Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Wizard Party

Selena’s P.O.V

I closed my book and silently sighed. I tried to distract myself because one my stupid wounds were hurting me and secondly I had a weird gut feeling.

It was as if something bad was going to happen. I groaned loudly because drama is not what I need right now, because so far my life is a big drama.

I walked out of the library and headed towards Giselle’s room, I needed a shower to clear my head. I do my best thinking in the bathroom.

I peeled my bandages off and stepped into the shower. I tried not to make my healing wounds any worse so I had to be more careful.

The hot water felt so relaxing against my aching muscles. I leaned my head against the shower wall and took a deep breath before turning off the shower.I stepped out and realised that I didn’t bring any clean clothes with me.

“Ugggh...great” Honestly at times I can be thick as a brick.

I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom. I was hoping I would be alone in the room but Giselle was sitting on her bed with a grin on her face.

“What was all the groaning in the bathroom” She smirked at me.

“What...Giselle get your nasty mind out of the gutter”

“It’s okay Selena to you know...let loose every once in a while” She started to laugh at me and I threw a pillow at her, which she caught with ease.

I pulled out my PJ’s when Giselle snatched them out of my hand.

“Hey give them back” She threw them to the side and pulled me towards her dressing table.

“You won’t need them. In case you forgot we are going to a party in 2 hours” I raised my eyebrow at her and went to get my PJ’s.

“And in case you forgot I said I won’t be going”

“You are coming and that’s final. Everyone wants to see you and you need to experience your first party here.” Knowing that I won’t get my way I gave up and sat down.

Giselle started with my makeup and then did my hair. Once she was done with my makeup she quickly did hers. I wasn’t allowed to see myself until I had worn my full outfit.

I put my clothes on with the help of Giselle since I had no idea how to tie the straps that went across my body.

She pulled me in front of the mirror and I was pretty shocked to see that I didn’t look like the tramp I did a few hours ago.

She managed to cover my dark circles and made me skin look flawless. My face was beat for the God’s. My hair was curled and was left down, something which I haven’t done in ages.

My outfit was a maroon jumpsuit with full sleeves. The neckline was low which showed off my cleavage. The straps that went across my chest, made my size A boobs look poppin.

The jumpsuit clung to all the curves of my body and it made my legs look long. Overall I was gobsmacked with my looks.

“Thank you Giselle” I hugged her tight and stood back to look at her. She was wearing a short black playsuit which had lace over it and it made her legs look way longer than usual. We both looked gorgeous.

Giselle grabbed my hand and we headed for the door. We walked outside and a car was waiting for us, we both jumped in and sat down, Giselle sat down opposite me.

“So who is hosting this party we are going to?”

“He’s a friend of Adam’s, they’ve been friends ever since school” I nodded my head and looked away. I always thought that these guys were his friends.

“We aren’t his only friends Selena” Giselle laughed at me and I blushed.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“I’ve known you long enough now to know what’s going on in your mind. Adam has us and we are more like siblings. But then he has other friends and he hangs out with them more when he is not working” I nodded my head and let Giselle carry on talking.

“Just a head’s up, this party we are going to please be careful. Here if anyone harasses you, you come straight to us because chances are they will use magic on you.

But please be especially careful about who you talk to because we still haven’t figured out who is teamed with Draco.” I smiled and felt slightly more nervous about this whole thing.

“Selena, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just worried about you, but I also want you to have fun.”

“Giselle I will be careful and also I will have a good time because boy do I need it” We both laughed as the car came to a stop.

The driver came and opened the door and I said a quick thank you to him. I took a deep breath and looked at the house in front of me.

I’m pretty sure my mouth hit the ground. This house was massive it stood tall in all its glory. There was so many cars parked outside the house and people were all heading inside.

Me and Giselle headed inside.

The house was so stunning on the inside it was huge and still there wasn’t any space to walk because of how many people were here. We spotted the boys standing and we walked towards them.

“Holy fuck Selena check you out” I laughed as I hugged Reece.

“You don’t look bad yourself” All three boys looked pretty good. It was nice to see them all having fun and letting loose. I looked around to take in the whole scene and atmosphere.

“Looking for someone” Sean nudged my shoulder and I glared at him.

“No, I was having a general look around” As I was looking around I saw Cole walking towards us. He came next to me and I hugged him.

When I looked behind him I saw Adam staring right at my face. I was frozen in my spot by the intense look on his eyes.

I took in his appearance and he looked so gorgeous. His white shirt outlined his toned body and his hair looked softer than ever.

I broke eye contact with him when Cole pulled me away. I could see Adam from the corner of my eye take in my appearance and it made me so nervous.

“You sure missed me didn’t you” I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

“How could I not, in the past week I haven’t seen any of you and its pretty lonely” I stepped back and stood next to Giselle. Adam came and stood near me making more nervous than I already was.

I distracted myself by looking at Cole and Giselle. I was pretty shocked at the sight before me, Giselle and Cole seemed to be staring at each other with weird look in their eyes. When realisation struck in my head I was gobsmacked.

They like each other, I squealed and they broke eye contact and looked at me. I heard Adam laugh beside me.

“What the hell was that sound” Cole eyed me with his eyebrows raised. I blushed and looked down at my shoes.

“Well I’m going before this gets weird” Giselle started to walk off and Cole followed. As they left Adam burst out laughing.

“Wow, its about time” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Well, the whole time we have been back they have been acting so weird around each other and it was so obvious they like each other”

“I can’t believe it took me so long to realise” How was I so oblivious to it.

“Well you are kinda loopy in the head” Adam pretended to knock on my head. I slapped his hand away.


“I’m only joking” He laughed and I ignored him looking away.

“By the way I just wanted to say you look good” I froze when I felt him bend down and whisper in my ear. I turned to him and his face was so close to mine.

“You don’t look too bad yourself” He smiled at me and his eye’s made it hard for me to look away.

“Adam, when did you get here” I quickly tore my eye’s away from him and looked at the source of the voice. It was a tall guy with really light brown hair and striking green eyes.

Adam did a guy hug with him and stood back next to me.

“Just a while ago” The guy nodded his head and turned his head towards me. I felt shy when I realised he was checking me out.

“And whose this” Adam cleared his throat and moved closer to me. Weird, but I appreciated it since I was kinda scared.

“This is Selena” The guys eye widened when he realised who I was.

“Damn, you exist” I laughed at him.

“Sorry, I just never thought you would come here.”

“It’s alright” I smiled at him.

“By the way I’m Mason”

“It’s nice to meet you Mason” He offered drinks to us and I was reluctant to take one but I needed to let loose.

I felt the alcohol kick in after a while and when I heard Side to Side play and boy did I get excited.

“I love this song” I walked towards Reece who was already dancing. Adam and Mason followed behind me. I sang at the top of my lungs. I grabbed Giselle who looked pretty drunk herself.

“I’m coming at you, coz I know you got a bad reputation, doesn’t matter coz you give me temptation” I pretty much was becoming a hoe at this moment. I feel like this song brings out my inner hoe.

I let loose and became a hoe, dancing all over Giselle, we both kept laughing while dancing, I couldn’t even stand properly. Giselle fell to the ground and Cole got her up and dragged her to the side.

I turned around to see Adam standing there not even dancing.

“Adaaaam....dance” He shot me a dirty and I grabbed his hands and made him dance. First he was reluctant and then he started to laugh at my stupidity. When the song ended I got shoved by someone and nearly fell to the ground.

“Watch where the fuck you’re going” Adam held my waist and I had my hands around his shoulders.

“Its okay Adam” I looked up at him and his glare softened. A slower song played and we both we stood still for a while, it was a weird comforting feeling but sadly all good moments don’t last.

“Adamm...” I turned to see who the voice belonged to and it was no other than Regina. My eyes widened at her clothes. Her whole dress was a see through material and she looked so horrifying.

She grabbed Adam and kissed him. I was slightly shocked at the sight before me. I backed away and bumped into someone.

“Sorry...” I turned to see Xavier.

“Selena, how are you” He hugged me and I had tip toe due to his height. I turned back to see them both still making out. I laughed at how stupid I was thinking that actually meant something.

“So when did you get here” I spoke to Xavier for a while and his company was honestly the best. He kept telling me random things that made me laugh really weirdly.

We walked back out into the garden and it looked like a huge field.

“Come here let me show you something” He grabbed my hand and took me to the far side of the garden.

I was left in awe when I saw gold little fireflies, they were everywhere and it looked so beautiful.

“Its so beautiful”

“Yeah beautiful” I turned to see Xavier and he quickly looked away. I bumped my shoulder with his and he looked at me.

“I didn’t think you would be here.” I nodded at him and told him how I didn’t want to come.

“Well, its good you came because you go pretty crazy at a party” I blushed as he told me how crazy I was while dancing earlier on.

“It was the alcohol and it’s still the alcohol”

“Sure it was, I always knew you weren’t as innocent as you look”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean” I hit him playfully and he came closer to me.

“You know exactly what I mean” He started to laugh loudly and at first I was mad but his weird laugh was contagious so I started to laugh with him.

Our conversation was cut short when it started to rain lightly. I got up and followed Xavier back inside.

When we walked in I was stumbling over the place, I ended tripping over the step and Xavier put a hand around my waist to steady me.

We got into the main room and he still had his hand around my waist. I moved closer to him when a creepy guy tried to grab me from the back. I let out a scream when he touched me from the back, Xavier turned to look at who was behind us.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing” Xavier was gonna punch him but I quickly stopped him.

“Its alright Xavier just leave it”

“No its not alright, its just disrespectful to do that to you or any girl” I smiled at him.

“Dont worry about it”

“Well when you’re dressed this beautifully I have every right to be worried about you” Xavier winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. But on the inside I was dying at his compliment.

I met a few of Xavier’s friends and he introduced me to all of them. This whole time he had his hands on my waist and I didn’t mind it because it gave me a sense of comfort.

I was pretty tired and I let out a yawn. I leaned my head on Xavier’s shoulder and closed my eyes.

“You wanna head home” I nodded my head I moved away from him but kept walking with me.

“You think I’m going to let you go yourself” I rolled my eyes.

“Im a big girl I can take care of myself Xavier” I lightly pushed Xavier and I walked forward but slipped on something spilt on the floor.

My heel broke and my butt made contact with the ground I groaned because my butt hurt. I tried to get up but when I lifted off the ground slightly I heard the worst sound ever.

My jumpsuit ripped near my butt. I looked up at Xavier with fear in my eyes.

“What’s wrong”

He held his hand out for me and I pulled him down by his shirt so was in level with my face.

“My clothes ripped”

“From where” I groaned as he didn’t get the hint.

“My...they...ripped near my...butt” His eyes widened and he went behind me and got me up. Before we could do anything Regina walked over towards us with Adam. Xavier moved closer and covered me from the back.

Adam looked at Xavier with a hard glare and I looked the other way when Regina wrapped her arms around Adams waist and she planted a kiss on his neck. Gross PDA.

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t think you would come here” Her annoying voice gave me a horrible headache.

“Well I’m here” I went straight to the point because right now I didn’t want to talk to them.

“How have you been” She looked at me up and down making a bitchy face.

“Just great” I smiled at her and she glared at me. What’s her deal.

I felt Xavier move back and then he wrapped his jacket around my waist. I let out a breath of relief because now I wouldn’t flash my butt to anyone. I leaned back and said a quick thank you to him and he smiled down at me.

“Awww you guys are so cute together” Regina smirked at me, I wanted to correct her but Xavier butted in.

“Yeah cute, anyways see you guys later we gotta get going” Regina said something gross about getting it on while we walked out. I didn’t miss the scary look on Adams face.

Honestly his behaviour was actually now starting to get on my nerves.

I walked and saw the same car that brought me here. I got towards it when Xavier stopped me.

“Do you want me to come with you”

“It okay, Xavier, thank you for tonight and for helping me out” He nodded his head.

“I would give your jacket to you but..” I laughed at the end.

“Its fine, I’ll come around to get it. It will be the perfect excuse to see you” I laughed at him and rolled my eyes.

“You’re such a weirdo”

“But you like it”

“Keep telling yourself that Xavier”

“Dont worry I will” He laughed and then leaned forward to hug me. I hugged him back and felt warmer due to his body heat.


“Night Xavier”

I got into the car with a goofy smile on my face. This night ended much better than I thought it would have. I waved to Xavier who was still standing outside watching the car.

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