Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Anniversary Ball

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a headache. I groaned and put the covers above my head. After 10 mins of being lazy I went into the shower. Feeling fresh when I walked, I grabbed some clothes, got changed and headed down.

As I was walking down I heard a lot of voices, everyone seemed to be happy and laughing. So I put on a big smile and walked into the room.

“Morning everyone” Everyone turned to look at me and they were pretty shocked, they probably expected me to still be upset. But it’s a new day, so new mindset.

“Morning darling, sit near Xavier I’ll give you your breakfast” I sat beside Xavier and laughed at the boys being silly with Gramps.

“You ok”

“Yeah I’m good” I smiled at Xavier.

“Alright that’s enough food to last you lifetime Ben, spare some for the skinny twins, did you boys starve them or did Ben just eat all the food”

We all burst out laughing but 3 boys weren’t too pleased. The twins were nowhere skinny, they were well built. I ate my food while watching the boys and Gramps be weirdo’s. It was pretty entertaining.

Once I was done with breakfast I cleaned my plate up and sat down. Nana was busy talking to Xavier and so I decided to watch T.V. I was sitting comfortably when Xavier decided to sit beside me.

“What are you watching?”

“I dunno some random movie” We spoke for a bit, it was mostly small talk which was awkward. Xavier got up to leave and I offered to walk him out.

“I’ll walk you out” I followed him to his car and I said goodbye and headed for the door.

“Um...Selena” I turned around confused because Xavier had one hand behind his back as he walked towards me.

“I was wondering if you would go with me to the ball with me.” My eyes widened in shock.

“Xavier...I don’t think I’ll be going” He interrupted me before I could even finish.

“I think you should go, you were invited by them with so much love and you should have a fun night out. Also prove to Dante that you aren’t affected by what he says”

I smiled at him because if I didn’t go it would show that I’m a coward.

“Besides your Nana has already picked out your dress so you have no choice” we both started to laugh.

“So you’ll go with me”

“Of course” He smiled at me and then pulled out a dark blue corsage.

“Aww Xavier this is so sweet”

“Well I thought since its your first ball here might aswell go all out” I laughed at him as he put it around my wrist.

“Thank you Xavier”

“See you later” I walked inside with a smile on my face.

“Oooh what’s that you have there” Nana winked at me.

“Ugh Nana, I’m pretty sure you were in on this”

“But isn’t it sweet” I rolled my eyes at her and headed for my room.

“So I picked out this dress for you” Nana grabbed my hand and we headed for the closet.

I saw a beautiful blue and silver gown hanging; it shone really bright under the lights because of the rhinestones.

“This is beautiful Nana”

“I know, I have amazing taste” We both burst out laughing. We sat down on the seats that were in the dressing room.

“Selena, I know yesterday was horrible but I also know that you crying that hysterically wasn’t only because of Dante...what really happened”

Nana held my hand and I didn’t want to tell her because she would know how dumb I was.

“It was nothing else Nana” I looked away.

“I can tell you’re lying...now what really happened” her soft tone made me want to cry but I wasn’t going to waste my tears over him.

So I told Nana everything about Adam from the first day in the classroom, to me being drunk, him looking after me when I was attacked to yesterday. Nana stayed awfully quiet the whole time.

“Well honey, whatever happened between the two of you clearly doesn’t sound right. I mean the boy shouldn’t have treated you like a toy. But I’m just shocked because Adam is quite close to your brothers and so I didn’t think he would do this to you”

“Well I didn’t think he would either, but I mean I should’ve known because he is trouble here and even back in my world he was bad”

We both got off the topic of all this and decided to move forward. It felt nice to tell someone how I felt. Nana had forced me to get ready because we had 2 hours left until the anniversary ball.

I was shoved into my seat by a lady and she started to do my hair. I closed my eyes and let her do her work. When she was done with my hair she started on my makeup.

I had a horrible gut feeling about tonight but I pushed it aside.

Once she was done with my hair and makeup she helped me into my dress. She put on my choker necklace for me while I put on the blue corsage Xavier gave me. It matched the colour of my dress and it made me smile because he was making so much efforts to make me feel happy.

I looked up into the mirror and was shocked. I mean I wore a dress like this to the winter ball but something about this is so much more magical.

The rhinestones looked so beautiful as they caught the light. The choker necklace completed the whole look.

My makeup was very glowy and a glossy nude lip. Everything was so soft and beautiful.

“Thank you” I hugged the lady.

Nana walked into the room wearing a nude colour dress and Gramps was dressed in a black suit.

“Oh my you look so beautiful, just like a princess” I rolled my eyes as I hugged her and Gramps.

“You both look hot too, check you out Gramps”

“Well what can I say, I do have the best looks” Nana lightly hit Gramps making me laugh.

“Let’s head downstairs your brothers are already gone, they had dates” I laughed because trust them to already to have girls.

As we headed down I stopped halfway on the stairs because Xavier was standing at the bottom.

He was wearing a dark blue suit with a silver tie. I had a huge grin on my face when I saw him, he really looked like he was older than 24.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs he held his hand which I took out.

“Xavier my boy, how are you”

“I’m good Gramps”

He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

“You look really beautiful” I blushed at his comment.

“And you look handsome too” His cheeks turned pink from the top.

“Let’s head out before we are late” Xavier held my hand and we went into our own separate cars.

The journey to the Palace was quick because I was lost in my thoughts. Xavier squeezed my hand.

“Its going to be ok, nothing will happen” I nodded my head at him and looked out the window.

There were fireworks exploding in the sky and the colours looked so beautiful in the sky.

The car came to a stop and Xavier helped me out the car. The cold air made the goosebumps on my arms rise. Everyone was bustling and the whole place looked like it really was pulled out of a movie.

We headed inside and Xavier walked me to the big hall which I hadn’t seen before, people has sat down to eat. We found seats beside my brothers and their date.

All their dates were beautiful girls; the funniest was the twins they both had found a date with a pair of twins.

“Aww finally she looks like a girl” Blake smirked from across the table.

“And you still need to give Shrek his ass back, he’s tired of you using it as your face”

Everyone beside us started to laugh and Blake started to insult me, we both threw insults at each other before Xavier butted in. But Blake gave him a dirty look. Guess he doesn’t like him.

“I see how you and Nana planned this whole thing Xavier, matching outfits really” I turned to him as he was eating.

“Well what can I say” He spoke to me with his mouth open.

“Don’t say anything at all if you mouth is full” I gave him a look of disgust and went to finish my food.

Once we finished eating Xavier led me to the grand hall where everyone was. The whole atmosphere made me feel like I was 5 year old me living my fairytale stories.

All the ladies were dressed in the most beautiful gowns and the men were dressed so smart, the music , everyone laughing, everything was just perfect.

“Lets go” Xavier dragged me forward and I had to hold my dress up to keep up with him.

“King Alpha” Xavier and me turned to a couple standing beside us. They seemed to look around my age.

“Uh...hello Alpha Andrew, how are you”

“I’m good thank you”

“This is my mate and Luna Rose” She smiled at Xavier and shook my hand. They both looked at me expecting me to introduce myself.

“This is Selena, she recently came here” They both realised who I was because their eyes widened.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. I must say you are very beautiful” I blushed at Rose’s compliment.

“Thank you Rose and you look so beautiful, no wonder why Andrew isn’t letting go off you”

We all started to laugh as Andrew’s cheeks turned pink. It was funny seeing someone like an Alpha blush.

We walked away and Xavier introduced me to a few other people that were werewolf’s, he introduced me to his own pack members.

“Wow Xavier, you seem kinda scary when you go in King Alpha mode”

“I thought girls like that kinda stuff” I hit his shoulder as he laughed.

“I must say Selena; you seemed to get along with everyone very well”

“Well what can I say” I faked to brush something off my shoulder as Xavier rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go dance” Xavier dragged me forward but I didn’t move.

“Come, what’s wrong”

“Well I can’t dance, especially this intense dancing that’s going on”

Everyone was moving around pretty fast and changing partners.

“Well don’t change partners I’ll show you how to dance” Xavier led us on to the dance floor and boy did it turn into a disaster.

I kept stepping on his feet and he didn’t say anything but the face he made when I stepped on his feet made me laugh so hard.

“Stop over thinking and just let the music take you away, at this point I’ll pick you up, I’m pretty sure my feet are bleeding” I tried not to laugh at him but I couldn’t.

“I’m sorry, but your face it’s so funny”

“Glad that my pain amuses you, but look at this at least you’re not stepping on my feet” He was right I let go of everything thought and let the music take me away.

“Since when were you a good dancer”

“Well my whole life I spent going to these so I’m kinda an expert” I rolled my eyes at him.

The music was picking up its pace and everyone started to move faster. I ended up bumping into someone, I turned around to apologise but then I saw who it was.

Adam and Regina.

We stopped dancing and our partners seemed to have moved on to someone else dancing. Literally none of us said a word, I could see Adam taking in my whole look but all I could do was stare at him.

He opened his mouth to say something when a screeching sound caught our attention.

Hurdling towards us in the fastest speed were two black animals with red eyes and huge wings. Before we could react they attacked us.

Everyone screamed and ran to the sides of the room.

I felt the creature claw at my bare skin. A scream left my mouth and I could feel the blood trickling down my back.

Suddenly I felt someone lay on top of me. Adam had somehow managed to cover my body with his; the creatures were tearing away at his back.

What felt like forever was probably a minute in reality.

“Ere hondus” I heard Dante’s voice shout loudly and the two creatures stopped attacking Adam, they turned into black dust beside us.

“Adam” His parents came rushing to his side and lifted him off me but he didn’t want to move due to the pain.

“Selena” Xavier, my brothers and grandparents came rushing to my side.

When Adam didn’t move Xavier helped me sit up straighter so Adam didn’t have to move much in my lap.

“This is exactly what I meant, if she wasn’t here this wouldn’t have happened and the prince wouldn’t have been attacked. She is a threat to everyone life’s.”

“Enough Dante, I’m sick of you saying shit, in case you didn’t realise both of us were attacked not just her”

I looked down to see Adam give Dante the scariest look ever. I squeezed his hand telling him to stop. Even though he was in pain he looked and sounded deadly.

“No one listened to me, she will be the reason why people will get hurt, and what if someone else got killed because of her another murder because of her”

“That’s enough Dante. You will not say another word against her” Xavier grabbed him by his collar and he laughed in his face.

“Or what...already replacing your dead mate King Alpha” Xavier punched him straight in the face.

“Don’t fucking bring her into this” Xavier’s voice was shaking with pure venom.

“Dante that’s enough” Edward pulled the two apart.

Dante walked towards me and Adam who was starting to lose consciousness.

“Another person will be killed because of you, and you probably won’t even fulfil the prophecy”

“Shut the fuck up dude” Blake grabbed Dante but the rest of the boys pulled him back.

Tears fell out of my eyes and onto Adams face. He was right this was my fault Adam wouldn’t have been attacked if I wasn’t here. I ruined everyone’s night.

“Sorry everyone for what happened tonight but for everyone’s safety I suggest everyone heads back to their own respective home”

Edward announced to their crowd and then came back to us. Katherine was sobbing beside me.

They lifted Adam up and I got up to leave. None of this would have happened if I wasn’t here.

I started to walk out of the room as everyone shouted at me to stay.

“Tell her to stay her whole back is fucking bleeding. SELENA STAY BACK YOU’RE HURT” Adam’s shouting made my heart ache but I carried on running.

I stopped near the car I came in and took a deep breath in.

“Selena stop you are hurt” Ben grabbed me from the back and turned me around.

“Why are you running away for, you need to get your wounds cleaned up”

“Ben this is all my fault, Dante is right I’m the cause of all this” I sobbed into his shirt.

“None of this is your fault, those creatures were sent by Draco or maybe they weren’t, but they sure as hell weren’t your fault so stop saying that”

Xavier and my grandparents came towards us. Gramps had a serious look on his face as he spoke.

“Get in your cars everyone we’ll speak about this when we get home”

I got into the car with Xavier and headed home. The whole ride we didn’t say a single word. When we reached my house Xavier helped me out the car and into the house.

Nana called the nurse to clean my wounds up. Once she was done everyone came into my room.

Gramps came and sat beside me.

“I want you to listen to me and I’m not going to repeat myself. Whatever the hell happened tonight was not your fault, everyone was aware that Draco might do something, so it was the fault of whoever was meant to keep a lookout for this. The death of your parents wasn’t your fault, it was Draco, he couldn’t take the fact that he will be defeated. If anyone gets hurt it’s not your fault because you are not causing it. Stop crying over that something isn’t your fault”

Everyone went dead quiet.

I put my head on Gramps shoulder as cried.

“Gramps...I’m so scared...what..if...I let you...all...down” Gramps kissed the top of my head.

“Listen to me, I know you will do this because you are more stronger than you think. Its understandable that you are scared, but that’s why we are here. You have me and your Nana, your very violent brothers” We all started to laugh because the boys were quite impulsive.

“You have Xavier, Katherine, Edward and you have the rest of the wizard world behind you, so Draco stands no chance. And as far as Dante is concerned I’m pretty sure Adam and your brothers will kill him”

Everyone laughed and I smiled.

I felt guilt build up inside of me, Adam tried to save me and he put himself in more danger.

“Alright everyone lets head to bed, its really late” Nana told everyone to leave the room. She kissed the top of my head and left.

I laid on my side and then realised that one person hadn’t left. Xavier.

“Xavier, its ok you can go” I smiled at him as he came and sat on the chair beside me.

“No, I’m going to stay here, just in case anything happens. Now go to sleep” Xavier turned off the lights and adjusted in the chair.

I held his hand and he opened his eyes.

“Xavier, are you ok” He looked at me with a broken look in his eyes.

“Of course I am, I should be the one asking you that question” He laughed it off, but I knew he was hurting on the inside.

“Seriously Xavier, are you ok” He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

“I guess hearing someone mention my mate hurt because....”

I squeezed his hand because his voice told me that he couldn’t talk about it.

“Its ok Xavier, you dont have to talk about it” He smiled at me gratefully.

“Night Xavier”

“Night Selena”

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