well what I was talking about. He held my face and smirked at me.

“When I what” He mocked me and was enjoying every moment knowing that I was still reliving the horror of how he hurt me and then broke me finally.

“Come on tell me, was it when I beat you or was it when I ‘made love’ to you” He threw his head back laughing and I could feel my blood boiling. To him it was all a big joke but to me it was everything.

He sobered up and looked at me with a smug look on his face and I did the only thing appropriate.

I spat on his face. I felt a smile make it way on my face as his facial expressions turned into those of disgust.

“You fucking bitch” He punched the side of my face and I could taste blood in mouth. He grabbed the long chains that tied me to the wall and he wrapped them tightly around my neck.

“You are a pathetic little ungrateful bitch. If it was up to me I would end you right now but I cannot” He tightened the chains making me suffocate.

“Colton...stop” He smirked at me and tightened them even more. I scratched his hands hoping he would stop but he was enjoying watching me suffer. He let go off the chains and grabbed my head and smashed my head on the ground many times until I passed out.


I opened my eyes at my hand went to straight to my head. It hurt beyond words could describe, when I pulled my hand away I looked at it and I had blood on them. I felt rage seeing the blood and all I could see was red.

I felt a tingle go through my arm and suddenly fire shot out of my hand and hit the ground. I couldn’t believe what I had saw. I didn’t waste any time in getting rid of the chains off my hands. I looked around and noticed that Colton wasn’t present.

This was the time to escape. I stood up and it felt weird since it had been a while since I was on my feet. I looked around to see a door but due to the room being all once nasty colour it was hard. I used my powers and saw that exist was in fact behind the huge weapon shelf that Colton and Regina used against me. I walked towards it and pushed it to the side.

The door opened and it revealed Colton standing in front. I felt fear set in myself as he realised what was going on.

“What the fuck” Colton pushed me back and it caused me to loose my footing. I stumbled back but held the shelf to steady myself.

I quickly grabbed a metal bat off the shelf.

“Stay away from me” I spoke to him in a low tone warning him not to come close to me.

“Or what” He mocked me as he came closer.

“Stay back Colton” In a split second Colton lunged at me making me drop my weapon. He threw a punch at me and I avoided it.

I put up quite a fight, hurting Colton a few times which caught him off guard. Guess all the training sessions paid off

He tried to hit me and missed but then he managed to throw me against the wall. I groaned as I got up. He had cornered me and had a sick look across his face. He held me by the neck and I stayed calm as I used my magic to throw him against the wall.

He looked me stunned but he quickly got up. He charged towards me with the bat that was laying on the floor. He hit me but I quickly turned around only to have him hit my back. I quickly grabbed chains that were on the shell and hit him on the face will full force.

I used my magic to strangle him and he fell on his knees.

The only way out now was to kill him.

He looked up at me pleading and I tried not to give in. He was a monster who had done many cruel things to me and I had to end him so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.


“Don’t you dare call me that. I don’t want my name coming out of your dirty mouth”

“Please...don’t...I never wanted to hurt you. I love you” I scoffed at his words. I used my magic to throw him in the corner and he slumped down helplessly.

“Colton, your words cannot fool me. You are a monster who has done many evils things but now it is time for all that to end” I felt rage as I remembered everything. How I fell for him and how we reached today.

Colton got up to hit me but my hand made contact with his chest and I realised that I managed to put my hand through his chest. I pulled my hand away with his heart in my hand.

Colton looked at me with wide eyes, he started to choke on the air as I squeezed his heart.

“Selena don’t do this, I never meant to hurt you. I always loved you. I just wish things were different and you weren’t the saviour. Then this wouldn’t have happened” Colton’s words seemed as if they were true but he wasn’t fooling me.

“No Colton, you don’t get to say this. You never cared, I was a fool who fell for you and let you treat me like crap because I was blindly in love with you. But you only cared about yourself and cared about destroying me.”

“Selena dont” Tears fell out of his eyes as he pleaded helplessly.

“You are a evil monster who broke me in ways which will take forever to heal. Your time is up Colton, you are done hurting people”

“Don’t” He was pleading at my feet and some sick part of me enjoyed seeing him beg for my mercy, seeing him helpless brought me some form if sick and twisted happiness.

“Goodbye Colton” I squeezed his heart until it became ash in my hands.

Coltons body dropped to the ground with wide eyes. I looked down and felt tears fall out of my eyes. Tears of anger and relief. I had defeated a monster who had his way with me and I had given myself justice.

I bent down and closed his eyes.

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