Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Douchebags & Cute Moments

Adams P.O.V:

I was in my room currently healing my knuckles. I had punched a hole through the wall to let my anger out. I was so fucking pissed about what happened with Selena.

The weekend was really something. On Saturday I got to see a side of Selena that I have never seen before and man was I shocked.

It took everything in me not to make her mine on the spot. The way she danced and moved her body did something to me and boy did I want her so bad. She made Adam junior way to happy and to think she has that kind of affect just from far, imagine what will happen if she becomes mine.

The confidence coming off her made me even more attracted to her if that was even possible. She broke out of her shell even if it was because she was drunk.

Man I sound like a girl. But this girl makes me feel so fucking hypnotised when I see her. When I saw the way she was dressed I wanted her so bad but then again I felt over protective no-one was allowed to see her body.

I had to take her home; I wanted to rip that guy to pieces after he touched her. I couldn’t help but be possessive she is mine and only mine.

I tried to take her pain away when she cried because it broke me on the inside to see her cry. When she touched me I felt those sparks. My mum used to always tell that when you touch your mate there will be intense sparks between you. I never believed her but I stand corrected because when I see Selena I am no longer the confident guy I usually am. I forget how to speak in front of her.

She thinks I didn’t hear her say ‘Well he wouldn’t the first to harm me, so no difference’. Whoever has harmed her will not live and that’s a promise. If I find out, I will tear that person to pieces.

She seems to have gotten close to Cole, I know he is protecting her but I have a feeling he knows something and isn’t telling me.

I went down the stairs to look for Cole, only to realise that he is gone to school. I walked over next door to Selena’s house to speak to her brothers.

“Adam come in man” Ben had opened the door.

I went in to see all her brothers sitting there.

“Listen guys, I have a feeling I know who was in Selena’s dream” John was the first to speak.

“Me too” I knew exactly who it was.

I turned to the guys “Its Draco, he is out, he escaped and that is one of the other reasons we came here because now we know that Colton is a wizard he may be aware of her prophecy and he may use that to his advantage.”

“I don’t think Lena should be dating that fucker he seems really shady, he gives off a fucking weird vibe, I just want her to break up with him because he isn’t right for her you are Adam.” Ben seemed pretty pissed at the idea of Selena dating Colton.

“You guys know I’ll do anything to protect her but I can’t protect her from her nightmares without you know....” This was pretty awkward. As a wizard when you become one with your mate as in have ‘it’ you are able to feel each other’s pain, hear their thoughts and in this case I can block bad things from coming into Selena’s dreams but I can’t do that yet.

“Yeah we know. But we need to tell her about our truths like how long can we hide it from her. When she turns 18 she will be able to use her powers and she will notice changes so we need to tell her” John was right. But I didn’t want to tell her I’m her mate straight away. I want to win her heart and then tell her.

“But if Draco finds her here you know we have to move back to the kingdom, I can’t risk the safety of my mate. I will take her if it means keeping her safe. I know you are her brothers but I can’t just leave her here in harm’s way.

“Adam don’t worry she just needs to get through this week of school and then we are sending her away on a girls trip to our beach house, its got a magical barrier. Our parents put it around the whole of the area so no-one can get in. She’ll be safe there. Giselle will also be there so don’t worry.′ Blake quickly explained to me.

2 weeks without Selena not being near me sound like pure hell. But for her safety I’m willing to go through it.

“Okay, so I will inform back in the wizard world about this nightmare incident and have everyone on high alert. I’ll have wizard guards around the beach house just for extra safety while she is there. Regina has been working on potion that will block Draco from coming into her dreams. She’ll have to take it before going to bed every night that she is there just so he can’t get to her while she is there.”

I had to do everything I could to keep her safe.

Now I just need to find out what she meant by being harmed before.


Selena’s POV

I was currently in school and we were in our form class getting notices.

“Okay class. I’m sure you all will be happy to hear this but the holidays have been extended by 2 extra weeks, so you have 4 weeks off for Christmas. This is because the school building needs to be repaired and will have an extension and the conditions of that aren’t safe to have you nuisances hanging around”

Everyone in the class literally screamed so loud. I was happy more time to myself.

“This also means that the winter ball or whatever will be moved to the Saturday you come back” Yes, means we have more time to organise the things.

The bell went off and we walked off to Performing arts.

“Oh my days girls, you know what this means, our girls trip has been extended” Giselle looked way to happy.

“Yes gurl, I seriously need a vacation, meet a few cute boys. Christmas romance”

“Eugh Chloe we are going to have fun and relax. Not look for boys”

“Selena just coz you got a boy, doesn’t stop me from looking.” Chloe was seriously out of it.

Me, Giselle, Chloe and Jade were going on vacation to our private beach house and I’m so excited.

“Guys this has to be the best week ever, Jacobs party is on Friday and we are getting a month off, what a way to end the year” Jade was so right, expect the party.

“Yeah, I’m not going to Jacobs party, not my thing”

“Come on you have to go please” Chloe was literally begging me

We all walked into the class and I saw Colton flirting with Emily. When he saw me he got up and came to kiss me, which I dodged moving to the side.

“Hey Colton” He hugged me and I awkwardly returned it.

“Hey babe”

“Class sit down, okay as you know the competition will be here soon and we need you all to prepare for it. I know you guys can do it. I’m just going to go over a few things first.”

Leanne spoke for 40 mins literally explain things to us that had to be done before the competition and we all took note. The door slammed opened and made everyone jumped.

I turned around to see Adam.

He was dressed in full black, his face was red like he was angry about something. He had a bandage on his knuckles I couldn’t help but wonder why he got that.

“Glad you finally joined us Adam take a seat and next don’t be late”

“Whatever” Woah rude much.

“Guess what Adam, we have 4 weeks off for our holidays” Reece was way to happy about this.

“That means we have a longer vacay” Giselle was tooo excited about the vacation.

“4 fucking weeks.” Well he seems quite shocked.

“Aren’t you happy”

“Course I am.” He looked at me and I quickly looked the other way.

“Okay so Colton and Emily are going to be our performers for today so up you get”

When did she become partners with him. He knew I hated her. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I’m making it out to be.

The music started and Colton and Emily started to dance. It was okay at first, but then the chorus came and she started grinding on Colton. I felt so disgusted watching.

“Dirty fuckbags, keep it PG” Ash shouted out loud making the class laugh.

Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse, they started dancing way more dirtier and Colton was touching her a bit too much. Then they started to make out like a full make out in front of the whole class, Colton was touching her everywhere and so was she.

The tears started to build in my eyes. How could he kiss the girl that he cheated on me with. I got up and ran. I could hear everyone shout my name but I ran out of school and kept running. There something inside of me telling me to run towards a direction I have never been before.

I stopped and looked around to see a beautiful field, with tree’s everywhere and everything seemed so calm and beautiful .

I sat down near a tree and cried.

“Why is it always me, why do I get hurt, don’t I deserve a guy that will only like me. I hate you Colton...I hate you”

I put my head down and cried.

I felt a hand touch me and I jumped.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you”

It was Adam.

“Adam how did you find me” great I looked like a mess in front of him. I started to sort out my face and wiped my tears.

“Hey you look absolutely fine stop doing that. And I ran to follow you to make sure your okay” He held my hands away from my face. I blushed and quickly took my hands out of his.

“Thank you”

“How did you find this place” Adam seemed quite suspicious while asking me.

“This is gonna sound weird but, something in me pulled me towards this place, and its so breath taking”

“It sure is breath taking” His voice sounded as if he was daydreaming.

I turned to look at him staring at my face.

“I mean the place..... is breath taking” he awkwardly laughed after that.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and I heard my phone ring and I saw it was Colton.

“Just turn off your phone, it will make you feel better, it won’t disturb you”

I switched it off and turned to look at Adam, he was looking at the place around and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He really was quite the character.

“Ummm Adam” He turned to look at me.

“I just wanted to say thank you, like I mean....” I ran out of words. What was wrong with me. I looked up to see Adam staring intently at me.

“I meant to say that, thank you for everything you have done so far for me. The time when I drowned in the deep end of the pool, beating up Colton for me and bringing me home the other day. And also for today” I looked down and played with my hands while saying this.

“Listen, I did those things because I cared for you, as for today no guy should ever do that when he has a girlfriend he should respect and care for her. So there’s no need to say thank you. I’ll always be here if you need me.” His words made me feel protected and they were so sincere.

“Regina is seriously to have you as a boyfriend, you take such good care of her”

“Yeah” he became very awkward.

“Isn’t it weird how us guys became such good friend in such a small period of time. Like I don’t think I can imagine life without you guys anymore.” These all have become such close friends and I love them all so dearly.

“Same here I don’t think I....I mean we.... can imagine life without you lots too”

“Amado can I see your phone for a second.”

“Why don’t you have your own”

“I do I just need to check something”

“Your so random Adam, but here”

He did something and then gave it back.

I looked to see what he. He added his number. He saved it as Adam with a winky face.

“Seriously....gotta say you got smooth moves” He is so sly.

“What can I say...I am the best”

“Really...your so big headed”

“I’m just stating the facts Amado” He is such a cocky guy. I didn’t realise how close he got to me. I could feel his breath on my face.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night”

“There’s a lot off things that can help me at night” He winked at me and gave his signature smirk. I pushed him away from me. I was shocked by this side him.

We both just sat there in a comfortable silence and slowly I started to drift off.....

I opened my eyes to see Adams face above mine. Then I realised he was carrying me.

“I’m taking you home, you were out for ages”

I nodded at him and hugged him. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment...........

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