Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Night Out

Selena’s P.O.V

Its been 2 days since I told Cole everything. It feels good that someone knows, but deep down inside I know that he can’t do anything to help me.

I haven’t seen Colton in school since and neither have I seen Adam.

Ughhh...why am I thinking about him. He is just so weird. Like one minute he talks to me like we are friends and then he is so distant like a stranger. Ughhh.

Besides I have more things to worry about other than him.

Nearly the holidays. The school dance is coming, Jacobs party is next week which I’m definitely not going to. The competition.

I rolled to my side and saw that it was 6:00am.

Why am I awake this early on a Saturday. I brushed my teeth and changed into my clothes.

A little jog and then a work out should make me feel better.

I kept running while listening to Demi Lovato Confident. I was running and saw Reece jogging in front of me.

“Boo” I jumped on him from behind.

“Woah, you scared the shit out of me”

“Aw is little Reecey scared of a girl”

“No, I was just shocked, not many people be around this early in the morning”

“Yeah whatever”

“What you gonna do after this?”

“Well Mr. Nosey I’m gonna go do a little bit of um working out and then dance practise in our studio”


“Yaas you big dummy, my brothers have a studio downstairs with gym equipment, you should come over and use it instead of going to the gym, will save you time”

“Race you to the other side”

“Fine. But what does the winner get?”

“Well Reecey...umm maybe loser can treat winner”

“Sounds good to me. Bring it on” If anything I was sure I was gonna win coz.

“You cheated”

“Can’t take it Reecey”


“Now carry me back I’m tired and feeling hot”

“Course your gonna be hot, who the fuck wears a hoodie in this weather”


“Well I’m gonna go in and work out, see ya later”

I said bye to Reece who went home and I headed downstairs. Judging by the music that was playing, it meant that my brothers had already done their workout. I connected my phone to the speakers and put my music on.

I took my hoodie of since I was alone. I don’t feel comfortable with wearing just my sports bra around others. Colton said that showing my skin didn’t suit me, it was too slutty.

Halfway through someone’s phone started to ring. Ughhh dumb idiot Ben had left it. Well then its just going to have to be switched off.

I put all my frustration into my exercising. All the anger everything that I felt was making me push myself even harder. I felt like I was being watched so I turned to look around, but no-one was there.

Might as well finish off with a bit of dancing. I put Becky G Break a Sweat and danced to it. I was so into the dance, I was in a world of my own.

“FUCK” I literally jumped in the air, I was so freaked out about the sound. I turned around to see Adam on the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh.


He shot me a glare which scared me so I shut up.

“Its not funny”

“Yes it is, how did you fall”

“I tripped over”

“Over what?” this was way to funny.

“My feet”

“OH.MY.DAYS.........AHAHAHAHAHA” He fell over his own feet, this was hilarious.

“Here give me your hand” I touched his hand and I kid you not. I felt weird tingles all over my body. I ignored it and helped him up.

“Why are you down here anyways”

“Ben left his phone”

I felt awkward with the lacking of clothing so I turned around.

“I must say you look pretty cute”

Did he just say that to me ?

“Stop blushing, I can see you in the mirror” Damn this stupid room literally made up from mirrors.

“Whatever Adam, stop staring it’s rude”

“You wish I was staring, anyways later Amado ”

“My name isn’t ‘Amado’

He gave me a smirk and walked away.


I was in my room and it was around 5:30pm and my phone rang.

“Hey what’s up”

“Hey Lena” it was Jade

“Get ready we are all going down to that new place that opened up” she was talking about this new place that opened up, it was like an arcade with a karaoke.

“Ughhh I don’t wanna, I need to shower and finish of my homework ”

“Forget your stupid homework your coming, get dressed pretty”


I got into the shower and got way distracted by singing and dancing.

When I got out I saw a top Jade got for me ages ago but I never wore it because it wasn’t something I wore. But hey try something new today and a pair of leather jeans.

I really wanted to just enjoy myself so I dressed in a way which I usually don’t.

I put a bit of lipgloss and mascara and ran out the door. Coz someone kept horning for me to come out.

“Gosh Jade why the hell are you horning so much, I’m here so calm down”

I looked around to see Ash, Jacob, Chloe and Jade.

“Leggo” Ash shouted in my ear deafening me

When we got there, we sat down to eat first.

“Why the hell do we have a big table, its only us 5”

“Well I kinda invited Sean and the guys”

“YES” Chloe looked way too happy.

“Looks like they are here” I turned to look and I swear all of them looked like model making a huge entrance. Great Adam was here too and that too with his girlfriend.

“Hey guys, wow Jade and Chloe you two look smoking”

“Your the one too say that Giselle, check you out”

I felt kinda awkward sitting there, everyone was talking. I felt left out, everyone has gotten so close and I haven’t even got a chance to properly to hang out with them because of Colton.

“Selena” I turned around to see who it was.

“Oh my days Cole” finally. I was so glad to see him.

I got up and hugged him.

“You okay” he whispered in my ear

“Yeah, thanks. So glad you came”

“No problem”

Someone cleared their throat. We both turned around to see everyone just watching us.

“May I remind you have a boyfriend”

“Whatever” Cole went back to the scary person he was.

We all sat down. I sat between Ash and Cole.

“Could you take that jacket off seriously we are inside”

“Fine mum” Ughh I really didn’t wanna take it off.

“Woah bitch you look smoking” Giselle was the first to shout

“Finally you stopped wearing your stupid long sleeved top”

“Chloe they weren’t stupid”

From the corner of my eye I could see Adam staring at me. I couldn’t help but think back to the morning.

“Guys before we start eating lets take a group picture” Giselle literally forced all of us and even made us stand and pose where she thought we all looked good.

Guess where I got stuck right next to Adam but Cole was on the other side of me so I was good. We took a nice one with everyone smiling. The funniest picture was where everyone was laughing because Sean fell he tripped and fell straight one his face, the first picture you can see him mid fall and the other is all of us laughing at him.

I took goofy pics with Cole and Ash who both were ruining the pics.

We all ate and I kept talking to Cole. Then after eating everyone went to off to play games and bowl.

I was left behind with Regina. Great

“Hey Selena, I haven’t spoken to you properly ever since we met”

“Yeah. I have just been busy.”

“I’m getting the feeling that you don’t like me”

“Its not that, I haven’t spoken to you so I’m kinda awkward around people I don’t know.”

“Well I must say you are really pretty, flaunt off what you got girl.”

“Thank you, your gorgeous too I mean look at you” Wasn’t gonna lie but she is actually is very pretty

“I don’t have much to ’flaunt, but thank you” I was just below average in looks like no joke.

Maybe she wasn’t so bad after all.

“Hey Lena, Regina come over”

We went over to see everyone taking drinks. See this is the thing. I never do anything fun in my life. I’m nearly 18 and so far the most exciting thing I have done is skip class once. I wanna break out of my shell.

“Give me one”

“Uh no Lena you aren’t drinking”

“Who cares, I wanna try something new today”

“No you aren’t”

“Jacob you guys drink all the time, stop making me feel like a baby”

I took Ash’s drink and chugged the whole thing down. Crap my throat burned.

“Great, the good girl has gone bad” Seriously Reece.

“Shut up Reece, I’m not a goody goody okay”

I sat for a bit and drank more until I felt light.

I got up and walked towards the stage for the karaoke. I was literally not feeling like myself I felt way more confident.

“Hey sexy thang” I turned to see who it was. It was some cute looking guy.

I winked back at him and blew a kiss at him. Where did that come from like who am I.

I went up and asked the guy to play ‘Watch Me Work’

I gave it my all. I let the music take me over. My body had a mind of its own and moved to the music.I just wanted to have a good time. I could hear all my friends and everyone cheer me on. I felt so great. I pulled the cute guy up and danced with him, he was really good at dancing. I finally felt free out of my shell. I ended up going to my friends and dancing with them too.

The song hadn’t even ended and I got pulled off the stage.

It was Adam. And he looked very very ANGRY.

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