Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Xavier

Selena’s P.O.V

I woke up with two things on my mind. One the annoying howling that has been going on since last night.

Second was the winter ball. Who knew that my night would turn out like that, that I would get ditched by my date and out of all the people, Adam would be the one to make my night amazing.

I still can’t get last night out of my mind.

Everything was perfect, the whole slow dance with Adam, I don’t even have any words for it. Who knew he had it in him to be nice. The past few days with him around have been so much fun.

I got out of my bed and went downstairs to have breakfast. The house was quiet which meant that the boys were out.

After having breakfast I decided that I wanted to pay a visit to my parents grave. Since the whole wizard thing I haven’t had a chance to go see them.

I got my house keys and put my shoes on. I needed to get some flowers before I go so I headed out to the flower shop.

Since the boys weren’t here I picked up flowers on their behalf so I had a pretty big bunch.

When I walked out of the shop I heard someone shout my name. I turned around to see all of my friends.

“What are you guys doing here” Jade came towards me and hugged me.

“Well we were all just heading over to your house” I looked to see all of them standing. But one person in particular caught my eye. Adam. I felt weird and couldn’t look him in the eye.


“Don’t you want us hanging out with you” Sean spoke with a sad look on his face.

“No its just that I was um..going to my parents graves” I looked down at my shoes, I’ve never really spoke about them to anyone and neither have I ever taken anyone with me to see.

“That’s fine Lena, you go and we can catch up later” Jacob seemed to be understanding of the situation. They all started to walk away and I felt kinda bad.

“Guys wait” I mean they are my friends they should come with me.

“What do you guys think about meeting my parents today” All of them smiled expect Cole and Adam. Off course they wouldn’t smile.

We all started to walk towards the graveyard and when we reached I took a deep breathe in and Giselle gave my hand a squeeze. I walked to my parents grave and turned to everyone.

“Here” I held out the flowers and everyone picked one each and put it on their graves.

“Guys meet my parents” I laid the flowers and sat down and touched their graves.

I sat silently for a while talking to them through my mind. Just sitting here means everything in the world to me, I feel so close to them. Everytime I sit here I end up with tears in my eyes. It’s just not fair, I grew up without them. I remember seeing kids at school with their parents and it used to upset me so much.

I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up to see Ash.

“We’re just gonna head out. You can stay here” I nodded my head and turned around. I don’t know how long I sat there but my leg told me it was time to get up because it was numb.

I got up and looked around me. The sky was starting to turn into a beautiful gold colour. I didn’t feel like going home just yet so I headed out to the park. I was so lost in my thoughts on the way to the park that I didn’t hear the footsteps behind me. I got scared because the footsteps were getting closer.

I turned around and saw that it was Adam walking behind me.

“What are you doing here? ”

“Well I wasn’t going to let you be out here all alone”

“Wait, so you’ve been waiting for me since everyone left” Adam nodded his head.

“You didn’t have to” I felt bad that he waited.

“Well I wanted to. So I don’t know about you but I really wanna go in that park” I laughed and we both started to walk towards the park.

We found a spot on the floor and sat down.

“So did that mutt Damien talk to you after last night”

“He’s not a mutt and no he did not”

“So you’re ok with him ditching you” I turned to face Adam.

“I mean I’m not ok with the fact I got ditched. But if I’m being honest I’m not upset, I mean two people who truly like each other ended up together and if I was the person who had come in between to make them realise that then I’m ok. Because everyone deserves to be with someone they truly like” I looked at Adam and he had a weird to look in his eyes.

“What?...did I say something wrong”

“No. It’s just that you seem to amaze me everytime. If anyone other girl got ditched by her date she would be crying but you got over it. You have a big heart Amado”

“Thank you...” I laughed because I felt kind of nervous

“Well I did have a great night so it wasn’t hard to get over”

Adam smirked at me.

“So you’re saying I made your night great” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I hit his shoulder.

“Eugh seriously you are so dirty minded”

“No I didn’t. All I said was that I made your night great, as in your evening at the winter ball. So I think we know who the real dirty minded person is” Adam smirked at me and it really annoyed me so I hit him hard in the shoulder.

“You shouldn’t have done that” Adam came close to my face and pushed me back, which made me fall on my back.

“Adam you idiot” I got up and tackled him back. We both kept trying to push the other on the floor.

We rolled on the ground until I was underneath him. He had my hands above my head and was staring right into my eyes.

“Told you that you shouldn’t have done that, you don’t know what I’m capable of” I kept staring him in the eye, his threat for some reason made me want to know him more.

“You aren’t even capable of hurting a fly” I smirked at him.

He brought his face even more closer to mine and whispered in my ear.

“I am capable of much more than just merely hurting someone. I can do things that will haunt you in your worst nightmare Amado.” Woah he was really scaring me. Things were getting pretty intense here. So me big did this.

I grabbed mud and smacked it on the side of his. I quickly got up from underneath him and started to laugh.

“If I were you Amado I’d sleep with one eye open tonight” He laughed it off and threw the mud back at me.

Before I even had time to register something came and tackled me to the ground. I screamed loud until I felt the thing being thrown of me. I got up to see that Adam threw the wolf off me.

“Oh my days, wolfie. Adam don’t hurt him” Adam came and stood in front of me in a protective stance.

“Selena stay back” Adam looked pretty scary right now. His body posture was screaming power and ruthlessness.

“Show your true self wolf” Adam spoke to wolfie in a harsh tone. How could he show his true he is a wolf.

“Adam he’s only a wolf...he can’t-”

“He’s a werewolf, he’s half human” It can’t be.

The wolf went behind a tree and a weird light glowed and out walked a man. He had jet black hair with the most amazing eyes just like the wolf.

I went and stood close to Adam feeling a bit scared. This wolf has been a guy the whole time and I poured my heart out to him.

Adam walked forward and grabbed him by the neck.

“Now tell me who the fuck you really are and why the hell you came here and tackled her” The guy tried to speak but Adams grip prevented him from doing so.

“Adam let him go, the guy can’t breathe” I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and them released him. The guy fell straight to the ground because of how hard Adam shoved him.

“Oh my days are you okay” I tried to go forward but Adam stopped me.

The guy got up and had a smirk on his face.

“Why don’t you feel for yourself and find out” His voice was deep and quite pleasant to the ears. He had a accent which kind of reminded me off Hook from Once Upon A Time. Weird but that’s what it was like.

Before he could say anything Adam punched him straight in the face. Oh my days.

“Adam stop” I pulled him back before he did anymore damage.

“Now tell me who you are and why the fuck you’re here”

“Well I’m Xavier and I’m actually here to protect Selena. I’m the Alpha King and I protect Selena’s people back in the wizard world.”

“My people, I swear everyone was ruled by your family”

“Well they do, we rule whole kingdom but then there is also rulers of other supernatural beings” I nodded my head and turned back to Xavier.

“So why are you protecting me. I don’t need it”

“Yes you do, Draco has found a way to send his demons into this world. They are the demons of hell and he has found out that you are alive”

“How the fuck did he find out” Adams whole body tensed and it scared me because he never got easily worried.

“Well someone has been telling him and it won’t be long before he will find a way to get you”

“Does that mean he wants to kill me” The thought of that made me feel sick. Adam held my hand and turned to me.

“He’s not going to get to you don’t worry I won’t let him” I nodded and turned back to Xavier.

“You said the demons are here, have they like hurt someone yet” I didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of me.

“No the ones that have entered here I’ve destroyed them. Can’t let them hurt your pretty soul” He winked at me and it made me blush.

“You better watch your mouth Xavier”

“And Prince Adam you have to watch your temper around me because we’re going to have to work together if we want to protect our people and Selena”

This incident has really made the fact that I’m a wizard more real. Whatever this Draco guy wanted to do scared me.

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