Under Investigation

Chapter 12

I wake up to the sun streaming through my windows, an added warmth beside me. I smile at the sparks as I roll over and press my face into this chest with a yawn. His hand moves to cup the back of my head. How long has he been awake? Last night was rounds of fun, it didn’t end till early morning. Today will be a rough one I’m sure. No matter how many times I encouraged the pair to take a rest, they had much more delicious plans.

“Good morning.” His voice vibrates in his chest as his fingers tangle into my hair. I glance up and stare at the bottom of his jaw with a hum.

“Good morning.” He folds his free arm under his head and I admire his muscled form. The moon goddess took her time sculpting him, that’s for sure. My eyes trail over to the clock with a sigh. “What time is the duel?” He turns to glance at the clock.

“A little over an hour.” I frown at that and huff.

“In other words we have to go talk with the council then?” I ask not wanting my head to endure another ache. That’s a jumbled mess to me. Magnar chuckles and nods.

“Yes, I’m afraid so.” We didn’t do much talking about plans, more interested in learning each other’s pleasure. That’ll make this morning’s meeting interesting.

“What is there left to talk about with the pack?” Magnar sits up and runs his hand through his hair, taming the fly-aways I gave him.

“A lot, they have their doubts and worries. But me being an enforcer that has a near spotless record… it’s mostly how much power you’ll have.” He answers honestly and glances at me, letting his eyes travel down my bare chest with a pleased growl. I hum and rub my features.

“I don’t want any power if that helps.” I just want this pack to grow and be happy, nevertheless all the nonsense they brought up. Magnar chuckles as I sit up, watching as he pulls on his jeans.

“Yes and no, you’ll still be Luna, inherently you’ll have power, even if I make all of the decisions.” I look at him and move to wash up.

“So what does that mean for me?” I ask him as I head into my closet.

“Likely you’ll have to go through training and get cleared. They may put you on a probationary period even though you may not make decisions, if I am called away for an emergency overseers position, it’ll leave you with the pack decisions.” I frown and stand in the doorway to stare at him.

“It sounds like that can be stopped if they don’t make you stay on the board. Besides how much more work will that cover your plate with?” He stares at me and offers a shrug.

“I’m not sure, the council has seen a decrease in enforcers; they haven’t done a selection in years and are trying to keep enough enforcers on the board to prevent that.” I frown at that and look at him.

“What is a selection?” He shakes his head with a slight smile.

“That’s when they travel to packs to see if there are any wolves that could be viable for the enforcer program. It’s a rough selection process and schooling that’s required, most opt out.” He says and shrugs, leaning against the door waiting for me.

“This is a headache.” I mutter, earning his laughter. He drapes his arm over my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

“A slight one I’m afraid baby.” The walk towards the hall is short lived, having made it multiple times this week. Today was the one I’ve enjoyed the most. As a mated would with my mate.

“Are you ready for the duel?” I ask as I glance up at him, squinting at the bright sun.

“Yes, I’m ready to end the bastard. I’ll take pleasure in his death.” I shake my head and fight a smile. As expected. It’ll be nice to get over the dual and the meeting. This has been dragged out long enough and there’s still so much left to do.

“Good morning-” Edith is cut off as she takes us both in and smirks. “I see that you two have become newly mated.” She admires and Magnar just looks at her unamused.

“It’s been something I was waiting on, she was set to be Luna.” He answers and leans back against the partition and stares at them. He pulls me to his chest, his hand tucked possessively into my front pocket. I see Ekon smirk at the sight and shake his head. Mateo chuckles softly the sound unnerving as I stare at him.

“Couldn’t have waited a few more days?” He asked and stared at the pair of us.

“Would you want your mate to go unmated for over a week? I’m not keen on letting her think that I could reject them.” Magnar said easily and I glanced up at him and my heart warmed. Mateo shakes his head with a serene smile.

“I gave up my mate for freedom of partners.” He says simply and I stare at him. Maybe that’s why he’s off putting.

“To get to business.” Edith interrupts and goes over the mound of information the council had to go over with us. Wow is this going to be a change and a fast one. I listen as they go back and forth, soaking up as much information I can. I didn’t know there were so many intricacies into the council and their world until now. Then again I didn’t know half of this nonsense was even an option to packs.

“I’ll submit the needed documents within the week for name changes to the pack and work on alliances to see how well we can mend bridges and secure our borders.” Magnar offers easily as the clock chimes its familiar tone. Ekon moves to open the doors to the hall, readying it for the members who choose to appear for the duel. I wonder how many will show up?

“That’s fine, we’ll send all the paperwork that needs to be handled.” Edith offers and waves us off. Magnar walks off to the side to lean against the wall with me.

“Now that that’s settled.” He sighs and I look at him with a soft chuckle.

“I don’t know if I understood half of that.” I admit with a sigh, watching as a small trickle of people enter the hall.

“It’s a formality of release and to keep face for the pack and council really.” He answers with a smile and I shake my head.

“To me it sounded like a bunch of hoops to jump through for no reason.” I offer and he smiles, shaking his head.

“Somewhat, what do you want to have built here?” I look at him with a confused frown. “Where the hall is.” He chuckles softly and I nod in understanding with a frown.

“I don’t know… maybe a garden of sorts? Something different than what all has happened here. I don’t want this to remain a stain on the pack.” Magnar hums in thought and nods.

“I think that would be nice, dedicate it to those who were killed unjustly?” He offers as a thought and I smile.

“Yeah… Maybe make a fountain with their names, or a memorial wall?” He nods in thought.

“I think that would be a nice way to start the pack off, we can reveal the name change then.” I think that would be wonderful. The door to the hold is opened then, ceasing our conversation as I stare at a haggard image of my father. His hair and clothes unkempt, eyes tired, pain riddled each step. Sucks to live in the hold doesn’t it? Roberto turns his stare towards mine and releases a low growl, an attempt to be menacing. Magnar growls at him protectively, his arm firmly around my waist.

The tension rises as the air thickens with charged energy, the pack aware that this is the last time they’ll have to face him. It’s his final hour. “We are gathered here for a fight to the death and battle of title. Roberto Lee, Alpha of Blood Lust Pack, is challenged by Magnar Price, council enforcer.” Edith announces as Magnar stares at Father, not willing to tear his eyes off of his form. He’s been waiting a week for this moment.

“The duel will take place in wolf form, it will last an hour, Roberto Lee against Magnar Price, there is no outside help allowed. Anyone who interferes with the battle will face severe punishment.” Edith announces and nods towards Ekon who begins to uncuff my father. Magnar kisses me soundly.

“Don’t worry I won’t drag it out the full hour.” He teases with a cheeky wink. I stare at him for a long moment before I smile.

“You better not, kick his ass, get it over with.” I’m ready to start the next chapter of us. He smiles at me and gives me a gentle kiss, the thought unspoken between us. He steps back and shifts, shaking out the onyx black coat, his claws scratch the concrete floor as he stabilizes himself. I take the chance to run my fingers through his fur, the course overcoat a protection for the silky glory beneath. His silver eyes meet mine, enhanced by the depth of his coat.

“Opponents, step forward.” Edith announces and forces Magnar’s attention. There’s a silence as everyone waits, the only sound to fill the air is the soft growls of the large dominant wolves.

“You know he’ll clean house, right?” Ekon murmurs lowly as he leans against the wall beside me. I glance at him and lean back against the wall as Nera both grows excited and nervous for her mate. Mostly excited, the hussy just want him to mount her… again.

“Of course I know that. Roberto isn’t exactly the cleanest fighter.” I point out, distracted by the coming announcement.

“Let the duel commence!” Edith drops her arms as if it were a race. I watch as Magnar growls, eyes narrowed and watches Roberto, circling him slowly. Roberto, not a man of patience launches at Magnar in a snarl with teeth gnashing. Magnar neatly side steps, maneuvering Roberto with ease. Looks like someone is having fun. I watch as Magnar creates a dance, striking with impeccable speed before he dances out of reach of my father’s claws.

I glance at the clock amused with how much time Magnar let’s pass, as he works Roberto into a dither. Harsh pants escape Roberto’s teeth as his narrowed gaze grows faint, unfocused. The blood coating the concrete soaked up by the porous surface. The faint sound of claws on the surface grates my ears as Roberto struggles to not get pushed back from the failed attack Magnar thwarted.

Magnar snaps his neck between his vicious jaws, snarling as he pins him with a growl that shakes the floor. His paw on his shoulder, claws dug into the torn muscles with angry growls. I watch as he doesn’t end the fight, instead, forcing Robeto’s hand, his jaws tighten and there’s a faint whimper. A submission. A breath leaves my lungs as I watch with a macabre fascination as Magnar snaps his neck and collapses his windpipe. It’s over.

“Let it be known, that those who have witnessed this duel, Magnar Price is now the rightful Alpha of the Blood Lust pack.” I stand there, listening to Magnar, barely out of breath, he growls at the limp form and shakes out his coat before giving me a look. I smile at him as my heart fills with relief. It’s finished. I can hear weeping from the crowd that gathered, their pain and joy a mixture; they know he can’t hurt them anymore.

The new era can begin now. Magnar’s claws click on the concrete and I smile, chair shuffle, people talk in low voices. I chance a glance over the crowd and see the relief that overwhelms them. The door opens and a man shouts. “May the Goddess bless us now!” His loud voice rings over the clearing and cheers sound. Magnar’s cold snout touches my hand and I pet his head gently. “Alpha.” I tease with a teary smile of my own.

At some point Ekon walked off to leave us in peace. I crouch down and release a shaking breath. It’s over, for good.

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