Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter New House & Dates Sorta...

Selena’s P.O.V

The next day was pretty annoying. First of all I had the worst headache ever and it was no brainer why.

Secondly I was annoyed because last night sleeping had been hard, horrifying sounds from Adam and Regina kept us awake. Giselle was knocked out quickly but me, boy I couldn’t sleep, I had a tight pain in my chest.

I got up and freshened myself, the long hot shower seemed to make me feel better. I headed downstairs once I was dressed. I turned into the dining room and I saw all my brothers standing with suitcases.

“Um what is going on?” I questioned them as I sat to eat breakfast. I put 2 waffles in my plate and flooded them with chocolate syrup.

“We are going home, since we knew you forgot we packed your stuff. So eat breakfast quick because we need to leave”

How the hell could I have forgotten that. I quickly ate my breakfast as everyone was engrossed their own conversations. I wiped my mouth and got out of my seat as Jake handed me my coat. I managed to put it on without making my wounds hurt.

I hugged all the boys and said a goodbye to them. I turned to Cole to hug him, I smirked at him as him and Giselle were standing extremely close. When Giselle noticed my smirk she scowled at me and put a distance between her and Cole.

“Lena, even though you are moving to your own home just know that if ever you need me all you have to do is call.”

I hugged Cole and he gave me another lecture about safety. It felt weird because this was the first time we were going to be separate since we’ve met.

When I went to hug Giselle an annoying voice interrupted everyone. We all turned to see Regina standing in the doorway with the shirt Adam was wearing last night.

“Morning everryonee”

Anger bubbled inside of me taking me by surprise. Why was I annoyed that she was wearing his shirt.

Giselle pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. “Ignore her, she’s an attention seeking whore”

I laughed into her shoulder.

“I gonna miss your clumsy ass being around me. But you’re gonna have fun at your new house, Xavier lives right next door” I scoffed at the mention of Xavier and Giselle laughed.

“Don’t think I never saw what happened between you two last night” Giselle blushed and tried to hide it by rolling her eyes at me.

Katherine hugged me and I relaxed into her hug, it felt so weird to say bye to her because in such a short time we became so close.

“I’m going to miss having you around, but you’re always welcome here” I pulled away and headed for the car.

As I stepped out I saw Adam, he opened his mouth to say something to me but I walked away and sat in the car. Why does it bother me so much what he does and doesn’t.

But can you blame me for thinking there was something between us. He has treated me nicely; he’s always been there for me since we’ve met. But so has everyone else. Maybe we’re just meant to be friends.

I watched as the car drove away from the palace and I sat up straight to see out the window. There were little streets filled with people selling things at small stalls. The whole place was buzzing with life, everyone was caught up in themselves they didn’t even bother looking at our car passing by.

Little children were playing in the streets with each other and young girls were walking past laughing. Everyone was so carefree and it made me smile seeing everyone so happy.

The car drove away from the bustling streets and into a private area. The house behind the gates stood tall and proud. John turned around to me and spoke.

“Welcome home” I smiled and looked at the place that was ‘home’.

The manor was massive; it looked like it had been there for thousands of years.

As we drove in front of the house someone came and opened the door. I said thank you and went and stood behind my brothers. John went to open the door but someone else opened the door from inside.

When the doors opened, a small petite lady stood there, dressed in the most beautiful simple dress.

“Nana” All the boys shouted at once and hugged the lady.

I stayed frozen in my spot.

My grandmother? I took a better look at her. She looked exactly like my mother. My heart started to ache as I saw the sight before me. Everyone looked so happy, my brothers have never looked happier.

Everything was almost perfect. Almost, because the ones who could make this perfect were no longer amongst us. My parents. But that’s a void that can never be filled. I blinked back the tears and smiled.

The boys pulled away and started to walk inside with our grandma.

Wow they really forgot about me. I walked behind them and Blake spoke.

“Shit where’s Selena” Our grandma smacked him over the head for his bad language and I laughed. This drew everyone’s attention and they all looked at me.

“Oh my, you truly look like your mother” Tears filled the eyes of my grandma as she came towards me. She held my face and looked at me with the most loving eyes ever.

Tears filled my eyes too, she pulled me into a tight hug and tears began to fall out of my eyes. We pulled away as she kissed my forehead.

“My beautiful granddaughter is finally home. Welcome home dear” I smiled at her wiping the tears away.

“Yeah, it feels good to be home” The boys faces lit up when I said home.

“Ruth are you going to stay in the hallway forever or will you bring the kids in”

“Don’t rush us George”

When the boys heard the voice of the elderly man they all walked inside.

I followed on as Nana held my hand. My weirdo brothers all had attacked the poor man sitting on the chair, who I assumed was my grandfather.

“Get off me all of you” The boys laughed they all moved expect Ben who sat in his lap. We all started to laugh at Ben’s childish behaviour which was nothing new.

“Get off me boy, you’ve really gone heavy”

“Your the one to talk Gramps” He patted Gramps belly and everyone laughed at him. Gramps slapped his head and he got up scowling.

“Now out of my way I need to see my granddaughter” He stood up and he was surprisingly tall. He looked built and didn’t look like an old grandpa.

I smiled at him as he came to hug me. I was so short compared to so I had look up at him.

“Beautiful just like your mother, maybe even more” We both laughed and he kissed the top of my head.

“Let’s get you kids some lunch to eat come one” We all walked into the dining room and it was big yet it looked so cosy.

Nana and Gramps sat together and me and the boys filled the empty seats. We all quickly started to eat and once we were finished we stayed sitting on the table.

“Selena we want you to know that as long as you are with us, you are going to be safe. Draco cannot harm you here. No matter how scary everyone makes this prophecy to be it won’t be as terrifying because you have all of us and most importantly your mate” I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

I still haven’t met the idiot that was going to be my mate.

“It doesn’t matter if you haven’t found your mate. With or without him you will be just fine.” Nana smiled at me and it made me feel slightly better.

We all talked about our life back at home and we asked Nana and Gramps loads of questions. From all this is noticed that Nana was a cute lady but with quite the mouth.

Gramps was a complete clown he made us laugh so much. Time flew by so quick with them and before we knew the skies started to get dark outside.

“Enough of the chit chat, time to show you kids your rooms”

“And for Blake his kennel” We all laughed when Gramps insulted Blake.

We all headed up the stairs and the boys knew which rooms were theirs so they went ahead. I followed Nana and she stopped outside one of the rooms.

“This was your mothers room, if you want you can sleep here” I took a deep breath and followed Nana in. Everything in the room was left as if she still lives here. Makeup was scattered on the dressing table books were on the bed.

“We haven’t had the courage to put this all away. No-one has opened this room since she died” I turned to Nana and squeezed her hand. She smiled at me and we both headed out because I couldn’t bear to sleep in there.

“Well Selena this is your room” We walked into the room and it was huge. It was right at the end of the hallway so it was the biggest room. It had two massive windows. One facing the back garden and the massive side window facing the wooded area near our house.

“There’s more” She pulled me to a door and when she opened it there was a frickin walk in closet.

“Woah” My mouth was opened and Nana shut it for me laughing.

“I didn’t know what kind of clothes you would normally wear so I thought you could do that shopping once you get here. But however I did pick out dresses for you, one that you will wear to events here”

One side was empty and the other was filled with gowns and so much jewellery. I hugged Nana tightly.

“Thank you Nana this means so much to me”

“No need to thank me. It’s just one of the perks of marrying a wizard Lord” she winked at me, which made me laugh.

We walked out of there and she showed me my bathroom.

We both went and sat on my bed. Nana held my hands and looked at me.

“Selena, I know it must have been hard for you to grow up without your mother. But I just want to say that I will try my best to be that motherly figure for you.

I know I can’t make up for the lost time but it just breaks my heart to know that you kids grew up without us and there was nothing I could do” Her eyes started to fill with tears.

“Nana, this whole day I’ve been here, I felt like I’ve been here my whole life. I know we haven’t been with each other our whole lives but now we are and that’s all that should matter.

It wasn’t in your or anyone’s control the way we grew up. But that was to protect us and we will always be grateful for that”

“Since when did you become so mature?”

“Well what can I say” I pretended to dust off my shoulder and we both started to laugh. But my laugh was stopped midway because of a howl.

Sensing that I was scared Nana held my shoulder.

“Don’t worry that’s probably the werewolf’s nearby, they seem to be training all the time.” I nodded my head.

Our conversation was cut because some came into the room.

“Nana someone is here to meet you downstairs” I looked up to see the Xavier standing in the doorway.

Nana got up and left me alone with Xavier who jumped onto my bed.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m always here, what are you doing here”

“Well I live here now” He smirked at me and I hit his shoulder.

“Well then that means we’ll be seeing each other a lot” He waggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed at him.

I got off the bed and started to look for his jacket. It was inside my suitcase right at the top.

“Here, thanks for letting me use it” I held it out to him and he didn’t take it.

“Keep it.”

“Seriously Xavier, are you gonna be one of the guys that says ‘it looks better on you anyways’”

“Don’t flatter yourself Selena, I said keep it because it has your nasty butt germs on it” I gasped and he laughed.

“You’re so rude Xavier” I went and sat down next to him. He flicked my ear and I held it because it started to hurt a lot.

I turned to hit him but since he was taller I had stretch over when I did he dodged it and I fell on him.

“Woah Selena, the first time we are alone and you are already making a move on me” I opened my mouth to say something but he flipped us over.

“Xavier get off me you fat pig” I shoved him but he wouldn’t budge. He held my arms above my head.

“I’m a fat pig, Selena you’ve really hurt my self esteem” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Ughh, get over yourself Xavier” I stopped talking because I heard Nana calling both of us and her voice was getting closer.

“Xavier get off me Nana is coming” He smirked at me.

“Don’t worry it’s a PG rated show anyways and besides it’s not like Nana hasn’t seen or done any of this” my mouth opened in shock and what he said. He got off me as Nana was seconds away.

“Be ready in the morning tomorrow” I sat up and looked at him.

“Why what’s tomorrow

“I’m taking you out to show you around the place” He walked off as Nana came in.

“Oooh where you kids going tomorrow”

“Xavier’s going to show me around the place” She nodded her head.

“So like a date”

“What no Nana” She laughed as my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“Oh, such a shame, you two are cute together”

“What Nana, oh god no” She laughed as she left the room. I laid back on the bed with my cheeks on fire.

I got changed into my Pj’s and got into bed. I had a excited feeling about tomorrow. I groaned because boys were really annoying at this point in my life.

On one hand there’s Adam who I don’t even know how to feel about. Then there’s Xavier who makes me feel weird and makes me feel like a giddy teenager.

Ughh I hate boys.


I woke up the next morning and was lazing around in bed just enjoying the relaxing bed, when I remembered I had to meet Xavier.

I looked at the time and it was 10:30.


I jumped out of my bed and ran into shower. I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around my head and looked for something to wear.

I found blue ripped jeans with a short sleeve top that showed a bit of my stomach. It seemed appropriate the for the warm weather outside.

I left my hair to dry naturally so it would probably be wavy. I headed downstairs to see the boys just sitting around.

“Morning” I smiled at Gramps as I sat beside him.

“Morning? It’s nearly 12” He raised an eyebrow at me as my face went red with embarassment.

“Xavier dropped by at 10 but you were sleeping so he went. He said he had pack business to take care of and then he’ll be back.”

I felt so bad Xavier actually showed up on time and my lazy ass was in bed.

I had my breakfast and then laid down on the sofa. I closed my eyes to enjoy some quiet time.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re still sleeping” my eyes shot open to see Xavier standing in front of me.

“Sorry” He laughed and rolled his eyes at me. I stood up and took a better look at him. He was wearing a baby blue shirt and his arms looked so good in the top.

Wait why am I checking him out.

“Done checking me out” I looked up at him and shoved him.

“Don’t flatter yourself Xavier”

“Don’t try denying it. I think I even saw a bit of drool come out of your mouth” He started to laugh and I hit him.

“Now lets head out because we have so much to do today” I followed him out of the house and to his car.

He opened the door and let me sit in. Once Xavier settled in his seat he started to drive off.

“So what do you wanna do today. See the small town or go further out to the city.”

“Its totally up to you. I don’t mind either”

“Well then I was thinking we could visit the small town today and then another time go visit the city. Sound good”

I nodded my head and looked out of the window.

Everything was peaceful until into you by ariana grande started to play.





I sang at the top of my lungs and started to dance in my seat. Xavier turned down the music and I hit his hand away and turned it back.

“Selena stop” Xavier was making faces at my singing and I started to laugh.

“Oh baby you look what you started the temperatures rising Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move”

Xavier raised an eyebrow at me making me laugh.

“Oh really” He spoke to me in a teasing tone; I laughed and winked at him.

We both went into a fit of laughing. The rest of the ride was just me singing and annoying him. Once we reached our destination and got out of the car I was in shock.

The little town was so cute. There were small streets and people had little stalls set up. I just loved the whole place.

“I take that you like it” I turned to him with a huge grin on my face.

“I love it. It’s so full of life and ughhh I love it” Xavier started to laugh and he started to show me the place.

We walked around for a bit and then we stopped at an ice cream place. I got chocolate while Xavier got vanilla.

“Seriously all these amazing flavours and you chose vanilla”

“Well I don’t really like sweet things” I shrugged his shoulders and I gave him a shocked look.

“You’re a weirdo”

“Me a weirdo” Xavier raised his eyebrow at me.

“Yes you” I stuck my tongue at him.

“Says the one who was drooling while checking me out”

“Hey I did not”

“Whatever” He rolled his eyes and walked off.

“Hey wait up” I caught up with him and finished off my ice cream.

As we were walking someone walked past us and stopped.

“Afternoon Alpha” they bowed their heads and walked off.

“Wow that was weird”

“Well it’s their way of showing respect to me. All pack members bow their head to show respect”

“Which pack are you part of? ”

“Well... I’m King of all Alphas so I have a say in all packs. But I do have my own family pack” I nodded my head.

Afterwards we went and had lunch at a small diner. It was quite packed but the place was amazing.

Xavier showed me the rest of the place and it seemed small but it was actually quite big.

My favourite part was probably the huge fountain in the middle of the town. Kids were playing around it and the elderly were sitting on the grassy area beside it.

We were heading home and right now I had my eyes closed. The car came to a stop and Xavier opened the door for me.

The sky had started to turn dark which surprised me because when I closed my eyes it was light outside.

“Wow it got dark quick” Xavier laughed beside me and walked me to the front door.

I turned to him and looked up at him. His midnight blue eyes were twinkling which made me smile.

“Why are you smiling like a creep”

“Can’t I be happy?....anyways thank you for the amazing day out. I really enjoyed it. Honestly I really needed it. So thanks”

“The pleasures all mine. I’m glad you had fun.”

We looked at each other for a while and I felt quite weird so I let out a awkward laugh.

“Umm.. night Xavier” why was I saying goodnight to him even though it was like 8 in evening.

“Uh..yeah...Goodnight” I walked inside my house and when I turned to close the door Xavier had gone to his car.

Maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all

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