Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Preparations & Gossip Sessions

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images

Selena’s POV

Today was Friday which meant tommrrow was the winter ball. I was kind of nervous about going.

I still couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind. I mean that makeout session was intense but I could tell he was hurt. Now I just had to find an outfit that covered my marks on my neck. But guess what none of my clothes can cover my neck. GREAT.

I picked my clothes for the day and hope that if I zipped the jacket/hoodie thing up it would hide my neck. As you can tell I’m very educated in the department of clothing. Note the sarcasm.

I went downstairs to see the boys having breakfast. I went and sat down near Blake and Ben.

“So how did your date go last night” John asked me as he handed me my plate.

“It was good, we went to fancy restaurant and he had a whole private area for us. Then we went for a bit of a walk and then he dropped me home”

“BORING” Ben shouted from beside me and I slapped him.

“Ow, you need to stop hitting me”

“Aww a real a classy date” Jake spoke in a posh British accent.

“Yes a real gentlemen” Josh spoke in the same way as Jake just did. They both started to laugh and then fist bumped.

“You guys are so rude. So if you are done being rude I’m going to leave for school” I got up and went outside Damien had texted me in the morning saying that he will pick me up.

I picked up my bag and went out the door. I saw Damien waiting for me inside his car.

“Hi” I got into the car and Damien kissed my cheek.

“Morning how are you”

“I’m good, just a little tired” he did look quiet tired he had bags under his eyes.

We both talked about random things until we reached school .

“Do you want me to drop you off home after school?” Damien turned off the car and turned to me.

“Um no its ok, I’m staying back to set up everything in time for tommrrow” I had a feeling it was going to a be a long evening.

“Oh that’s fine, well I’ll see you at lunch”

We both got out of the car and headed to go inside. Damien held my hand as we went inside the school. It was weird now that when I walked in everyone would stare at me whereas before no one would acknowledge me.

As we were walking in I saw Emily and Colton as they walked past us Emily shoved my shoulder. I stumbled into Damien and he quickly caught me.

“You ok?”

“Yep I’m good”

“What’s her problem” I stopped at my locker and turned to Damien.

“She thinks that I still like Colton so I’m a ‘threat’ to her. But she can have him all for herself” I rolled my eyes at the idea of how stupid she is.

“Well I have to get going I have a test in class so I’ll see you at lunch” Damien kissed my forehead and ran towards his classroom.

I shut my locker and turned around to see the three devils themselves. Sean, Reece and Justin.

“Hey guys, whatcha doing here”

“We were just going to class and if you don’t remember we have English Lang and Lit together”

“Oh how could I forget the three nuisances that get kicked out every lesson”

“You know you love us whether you like it or not.” Sean slung his arm around my shoulder.

“You secretly enjoy it when we get kicked out. Don’t think that I don’t see you laughing” I started to laugh at how true Reece’s words were.

“You have the lamest excuse and you get Mr Brown all worked up. It’s hilarious”

We walked into class and took our seats. Mr Brown was giving out the task for the lesson and there was still no sign of Giselle, Cole and Adam.

“Pst...Pst” I tried to get the boys attention but they were too busy flirting. I leaned forward and flicked Justin’s ear.

“Ow...what was that for”

“Sorry...where are the rest, have you seen them.”

“Nope, I haven’t seen them since the morning” I nodded and Justin turned back. I wonder where they were.

After that the boys had gone too, I never saw them in my next few lessons. Where is everyone disappearing to?

I walked out of my lesson to see Damien waiting for me.

“How was your lesson”

“Boring, we watched some really weird video” I shuddered at the thought of the weird video we saw in Biology.

Damien and me started to walk outside near the fields.

“Where are we going” I felt kind of cold since the weather was still bad.

“We are going to eat outside” Is he out of his mind.

“In this cold weather” I shivered and Damien stopped.

“Here wear my hoodie” I put it on and instantly I felt warm.

We walked to a spot near a tree and sat down. He pulled out food from his bag and we started to eat.

“So what time do you want me to pick you up tommrrow”

“Well the winter ball is starting at 7 so anytime after that” Damien nodded and carried on eating. We both spoke about weird things and then it was time to go.

We walked inside and I waved goodbye to Damien. My next class was boring too I couldn’t wait to go home.

My last lesson had finished and I was beyond tired right now. The lack of sleep from last night was really starting to take its toll on me.

“You look so tired maybe you should go home” I leaned my head on Damien’s shoulder as we walked to the hall where we were setting things up.

“I can’t I have to help out and it’s not fair to let everyone do it without me”

We walked into the hall and saw that everyone was already there. I put my bag against the wall and leaned on it. Damien came quite close to me and I could feel him press into me.

This was way to close for my liking.

“Well, I won’t see you until tommrrow now. So text me when you get home” I nodded my head.

“Can’t wait to see how beautiful you’ll look tommrrow”

“What if I end up looking like a mess”

“You won’t, you look beautiful no matter how you’re dressed” I smiled and Damien started to lean in to kiss me. I closed my eyes and suddenly I heard a thud. I turned to see Damien on the floor and Adam walking past him with a smirk on his face.

He just shoved the poor guy to the floor.

Adam turned around and mockingly said sorry to him. I helped Damien up and he kissed my forehead and walked out.

I walked past Adam and gave him a dirty look.

“Jerk” he smirked back at me.

We all sat on the floor and started to discuss things. But since this was us were are talking about we got distracted and went of topic.

“Where the hell did you all go today?” I turned to Giselle and asked her.

“Wizard duties, some issue came up” I nodded my head and let it go. We all got up and started to get work.

I was doing my own but when all the girls surrounded me.

“Whose hoodie you wearin” Jade asked me with a huge grin on her face.

“Its Damien’s I was cold so he gave it”

I heard Adam scoff from nearby and I have him a dirty look.

“Eugh take it off it has his nasty germs on it” Giselle started to take it off me and while she was at it she took of my jacket that was covering my neck.

“HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THOSE” Chloe’s voice was filled with excitement as she asked me.

“Tell us what happened last night” As I started to tell what happend everyone in the room went quiet.

“So we went to a fancy restaurant and then on a walk. As we were walking we saw his ex and he got upset”

“Oh my days seeing an ex on the first date is never a good sign” Jade spoke as if it were some tragic thing.

“Anyways...as we got to my house to say goodnight he kissed me. I thought it was going to be innocent but boy was I wrong.”

Chloe clapped her hands. “Ooo the juicy deets” I rolled my eyes at her and continued

“He literally held me so tight and started to kiss me like a mad man. You don’t even understand it was as if he put all his damn frustration into the kiss. When I pushed him he attacked my neck...” I didn’t even get the chance to finish my sentence because we heard a loud bang. We all turned our head to see that Adam dropped something and now he was walking out of the hall.

Ignoring his weirdness I turned back to my friends.

“So your telling me that this guy baiscally kiss raped you and you’re still hanging out with him”

“Cole he didn’t ‘kiss rape’ me. I don’t know it was a one off thing and besides he apologised”

“Whatever I still don’t like him” Giselle came near me and pulled out her wand.

“These marks are not only bothering you, they are bothering us some more than others” I sighed because my neck looked like a nightmare. She waved her wand and pointed it at my neck.

“Done” I walked towards a window and saw my reflection, the marks were gone. I had and a huge smile on my face.

I walked back to where the girls were standing and listened to Chloe as she spoke about Chris.

“So he said that he will be bringing his car with him so I will no longer be going with you Giselle and he might stay for a week”

“Doesn’t he have school” Exactly we all looked at Chloe.

“Yeah about that he is actually 21”

“WHAT ?!?!” I literally screamed in her face. I knew all of them looked way to old.

“Chloe you are 18 and he is 21 don’t you think your parents with have an issue”

“Relax Lena, what they don’t know won’t hurt them” See this is what annoys me about her she doesn’t care at all.

“I know Chris and he won’t do anything wrong. So beside that,is Aurelio coming tommrrow”

“Yup I rang him a few days ago and he said he’ll be here in time” we all started to talk about how we wanted to get our hair and makeup done when someone interupted us.

“If your done with your gossip session can we get back to work” we all turned around to see Adam standing behind us with his leather jacket in his hand.

“Lets all get started then” I rolled my eyes and him and got to work.

Everyone was dancing to the music and doing work we were all having a great time.

We had finished the work and it took us about 5 hours to do it since the hall was a fairly big size. It was 9 o’clock and we started at 4.

We all stepped back and took a look at our hard work.

“It looks beautiful” Chloe had a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Its amazing” all of us went quiet as we admired the beauty of all our hard work. We had gone all out with everything from the tables to the stage.

“Lets get going home you guys, it’s getting pretty dark outside.” Cole always is the type to show he doesn’t care but deep down we know he cares.

We all grabbed our stuff and started to walk outside.

“YOU GUYS IT’S SNOWING OUTSIDE” Ash shouted as him and Jacob ran outside.

We all ran outside and saw the snow it had covered the ground like a beautiful white blanket. Everyone ran towards the hill on the field and started to throw snow at each other. As I got to the top of the hill I stopped and took in the beauty of the scene before me.

It was dark and the lights reflecting on the snow made it look like little crystals had covered the ground.

I felt something cold hit my face and turned around to see Reece with a grin on his face. I made a snowball and ran towards him and threw it at his face. We were all having a snowball fighting and screaming like mad. I picked up a snowball to hit Jacob because he hit me right in the nose but I missed and hit Adam.

He turned to me with a evil glint in his face. I screamed and ran as he chased me. I felt the cold snowball hit me right in the neck from the back.

“AAAAH ADAM... that was so cold” I started to run my arms to feel warmer.

“That’s what you get for hitting me in the face. Here take my jacket” I took Adams jacket and put it on. Instantly I was engulfed by Adams heavenly smell and warmth. As Adam was staring at everyone I took it to my advantage and threw a snowball in his face.

I tried to run when he grabbed me. I was trying to get out of his grip we both lost balance and tumbled of the hill. We both rolled of the hill and I quickly held on to him. We landed at the top and I was underneath him.

We both just laid there staring at each other.

“Selena...” Before Adam could finish off what he was saying everyone else came rolling down the hill. Ash came and landed right on top of Adam making him crush me. I could feel his face in my neck.

I tried to stay calm but my mind was going crazy.

“Dude get the fuck off your crushing us” As Adam was speaking I could feel his lips move against my skin and I tried not to go crazy.

Ash got off and laid on the floor beside me. Me and all my friends were on the floor making snow angels.

We ended kicking each other and then the snow angels were destroyed we all started to throw snow on each other.

This moment was perfect me and all my weird friends just laughing having the time of our lives.

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