Under Investigation

Chapter 11

Edith hums at the words and turns to Ekon. “Mr. McBride, step forward please?” Ekon stands at the podium in a steady stance.

“Yes Ma’am?” He asks as he waits.

“How would you determine Miss Lee’s character?” I watch as Ekon stands there in silence for a moment.

“Miss Lee has been an asset in the investigation; I believe that while she is capable of harm, she is not willing to do harm to the pack members.” Edith watches him curiously. “Miss Lee is an individual that wants the betterment of her pack and is willing to do whatever is necessary to nourish the well-being of her pack.” Heather sit ups at his words.

“Do you feel she is guilty?” Ekon turns to look at her for a moment.

“I feel that while wrong has been done, she was doing what any wolf would, following the order of their Alpha. I believe that her Alpha’s misguidance has led her down a path in which inexplicable consequences have occurred and she has unwillingly become an aid in the harm of this pack.” Mateo nods with Heather, I watch as the three council members move to stand and talk amongst each other. Goddess is this painful.

Minutes pass as the three council members talk amongst one another. I stare with my heart in my throat, unsure of what to expect. “Miss Lee, please stand.” Edith finally turns to face me. I stand and place my arms behind me, waiting to accept my punishment. “This has been an interesting character trial.” She starts off and I can only stare at her.

“We take into account all that has been said, along with your forthcoming information against your crimes. You have been cooperative.” She acknowledges and I stare at her. Please don’t drag this out. She smiles as if she can hear my thoughts. “With that being said, you have still committed theft and that is a crime that must be punished.” Mateo clears his throat and steps forward.

“You will be fined a grand total of $5,000 to each member that you have taken from. It is to be repaid to each member within six months. You are also to aid in the costs of relocation if a member, or their family has decided so, within the time frame of a year. Do you accept this punishment?” Mateo asks and I nod.

“Yes Sir, I accept this punishment. Thank you for your kindness.” Better than death. I nod as Edith waves and arm off to the side in dismissal. The nerves in my belly relax, with my fate chosen now, it’s a weight off of my shoulder. I can have a future with my mate.

“You have been dealt your punishment, your crimes shall be forgiven once you have completed your sentence.” She finishes before she calls Anthony to the stand. I pass Magnar who caresses my hip with a deep promise in his eyes. Can we mate tonight? The look in his eyes is a promise of pleasurable things.

The promise radiates deep in my core. I sit back down and watch Magnar stand near Anthony with a blank expression. He’s a handsome man. “The trial of Anthony Lewd begins.” Edith announces and I watch as no members stand for him, four against him. His crimes are read out and confirmed by either Ekon or Magnar, in short order Anthony’s trial comes to an end. It doesn’t even matter, I just want my mate.

“Mr. Lewd, you are on stand for murder, theft, abuse, torture and espionage with the rogues in the area.” It’s a surprise to everyone in the hall, I hear soft gasps and whimpers fill the room. Goddess that’s a large problem we will face. Roberto growls lowly, his eyes glow as he jerks against the chains holding him. I guess your loyal pest wasn’t as loyal as you thought. It’s only slightly amusing.

I know Magnar and I will have to face the repercussions with years to come of rogue attacks. We will likely be a large target in the coming years. “Taking into account the statements against your person, your crimes and the severity of crimes, I hereby sentence you to reside in the council prison.” Oh that’s interesting. It’s likely going to be hell for him. No one knows much about the prison, not many live there long. It’s a fitting place for the bastard.

Anthony releases a snarl as he stands, Magnar quickly holds his shoulder and presses him back into the seat. With so much ease. “Remove him, back to the hold.” Mateo waves his hand and gives him his back. I am amused as I listen to Anthony snarls as Magnar pulls him back to the hold. It’s over. Edith moves to stand as she looks over the remaining members of the pack.

“Is there anything that has yet to be dealt with?” She asks to wait for Magnar. I wonder when the pack will learn of their new Alpha? There’s a resounding silence. “Very well, tomorrow morning will be the execution of Roberto Lee, it will be open to witnesses. After lunch we will have a meeting to initiate the new Alpha and give everyone a safe place and time to come forward with grievances and demands of the new Alpha.”

I watch as she turns and dismisses them silently, she stands with Heather and Mateo, conversing. Is this really almost over? “I told you you wouldn’t face death.” Ekon offers with a small chuckle as he stands beside me. I snort and shake my head at him.

“I wasn’t sure, I knew there would be a last ditch effort on my life against Roberto’s army.” I heave a sigh as I stand and roll my shoulders, thankful that the discomfort is finally ceasing. It took far too long to heal this time.

“The council wishes to have a word with you and Magnar.” He says and I glance at him.

“I’m guessing to discuss conditions?” He chuckles softly and nods.

“Of the sort I’m sure. They still have some matters to solve with the leadership of the pack.” I nod and stare at the floor.

“Along with other matters.” I hear Magnar’s voice before I smell him. I glance at him as he closes the door behind him, his eyes bore into mine.

“Don’t go at it while I’m around, save my eyes.” Ekon jokes as he turns to head out of the hall, following the last members out. He closes the door and I sigh.

“I just want this over with.” The relief is short lived as I turn to face the council members, walking towards them.

“Miss Lee, Mr. Price.” Heather starts as she glances up from her notes. “We have some important matters to attend to with you two before you have some time off.” She announces and Magnar nods.

“Yes Ma’am?” She gives him a smile before she glances between us.

“With Roberto’s execution, would you like the opportunity of a duel to the death? Because you have been granted the opportunity of Alpha?”

“I’ll fight him.” He doesn’t take a moment to think about it. I’m not surprised with that.

“Very well, we shall announce you as Alpha tomorrow then.” Heather hums as she leans against the desk languidly. “Have you thought of who you want as Beta, Delta, Gamma and warriors?” She asks and I feel a headache come on. A lot to deal with.

“I’d be open to give you more time to designate and train but, with the rogue situation on your hands it’s best we keep things in order.” Edith takes over, I watch as Mateo nods and leans back in wait.

“I’d like to request Ekon be my temporary Beta and aid in rebuilding for a few months. I’d also like to request some aid in training our ranks, including warriors.” Magnar offers as he crosses his arms over his chest. Sounds reasonable. I’m not sure who I would choose from the pack to become a rank with so many of them being punished with relocation our defenses are lacking.

Now that I know our trouble with rogues start with an insider? It’s more dangerous. “We will grant Ekon’s temporary leave to aid in your pack. We will request you stay on the board of enforcement and remain open for emergency overseeing of trials.” Mateo answers for the group, Magnar nods slowly.

“How long will that be necessary?” Edith hums softly in thought.

“A year, maybe more. We can settle agreements of pack training within the grounds that if this pack grows to a healthy and good example, we can use your methods as an example of reform.” What the hell is that to mean?

“For meetings and conferences of ranks?” Heather nods.

“It’ll keep your pack in good standing with the council.” This is far too complicated.

“Very well, may I have time with my Luna to make a plan for furthering this pack and share with you tomorrow before the duel?” Edith is slow to respond, in thought.

“That will be fine, I expect an hour before to brief us on your plan, we can go over the rest of our conditions for this pack.” Magnar nods and places his hand on the small of my back.

“Thank you, we shall see you tomorrow.” He speaks and walks me towards the door. Thankfully he knows more because I had nothing for that conversation. Stepping outside I sigh, without their watchful eyes I feel myself relax. “Are you hungry?” He asks and turns to stare at me, taking into account everything. He sees too much.

“No, I just want to be alone.” His brow quirks up as I smile. “With you of course.” He shakes his head with a cheeky grin, turning to walk us towards the house.

“You talk as if I wasn’t going to keep you glued to my hips.” I look at him amused.

“You mean hip?” He chuckles and looks at me.

“No, you’ll be connected to both hips.” He rumbles, the sound sends sparks of fire straight to my core at the meaning.

“Don’t tease me with a good time Magnar.” He chuckles with a growl.

“It’s not a tease if it’s a promise.” He stops just inside the door to pick me up and press a harsh kiss to my lips. “I intend to mount you well into the night, you are my mate and I’ve waited long enough to claim you.” He growls and my core dampens with the promise.

“Nothing else can get in the way?” I ask breathlessly, kissing him deeply. I’ve been waiting for this since you first arrived. He rumbles as his hands palm my backside, keeping me pressed against the silken sword sheathed in his jeans.

“Nothing can hold me back now.” He growls and I laugh with a grin.

“Good because I don’t think I could’ve lasted another day scenting you and not being able to feel you.” I murmur as I kiss him, passionately, my hands thread into his hair, teasing the soft strands. He moves up the steps, hands massaging my backside. Goddess was he blessed with strong hands.

“Neither could I, with your sweet stare and dirty thoughts. You’re a little minx.” He growls and nips my ear lobe taunting me. I sigh at the nip, my core clenches wantonly.

“I can’t help it, my mate looks like a god, especially when he’s working.” He snarls, pleased with my words before I grin. “I think my Alpha’s sexy when dealing with matters.” His eyes glow as his wolf comes forward to play, he kicks my door shut with a loud thud, the power behind his moves has me drenched.

“Woman, you are playing a dangerous game.” His eyes glow and I stare up at him as he drops me onto the bed, the look in his eyes makes my heart skip a beat.

“Dangerous games are fun when you’re chasing me.” I purr and I know I am in for a long, long night of pleasure.

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