Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Grand Entrance

Disclaimer: any image/s used in this are not my own.


Selena’s P.O.V

I was having such a weird dream. In my dream I could see myself walking around in a dark corridor which looked like it had been made centuries ago. The whole feeling of being in that place was overwhelming yet it comforted me.

“WAKE THE FUCK UP WE ARE LATE” I literally flew out of bed and fell on the floor.

I opened my eyes to see Chloe red in the face, carrying a massive bag.

“I overslept because I was so tired and then when I got up I was running late but I still took time to get ready. So now we are going to miss registration period.”

“Oh my days this is bad. I’ve never been late before. Ok I’m just going to throw something on and if we run we might make it in time” I started to run around my room when Chloe grabbed my hand.

“Since we are already late we might aswell take our sweet time and get you ready” How could I forget.

“Ok, give me a few minutes I’ll go shower” I left Chloe in the room and quickly went and took a shower.

Once I was out she started on my face while I dried my hair. After my hair was dried she started to work on it and I sat there impatiently.

“Chloe, I’m so nervous I feel so sick. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this”

“Listen to me you can do this and don’t worry about what others say because ultimately if you are happy then that’s all that matters. We wouldn’t have forced you to do anything which you wouldn’t want to do” I nodded my head and let Chloe carry on with her magic.

Once she was done with my hair. I got up to go and get my clothes.

“Nuh uh, you close your eyes and get changed right here so you ca see yourself when your fully done” I nodded my head and then heard Chloe walk around in my room. She came and handed me my clothes.

“Wear this bra, it will make your girls look good” I laughed and blushed.

“My girls are non existent so it doesn’t matter” I put my clothes on, I didn’t mind Chloe being there because we have all seen each other naked.

Once I was done Chloe did some final touch ups and the she started to get all excited.

“Oh my days, your going to die when you see yourself. You look so gorgeous aaahhh, I can’t get over it” hearing Chloe’s excitement made me want to see myself. She pulled me towards my full mirror.

I opened my eyes to see a girl who looked so good, I looked completely different, my legs looked good, my hair look so healthy and my face was glowing. I couldn’t help but hug Chloe as hard as I could.

“Thank you so much Chloe. I love you”

“I know you do and now lets go down before we get late even more”

We ran down the stairs only to be stopped by John. Crap I forgot about them.

“Lena, is that you. You look different”

“Nah then, off course she looks different John get with it” Chloe was being extra sassy this morning.

“What the fuck you ain’t going dressed out of the house like that. I don’t need no horny boys looking at my baby sister” Ben came from the kitchen and was looking pretty shocked.

“You guys leave her, Lena you look nice, but that doesn’t mean your not getting an earful when your getting home. Now go before you get even more late” Blake seemed to be more understanding but if I knew my brother he wasn’t letting this go.

“Ok, bye I love you guys” Me and Chloe rushed to the car and drove to school.

As we came closer to school the more my heart started to beat faster and the more nervous I got.

“Stop being so nervous, your going to sweat off all your makeup, besides we have performing arts so all us friends are going to be there with you so don’t worry” I nodded my head and got out of the car.

We both walked into school and we were 10 minutes late to our first lesson great. We both walked towards the classroom.

“Lets do this” Chloe grabbed my hand.

I took a deep breath in and smiled at Chloe.

“Lets do it”.

Chloe opened the door and started walking in. As soon as everyone realised we walked in the room went dead quiet and everyone was staring at us.

“Girls you are ten minutes late, I’ll be having a word now take a seat.”

Everyone started to whisper and look at me. But one person in particular caught my eye. Colton. He was sitting on the floor with Emily in his lap. He gave me a dirty look which I returned with a cheeky smile. I went and sat on the floor in between Jade and Giselle. I sat on my knees because of my clothes. Don’t wanna flash anyone.

“Class as I was saying, since it’s the first day back and since I’m so lovely I’m not going to force you to do much work but I do expect you guys to be preparing for the competition.”

Everyone cheered when Leanne said we had no work to do. Everyone in the class started to talk to their friends. Leanne called me and Chloe up to speak to her.

“Girls first day back and your so late. I’m disappointed”

“It was all my fault Leanne, Chloe came to help me get ready and I’m so sorry I didn’t want to be late.”

“Well, since it’s both your first time being late I’ll it go. By the way Selena you look beautiful” Leanne winked at me and walked away. Me and Chloe walked back to where our friends were sitting.

“Holy fuck Selena, you look woah” Jade was the first to speak.

“Damn Selena what made you so hot over the month. Man look at you” I blushed at what Ash said.

“Thank you Ash. I just thought it was time to upgrade my look”

“Well you thought right. You look hot. Better watch out for them boys” Justin winked at me.

“Shut up Justin”

“So now to the real question. Did you get laid, I mean your glowing”

“Ash...what the hell” my whole face was burning red.

“Dude do ever think about anything besides sex” Jacob punched him in the shoulder.

“Close to being laid Ash...does the name Jesse ring a bell Lena” Chloe winked at me.

“Who the fuck is Jesse” Adams voice made my heart stop.

I looked at him and it felt like it was only me and him. He had a intense look on his face. I could tell he was checking me out.

“This is Jesse” Jade pulled out her phone and showed a picture of me and Jesse at the beach.

“Where did you get that picture from”

“I took secretly” Jade winked at me.

“He looks like crap” Adam had a sour look on his face.

“Is someone jealous of Jesse” Cole butted in and Adam punched him on the shoulder.

Leanne clapped her hand making us all turn towards her.

“Class don’t think that next lesson it will be easy going like today. The competition is around the corner so be prepared and also I hope you enjoy the winter ball at the end of the week. Now off to lunch”

We all got up and started to walk towards the canteen to have lunch. As I walked towards my locker to put my things away I saw Emily come near me.

“If you think this whole new look is going to get Colton back you can forget it because no one wants a fucking little bitch like you. No guy would want a girl with flat chest who is a uptight little slut” To say I was shocked by her outburst would be an understatement. By now a few people started to watch what was happening.

“Don’t worry Emily, he is all yours and as for me getting a guy leave that worry to me because I don’t need a man. You should be worried about yourself, instead of opening your legs try opening books and gaining some knowledge and make something of yourself” I slammed my locker door shut and walked away. There was a chorus of ‘ooo’ ‘aaah’ ‘bitch got burned’ throughout the corridor.

“Ooo you just got served bitch” Jade grabbed my hand and we walked towards the canteen to see everyone sitting.

“You look hot when you angry what’s wrong” I went and sat beside the tiny space near Cole. I was pretty squashed in the middle.

“First of all Sean, eww gross. Secondly it’s Emily she just is so annoying” I’m so annoyed right now and hungry. I put my hand in someone’s plate and started to eat their fries angrily.

“I mean help yourself just eat my food it’s not like I was hungry” I looked to see I was eating out of Adams plate.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise” I gave him an embarassed and looked down because my face was burning.

“I’m just kidding, you can eat the rest. I’m not hungry” He gave me a breathtaking smile, I couldn’t help but smile back and guess what I embarrassed myself because my mouth had food in it. Adam laughed at me and I just looked the other way because I was so embarrassed.

“So you guys, guess who is taking me to the winter ball. Just guess” Chloe was bouncing in her chair. Before we could even guess she spoke.

“Chris, he’s is taking me. He said he’ll come over to meet me.” What.

“Oh my days Chloe that is so cute” Jade hugged her.

“Whose Chris” Adam spoke quietly in my ear, his voice gave me shivers. I cleared my throat and spoke to him.

“Um he is a guy she met while we were away, and they both have fallen for each other so hard, but him coming here is so sweet. I’m so excited for her” I didn’t realise how close our faces were when I turned around. His eyes made it hard for me to look away, but I had to, this was wrong.

We all were talking and updating each other on what we did during our holidays. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and we all went quiet. I turned around to see Damien.

“Um...uh hi Selena, could I speak to you for a second.

“Um sure” I felt Adam’s body tense from behind me. I felt quite nervous as I got up and followed Damien.

“Selena, I just wanted to say that ever since the party I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I really enjoyed being in your company, just your presence makes the place brighter.”

“Um thank you Damien, that’s sweet” I looked around and started to play with my fingers until Damien held both my hands. I looked at him and he gave me the biggest smile ever.

“But the real reason why I called you over is because I actually was hoping that we could go to the winter ball together this Saturday.” Oh my days he wanted to take me to the winter ball. He let go off my hands and turned around to get something. He had a bouquet of roses, box of chocolate and a small box.

I was shocked by this small gesture, Damien is a great guy and he is so sweet. I can’t say no to him, I need to have fun. So why not.

“Damien, this is so sweet and I’d be more than happy to go with you.” I smiled and Damien handed me the roses and chocolates. He opened the little box and it had a necklace inside it with two hearts intertwined.

“Thank you for saying yes, I brought this for you.” I turned around and he put it around my neck. It hung a bit low since I was short and a small neck, but it was cute.

“Thank you Damien, this is so sweet” Damien added his number to my phone and then he walked back to his table.

When I was walking back to my table, all my friends had huge grins on their faces.

“So what did he say” Chloe was bouncing in her chair.

“He asked me to the winter ball and I said yes” All the girls started to scream and hugged me when I sat down with them.

“Oh my days, Selena this is so exciting now we all have dates for Saturday I’m so excited we are all going to have so much fun” Jade was so excited that she slapped Cole’s shoulder while she was showing her happiness.

Cole turned and looked at her like what the fuck.

“Yeah well you can have fun but we are not coming” Cole pointed at himself and Adam.

“What Cole you have to come please, we all put so much hard work into this and we have to decorate the whole place the night before, you have to come” I really didn’t want to this without them two.

“We’ll help you on Friday but we won’t be here on Saturday, wizard duties”

“That sucks”

Well that was a bummer I was kind of disappointed that Adam...and Cole won’t be there. Lunch was over and we all started to head back to lessons. Adam and Cole were dropping me off to lesson when someone pulled me back.

“Hey” I looked to see it was Damien. Adam and Cole both stopped and turned around.

“Hi, aren’t you meant to be going to class Damien” He held my hand

“Yes but I thought I’ll drop you off”

“Well you thought wrong, we are taking her to class and you can go” Adam pulled me towards him, leaving me shocked.

“Well I thought since...”

“Just because you’re going with her to the winter ball doesn’t mean you can act like her boyfriend. Let’s go” Adam took my hand and we all walked towards my class. When we got to my classroom, I said thanks and ran inside.

What the hell just happened?

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