Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Boyfriends and Neighbours

(Picture of her outfit)


Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up in my room; one of my brothers probably brought me up. Today I needed to speak to Colton properly and try to get some answers out of him

I got changed and went down to have breakfast.

“Dont you think you’re showing a lot of skin with those jeans”

“Ugggghhh Ben...I don’t have time for your over protective brother act right now please let me eat my breakfast in peace. It’s hot outside”

“Just this one time and when you get home I’m burning them. I don’t need to beat guys up for looking at my sister with the wrong intentions”

“Awwww you’re so cute when you think you can do whatever you like” I slapped his cheeks after I put my leftover in the bin.

“Don’t touch my face you ratty midget” he did not just call me that.

“WHAT THE FUCK” OMG I’m dying, I threw cold water on his face. I started running away from him coz knowing Ben he will do something horrible

“You running won’t help you chicken” he started making chicken sounds as he chased me around the house.

“BLAKE, HELP ME” I jumped on Blake’s back to get away from Ben.

“Get the fuck off me ugggghhh...get off fat shit” he tried to take me off him but it failed. Blake wasn’t a morning person at all.

“Suck it up Blake. Ben is gonna hurt me help me please”

“Nuh-uh she started it”

“No I didn’t he called me a ratty midget”

“Well she threw cold water at my face”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP THE PAIR OFF YOU...now both of you apologise to each other”


BEEP BEEP. My ride was here Chloe’s older sister takes us usually to school

“Blake pweease take me outside I don’t wanna walk please...”

“Fine, you know I can’t say no to your annoying face”

“Love you blakey”

“Dont call me that”

We were outside the house walking towards the house when Ben the bitch came out shirtless with my bag

“Hey smartass you left your bag”

He gave it Blake and we walked towards the car. When we got to the car, I realised that there was no space for me. Adam and his friends were in the car too.

“Heyy that’s not fair, there’s no place for me to sit”

“Well I’m leaving I’m getting cold” Blake like the rest of the idiotic brothers i had was shirtless. He put me down and I kissed him on his cheek just for him to make a disgusted face.

“Well we thought your boyfriend might be here to pick you up” seriously Chloe in front of my brother.

“What boyfriend” Blake looked scary

“Well would you look at that we are getting late”

I opened the door and Chloe’s older sister started the car.

I ended up sitting on Justin’s lap who pushed me on top of Adams lap. Oh god so embarrassing.

“Well your boyfriend is angry about you cheating on him”

What boyfriend....did Giselle mean Blake?


Everyone in the car started to laugh, like it was the funniest thing ever.

“Blake is my older brother...you dirty little girl Giselle”

“Damn girl you have two hot brothers”

“Actually I have 5 older brothers”

“Damn you’re lucky”

“Tell me about it...wait till you see the other three they are damn hot too”

“Ewww Chloe stop talking about my brother like that you’re supposed to be my friend”

Chloe’s sister took a sharp turn and Adam tightened his grip on me otherwise I would have fell. I literally could feel my face go red. His hands were burning on my leg. I literally felt so awkward sitting in his lap. When we pulled up at school I was so glad to jump up

“Hey Adam sorry for sitting in your lap and shouting I mean you’re probably deaf by now, but they were being so gross so I had to shout it was more like a natural instinct like eww they are my brother’s you know what I mean”

“Hey its fine don’t worry about it” His laugh was sooo frickin hot. I haven’t heard him talk that much before.

“Sorry for the rambling I can’t help it...anyways I gotta go”

I was still looking at him and walked away, I managed to trip and fall. I quickly got up and ran laughing awkwardly at him. When I turned to see him he had an amused look on his face. Why was he so damn hot? Ugggghhh I’m soo dumb.


My first lessons before lunch went okay. No-one seemed to question me and I’m glad. The weird thing is that all 6 of them seemed to be in all my class, I mean not even my friends were in all of my classes. I mean not being rude but they don’t seem like the type to be in Advanced Maths, Biology, English Language and Literature. I mean being in Art, Performing Arts and Home Ed was understandable because those were classes you do as a form group. Maybe I’m over thinking this.

In the canteen I was still looking for Colton to come so I could talk to him. I was lost in my thoughts, that I nearly missed the part when Jacob told us about a girl he hooked up before lunch. My heart hurt so much at that.

My eyes were covered “Guess who”. It was Colton.

“Colton I know it’s you” I got up and turned to him

“We need to talk” I told my friends that I was gonna go talk to Colton in private and walked outside with him.

We went to a quiet area and sat under a tree coz it was bloody hot.

“What do you exactly want from me?”

“Listen the sex tape I didn’t mean for that to happen and I realised how much of a jerk I was to you I know I shouldn’t have cheated on you with Emily, it was wrong for me. Everything I said to you in the closet about being embarrassed by you I didn’t mean it i swear. I missed your clumsy moments and your rambling everything about you is perfect I’m sorry if i said bad things about you. You deserve better but I still wanna be the guy that puts a smile on your face. All I’m asking for is a second chance and if it doesn’t work out I’ll delete the video. I will not cheat on you ever again. I’m sorry...please Lena”

What was I supposed to say to that? Should I forgive him I mean everything he did was wrong but he is the only guy that makes me feel special and loved. Everyone deserves a second chance.

“Fine, but if you do anything know that this all will be over. As far as the sex tape goes I don’t know if I trust you to delete it, but since you seem to regret it I’m taking your word for it”

“Thank you Lena”

He leaned forward and kissed me. Everything in that one kiss brought back all the memories of our relationship.

When i opened my eyes i saw Adam walk past, he looked so pissed. I wanted to call after him but it didn’t seem right because I barely knew him. I shouldn’t interfere with his personal issues.


Colton’s P.O.V:

Finally I got her back. She is such a dumb fuck for someone who has quite the importance. She still doesn’t know who she really is, better for me it will work to my advantage. I’ll gain her trust over time and then I can accomplish my mission and make Him proud. I hope I don’t mess anything up.


Selena’s P.O.V

The rest of school went well and Colton offered to take me home. Plus I had to tell my brothers I was dating him.

The ride home went well we were talking about loads of random stuff which was one thing I loved about Colton you could talk to him about anything.

“Well lets go inside and meet my brothers, they all should be home hopefully”

I did the door and Ben opened the door with a scowl on his face.

“Suck it up Benny Bitch”

“Watch your mouth and whose this”

“Colton, don’t you remember him”

“Oh yeah”

We all walked in and sat down. Might as well break the news to my brothers.

“So guys, you remember Colton right, well um...he and I are kinda dating” I was so scared what they would say.

“Excuse me but since when did we allow you to date Selena your too young focus on your studies and not boys” Seriously John

“John please, I do study and you know that I focus on my studies, Colton’s not a bad guy we have been friends for ages and you guys even know him from before”

“All we’re doing is protecting you; none of us want you hurt”

“Sorry to interrupt but I will never hurt Selena she means so much to me, and I know what it feels like to be away from her, just her presence makes my day better and I promise you with all my life that I won’t hurt her” Colton sounded so scared to talk to my brothers it was funny.

“Selena go upstairs while we have a talk with your boyfriend”

I walked out but i was standing on the top of the stairs

“Hurt my sister and I will hurt you in ways you won’t be able to imagine. You will regret the day you were born” John was scaring the poor guy but I enjoyed listening to him get threatened.

“I won’t sir I promise”

I was enjoying this way too much.

I went to my bed to take a nap and let my brothers handle the situation.


I woke up and saw it was 9:30pm. The fudge...I didn’t realise how long my “nap” went on for.

I went down to see the boys eating Pizza like pigs.

“Heyy look who finally joined us”

“Shut up Josh”

I went and sat between the twins because right now I was scared of the other 3.

“Ughh you fat shit you squashed us”

“Jake stop being mean you shit”

“Nah I’m only messing with ya”

I was eating and talking to the twins when John decided to break the silence

“Look Selena, if you wanna have a boyfriend you can but be careful because we don’t want you getting hurt. Don’t be scared to tell us if he upsets you or whatever we want you to be comfortable to tell us everything. As older brother its natural for us to act this way and without mum and dad we have to be extra careful”

“I understand, don’t worry if he upsets me or whatever I’ll tell you guys first”

“You know if you need condoms or anything I’m your guy”


Everyone in the room started to shout at Jake while i threw my glass of coke in his hair

“Oii why you did you do that for....I’m just messing. We know our little sister is gonna die a virgin anyways so we have nothing to worry about” If only you knew Jake


I was sitting on the roof bit outside just looking at the stars and just thinking about life. When I heard a sound I turned to my right and saw Cole sitting on the neighbour’s roof

“What are you doing on my neighbours roof Cole, that’s trespassing”

“It’s not trespassing if it’s your own house”

Fuck they live next door. Great what a cliché my life was right now

“Oh....well heyy neighbour...anyways that’s my room right here so just a heads up”

“That’s funny coz Adams room is right opposite yours ”

“You kidding me...Seriously what were these people thinking when they made these houses”

“Tell me about it....so is everything okay...you seem kinda depressed”

“I don’t know I just feel like something in my life isn’t right...like I’m missing something maybe I’m just feeling paranoid. I just don’t wanna be a disappointment to my brothers; they have raised me because my parents were murdered when I was 6 months. The weird thing is though that I never miss them because my brothers have never let me feel the need to”

“Your brother sound like great guys, you don’t find much guys looking after their sisters this much these days, don’t worry about being a disappointment because you won’t be.”

“Wow this is the most I’ve heard you speak since you got here” I laughed at him because I was shocked at how much he spoke.

“It just takes the right person sometimes to talk to me, I don’t like talking about useless stuff”

“Awwwww you’re so sweet Cole, anyways I gotta go bed feeling tired”

“I’m gonna stay here for a bit longer”

“Well goodnight, and just a heads up since we are neighbours, if you hear screaming in the middle of the nights, it’s probably my brothers arguing ”

“Thanks for the heads up”

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