Under Investigation

Chapter 9

The cuffs tighten around my wrist and dread fills my core. This could be it. Ekon walks me up to the stand, he waits for me to sit down before he steps back to the side. He crosses his arms and leans back against the wall as he stares off over the pack. I watch as a small female walks over, her petite feminine stature contrasted with dark eyes and near silver pin straight hair. A stark contrast. Her caramel skin compliments her features beautifully.

Her watchful eyes watch as I cross my legs and release a slow sigh, discomfort radiates from the tight skin on my back. With luck another day it’ll be healed, if I’m not dead. “Please state your name, age and rank for the record.”

“Adira Lee, 28, Delta of the Blood Lust Pack.” The woman nods and meets my serene gaze.

“Miss. Lee, I’m Edith, I’ll conduct your interrogation. While you are on stand you are under an oath of truth and honesty. Do you promise to speak only the truth and nothing but the truth?”

“Yes Ma’am.” She nods and pulls out her notes and documents to review as she starts.

“We’ll start easy and get progressively harder.” I nod silently and stare at her, unwavering in my beliefs. I know what I have done. “What are your duties to the pack?”

“I handle pack matters and anything that pertains to unranked members. If there’s a request that needs to be made, a shipment needed for items. I handle those matters.” Then I have to clear them by the Alpha.

“Did you have authority to manage these matters by yourself or did you have another wolf above you to clear things with?” She asks with a curious tone.

“I had to clear matters with Anthony Lewd, the Beta, with certain questions. Example being an extension of time for payment of fee. If there was a shipment going out or coming in, I had to talk to Roberto Lee, the Alpha.” I watch as she makes a note and continues without looking up.

“Was there ever a time where Mr. Lee refused orders and that would cause neglect or poor health to a member?”

“Without a doubt, yes, he refused orders often; when they did go through there would be a hefty fee to charge per import or export.” I answer with no hesitation.

“Does the same apply to Mr. Lewd?”

“Yes Ma’am, their refusals to a request would lead to neglect, abuse, malnutrition and punishment to the unranked members.” She glances up with interest and nods.

“Very well.” She hums and flips pages. “Have you personally witnessed abuse, neglect or punishment to a member that was ordered by them?” I turn my eyes to stare at the many faces that watch me, pain in their eyes and my heart aches. I’ve failed them.

“Multiple occasions. In the reports I’ve managed to recover, there should be a list of witnesses of their punishments and actions that caused damage, to property or bodily harm.” I’m just as evil as they are.

“Were you ever required to harm an individual?”

“Physically? No, but I’ve stood by and let it happen. I was a bystander to their pain and punishment. My submissive actions let them suffer, to me that’s just as bad.” Edith turns her dark brown, if not black eyes to me. As if to read my soul. I may not have spilled their blood but I didn’t stop it either.

“Were you required to collect the ‘fee’?” She asks and I nod.

“Yes Ma’am, there’s a list of occasions given that I was the collector of the money and who I gave the money to.” The remaining council judges flip through their paperwork in interest. The tall bald man with gray eyes hums and raises a finger to garner attention, his pale skin bright under the bleek lights.

“How much money over the years could you estimate was collected?” It takes me a moment of thought.

“That I have collected? It would range anywhere from $10,000 to 13,000. Under my fathers ruling I’d imagine the number is in the millions now.” The man nods before he leans over to a woman with long blonde hair, strong built shoulders that taper to a narrow waist. Her features are sharp as she listens to what’s whispered. Hazel eyes meet mine as she takes in his words. Not sure if that’s a good look for me.

“Has this been the way things have been done since you were aware?” I nod and feel my throat constrict painfully.

“Yes, even in my home life, Roberto has been a cruel man and showcased his brutality.” Edith nods and waits for me to meet her stare.

“What was your childhood like?” Painful.

“Roberto was heavily abusive to both my mother and I. He took sick pleasure in forcing himself on his mate.” I have to pause and close my eyes, the pain in my throat a good enough excuse. But that’s not what hurts the most.

“Where is your mother now?” A tear falls from my eyes as I blow out a harsh breath. Keep it together. Nera whimpers, needing the comfort only her mate could offer.

“She was killed when I was eight years old.” I lift my gaze to stare at her. “She was in the process of contacting the Council, it’s the reason for strict import and export policies.” I pause and clear my throat, the burn that remains only a reminder. “Roberto put both of us in the hold, for two months he left us there to be at his mercy. On rare occasions he’d bring food, dirty water. More often he took his pleasure and beat us with whatever was on hand.”

Seeing my mother get assaulted time and time again has left the worst stain in my mind. She opens her mouth and I shake my head. “The week of my eighth birthday, she was killed as a result of his methods. I remained in that cell for a week holding her corpse waiting for her to ‘wake up’.” Now I know better. Now I’m disgusted. “I was forced to bury what was left.” Edith stares at me before she nods.

“What did your father do to you at that time?” I blink my eyes, a weak attempt at fighting tears. I don’t want pity, this is a fact now.

“He’d beat me with whatever was at his disposal. Blades, whips, wooden rods, archaic methods of torture on the occasion. He’d refuse my shifts, collar my wolf, try to force her into submission. If it wasn’t that he was running me around the borders till my muscles fatigued into exhaustion.” Her watchful eyes stare into mine before they fall to the papers before her.

“Were you the only one he was abusive towards?”

“No Ma’am, everyone in this pack has felt, seen or experienced one form of physical or mental trauma.” Some worse than others. I struggle to face the members of the pack, my heart bared to them. I deserve no mercy.

“Has his abuse led to more than your mother’s death?”

“Plenty, we have to do weekly head counts to keep a track of how many living members we have. It gives us a chance to see if we have any unattended suicides.” I watch as the two council members glance up at me, almost in shock. Suicide in wolves isn’t common, not like I just spoke about it. Most wolves are healthy enough to not face such problems, and when they do, they are comfortable enough to get help.

“Has your father ever ordered you to kill?”

“He wanted me to kill Owen Roe because he couldn’t afford the fee. I refused, he forced me to watch the deaths of the Roe family. I was later instructed to lay them to rest.” In fewer words that weren’t nice.

“The fee is what exactly?”

“Roberto calls it a ‘protection fee’. It’s meant to keep members of the pack trapped here so they can’t pay the exit charges and fees that are due when they leave to another pack.” Edith nods slowly and focuses on me once more.

“What is this money used for?”

“Whatever they decide is necessary. Roberto built the house he resides in from the fee, and labor of the pack, he has purchased land around the world for investments.” I shrug, I’m sure there’s other stuff that I don’t know about.

“Do you know of any records of these purchases?”

“They were kept in Roberto’s office, but have since been shifted around. I’ve provided what I could find to Mr. McBride.” Edith nods as she looks over the documents.

“Do you know of any other means to impede in the investigation?” The tall bald man asks as he gives me a haunting stare.

“Roberto and Anthony have both used means of intimidation, sending warriors and threats over pack links. Two nights ago he made an ‘example’ of me and broadcasted it to the pack. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had lied or falsified documentation.” The blonde woman turns towards Magnar, her brow arched elegantly.

“Is this the instant you had informed us on?” Magnar’s skin bristles, his form taller, fuller with his wolf so close to the edge.

“Yes, I wrote up a report and submitted photos to evidence, she was in rough condition, she’s still not healed up from it.” Magnar explains as he keeps his arms behind his back in an effort to keep his calm.

“Thank you Mr. Price.” Magnar nods and steps back as Edith turns her attention back to me. “What are the regulations the members were under?” I release a sigh and shrug.

“Too many. Members of this pack are treated like prisoners. Their wolves could only be released on certain days and times. They weren’t allowed out of their houses when ranked wolves were in the vicinity. Everything was turned in, pay stubs, children’s grades, medical reports. The fee was to be turned in within the first five days of the month.

“Who enforced the regulations?”

“The warriors who were assigned to the pack grounds. They would change occasionally to keep the warriors fresh in activity.”

“What sort of punishments would the members face if they were caught disobeying these regulations?” I switch legs and shift in my seat, pulling as much pressure as I can from my back. Not that the cuffs help any.

“It would depend, it could be extra fees, solitary confinement, beatings, lashing; you never knew.”

“Have you ever had to enforce regulations?”

“On rare occasions. I’d encourage them to go home; a few times I’ve had to escort them home for ‘further’ punishment, I refrained from physical violence.” I offer and she nods, writing something down on her paper.

“How often would you say abuse and torture would be used in the pack?”

“It’s more common than anything else. It’s how control was kept. They use fear to keep their power.” I offer with a shrug as I stare at them. I want my mate. Nera whimpers at the thought ready for this to be over with.

“How often were examples being made?”

“At least one every week, sometimes it was up to three, separate occasions.” She stares at me for a moment before she moves to the remaining council members and whisper amongst one another. Nera cries for her mate and I struggle to contain her upset. He doesn’t need that right now. He’s got enough in his head. I wish Magnar was the one beside me, not Ekon. But I know that would’ve ended poorly.

A throat clear and draws my attention back towards the front. Edith stands at the podium. “Given the information gathered from your interrogation. We are comfortable to release you tonight, you are not deemed as an active threat to the pack. However, we do have a list of members that will be sent to the hold until their trial has been finished.” Edith pauses to stare at me. “We will return to your trial and sentence you to your punishment.” My shoulders sag. At least I can see my mate.

“Thank you Ma’am.” I nod my head in relief. Low growls fill the room as a list of ranked members is read off, I watch as they are made to stand and are brought forward to be cuffed by Magnar. Not a threat I’d want to have over my head, especially with him pissed off.

“Come on, stand up. I’ll take these off.” Ekon murmurs with a soft chuckle, the first real one I’ve heard from him. “I told you this wouldn’t be as bad.”

“It’s not over yet.” I point out and he shakes his head.

“Miss Lee?” Edith calls my attention as I rub my wrists.

“Alpha Roberto Lee will face the death penalty considering all we know. As you are his heir, the pack will fall to you. If you are to face death you will need to have an Alpha take over your position.” I nod slowly as I stare her down.

“I already have a name I wish to give to take my place as Alpha; I don’t wish to hold the title, even if I’m cleared and able to. I wish to forfeit my right to the title to my mate.” Her lips quirk up barely in a smile, clearly it was the right thing to say with them.

“Very well, we’ll name your mate as the rightful Alpha once this trial has ended. And you have been sentenced.”

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