Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Date Night

Disclaimer: Any images used in this chapter aren’t mine they belong to their rightful owners xxx


Selena’s POV

Today is Thursday and ever since Adam had his little outburst no one has seen him. That was so weird like what the hell overcame him.

Ever since he came here, there was just something about him. Whenever we speak, we argue and tease each other and then when it ends I feel empty, its so weird why am I feeling like this he has Regina. Speaking of her I haven’t seen her in a long time.

Anyways ever since Damien asked me to go with him, he has been so amazing. He drops me off to my lessons and waits for me at lunch, he is such a gentleman unlike Adam. Ughh I need to stop thinking about him. He texts me a lot and he is really funny. Finally after a long time I feel happy.

“Hello can you snap out of it” Giselle snapped her fingers in front of me and pulled me out of my thoughts.


“I was saying that Friday night we should all do the decorations and set up everything because nobody has the time to set things up on the actual day”

“That sounds good, I just hope everything turns out right and we all have an amazing night”

“Ughh I just want to get out of this class and go home the time is bloody dragging on”

“Tell me about it” we had ten minutes left and they felt like ten hours, me and Giselle started to thumb wrestle and before you know it the bell went off.

“YES TIME TO GO” Giselle shouted out loud and the teacher gave her a disapproving look. I picked my bag and walked out the door to see Damien waiting outside.


“Hi Damien”

“Well I’m going don’t really want to interrupt this interesting conversation.” Giselle made a face and walked off.

“Anyways how was your day” I changed the subject as we started to walk.

“It was good, just preparing for the big football match next week”

“Don’t worry I’m sure you guys will do good” I put my books in my locker and took out the ones I needed for my homework.

“Selena, I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to go out in the evening for dinner ” Did he just ask me out on a date.

“Its ok if you are busy or something we can go another time” I started to laugh at how nervous he got.

“Damien, stop getting nervous. I’d love to go out for dinner with you in the evening”

“I’ll pick you up at 8 and before I forget here I got this for you” He pulled out a pink Gerbera flower.

“Thank you” I held it close to me and walked to where the girls were waiting for me.

“Oooo what did lover boy say to you” Jade winked at me and linked her arm with mine as we started to walk home.

“Well, he asked me to go out with him for dinner tonight” The girls squealed and started shouting on the road.

“I still don’t like him” Giselle hasn’t liked Damien at all, the rest have grown to like him expect her.

“Giselle, he isn’t that much of a bad guy besides I think its a good thing that both of them are together, they both have been through tough break ups” What was Chloe talking about.

“What are you talking about?”

“Damien broke up with his girlfriend of three years a few months ago, she was found kissing another guy and he got really upset over it” That is so horrible why would she do something like that to a guy as sweet as Damien.

Before we knew it we were all in front of my house.

“Do you need any help for tonight”

“No thanks Chloe, but if I do I’ll call you” I hugged the girls.

“Make sure you tell us all about the date”

“What date” I turned around to see Ben standing in the door. I pushed past him and went into the kitchen where the rest of the boys were.

“Selena what date are you going on”

“Ben calm down” I sat down between the twins.

“I’m going on a date with Damien, the one who is taking me to the winter ball on Saturday”

“Oh the football player” The twins probably knew him because they used to be on the team too.

“Yeah no need to worry about him, he is Mr Polite” Josh laughed and gave Jake a high five.

“We just don’t want you getting upset and hurt again that’s all” Ben spoke to me. I got up and hugged him.

“Ben don’t worry about me, I don’t need to worry about getting hurt because I have you losers to protect me”

“Yeah anyone hurts you I’ll knock them so fast, they won’t even see it coming” Everyone started to laugh at Blake. But we all knew that he would do what he says.

“Slow your horses dude, learn to zip your pants first” John put his hand on Blake’s shoulder who looked angry as hell. We all went into a huge laughing fit as Blake pulled his zip up; he was pissed at first but then joined in laughing. Not soon after he dumped his water on Johns head that’s when an indoor water fight started.

“FUCKING STOP BLAKE” Blake stopped and looked kinda scared.

“Lets finish this outside” The pair of them ran outside and we followed them outside too and soon after we all joined in the water fight. The boys and I were all muddy and dirty but that didn’t stop us.

My stomach hurt from laughing when I dumped a bucket of water on Ben’s head. I was running away from him when I slipped and fell. This gave him the advantage and he threw a bucket filled with cold water on me.

I got up and ran to hide behind the twins who were going to throw water at me but I pushed them both into the pool.

I was laughing so hard at them when I felt a pair of hands lift me in the air. I looked to see Ben.

“This is what you get for throwing that bucket on me, you gave me bruise” Ben started to charge towards the pool with me in his hands. I screamed as loud as I could.

“CANNONBALL” We both fell into the pool, for a split second I thought I was going to drown but then I pulled out by Jake.

“Still don’t know how to swim loser” I stuck my tongue at him and he did the same. This turned into a game of making ugly faces to each other. Soon after all of us were in the pool messing about.

“You idiots I have homework to do before my date” I can’t believe I lost track of time.

I quickly got out of the pool and ran to go inside, while I was running to go inside my foot slipped and I fell on my side.

“Ahhh” I hit my side pretty hard on the concrete.

“Lena, you okay” John called out to me. I gave him the thumbs up and walked inside.

Wow such a great start. I had a hard time going up the stairs because my side was hurting a lot. I got into my room and quickly did my homework.


By the time I finished my homework I realised that the time was 7 which meant I only had an hour to get ready. I quickly jumped into the shower for 10mins and when I came out I dried my hair and straightened them, I mean you can’t go wrong with straight hair. I looked through my wardrobe for a dress and couldn’t pick one so I face-timed Chloe.

“How may I be of your services” I put my IPad on my bed and told Chloe my issue.

“I don’t know which outfit to pick out, uggh dates are frustrating” I only probably went on a 2 or 3 proper dates with Colton the rest were just dates but neither of us made an effort.

“Ok, so where is he taking you”

“He said that we are going for dinner”

“Well since this is Damien, Mr. Polite, he might be taking you to a nice restaurant to have a nice proper classy first date”

“So you need to wear something classy yet fun” I started to look in my wardrobe when Chloe stopped me.

“I know exactly what you can wear, behind that black dress, the pinkish nude dress that has a choker kind of neck wear that.” I took it out and realised that it has cut outs at the waist and I had an ugly bruise.

“Chloe I can’t wear that because I have this. I lifted my top and showed her”

“Ooo,” she winced when she saw the bruise.

“Why the fuck are you so clumsy, I swear down. Anyways it won’t show through, please wear it.”


“Love you and make sure you tell me all about the date. I have to go Chris is calling me.”

“Bye love you too” I quickly started to get changed and quickly put my makeup on.

I tried to put on the necklace that Damien gave me on but I couldn’t get it in.

“Ughh stupid necklace” I felt a pair of hands behind me take the necklace out of my hands. I got scared and quickly turned around to see Adam.

“How the heck did you get into my room”

“The window” He smirked at me. I forgot that it was bloody open. Oh my days did he see me get changed. As if he read my mind...

“No I didn’t watch you get changed” I nodded my head with my face burning.

“No such thing as privacy anymore is there”

“Nope, never heard of it. Now turn around” I turned around to face the mirror and I found it so hard to focus because I could feel his breath on my neck.

“Done” I looked up to see the necklace in the mirror. It just didn’t go with my outfit.

“This so does not go with my clothes, could you please take it off”

“The clothes..... or the necklace” Adam smirked through the mirror. He started to touch my shoulders with a weird look in his eyes, I started to freak out so I stepped on his foot.

“OWWW what was that for” He groaned and rested his chin on shoulder as he held his foot.

“You idiot...I meant...the damn necklace” I felt so shocked and flustered at his actions.

“Yeah, just make me do all the work” I elbowed him in ribs.

“Ow, so pushy, I’m doing it” When I looked in the mirror all I could see was Adam staring right at me through the mirror.

Was it wrong that I liked what I was seeing, him and me together? I broke eye contact and looked at my dress, the stupid bruise was showing.

“Ughh this stupid bruise is showing through the dress”

“Amado, you are a clumsy idiot” Adam laughed and I elbowed him even harder this time.

“OW... you have got to stop hurting me”

“Good it hurt, besides how can you call me clumsy remember the time when you fell over your own feet idiot” I remembered it and I started to laugh

“Ha ha, so funny. Anyways if you are done being mean, I can fix your bruise”

“Hello you aren’t a doctor”

“Hello I’m a wizard, now shut up and let me work my magic” Through the mirror I saw Adam get closer to me and I could feel him pressed against my back.

He put his hand on where I had the bruise and he whispered something. I closed my eyes because I felt so overwhelmed, the feeling of having him this close made me so breathless. Why does my body react like this. I still had my eyes closed when Adam started to speak again.

“Your bed is so comfortable” I opened my eyes to see him sprawled on my bed. What...how...what. How did he get there so fast? I looked to see that my bruise was gone.

“Hey, get off my bed” I tried to push him off my bed, but it didn’t work.

“You weigh like a tonne Adam get off, Damien is about to come”

“Thanks for hurting my self esteem and besides let pretty boy wait”

“No it is rude to make him wait.” Just as we were talking the door rang.

“Oh my days he is here. Adam how do I look”

“Eh” He made a face at me and I threw a pillow at him.

“Jerk” I headed out of the door when I heard Adam whisper.

“Beautiful” I turned around to see if he did say it and when I looked the bed was empty. Maybe I’m hearing things. Adam will never see me as beautiful.

I walked down the stairs to see my brothers harassing Damien. I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me.

“Wow you look beautiful Selena” I walked towards Damien and saw that he looked good, but I could tell that he is trying to put a lot of effort into what he is wearing. Unlike Adam who can pull anything off effortlessly. Ughh get him out of your damn mind, he doesn’t think about you like that so stop.

“Thank you so do you”

“Have her home before 10 and don’t try anything funny because if you do, you know what will happen” Damien looked pretty scared so I stepped in.

“Leave him alone Blake”

“Lets go Damien” We both walked outside to his car. He opened the door for me and before I got in he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and got in the car.


“So where are we going” It was awfully quiet in the car so I decided to make conversation.

“To a restaurant, its the best in town” So Chloe was right.

“I’m so looking forward to it. I’m so hungry” Damien started to laugh.

“Hey what’s so funny”

“Most the time when I take a girl on a date they don’t look forward to the eating part” I couldn’t help but laugh really loud at that.

“That’s hilarious. Eating is my favourite part. They probably get shy around the school’s football player” I smirked at him and he gave me a cute smile. Damien was a pretty big guy he looked like the perfect golden boy.

As the car stopped I looked outside to see a fancy restaurant.

“Wow this place looks really nice”

“Wait til you see the food”

Damien came around and opened my door. He kissed my cheek when I got out.

“You look really beautiful tonight” I blushed and he put his hand on my back as we walked towards the restaurant.

“A reservation for two” Damien spoke to the waiter and he then took us too a place right at the back. When we got out I was gobsmacked. The whole area was set up just for the two of us. There was a table for only two people with a view of the town.

“This is really nice Damien”

“Its the least I could do”

After that we ordered our food and we started to eat. Once we were finished Damien took my hand and we walked around for a bit.

“Selena, thank you for coming out tonight it really means a lot” I squeezed his hand and smiled.

“I’m glad I came out tonight I had a lot of fun” this date was really classy really different from what I’m used to.

As we were walking past a girl walked past and Damien stopped walking.

“Is everything ok”

“Nothing that was just my ex” Oh I didn’t say much because it was none of my business. We both reached the car and he drove me home.

When we reached my house he got out and opened the door for me. I got out and stood in front of Damien.

“Selena, I didn’t want the date to end on an awkward note. It’s just that my ex we were together for three years and she really broke my heart. But now I’m over her” I could tell he wasn’t.

“Damien it’s ok I understand” I hugged him and turned around. Damien pulled me back towards him.

“I hope you enjoyed the date”

“I really enjoyed it thank you for giving me an amazing night”

Damien started to lean in towards me and before I knew it he was kissing me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I thought the kiss was going to be sweet but it seemed as if Damien was letting all his frustration out.

He was kissing me so hard and fast. He wrapped his hands behind me and pulled me closer. I tried to end the kiss but he squeezed my butt and I gasped because I was so shocked. Damien shoved his tongue in my mouth and I pulled him away. But he started to attack my damn neck with kisses. I tried to hard to stop him but damn he was huge it was hard to push him away.

“Uh Damien, my brothers are probably waiting” he pulled away and looked at me.

“Sorry I got carried away. But I really like you.”

“I like you too Damien. Um I have to get going. Goodnight”

“Goodnight” I turned around and never looked back. I touched my lips and they felt swollen. I opened my front door and thankfully the lights were all off.

I ran into my room and looked in the mirror to see marks on my neck and my lips were swollen. Great.

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