Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Boys and Sleepovers

(Picture of outfits)

Selena’s P.O.V

It’s been 2 months since me and Colton got back together. Literally my life was going so well. He was way better than how he used to be, every Friday we have date night, he drops me off home safely, and he takes me school and always makes sure I’m safe.

Last week some gang business came up and all my brothers had left me at Jade’s and Colton wanted me to stay with him but I wasn’t really comfortable with it and respected my decision and checked up on me literally every hour.

I have gotten very close to Cole, Justin, Sean, Reece and especially Giselle she has literally become one of us girls. The one person that everyone is scared to talk to in school including me is Adam. He rarely shows up now to school, when he does he is full on angry and argues with the teachers and is hooking up with girls. But I always hear him in his room or see his shadow.

“Sel your boy toy is here” I could hear Josh shouting from downstairs

“I’m in my room”

“Fine, but use protection and try to keep it down” Oh my god seriously

“No one is having sex leave the door open Selena” I could literally see the scowl on Blake’s face


I heard Colton come in my room. I was sitting in the window seat doing my homework and I was still in my PJ’s.

“Woah you look hot” This idiot knew how to make me blush.

“Shut up I’m just in my PJ’s”

“But they look good on you, scratch that anything looks good on you”

“You’re so sweet”

He came near me and hugged me and then kissed me, which was starting to turn into a full on make out session. Until I nearly fell out the window from the back

“Fuck I’m so sorry are you okay”

“yeah” I covered my face with my hands because I was so embarrassed because of the intense make out session. We nearly fell out of a window for crying out loud

“Awww don’t be shy, come here”

Colton hugged me tightly and lifted me.

“Yo wassup Adam, whose your lady friend” I heard Colton laugh and so I turned to see Adam standing there shirtless with a girl in his room. He looked at me and it didn’t feel right looking at him shirtless with a girl.

“Oh my gosh you guys are soo cute, pretty heavy make out session considering you nearly fell out of the window.” Who asked this airhead to talk, she sounded like the dumbest thing ever.

“You could say that” Colton laughed and spoke to the girl. I got off him and went to out my books away.

“Well anyways just came to pick you up for movie night at Chloe’s, hope you didn’t forget”

“Oh crap, I did, uggh I was so caught up in homework and then you mister came and distracted me”

“I could do more than distract next time” my face went red; I could feel my cheeks go red. I slapped his shoulder.

“Shut up, seriously go wait downstairs while I get changed out of my PJ’s, now shoo”

Once he was out I did my curtains knowing that Adam and his lady friend will be “busy” and I didn’t need to be scarred for life by seeing that. I quickly got changed into something comfy since it was only movie night. Plus I didn’t really like dressing up.

I went down stairs to see the twins wrestling in the living room and Blake was arguing with Ben for some reason. Colton was sitting talking to John.

“Guys me and Colton are going to Chloe’s for movie night, I probably will stay there if I do I’ll let you know”

Me and Colton walked out and into his car. On the way there mostly argued about what to listen to on the radio and he chose what we were gonna listen to, so I decided to give him the silent treatment.

“C’mon you can’t stay mad at me for long, please”

He stood outside the car and opened my door I turned the other way so I wouldn’t have to see him.

“You leave me no choice”

The fuck is he talking abo......The little shit dragged me out and threw me over his shoulder.

“Let me down you twat” I was slapping his back and then gave up. Chloe opened the door and simply laughed.

“Gee Chloe, no oh my gosh why is he holding you like that, you need any help. Nice to know what kind of friend you are” I was rambling on until we got to the living room and Colton slapped my butt before putting me down.

“Kinky, free porn yaaaaas”

“The hell you doing here Reece, move up I wanna sit here”

I went and sat between Reece and Justin who hugged me so hard I couldn’t breathe.

“Nice to see you too Justin”

“Chloe invited us over too because we are all friends its just not you guys anymore, its us too” I loved how they were in our little friendship circle. It was the 11 of us.

“Hi Sel, you alright” Cole asked me he was sat beside Adam

“Oh my days sorry I didn’t see you sitting there, I’m good thank for asking.”

I couldn’t look at Adam in the eye because he saw my very dramatic entrance and our previous encounter this morning was awks.

“So we are watching a horror movie and that’s final”

“WHAT NOOO THAT’S NOT FAIR” I hated horror movies like my nightmares were bad enough, I didn’t need this extra creepiness of being scared in my life.

“Don’t worry Sel baby I got ya” Reece winked at me.

“Hey I’m the boyfriend not you so, I’m gonna protect her not you, hands off”

Seriously these two were gonna argue over something stupid, Justin ditched me and sat with Jade and so I was sat between these morons.

“Guys shut the fuck up about whose gonna hold who, and Selena it’s not even that scary”

“Easy for you to say Jade”

The movie was so scary, I hated every minute of it, I was literally huddled on top of both Justin and Colton, who found this movie amusing with the rest of the guys. Giselle was behind Cole, who was clearly annoyed. Adam as usual sat there with no emotions on his face what so ever.

“Well, I enjoyed this movie way more than I should have” Reece smirked at me and he got a slap on his from me.

“Glad you did, unlike me; jade I will never believe you again”

“Quit being a drama queen Lena,”

“Fine you guys are just mean” I got up to walk away when my foot got tangled in the blankets and I fell flat on my face.

Everyone and I mean everyone laughed so loud like it was the funniest thing on earth.

“Awww did my poor wittle baby get an owie” I swear Chloe is asking to be hit

“Hey guys as funny as this is, stop being mean to my girl” Colton came and picked me up and sat me in his lap rubbing my forehead.

Everyone sat there deciding what to do for ages while me and Colton were just goofing around I was still in his lap.

Somehow ten minutes later we were all in pairs place some weird game.

I was on Cole’s back, Jade was on Justin’s back, Chloe was on Sean’s back, Giselle was on Adams, Reece was on Colton’s. Ashton was on Jacobs’s back who decided to join us now.

We were all trying to knock each other down. I knew there was no way we would lose got Cole had a pretty good grip on me. He was running so fast around Chloe’s garden it was sooo fun. The first ones to go down were Jade and Justin. Both of them fell I literally couldn’t breathe from all the laughing.

Colton decided it would be funny to slap my butt so it would distract us but when he slapped me Cole lost balance, we nearly fell but from the back Adam knocked down Colton and Reece so hard.

After that Adam and Giselle just gave up and it was just us and Chloe and Sean. Obviously Cole knocked them down hard and we won!!!

I kept screaming because we won and annoyed the rest so they decided to push the pair of us in the pool. Everyone jumped in and was throwing water at each other. Small problem I didn’t know how to swim and there were 11 people in the pool who hadn’t noticed me drowning.

I literally was gonna pass out when I felt two hands grab my waist and pull me up. My whole body despite drowning felt tingly from that touch.

“Fuck open your eyes Selena, You fuckers see what you did” I could hear Adam voice laced with anger and spite. So it was him who saved me.

“It was a joke no-one knew”

“As her motherfucking boyfriend you should know this about your girlfriend”

“Guys stop fighting” I couldn’t stand them fighting. I looked up to see Adams worried emerald coloured eyes.

“Are you okay” he seemed so worried

“Yeah, just a bit cold”

“Here I’ll take you inside” He picked my bridal style when Colton butted in

“Give her I’ll take her”

Adam shoved past him and took me inside. My stomach had weird butterflies and his touch had my skin on fire. I knew I had a boyfriend but I don’t know why my body reacted to him like this.

“Adam bring her up to my room, her clothes are wet I’ll give her new pair” I rested my head on his frickin hard chest; I could hear his heart beating so fast which seemed to mirror mine , it was scary.

Adam put me down on the bed and walked towards the door.

“Um...Adam thank you for saving me, I thought I was going to pass out, so thank you so much for saving me”

“No worries, I’m just glad you are okay”

The door slammed shut and I turned to see that Giselle, Jade and Chloe were all grinning at me.


“I know this sounds wrong since you have a boyfriend and shit, but HOLY SHIT that was such a hot moment between you and Adam, this is the most emotions he has shown this whole 2 months.” Chloe seemed so excited.

“You guys looked fucking hot together” Jade was clapping her hands together and jumping.

“Stop it guys, Coltons my boyfriend, plus all he did was help me. So stop being delusional about this”

“You know Adam usually isn’t this worried about someone, even if they get hurt extremely he doesn’t care, he has showed a caring side which he rarely shows, so he kinda care for you.”

“He does, but as a friend”

We dropped the subject and Chloe went off to find me clothes while Giselle dried my hair for me. Then she went down. I told my brothers I was staying for the night.

“I’m not wearing those, nuh-uh”

“Why they are pretty”

“Jade I will look like a slut”

“Seriously they are literally what we both wear to bed”

“Yeah but I never show this much skin and you guys know”

“We know, plus it’s just us guys and you have an amazing body so show it off”

“Heyy this body is only for me too look at”

“Stop it and wear them” I knew there was no fighting them so I went and changed into them (picture of PJ’s above)

I walked downstairs and everyone just stared.

“Whoooo hoooo, Selena baby, damn those legs your body is amazing”

“Thanks Giselle” I went and sat between her and Colton. I saw that Adam was looking anywhere but me.

“How is your body so toned?”

“Well when your brothers are in a gang, you have no choice but to train for safety, plus I like working out helps with my flexibility for dancing”

“Fuck, how I wish my brothers were sexy Greek gods that were in a gang. The perfect package, body, bad boy attitude ahhh” Chloe had a daydream look in her eye.

“Damn, Lena this is the most of skin I’ve ever seen of yours” I slapped Colton on his arm.

“Says the one who fucked her”

Ash was the first to speak “BURN”

“Seriously Jacob”

“Hey just stating the facts baby girl”

“Woah so you’re not a virgin, damn Sel you are a dirty little girl. So tell me how did you lose it, was he a good fuck”

“Shut it Justin” I threw a pillow at him, which he skilfully caught.

We all turned around when we heard the door being slammed and saw Adam walking into Chloe’s garden

Why is he so mad?

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