Under Investigation

Chapter 10

And I have been sentenced. That sentence has taunted me the entire night, left me restless. Of course it doesn’t help that Magnar has been kept away. Because this has been a high profile case, they didn’t want to interfere with the trial and make the judgment biased in any way. Which sucks because Nera wants her mate to mount her already. It’s been over a week since we’ve met now, the bond has grown painful with its distance. I just want him. The only reprieve I’ve had is seeing him in the hall.

There’s a sound knock on my door and I growl. “Adira? Are you ready to go to the hall?” Ekon’s voice drifts through the door and I sigh. Another lovely thing. Since I could still be a threat and my fate undetermined, I’ve been locked to my quarters with meals brought to me when not in the hall.

“Who’s first this morning?” I ask as I open the now unlocked door. I feel like a teenager again.

“There’s just the five lead warriors left, Gamma Dylan, You, then it’s Beta Anthony and Alpha Lee.” I nod slowly with a sigh.

“Will we finish the trial today?” I stuff my hands in my pockets and walk with Ekon towards the hold, eager to see Magnar. Hopefully mate him within the next day or so. Goddess do I sound like a hussy.

Ekon chuckles softly and shakes his head, probably having a good idea where most of my interest lay. “The character trials and sentencing should be done today, punishments should finish tomorrow.” I glance at him with a frown.

“What comes after that?”

“I’m not entirely sure, you’ve already forfeited your rights to the title and given it to Magnar. Depending on your punishment, you may have obligations and things you have to do to ‘amend’ anything. Magnar is talking of leaving the Council, already starting the process. Even so the council will have to appoint a person to make routine check ups, maybe even live in given the history to ensure nothing has gone wrong.”

“It makes sense, I’m sure they’d rather not deal with this again.” I mutter with a tired sigh.

“It helps that Magnar is with the council, for all I know he could be designated as a reporter and is required to stay on the enforcement board to keep his standing.” Ekon offers and I frown at his words.

“What would be required of Magnar if he stands on the enforcement board?” Ekon offers a shrug.

“He’s been an agent longer than I have, he’s closer to the privilege.” I wonder what all that would entail, how much extra work it’d be.

“Would the council require an active personal to check in and keep track of things? Do you know how long that sort of thing would last?” I glance up at Ekon blinded by the light.

“Probably not in house, but the monthly visits or check ups would still be required. It varies. Because Magnar has a clean record with the council it’ll go a long way, they don’t have to vet him for the position, just register and update his title and information within the system.” The council is complicated.

“Oh.” He chuckles softly and opens the door, the hold empty of pack members. I only see council members standing up front.

“This is a new case for us as it is new to you.” He assures, Magnar turns to watch me, his eyes inspecting my form.

“Good morning Miss Lee, I trust you slept well.” Edith speaks with a smile and I turn to look at her.

“Good morning.” I return, not bothering to lie. The bags under my eyes say more than any words I could. Edith offers a knowing smile as the other two inspect me closely.

“What are your plans for the pack?” The blond woman asks, her voice angelic, I turn as she flashes a toothy smile. “I’m Heather.” She offers quietly as an afterthought. Nice to have a name to the face now.

“I don’t believe I’ve earned the right to make plans for a pack I’ve helped destroy.” The man hums as he moves to glance at Magnar.

“It’s refreshing to see a person who’s taken the stand be forthcoming with their crimes.” The man flashes teeth, as if to smile his gray eyes glimmer with a wealth of knowledge. “Mateo.” He’s unique. I don’t sense a wolf in his mind, but something far more powerful.

“I know I’ve sinned, I watched evil play out, that’s bad enough, never mind stealing from innocents.” Edith chuckles softly.

“But you don’t crave power, your sins were a weakness to those with power.” She points out and I shrug.

“I don’t have to have their blood on my hands to have their names stain my mind in my failure.” Heather hums as she settles into her chair, crossing her legs elegantly.

“I repeat, what do you wish to happen for this pack?” I stare at her silently for a long moment.

“I’d wish for reform, to rebuild area’s of neglect with supplies we have. Tear down Roberto’s house to use to create new homes for families. A clinic and better school would be another priority of mine.” Mateo stares at me, his pale skin glimmers in the light eerily. What is it with him? I can’t say I trust the man. I can feel Magnar’s watchful gaze drilling into my head.

“I see.” Mateo hums a daunting sound before he turns to give Heather a knowing look. I feel like I’ve missed something.

“The trial is about to start, Ekon, open the doors please. Will you escort Adira to her seat, Magnar?” Edith asks as if to take pity on me. That just makes it worse. Magnar nods silently and moves to guide me towards my chair.

“With pleasure Ma’am.” Ekon speaks and opens the hall up to witnesses for the trial. I’ve noticed the majority of the pack has continued to come and watch the goings of the pack. Some members speak on behalf of a character. I wonder how many will speak on my behalf. Magnar’s hand brushes down my spine in a lingering caress before he shifts to stand off to my left. My belly clenches in want, the bond painful as it encourages mating. Please, Goddess, may I have my mate soon?

I watch as people trickle in and seats fill the hall. Once the doors have been closed the remaining members to stand trial are brought up. Father stares at me, his eyes cold, evil, promises of pain linger. His form looks worse for wear, haggard apparel, Dark circles under his eyes, pale skin. It sucks to live and breathe down there doesn’t it, old man? I watch as Mario is brought first, looking no better than anyone else from the hold.

Edith sits on the stand, Heather and Mateo off to the side, the podium stands empty awaiting anyone who wishes to speak up. “To refresh rules for everyone. Mates are not allowed to speak on behalf of their mate. Anyone who awaits trial is unable to speak on behalf or against the accused.” She pauses to ensure everyone understands. “The trial of Mario Gaile begins.” I watch as members step up and speak against the accused, three speak on behalf, close friends of Mario.

I watch as his trial goes on, his normally cold unfeeling eyes flicker with nerves and unease. So far there hasn’t been a warrior put to death. The highest punishment received is time in the hold, training and a required transfer of pack with the Alpha understanding his record. Meaning the warriors will likely end up as prison guards for the council’s worst offenders. Without a pack it’ll be a hard life of reform for the warriors.

“Taking into account your crimes, the blood spilled and pleasure in taking a life, I hereby sentence you, Mario Gaile, to death.” Edith announces and Mario’s eyes widen as he stares at her and releases a weak growl, the sound nervous and broken. It’s time that death is a given punishment.

It doesn’t soothe my nerves the closer that we get to my trial. Goddess please let me keep my life with my mate. Magnar leads me to my seat and my gut quivers, I know I have a price on my head, the few warriors loyal to Father will strike my throat. They want me to die with him. I’m not surprised as Ronald stands first and saunters up to the podium. “State your name.” Edith says and Ronald offers me a conniving smirk.

“Ronald Gallows.” His green eyes darken with a deep rooted hatred. This is likely where I will die.

“What do you have to say about Miss Lee Mr. Gallows?” Edith asks a new page in their notes.

“Adira is a threat to this pack, I don’t think she should be pardoned from her crimes because she’s a key witness against the Alpha.” He starts and stares at Edith without an ounce of respect.

“What makes her a threat to the pack?” Mateo asks from the side, holding his pen in his hand, his eyes stare into Ronald, digging into his soul.

“She’s a traitor, cruel in her punishments to the warriors, unforgiving. I’ve seen her bring warriors to their knees.”

“What was the circumstance?” Edith asks and Ronald stares at her in confusion. “What caused that to be needed?” She rephrases.

“They were punishing pack members.” He says it as if it’s an excuse. I watch as Edith hums and nods, glancing at the two council members to share a look.

“What is it you believe should happen?” Edith asks as turns her gaze back towards him.

“She should be executed, as she is a Delta of the pack, she has no right to bring her poisonous behavior into a level of power. If Alpha is to die for his leadership, how can her’s be any different?” Edith stares at him as if to wait for him to continue. “She also runs collections.” He announces to make another point.

“How often?” His smirk returns feeling as though he’s gotten traction.

“She collects the late fee’s; it was even her idea to keep altering the price. To keep the members trapped here.” Mateo leans over to whisper to Heather and my stomach clenches. I watch that with elephants in my stomach trampling my will. This is how it’s going to go.

“Anything else?” Ronald is slow to shake his head, Edith dismisses him and I watch in pain as nine other warriors stand to speak against me. Combined with my crimes… I’ll face the same fate as Father. “Does anyone else wish to speak on behalf of Miss Lee?” Edith announces loudly and I stare at my lap, fighting my nerves. The silence that fills the room confirms my fears. I’ll be dead by tomorrow evening without ever knowing the pleasure of a mate… Nera whimpers, clawing for her mate.

I force my head up to stare at the friendly eyes in the pack. Molly’s eyes filled with tears as she hangs onto her grandmother’s trembling hands. So young and so hurt. It’s not right. The scars that hide in her hairline tells more of a story than I ever could. I see Daniel and Ronny holding each other, their eyes filled with unshed tears. Having had to relieve the day their children were stolen from them. It’s not right that they were slaughtered.

Mrs. Gerald tucks her weeping face into her husband’s neck, his hand rubs her back as he stares forward with a frown. Their whole family was killed because of their attempt to run. They were left because they couldn’t make the trek, it didn’t matter in the end- their family was caught. “I will!” I’m shocked by the shaking voice that calls out, my eyes find Molly as she stands up, her lips in a firm line.

“Molly, please-” Molly shakes her head and steps forward, releasing her grandmother’s tight grip.

“I wish to speak on behalf of Miss Adira.” She announces with a light tremble in her voice, my heart skips a beat as I meet her stare, tears fall from her eyes. “My name is Molly Clark.” Edith offers her a small smile and nods.

“What would you like to say Miss Clark?” Molly turns her eyes to me, the pale blue eyes wet with tears, she straightens her back tall.

“Miss Adira isn’t like the others ranked wolves. She makes an effort for us, she tries. She’s helped me with my math- I’m not good with math- she got me a tutor and helped me study. Keeps me focused in school.” She sniffles and shakes as she stares at the podium and I know what’s to come next. “I-I tried… tried to hurt myself.” I can hear the pain in her voice, the hurt gasp of her grandmother.

“Go on Miss Clark.” Edith encourages gently.

“She found me and- and stopped the bleeding. Talked to me that night and tried to get me help.” She lifts her gaze to meet mine tearfully. “I’d be dead without her.” It’s my turn to give her a weak, tearful smile. I remember that day all too well.

“Do you think she’s a threat to the pack?” Molly shakes her head.

“The opposite! She’s the reason I have hope, that any of us have hope!” She wipes her features with a frown. “The day after she was made an example she was out talking to us, trying to keep the investigation going! She’s selfless, she doesn’t care what happens to her as long as we can see the light at the end of the tunnel… She should see what her efforts have done for this pack.” She whimpers and wipes at her tears to flash me a small smile. I struggle to return the favor, my heart swelling with pride for this young girl. She’s braver than I could ever be.

I watch as Molly turns to her grandmother and gives her a tight hug, crying silently into her shoulder. It’s going to be a hard day for them. “Does anyone else wish to speak?” Edith asks again and I watch as Daniel stands with a determined expression in his eyes.

“My name is Daniel Quinn.” Edith nods and makes a note before she waves her hand for him to continue. “Miss Lee has been able to do something for me and my mate that I can’t say I would’ve been brave enough to do.” He starts out as he motions to Ronny who steps forward to hols his hand. “When I first found out I was mated to a male I thought that I was disgusting and broken. That there was no way the moon goddess would forsaken me.”

He stops and lets out a breath as he turns to Ronny. “I was a horrible mate, hated him and about rejected him. But… Miss Lee talked to me, helped me see that I was losing not only the love of my life, but my future. I never would’ve had the chance to adopt my children, to see them smile just once was worth eternity… I never would have my business, my home, my happiness without her.” Edith stares at him for a long moment before nodding.

“Do you believe she has mistreated pack members?”

Daniel shakes his head with a frown. “Absolutely not, her words have been harsh at times, but no worse than that. She’s the reason I stay in this pack, she’s the reason I have my mate.” I watch as other pack members follow their footsteps and stand on my behalf. I cry, my tears a reflection of their words. I don’t deserve them.

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