Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Closeness

Selena’s P.O.V

I walked into school and everyone was staring right at my face. It’s probably because of what just happend outside. Colton had gotten up and left school which I’m thankful for because I really didn’t want to see him.

For my first lesson I had English and I was thankful because we were all working on our essays which meant silence. I headed over to class when Giselle caught up with me.

“So I heard what happend outside with Xavier, whom you didn’t tell me you met”

“Ughh honestly I don’t know why Xavier stepped in to hit Colton. He could have just let him go, he didn’t have to stoop down to his level. Also I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I’ve been all over the place with my thoughts recently. Everything it just sucks”

“Its okay and he probably hit him because it’s an instinct. Supernatural guys like wizards, werewolfs and vampires are very protective and if they are off a high bloodline status like an Alpha King then you can only imagine.”

I nodded at Giselle and walked into the classroom. Why is he protective of me, I get that he is helping but it doesn’t mean he can go around hitting guys. Why is life so hard.

I honestly wish my life can go back to how it used to be before Adam and Xavier stepped in.

I started writing my essay when I heard the classroom door open. Cole walked in late and his hair were all over the place. The teacher gave him a stern look which he returned with a cold stare. He came and sat next to me.

“Why are you so late” I whispered to him as he settled down.

“Well the three musketeers, Sean, Reece and Justin messed with my alarm and set a trap in my room. I got up and when I saw I was late I rushed out of the bed and stepped on something which set off a bucket of honey on me. So you can only imagine the rest of the prank”

I tried not to laugh at him. I giggled and he gave me a dirty look.

“Sorry but it’s funny, explains why you smell so sweet though” before Cole could reply back our English teacher started to shout.

“Cole and Selena, would you like to share with the rest of the class what you are whispering” I started to turn red with embarrassment because everyone was now looking at us.

“No we don’t want to share that’s why we were ‘whispering’. Now if you’re done interupting our conversation” Cole spoke to the teacher with a smirk on his face. Cole loved testing people’s patience and right now the poor teacher was going to blow.

“Cole you are interupting my class”

“And you sir are interupting my conversation”

“Stop acting smart with me and get back to your work” The teacher at this point was on the edge of exploding.

“I don’t need to act smart. I am smart”

“Get out” This was getting worse by the minute. The teacher tried to remain calm.

Cole never budged from his seat.

“I SAID GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM NOW !!!” Everyone went dead quiet. The teachers explosion scared all of us.

Cole got up slammed his chair and then slammed the door hard. You could hear him curse from outside the door.

Everyone in the classroom went back to doing their work. When the lesson ended everyone ran out and when they reached the corridor they started to gossip to their friends about the little argument.

“He should know better than to mess with Cole” Sean put his arm around me as we walked to biology.

“And you shouldn’t have done that to him.” All three of them started to laugh and we all took our seats in Biology.

The teacher was just explaining what we were going to be doing today when the fire alarm went off. All hell broke in the classroom.

“Okay class stay calm, stand in a single file line” before she could even finish talking Reece ran out screaming.

“Outta the way people I ain’t gonna die in this fire” he grabbed his bag and ran. Everyone else in the class ran after him. Giselle grabbed my hand and we ran onto the field.

I saw Jacob standing and I ran and jumped on his back. He nearly lost his balance but quickly regained it. He held me on his back and carried on talking.

“Holy shit Lena” I hugged him and said a quick hi to Jade, Chloe and Ash.

Chloe was telling us about her and Chris and how serious they were getting. I’m so happy for her, she can finally have her fairytale.

“Man you should’ve seen what happend in our English lesson. It was so fucking hilarious” All the boys were in fit’s over Cole’s argument.

Speaking of Cole he came walking towards us with Adam. Both of them were laughing which is quite rare.

“And what’s so funny” Jade asked the pair of them.

“Well we may or may not have set the chill zone on fire” What ?!?!?!.

For those of you wondering what a chill zone is, it’s a part of the school where the students can go play games, make snacks for themselves and baiscally chill.

“How the hell is that funny” How can they go around destroying school property.

“Well we were smoking left the cigarette on the sofa and went to play snooker and baiscally that’s how the fire started.”

“How is that funny. And why the hell are you both smoking it’s not good”

“We smoke because we want to and it is funny” Adam spoke to me in cold tone which really hurt my feelings. He never spoke to me like that. Why should I care though.

“Fine then” I slid off Jacob and stood next to him. He put his arm on my shoulder. Adam looked at his arm my shoulder with a weird look. I ignored him and carried on talking to the girls about Chris.

After an hour we were all allowed to go back inside for lunch. Still annoyed with Adam I brought a sandwich and went to eat outside. I sat against a tree and closed my eyes for a bit.

“Eating lunch without us” I looked up to see Chloe, Jade, Ash and Jacob.

“No I just came out for fresh air” all of them nodded their heads and didn’t press on the matter any further.

“I just realised that after such a long time we are having lunch together. Just the 5 of us.” It was a really random thought from Jade but it was a true one.

“I know things have changed so much” Chloe replied back to her with a smile.

“But one thing that hasn’t changed is our friendship” I said that with a huge smile on my face and we all had a group hug.

“I’m so scared, like everything in my life has changed. Being a wizard, having some weirdo after me and it’s all just too much”

“Lena we all know how hard this all is for you but remember you were chosen to do this for a reason”

“Ash I don’t want this life. It’s gonna pull me away from you all” I still haven’t told them about moving away soon.

“What do you mean” Jacob had a confused look on his face and I really didn’t want to say it.

“Well that guy ‘Draco’ has found a way to get to me here. He doesn’t exactly know where I live but he has sent demons here to kill me. Xavier has fought them off but he can’t do it for much longer”

“First off all that is fucking scary. Demons are here. Second off all who the hell is Xavier” Jade has always been scared of things like demons and ghosts. I also never got a chance to tell them about Xavier. So I explained the whole Xavier situation.

“So he’s the one who hit Colton. Woah a got Alpha King. Gurl you are lucky” Chloe is a sucker for things like this.

“No Chloe I’m not lucky. My brothers and Xavier said that they can’t fight the demons in this world because it’s going to risk lives...So I have to move to the wizard world.

“WHAT?!?!” All 4 of them shouted together.

“You can’t just leave Lena”

“Jacob I have no choice. I told you its not fair” Tears started to pool in my eyes.

“Aww come here baby” Chloe hugged me and the rest all hugged us.

“Don’t worry Lena. Whatever will happen it will happen for the best. It’s gonna suck if you go but all of us understand.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you guys. I love you guys”

“We love you Lena” we pulled apart because we heard footsteps coming towards us.

“No hugs for us Selena” Justin came and sat opposite us. The rest of the all followed including the devil himself.

I laughed at him and we all started to talk about random things. We all screamed when heard the thunder and the lightning. It started to pour like cats and dogs. Since we were on the upper part of the field we had a good few minutes run to get inside.

We all started run down the slope of the hill and me being me slipped and slid into mud. My whole front was covered in mud. My hair was ruined and so was my face. I felt a arm pick me up. I looked to see Adam standing next to me. How did he manage to lift me with one arm.

I pulled my arm away from him and carried on running to get inside. We all managed to get inside. I slid straight into Jacob who managed to catch me before we both were knocked down.

We all were soaking wet. It was a hilarious sight to see but atleast they weren’t covered in mud.

Ash seemed to find my state hilarious so I decided to hug him.

“Awww Ash gimme a hug” I started to walk towards him and he moved back.

“No way” before he could even react I tackled him but he caught us both I smeared my mud all over him. Ash tried to throw me off and succeeded. Before I hit the ground someone held me from the back. I turned around only to be further shoved into Adam.

“Lena you are disgusting” Ash was complaining about all the mud on him but right now all I could do was stare into Adam’s eye. Something about them didn’t let me look the other way. His hands were burning into my skin. I could feel his chest against mine.

Someone pushed me and Adam further into the lockers and that made us break eye contact.

“Um...sorry” I could feel my face heating up as I turned away from him.

“Wait” he took something out of his locker.

“Here go wear this” He handed me a shirt and gave me his jacket.

“Its fine you don’t have to”

“I’m not really giving you a choice here, wear it” Um woah.

“And I don’t want to wear it, your shirt is also covered in mud so you wear it”

“Just go wear the damn shirt. Yours is soaking wet and well...” he pointed at my shirt and when I looked down I realised you can see my bra. I quickly grabbed his shirt and jacket and ran to the toilets.

I took my shirt off and put Adams shirt on. His shirt was pretty long on me it reached my knee’s. His jacket was warm from his body heat, it smelt so good.

I quickly ran to my locker and put my shirt in there and headed to performing arts lesson which was a double period.

I opened the door and saw everyone sitting on the floor and Leanne was talking. There was no space for me so I had to go sit next to Justin.

“So as I was saying, the competition is next week I hope you all are prepared. This week we’ll be sorting everything out.”

Everyone was excited for next week because so much was going to be happening. We had our competition and the rest of the sports teams were going too for their competitions too.

We all sat in circle to talk because lets face it in this lesson all we ever did was talk.

“We are so winning that football game next week” Jacob and Ash were on the team so they were competing next week. Not everyone in this class is going to the competition only a few people so those who aren’t competing stay back here in school.

“I know now that Adam and Cole are on the team we are obviously gonna win” What since when they on any team.

I nudged Cole and he turned to me.

“Hey you never told me you were on the football team”

“It slipped my mind with everything going on” Well just when I thought we won’t see them. They all were coming.

“This is going to be fun. All of us are going which means that we all be together” Jade was say to excited about this.

Me and the girls discussed about what we were going to do. Everyone was so excited about next week, I just hope everything goes well.

The bell had gone off signaling the end of the day. We all got up and headed to go home. I went to my locker and picked up my shirt and headed to go home.

The twins had texted me that they were going to pick me up. I saw their car outside and walked towards it.

There were stupid girls standing besides the car and flirting with my brothers who didn’t seem to mind at all. Stupid boys.

“Can we get going people” I slammed the door and sat inside.

The twins came and sat inside with Jake driving.

“Whose clothes are you wearing” they both turned around and looked at me.

“Adams” they both had a smirk on their face.

“Eugh it’s not what you think. My clothes got ruined” they both turned back towards the front leaving me feeling pretty embarassed at the back.

They stopped the car at an abandoned building and told me to stay inside. I waited for them and they finally came after an hour with guns in their hands.

“You guys what the hell are you doing with the guns” Seriously this whole gang thing was getting really dangerous and scary.

“Business” Josh spoke in a tone which meant no further discussion. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes.

We had reached home after making a pit stop at the grocery store. I took the bags in and headed for the door.

I put away the groceries and had some food before heading upstairs. My head was hurting a lot and I kept sneezing.

I went to have a hot shower and couldn’t find my clothes. I found a big shirt which certainly wasn’t mine but it looked comfortable so I put it on.


I fell asleep for a bit and when I got up I felt even worse. I saw that Adams window was open and his lights were on.

Maybe it was the whole feeling out of my mind state but I grabbed his clothes and climbed into his room. I left his clothes on his bed and slowly tried to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going” I could feel Adams breath on my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to see Adam only in a towel and I’m pretty sure I drooled at him body.

“Just returning your clothes. Bye” I tried to leave from the window when I felt him pull me back.

“If you’re going to return my clothes give all of them” he looked down at my shirt and I realised 2 things. I wasn’t wearing pants and this was his shirt.

“What the hell. I can’t just take it off” my face was burning as I backed away from him.

“I don’t mind” my back hit the wall and Adam was so close I could feel his breath on my skin.

“You’re disgusting” he smiled at me and I felt my heart racing even faster than before.

“You look really good in my clothes” I was dying at this point. He came even closer to me and I put my hands on his chest to stop him. But did he stop no. He pressed further into me until I was squashed against the wall, he had his hands around my waist.

“A-a-Adam stop”

“Stop what” his voice made me melt. Everything in this moment felt so right. My body pressed into his as if it was natural. I blushed when I felt Adam junior poke me.

I didn’t know what to say my body gave into his touch. He started to lean in and my heart was racing a million miles a second.

“YO AD-...Woah sorry” Reece barged into the room and we quickly pulled apart.

“WHAT THE FUCK” Adam screamed at him and Reece winked at me and ran off.

Adam locked the door and came towards me and I sneezed so hard I’m pretty sure I broke a rib. He came next to me and felt my forehead.

“Fuck you’ve got a temperature. Go sit on my bed I’ll get something for you”

“Adam I need to go home” He didn’t leave any room for argument when he picked me up and put me on his bed.

I waited for him but my body felt so tired. I closed my eyes and laid down. I heard Adam walk in but didn’t have the energy to get up.

“Here I got...” I felt him lift me up and he put me in his bed.

“Goodnight” It was the last thing I heard. Before drifting off into sleep I felt something on my forehead but but I had no energy to figure out what it was.

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