Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Be My Baby

I was fucking scarred last night. Just give me a minute to calm down. Okay. So I went up to the roof because I needed time to myself and my room wasn’t the best place because the guys had some gang meeting going on so that noise annoyed me.

So there I was sitting on the roof looking at the stars when I heard some dodgy sounds. I looked around to see what it was. Then I glanced at Adams window and OH MY GOSH there was that girl from last week in his room wearing some inappropriate clothing which was disgusting and he was literally kissing her like his life depended on it. I’m like okay this is weird and turned back to relaxing.

Just when I was in my happy place I heard them and oh my gosh let me tell you they were so loud I literally got up to leave and my eyes went to his room and there they were, on his bed, her naked on top of him. I ran inside, closed the window and did the curtains. I did not want to see them having it.


I woke up in the morning and already knew this day was bad, because of all the shouting downstairs. After having my shower I got dressed and went down to see Ben’s face bruised up so bad.

“Oh my gosh Ben, are you okay” I was literally freaking out seeing my brother in this state.

“Yeah” He kept looking down.

“No you are not your face is still bloody bleeding” This boy I swear, I walked into the kitchen to grab the first aid kit. I don’t know why they do this.

“Oww you’re hurting me” I tried to clean up his face and apply cream to it.

“Ben you need to stop your gang rubbish, it’s not worth getting yourself hurt.”

“You don’t know anything so stay out”

“No I won’t, you’re my brother and if you’re getting hurt i have every right to know. I hate that you all never tell me why you do this and it’s not fair, as your sister I have a right to know these things”

“You don’t need to know anything its best for you, besides the only one that got hurt was the other guy you should be grateful I didn’t kill this one”

“Yeah I should be grateful that my brothers are murders, stupid gang members. I’m sick of you guys always shutting me out”

“Hey what’s going on here” John came in and shouted at us, by now all the boys were in the living room watching us.

“Why do you care what’s going on John, I hate you guys, I hate seeing you hurt and when I ask why you guys treat me like I’m a stranger. So from now on I’ll do the same”

With that said I grabbed my bag and slammed the front door and left. I didn’t care if it Colton went to my house to look for me. I just don’t care. I couldn’t help but cry.

I was down the street when I heard Reece’s voice behind me.

“Yo Sel mi lady slow down” I carried on not caring. I know he was not at fault but I wanted to be alone. I felt his hands around my shoulder and he spun me around.

“Heyy I said slow- oh my days are you okay, why you crying” I couldn’t help but hug him and cry.

“I hate my life, it’s not fair, my own brothers shut me out they never tell me anything, I hate it when they put me in the dark like that. I wish my parents never died, sometimes I just feel so lonely without them, when my brothers are off doing their gang crap I worry sick for them scared that what if they get hurt or if I lose them. They are the only family I have left and yet they treat me like shit. And I hate feeling like that.”

“It’s okay to feel like that” This whole time Reece hugged me and made me feel safe. I looked up at him with my red face.

“Sorry for just crying out like that”

“It’s okay I know how you feel, besides I can guarantee you that your brothers are doing this for your best”

“How do you know?”

“Well we are part of the same gang now”

“What, you’re kidding me right”

“Nope and I think I have said more than I should have”

“Great now you guys and my brothers are my worry”

“Awww you worry for us”

“Off course I do you guys are my friends”

I heard him say “some of us are more than that” under his breath

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, now let’s get to school we are getting late, jump on”

Reece literally ran with me on his back to school and we made it just in time. We reached the form room where everyone already was.

“Oh my days Reece you idiot I’m nearly slipping off you” I slapped his head

“Feisty, I like it”

“If you two have time from flirting take a seat and you get off his back”

I quickly muttered a sorry and ran to my seat near Colton and Jacob.

“Your brother told me you were upset and left are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine”

The teacher began talking but us all were in our own conversation, we had our chairs turned towards the back row where the others sat. I loved how our friendship circle increased to 11 in the matter of 2 months I loved this, knowing that all these were my friends.

“BE QUIET, I’M TRYING TO TALK” We all quickly turned to the front and saw that our form tutor was angry

“As you know the winter ball is coming up, its during the holidays due to some reasons, and since you nuisances at the back don’t pay attention you are now part of the winter ball committee.”

Literally all of us started to shout and were arguing with the teacher.

“No it’s final, maybe you should stop talking next time. Bells gone off to lesson”

“Great now we have to help” Sean seemed so pissed

“At least you will be doing something for a change idiot” Giselle teased him.

“Shut up”

In performing arts we all quickly got paired up and were practising. I was with Ashton, Jade was with Sean, Jacob was with Giselle, Chloe was with Reece. Justin, Cole sat to the side as if they weren’t part of the class. Soon after Adam joined and he sat to the side as well. Colton was god knows where, he usually does the music making for this subject.

We all went around the class to see what everyone did. Me and Ashton went last, we performed to Ariana Grande’s ‘Be My Baby’ (video of their dance is above)

If you know how to be my lover

Maybe you can be my baby

Hold me close under the covers

Kiss me boy and drive me crazy

Be my, be my, be my

Be my, be my baby

Be my, be my, be my baby,

And drive me crazy

If you know how to treat me

You know how to touch me

Baby, then you’ll get your chance

The chance to love me

It’s obvious I want to be into you

But it all depends on all the things you do

’Cause babe I promise, I promise

If you keep it real with me

Be honest, be honest

You can get anything you want

That you want babe

Just show me everything I need to see

I’ll give you anything boy

If you know how to be my lover

Maybe you can be my baby

Hold me close under the covers

Kiss me boy and drive me crazy

Be my, be my, be my

Be my, be my baby

Be my, be my, be my baby,

And drive me crazy

I’ll give you all of my trust

If you don’t mess this up

You ain’t tryna get no other girls

When you in the club

All you got is eyes for me

I’m the only girl you see

So if you treat me right just the way that I want you

Oh, baby boy, I promise that I’ll be on you

Oh oh oh oh oh oh on you

Night to the mo-oh-oh-oh-oh-orning

If you know how to be my lover

Maybe you can be my baby

Hold me close under the covers

Kiss me boy and drive me crazy

Be my, be my, be my

Be my, be my baby

Be my, be my, be my baby,

And drive me crazy

I’ll give you all of my trust

If you don’t mess this up

You ain’t tryna get no other girls

When you in the club

All you got is eyes for me

I’m the only one you see

If you know how to be my lover

Maybe you can be my baby

Hold me close under the covers

Kiss me boy and drive me crazy

Be my, be my, be my

Be my, be my baby

Be my, be my, be my baby,

And drive me crazy

At the end of the performance everyone was whistling and screaming.

“Guess, we did good huh” I turned and hugged Ash

“Hahaha, yeah”

“Damn you guys got it on, pretty sure Colton got a boner”

“Oh my gosh Jade shut up”

“Babe you did great, I made it back in time to see your bit”

“Thanks” He kissed me; I pulled away because of the huge slam which caused everyone to go quiet. I saw Adam and Cole leave the room.

“That was something, Selena and Ashton, if these are just practices, I’m sure we will win the competition.” Leanne seemed pretty pleased with us.

“Thanks Leanne”


At lunch we were all sat on the table just talking when Adam came and he had the blonde bimbo from before. I couldn’t look them in the eye after what I witnessed.

“Dude, who is she, your girlfriend?” Jacob questioned him while eyeing up the blonde girl.

“You can say that, she’s Regina” The fuck, this was hilarious Regina George from Mean Girls came straight to mind.

“Well she is probably good in bed considering I’ve seen her a lot lately”

Adam just smirked at what Ash said. Then Regina felt the need to but in. “Well I don’t know about me but he sure knows what he is doing” she winked at him and then went to kiss him. God I felt frickin sick.

“Fuck sakes guys, you are so nasty stop” Giselle shouted at them which made them stop.

We all turned our attention to Ashton’s gross story of how he made out with a girl so she could do his homework.

“Fuck bro you got skills, must give it to you, this one time I met this girl at a holiday resort and she basically slept with me just so I could play her boyfriend for the evening. Let me tell you she was one of the best fucks ever man, she told me she only slept with like one guy before” Reece was grinning like it was the best thing ever.

“You are sick Reece” I threw my chips at face.

“Hey at least I wasn’t the one who got caught while getting a BJ, we were at the beach and Justin basically was getting some from a girl and her mum saw what her daughter was doing, this douche said that she asked him first and walked off.”

“EWWWW SHUT UP, MY EARS” SERIOUSLY people I didn’t need to hear all this.

“Awww babe you look cute when you get freaked out”

“Shut up Colton you twat” I slapped him on his head and he just picked me up and put me in his lap.

“Erm Selena don’t act like your innocent, first of all you ain’t a virgin, second of all we all saw you get down and dirty with Ash this morning, didn’t know you like getting dirty like that, I mean the song choice was just naughty literally about sex and pleasure”

“What, shut it Reece, my “that life” is private and plus Colton is the only guy. So I’m not being dirty here. Secondly the song choices I have to express myself okay mister” I literally felt myself go red.

“Aww you’re so loyal having sex with only one guy, and your song choice was sexual not that I’m complaining, our little girl is growing up” I was embarrassed so much, why doesn’t he shut up.

“Well obviously she’s gonna stick to one guy, I’m mean I’m irresistible and good, if you know what I mean” Colton winked and got another slap on his head.

I heard Adam say “pftt” and looked at him, he quickly avoided eye contact as if he didn’t do it.

“Yeah keeping telling yourself that you dipshit” Jacob looked at Colton with hate in his eyes.

“Anyways guys may I remind we are on the winter ball committee so where should we meet up” Chloe looked at all of us seriously

“Lets meet at Sel’s house her brothers are gonna be home”

“Seriously Jade,”

“Yeah I mean I haven’t seen all of them yet” Giselle had a smirk on her face.

“Fine we’ll go to my place” There was no arguing with them on this one.

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