Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Not What I Planned

Selena’s P.O.V

The rest of the week flew by pretty quick. It was uneventful, I saw Xavier a few times but we didn’t get the chance to have a proper conversation. He was caught up in some stuff with the werewolfs.

Tonight we were invited to go to Adams house for dinner. Honestly I didn’t want to go. I was feeling really down because I was feeling homesick.

But I had to suck it up and go. I picked out a grey dress which reached my knee’s. I put on a simple necklace and put my hair in side braid.

I was feeling like absolute poop but for everyone’s sake I had to keep a smile. Apparently tonight was a important dinner and so it was important everyone was present.

I headed downstairs to see everyone ready and waiting for me. We all headed out of the house and sat into our cars. The boy went into one and I sat with one with Nana and Gramps.

On the way in the car Nana decided to give me a heads up about what she thought this would be about.

“Well I think they have called us to discuss something about their anniversary ball. I mean I saw Katherine the other day and she saying something about meeting up for her anniversary.”

I nodded my head not thinking much of it.

I mean its just an anniversary ball maybe she just wants to have like a small get together or something.

“But taking in our circumstances I think they will be discussing about the safety for the ball and now that you’re here we need to be extremely careful”

“I understand Nana” She smiled at me and squeezed my hand. Gramps turned towards me and spoke.

“Selena, I want you to know that not everyone here is friendly. Some maybe seem as if they care for you but you have to be careful because with Draco on the loose you can be in danger.”

Now that Gramps had said that my heart started to beat faster. I smiled at him to show him I’m ok but deep down I’m not, I’m scared shitless.

“At this dinner you need to remember that not everyone is going to be nice and even if someone does say something hurtful you just need to brush it off. I know it’s easier said than done but you don’t need their negativity. Just remember no matter what anyone says to you, you were chosen to be our saviour for a reason and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise”

“Don’t worry Gramps I won’t....as long as I have you guys I know I’m going to be totally fine”

I don’t know who I was reassuring by saying that myself or my grandparents. All of this is so scary and the one thing which is haunting me inside is if I can really defeat Draco.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car came to a stop.

I stepped out and took a deep breath, I tried to mentally prepare myself for the unknown today and I just hope everything goes well.

As we walked in, there were loads of more other people walking in but one man in particular made me feel small and inferior. I brushed that feeling off and smiled at him.

We got into the big dining room and everyone was starting to sit down. I walked towards the boys and saw that Xavier was also present. I went and sat between him and John.

“Hey you alright” Xavier spoke to me as I was settling into my seat.

“I’m good how are you?”

“I’m good, I’d rather not be here” I laughed.

“Well that makes two of us” John and Xavier started to talk about something and I tuned out as I saw Adam walk into the room.

He was dressed in casual clothes as if he didn’t want to be here. His parents on the other hand were dressed very smart and elegant.

He sat near his parents which was directly diagonal from my seat. I looked around and Regina the bitch was nowhere to be seen.

As I was looking I saw the creepy man from earlier, so I nudged Xavier to ask him if he knows who that man was.

“Who is that man there in the corner wearing full black” Xavier turned and looked at him with a horrible look.

“He’s one of the few wizards who know about the dark magic and so he is here all the time to help ‘protect’ everyone”

“Well he is kinda creeping me out”

“Just ignore him”

After a while dinner was served and the whole time I could feel Adam looking at me through the corner of my eye. I tried to distract myself by talking to my brothers and Xavier.

“May I have everyone’s attention” everyone in the room went dead quiet as Adams dad spoke.

“We have called everyone here tonight to discuss important matters, as you know tomorrow is our anniversary ball and we are worried about the safety of everyone tomorrow. As you all are aware Draco has escaped which has put everyone in grave danger” He looked at me and I looked at my hands feeling scared.

“So tomorrow night we need to be extra cautious because Draco might attack especially now that he knows about the prophecy coming true. We need to put into place a plan to keep everyone safe just in case” Edward was still talking when the creepy dude interrupted.

“Could I say something”

“Off course go ahead Dante” I snorted because of the way he got up to speak. He gave me a dirty look and carried on talking.

“Well I personally feel that if the root of the problem isn’t at the ball then the likelihood of an attack would be far less and the people would be safe”

When he said the root of the problem he looked at me. I was more than offended, was my presence such a danger for everyone. John squeezed my hand and gave me a faint smile of encouragement.

“But it is a tradition that everyone attends the ball, there will be no one out there to protect her”

Even though Edward didn’t say my name I knew he was talking about me.

“But don’t you think if the girl wasn’t there Draco would attack her somewhere else instead of attacking a palace of people. It would be safer to keep her away”

The lump in my throat made it hard for me to breathe. Did this man seriously think I was a danger to everyone around me.

“Dante you have no right to say whether she should be here or not”

Everyone’s heads turned towards Adam who was stood up and was raging with anger.He looked at me and I begged with my eyes for him to sit down.

“I wasn’t talking to you Prince Adam and respect me when you talk”

“I’ll respect you when you learn to respect others.” Adams voice was low and deadly and everyone was pretty shit scared right now.

“Adam sit” His dad tried pulling him to sit but he didn’t.

“Selena isn’t the root of the problem, was she here when this all started. No. So don’t you fucking dare say that she is the root of the problem. She is coming tomorrow no matter what anyone says. Esspecially you Dante, you’d rather her get attacked alone than have her surrounded by people who will actually help her and keep her safe. You have no say in what she can do and what she can’t.”

“Don’t raise your voice at me boy”

Dante was fuming with anger, Adam had insulted him in front a room full of people and everyone was pretty shocked.

“Then stay out of our business”

“How can I stay out, I’m the only one who knows how dark magic works-”

“No dark magic is being used and when it will, we will ask for your help. But right now you have no right to interfere”

“Dark magic will be used and it will be because of her!. People will be killed because of her. Draco will want her and you want her to be safe. She’s the reason why her parents died-“

I ran out of the room. I didn’t even want to hear what he had to say. Tears fell down my cheeks as I ran outside. I kept running. Something inside of me snapped and I let out a sob.

I stopped and fell to the ground near a tree. It felt as if the world was caving in on me, he was right I was the reason my parents died and I will be the reason for other peoples death.

“Selena, are you ok” I felt someone touch me and instantly I knew it was Adam.

I turned around and looked at him, and all it took was one look into his eyes and I broke down into tears. He sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“Nothing is ok, nothing is. Everything here I hate it. Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be in this position. I thought the worst thing while growing up was having no parents. But now knowing I’m the reason they died makes me hate myself so much. This life I never asked for it Adam.

Everything right now is not what I had planned for myself. My friends, the people I grew up with are no longer here because I’m here to fulfil a prophecy and save everyone. How can I save these people if I’m the same reason they will get hurt.”

“Selena look at me” Adam turned me to look at him. His eyes were filled with an emotion I couldn’t recognise.

“I know this isn’t what you wanted, but you are not the reason why your parents passed away. Draco is an evil man he will hurt people without thinking twice and that not your fault. Don’t hate yourself or your life, I know this isn’t what you wanted but it’s happened for a reason”

“No Adam ever since this whole magic thing came into my life anything but bad stuff happened. I got raped and abused by my boyfriend, I was attacked. Was all that for a reason”

“I’m not saying that all that happened for a reason, all I’m saying is that you were chosen to save everyone for a reason and once this is all over you can....go back...home” Adam looked down with a defeated look in his eyes.

“I just want all this to be over so I can go back home to the people who care about me those who make my life feel normal”

“Selena everyone all here cares about you” I was sick of hearing that everyone cares about me.

“Adam just stop.... please just stop” My voice broke, I was sick of whatever was happening between us.


“Stop acting like you care, because you don’t Adam. I don’t want to be your toy, you act like you care one minute and then you be hooking up with some girl. I’m sick of you getting to me like that. Ever since you came into my life you somehow managed to get so close to me and then when I feel like I’m safe with you fuck it up... I’m done with you”

“Selena I-“

“No save it for someone who care’s because I’m sick of you making me feel like there is something when clearly for there’s not”

“I do care for you” his voice cracked and I stopped him because all this was too much.

“No you don’t care for me, people like my brothers and Xavier care for me they don’t toss me to the side”

“Don’t say that I don’t care for you Selena, because I fucking do. If you weren’t busy running off with Xavier you could see that I care.”

“Don’t turn this on me, Xavier has done nothing but been nice to me and treated me well. You always seem to toss me to the side for Regina and right now Adam I’m done with whatever that was or wasn’t between us”

“Selena just hear me out-”

“No Adam I’m sick of being left in doubt and being hurt”

I ignored him and walked off. My heart ached so bad to go away from him, why was it is so hard to go away from someone who doesn’t care about me. I walked outside and to where the cars were.

“Selena, where were you” Nana and Gramps were stood outside for me.


I ran to her and cried. Gramps opened the door and we sat inside. The whole way home I cried.

When we reached home my brothers were all waiting for us. I saw them and ran to hug John. I cried my heart out.

“It’s not your fault Lena, no matter what anyone says” John tried to make me feel better I just couldn’t.

I walked up to my room and changed into my Pj’s. When I went to close my window I saw Xavier on the field and he looked up at me. I didn’t know what to do so I closed the curtains.

Tonight everything just came out. Everything all my worries and hurt. Why did my heart more about cutting Adam out of my life.

Why did he have to walk into my life and make me feel so special one minute and the next he just leaves me. I should be happy but why does my heart ache so bad. The look on his face when I left him just won’t leave my mind.

Why can’t I get him out of my system?

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