Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter A Half Naked Xavier

Selena’s P.O.V

Right now I was in my room thinking about what the hell had happened.

The wolf that I thought was just a wolf turned out to be an Alpha King. Xavier explained to me how my parents were good friends with his parents and they all lived together in a part of the kingdom which had both werewolf and wizards living together.

So that’s why they were ‘my people’. The wizards had no leader so Xavier stepped in.

Honestly all this is scaring me so much, there is a lunatic out there that wants to kill me and has demons that are now here after me.

Never did I think I would say that sentence in my life.

“LENA, come down” I heard John shout from downstairs. I got out of my bed and went downstairs.

All of my brothers were sitting downstairs with Xavier. The hell is he doing here.

“Umm I thought he had left” After we left the park I thought he went back.

“He is staying for the night we have somethings to discuss” I sat down between Ben and Blake which was dead opposite to Xavier.

Something about his eyes reflected mischief and trouble. He had a smirk on his face which really annoyed me.

“So what did you want to ‘discuss’”

“So as you already know Draco has found a way to get to you somehow and someone is providing him with the information” I nodded my head and let John continue.

“We will try and fight off the demons for as long as we can but Lena that won’t be for long. Which means that at some point we have to go to the wizard world”

“And by the looks of it we have all go back very soon” John looked at me with sad eyes.

“That’s fine then” I mean why were they so upset over it.

“No you don’t understand, it won’t be a trip where we go for a few days and come back. We have to stay there, we have to go back home”

“What ?!?!” Ben held my arm to calm me down.

“John I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave behind my life. Can’t we just end all this right now here” The emotion I felt inside was anger and hurt. Why me.

“Lena you know that we can’t fight him off here. We can’t risk the lives of innocents. Besides we can only be safe in the wizard world a place where the people can protect us and we can protect them”

“John that’s not my world. I was born and raised here.”

“Selena it is your world, trust us, that is the place to keep you safe. We’ll try and fight off any demons that come but we can’t do it for long.”

“Lena whether you like it or not we have to go back someday” Jake looked at me with a sad look in his eyes.

No matter how hard I try to run away from the truth it won’t change the fact that there are people relying on me to save them.

I just stayed quiet because my thoughts and emotions were all over the place. I excused myself and went upstairs to my room.

Going back to the wizard world meant giving up this life I have. My friends, my goals and everything I ever planned for myself. I don’t want to go back to a world where they are expecting me to save them. I can barely look after myself.

“UGHH I HATE YOU LIFE” I opened my window for some fresh and went to take a shower.

Once I got out of the shower I sat in my room just in my towel. I was annoyed about everything and at everyone.

I went towards my window seat to fix it when I heard my door open.

I turned around to see Xavier standing in nothing but a towel.

“How did you get in, the door was locked.” I was feeling pretty embarrassed since I was just in my towel.

He shut the door and walked towards me.

“Umm excuse me...the guest...room...is on the other side.” He started to corner me at the window seat. The cold air from the window was biting at my skin.

“I have to say you are pretty hot” He was walking very close to me and right now I couldn’t help but stare at his body. His body was built to a point were it was perfect and not over built. His abs looked so perfect and my eyes started trail down. Before they did Xavier interupted my thoughts.

“Like what you see”

“Don’t flatter yourself Xavier”

As we were talking he carried on coming closer to me and I could tell that he knew he was making me uncomfortable.

“Um...okay...you can go now” I was feeling pretty awkward and I held my towel close to me.

I tried to move even more back until it wasn’t possible and I nearly fell back. But Xavier caught me before my butt made contact with the ground.

“You seriously are clumsy” I scowled at him.

“And you seriously have personal space issues” His arms were well built too and weren’t bad to touch.

His grip on my waist made me feeling really weird. I felt like I was a little girl in front of the first boy I’ve ever seen. I stood up and he still didn’t let go off my waist.

“Ooo sassy are we. I like a girl that can fight back” Woah hold your horses. I rolled my eyes at him and he gave me a cheeky smile.

“I just came here to ask you if you don’t mind that is...I hope your okay because the last time we met you weren’t so good”

The last time him and me met was when Colton abused me and it was also before I got raped. It was sweet that he remembered.

“I’m good thank you. I just wanted to say that I’m thankful to you...well at least your wolf because I went through a tough time. So thank you”

He nodded his head and started to look around my room.

“Xavier, I have school tommrrow please go” He ignored me and jumped on my bed.

I went to close my window when I saw Adam. He looked really tired so I stuck my head out to say hi.

“Hey how are you?” Before he replied to me his eyes went to the guy on my bed. He was in a towel and so was I.

“Adam..its not -”

“Yo Adam” I felt Xavier press into me when he came to say hi to Adam. Me on the other hand was just frozen in embarrassment.

“What you doing in her room!!” Adams tone was filled with anger and annoyance.

“Stuff” you could hear the mischief in Xavier tone. I elbowed him hard in his stomach. I turned to Xavier.

“Seriously can you please go I need to sleep”

“Fine...Goodnight beautiful” he winked at me and walked away. I know what you’re thinking that I shouldn’t have smiled like a goofy idiot but I did. Xavier seemed to be like a whole load of trouble.

“Night” I turned back to close my window and say bye to Adam but his curtains were already drawn and his light was off. Great.

Stupid boys.

I did my curtains and didn’t even bother getting changed I went to sleep in my stupid towel.


I woke up feeling cold and it was no rocket science as to why I was feeling cold I was in my towel. I got up and got changed into my clothes and headed downstairs. As I walked closer to the kitchen I heard all the boy laughing.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Xavier he was sitting with a plain white shirt on and had bed hair. He looked pretty good. Ughhh why am I thinking thoughts like this.

Ignoring my inner conflict I grabbed a piece of toast and sat near John.

“Morning Lena” I said a quick good morning to John and carried on eating.

“What no good morning for me” I looked at Xavier who had a smug look on his face.

“Yeah I don’t really wanna ruin my morning by doing so” I smirked back at him.

I got my bag and headed for the door. I was walking it to school today because I needed time to clear my head. But Xavier didn’t think so.

As I headed out the door Xavier decided to follow me.

“And you are here because...”

“Don’t flatter yourself I’m heading back home” I rolled my eyes and carried on walking.

“You know-”

“UGHHH STOP TALKING” I groaned because all I wanted was silence.

“Seriously are you on your period or something. Extra snappy today” I knew he didn’t really mean it because you could hear the teasing in his tone.

“No, I’m not on” I was very awkward when it came to talking about periods in front of guys. I’m period shy.

“I know that this ain’t the first time we met but why are you being so mean” is he seriously asking me this.

“I don’t know maybe it’s because the whole time I thought you were just a wolf. Not a werewolf. It’s annoying because I poured my heart out thinking you were an animal but you were a human.”

“Well I couldn’t exactly expose myself. I didn’t know you were aware of all this. I’m sorry, but all I wanted to do was protect you that’s all” his apology was genuine.

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have been so rude to you”

“So Xavier tell me about yourself” If I was going to be spending time with him might aswell get to know him.

“Well, I’m 24...” Well that explains why he looked older.

“I don’t have a mate. She died when we were 16.” Awww that’s so sad.

“So do you have a girlfriend”

“If you’re asking if I’m available, for you I am” I gasped because of his cockiness. I shoved his shoulder and he started to laugh. His laugh was kinda cute. Ughh stop thinking he is cute.

“You are way over your head Xavier” we reached my school and I turned around to say bye to him.

Before I could say anything. I saw the one person I didn’t want to see. Colton. He walked past me but not before making a comment.

“Slut” before he even had a chance to walk further Xavier punched his hard in his face. I heard a crack and I quickly ran to Xavier’s side. I held him back before he hurt Colton any further.

“Say something about her like that again and you won’t have a mouth to talk with” His tone was laced with hate. Colton looked shit scared. But with all the power radiating off Xavier I’d be scared too if I was on the other side.

“Xavier...It’s okay.” Xavier turned to me and didn’t say anything he just looked at me. It felt weird, a feeling I couldn’t explain.

Xavier muttered a bye and walked off. He left me there standing alone with my confused thoughts. When he walked away I realised how much I kinda missed his presence. Weird.

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