Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Dancing, Bandages, Tears = Drunk Girl

Selena’s POV

“We’re going to have to walk to the car, stay close” At this point I literally have no idea what’s going on. It’s like my surroundings aren’t even real.

He stopped me and took off his leather jacket.

“Woah Adam stop stripping, I mean this is not the place for it. Euggh” I covered my eyes with my hands and started making weird disgusted sounds.

He pulled my hands away from my face.

“Get your mind out of the gutter; I’m giving this to you because you need to cover up”

“But I like it”

“Just cover yourself” He zipped me up and started walking. Maybe Colton was right. I did look ugly with my skin showing.

“I can make the stars dance light up the moooooon. I can make the stars dance if you want tooo”

I heard Adam laugh while sang.

I ran way ahead of Adam and did this.

“Watch me while I work, work, work, daddy. Yeah let me do my work” I started to dance and sing really loud. I winked at him and saw him get uncomfortable. Man I loved this.

Adam ran up to me with his face red and grabbed me.

“Stop doing that, get into the car”

“Make me”

“Excuse me what?”

“Make me get in the car, I don’t wanna get in”

“Selena just get in the easy or the hard way”


“That’s it” He gave me smirk which scared me to my core. He looked so dangerous and deadly

He came towards me and I tried to run away from him but he caught me and threw me over his shoulder. I felt a weird sensation within me when my skin made contact with his.

“Euggh, you’re so mean”

“You asked for it Amado”

“Seriously stop calling me that like don’t you understand my name is SELENA” I heard him laugh. Why is he so stupid, its not even funny.

He put me into the car, belted me and drove.

Taylor Swift 22 came on and I just had to sing it.


I saw a couple on the pavement laughing and having a good time. I started to laugh like a maniac for no reason at that.

“Why you so quiet Adam” I poked his cheek while he was driving.

“Stop I’m driving let me concentrate”

“Whatever” Who does he think he is just pulling me out from there. I was having fun and enjoying myself, everyone was having a great time. Stupid party pooper.

“I’m not a ‘party pooper’,” Did I just say that out loud

“Yes you did. I’m just watching out for you, that guy was way too close to you and he may have not had the best of intentions he could have harmed you”

“Well he wouldn’t the first to harm me, so no difference” I muttered to myself.

“Who harmed who” Are you kidding me. I must be way out of it, if he can hear everything.

“Its none your business so stay out” I may have said this more harshly than I intended.

One night is all I wanted without being told what to do or without someone trying to get all in my business. We reached outside our houses and I got out of the car slamming it shut. It was going well until I fell. I ended up scraping my elbows and knees pretty hard.

“Selena are you okay” Adam came running to my side.

“Yes. I’m fine.” I didn’t need his help. Besides I was rude to him.

“Here let me take you in” He didn’t even let me answer. He picked me up bridal style and took me to the door.

“Woah, what the hell happened to her” Thank god it was just Jake if it were the others, hell would break loose.

“She got drunk and now she hurt herself, I’m gonna take her to bed”

“Selena by the way Colton came looking for you” Adams grip on me had tightened at the mention of Colton.

“Eugh, he can go fuck himself” I started to laugh to myself because never would I have said that in a sober state. I hate swearing.

“Oh my days, my little girl finally swore, she is all grown up” Jake faked to cry and I blew a raspberry at him.

“Okay, but keep the doors open and don’t do anything I wouldn’t”

“Dude what the fuck” I didnt even want to look at Adam’s reaction.

“SHUT UP JAKE, your so annoying, he has a girlfriend and I have....Colton”

I felt Adam stiffen when I said this. Weird much.

We went into my room and he put me down on my bed.

“Where is the first aid kit”

“Umm I think it should be in one of the drawers in my bathroom”

“Okay, get changed and tell me when your done”

He went inside the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I started to look for my PJ’s and only managed to find my tank top and some baggy pants. I took my time to get changed because I felt so physically drained. I’m never drinking ever again. I was lost in my thoughts that I forgot Adam was waiting in the bathroom still.

I walked into the bathroom and saw him standing with the first aid kit in his hand.

“I forgot.....you were....in here” I literally couldn’t form a proper sentence without slurring

“Its fine, just sit up on here” I sat on the counter top where the mirror is.

He stood between my legs and I was starting to feel so embarrassed I looked anywhere but him. He took my arms and started to wipe the blood off.

“Ouch its hurting” It stung my elbows so much.

“I’m nearly done, how did you manage to hurt yourself so much from one fall”

“It was a ghost who pushed me.....shhhhh” I’m really a weird drunk. Like I’ll cry, laugh, be like a kid you name it and I’m exactly that.

“A ghost really” He gave me a weird look

“Yes. He might.... come.... for you if you don’t believe it”

“Wow I’m so scared” His toned was laced with sarcasm.

I was about to jump down but he stopped me.

“Um you have blood on your foot, if you don’t mind can I see if you’ve hurt your legs”

I rolled up my pants on both legs and saw a huge cut on one of my knees.

“Let me clean that up for you” He started to clean it and oh my days it hurt way more than the first. I grabbed his hands to stop him.

“Adam please stop its hurting” I was gonna cry.

“Let me clean it or it will get infected”

He started to clean it and it hurt me so bad I started to cry. I put my head on his shoulder and just cried it was hurting way too much.

“It’s almost done”

I just cried. Like for no reason.

“Its gonna get better, now let’s get you to bed.”

He picked me up and took me to my bed. He laid me in and put the covers over.

“Here take these painkillers; they’ll make you feel better”

“Its hot Adaam, pleeeeeaaseee open the window a bit”

“Adam do you know any one direction songs”


“We danced all night to the BEEESST SONG EVER we knew every line, now I can’t remember”

“Selena sleep”


“Adam...Do you know any Justin Bieber songs then”

“No I don’t”

“Not even Boyfriend”

“No not even that”

“If I was your boyfriend I’d never let you go keep you on my arm girl yeah you never be alone” I started dancing and he got up and put me back into bed.

“Selena please sleep” He was sitting on my bed right in front of me.

“Is that a tattoo on your arm” I went forward and touched his arm.

“Hehehe, your arms are soooooo strong Adam haha”

“Why thank you milady....hahaha”

“Oh my days you laughed, I made you laugh” I literally never saw him properly laugh. I started to clap my hands like a kid.

“Okay, now go to sleep please” He put me back into bed and sat back down.

“Fine then tell me a story.......”

Adam had stayed with me until I fell asleep, we kept talking about random things because I didn’t want to go to sleep. But I finally did.



I was in a dark room I couldn’t recognise my surroundings at all.

“Looks like the stupid bitch has finally woken up” I heard a scary deep voice but I couldn’t open my eyes to see. They felt sore and heavy.

Someone threw water on me and I sat up from the floor. I saw cuts all over my legs and blood .

A man came over to me, he was quite tall and his eyes were almost a red shade.

He grabbed my hair and slapped me hard across my face.

“Owww” I felt my face and it felt like was cut already and swollen. I could taste blood in my mouth.

“Let me go, you aren’t gonna get what you want, your pathetic for thinking that you are”

My words seemed to anger him as he grabbed me up by my hair punched my stomach.

“You stupid bitch, you don’t deserve your life at all, now your going to regret exactly that. Guess who is going to pay for those words. WITH THEIR LIVES”

“Your dear brothers”

He took me into a room where they were hanged by the arms.

I started to cry and tried to get out of the two mens grip who were holding me.

“Leave my brothers out of this, they had nothing to with it”

He shot John in head 3 times

“Stop it I’m begging you stop” I tried to go but these guys wouldn’t let me go.

He kept shooting all my brothers. Their lifeless bodies were hanging. I kept screaming shouting and crying but no- one seemed to care. There was a huge pool of blood making me sick.

“You killed my brothers you animal. I hate you, your a heartless creature”

“Well it’s your fault, you shouldn’t have left him and moved on. Now face the consequences”


I woke up screaming, shouting , kicking and hitting everything around me. My head was hurting so bad. I kicked the duvet of me and kept screaming.

My brothers were gone. They were dead.

I felt sick , I picked up the small bin near my bed and puked into it.

I heard running come up the stairs.

“Selena are you okay, what’s wrong?” It was John.

“John, John, your here” I couldn’t form a sentence I found it so hard to breathe and started to puke again.

“Selena, I’m here” I kept crying, by now literally everyone was in my room. All my brothers. My friends and even Adam, Cole, Justin, Sean, Reece and Giselle.

“John...he...hit...and...you guys...and then...shot”

“First calm down, Jake get her some water” All my brothers were sat around me on my bed. I cried so hard into John’s chest.

I calmed down a bit and had some water. Everyone was worried and looking at me as if I would break.

“Selena, do you wanna tell me what me what happened”

“I had a dream, there was this guy and his eyes were almost a red shade. He came in this room he had me in and told me to get up, he pulled my hair.......” I told them the rest of what had happened.

“Its okay Sel, look we are all here and we are okay. Your safe with us”

“John, I’m scared you guys are all I have. You are my world and if anything happens I can’t live without you at all. You guys are my parents, my brothers and my everything”

I started to cry again, but I couldn’t help it. All of my brothers hugged me and I felt so safe. I wanted to stay like this forever.

“Sel, we are all here, I’m mean look around you, all these people love you and will protect you. As for us we ain’t going nowhere” Ben tried to say the last bit in a weird accent and failed making all us laugh.

“Um Selena where did you get all those scratch marks on your arm” Jade came forward and I looked at my arm and saw them.

“They weren’t there last night when I brought you” Adam came forward and looked at my arms. I felt embarrassed because I was a mess last night.

“Why is your window open, its freezing” Jacob went and closed it.

“I was feeling hot” All my brothers looked at each other and then at Adam and the boys. Weird much.

“Okay, everyone lets go down, I’m pretty sure this girl is hungry because it is nearly 5:00pm” Giselle started to walk down with everyone behind.

“5:00 !!!!!, damn I overslept”

“Lets go down kiddo” Ben picked me up and ran down the stairs.

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