Under Investigation

Chapter Epilogue

“Magnar?” I call as I head into the temporary office, or the dining room of the RV, our current home. For the last four months. It’s been an interesting time since the duel. The first week was spent doing paperwork and having daily meetings with the pack to explain what’s to expect next and ask for a grace period so we could get ourselves somewhat settled. Then began the rehoming project along with the other ones we’ve begun. The first project was to demolish the hall, hold and my father’s house.

Focused on gathering materials to allocate to new projects such as a new clinic and school. Houses that are irreparable have been demolished; at some point I’d like to rebuild all of the houses and give them new. But for now, the most neglected are to be fixed. It’s not like we can demolish all buildings and leave people without shelter. There are only so many trailers we could bring in. Even that was a pretty penny. “Yes baby?” Magnar answers with his head still in the papers.

I smile and touch his shoulders, rubbing the tense muscles. My eyes scan over the latest correspondences from Alpha’s we have been attempting to make allegiances with. Since the change of name to Willowing Pines Pack we’ve had quite a few packs reach out for treaties and pack arrangements. Which has proven very helpful with rebuilding and rehoming. “How are things coming in here?”

He sighs and passes me the latest note from Alpha Wyatt Hudson. I frown at the request of retribution and payment for the relocation of two families to his pack, Shadow Crest Pack. We’ve already accepted the three families from his pack in return for two of our own. They are moving to be with family so I don’t see why this has become such a difficult task. I lean on the table and read over the page. “What’s this about payment?”

Magnar shrugs and rubs my inner thigh. “I don’t know but my gut says there is something bad happening.” I frown as I read it over again.

“He’s the only one causing a fuss over this.” I stare at the page a moment longer before I meet his gaze. “What do we do? Both the Potts and Esper family have their hearts set on this pack.” Magnar stares at the papers and gives a sigh.

“We’ll have a meeting with both families and explain what’s going on. Maybe there’s something else we can settle on.” He offers in thought and I glance towards the file of correspondences from Alpha Wyatt.

“Maybe offer that their families relocate here?” I offer in thought Magnar hums at that.

“That could be another option. If need be we can have a phone call, or in person meeting; I’m sure I can get the man to see things my way.” He chuckles and I shake my head amused at him.

“Don’t forget you’re not the scary enforcer anymore.” I tease him and he chuckles softly, squeezing my thigh.

“What did you need babe?” I smile and give him a sweet kiss as my belly flips at the nickname.

“We have to make a trip into town. Jordan called he’s ready for a check in for the plans and any adjustments we want to make.” Magnar nods and takes a sip of his water.

“Updates on progress?”

“He’s ready for our choice of wall color, flooring- I wanted to see how the desk would be placed in the office, get a feeling for it.” Magnar chuckles and shakes his head.

“Baby, you know the pretty part is all on you. I don’t have a sense for that.” I laugh at him and hum.

“You must have some sense, you compliment me often.” I tease him and watch as his eyes flash with desire as his hand creeps closer to my apex with a cheeky grin.

“Because you’re beautiful.” He says it like it’s a known fact. I fight a small blush and stand to give him a kiss.

“Come one, I want to stop in and check up with Ronny and them; see how everyone is doing.” I push from the desk and head for the door, waiting as he locks the RV behind himself. I take the chance to look around. The empty foundation, a clean slate, awaits a house. Not that we have a clue on what to do for our own. The grand stone driveway has been removed to be donated to the store district to fix the cracked asphalt.

While it’s a small change it’s made the store fronts look much better, paired with a deep cleaning of the building and an uplift. It looks like a completely new place. “We’ll talk with the families and set up a meeting for tomorrow to figure out what they’d like to do.” Magnar offers, having settled on a solution.

“That works. Have you heard from Ekon recently?”

“Yeah, said he’s been sent on a high priority case. He’ll be dark for some time.” I nod slowly at that. “He said he’s going to leave the council once this is over, he’s ready to retire to be our Beta full time.” I smile at that, knowing it’ll be nice to have Ekon around, once I’ve gotten to know him, it’s easy to say why the pair got along so well.

“That’ll be nice to not have to try to find a replacement, I think everyone has gotten comfortable with you two as Alpha and Beta.” It helped that they had first hand encounters and a small amount of trust built during the investigation. Who knew that would give us so much? He hums at that as we enter the town district, it truly does look like a new place. The downtrodden buildings look bright and welcoming.

The now warm and thriving center a refreshing sight, I smile at the few members out on the street window shopping. “It’s finally starting to feel like a pack.” I murmur, admiring the plants that have been added, the blossoming flowers a simple yet powerful addition.

“It really is. Things have changed for the better, that’s for sure.” He kisses my head and keeps his arm around me, willing to show affection and set an example to the members. It was hard to watch members leave, but I could understand their reasoning. I can’t blame them after the trauma they suffered.

“The clinic will be done soon, so will the meeting hall; we should have a celebration for a grand opening.” I offer in thought and wave to one of the kids as they chase after their parents giggling. Such a beautiful sight.

“I think that’s a great idea, make it a happy occasion.” This has been a journey, one that’s far from over. Even though we’ve spent the majority of our relationship up till insane hours planning and working out fine details, it’s not something I’d change. It’s helped bring this pack back from death. “We’ll also need to have a meeting with the instructors for the education system and see what needs to be upgraded there. I want the school and gym finished up soon.”

“Is the training field almost done? I know the gym wasn’t in a terrible state.” He nods with a hum.

“Yes, I want to make sure that’s settled, rogue’s have been spotted too close to the borders for my comfort.” It’s been a nice change that members can shift and exercise their wolves freely. A much needed change.

“Yeah, I pray they stay back a bit longer, but I don’t know what Anthony fed them.” Magnar sighs at that.

“I have to make a call to the prison and see if we have any information on that.” He mutters and I smile and kiss his shoulder. He’s been a great Alpha. Really stepped up to the plate without a glance back and shouldered the mess we had become as a pack. “How’s the educational programs been?” He asks in thought.

“It’s alright. I still want to have a conference for what needs to be improved and introduced. The athletics could use some work, we need an arts side of school, not to mention the educational side of things.” Molly waves at me with a wide grin as she dresses one of the window mannequins. She blushes and waves at Magnar shyly before she turns away. Nera isn’t happy about the little crush, but I know he only has eyes for me.

“So considerate.” He hums with a smile. “You’re a good Luna for this pack.” I flush and shake my head at the compliment.

“Only because I have the right Alpha by my side.” He shakes his head and I laugh with a grin. “I don’t know if you realize this, but you’re the one that’s done the planning, got the supplies and people to rebuild and demolish to start the work and piece this all back together. You’re the one that has done the unthinkable for the pack.” I point out and he only chuckles with a small smile.

I don’t think he realizes how much the pack looks up to him, how much he has done for the pack. He’s changed so many lives and for the better. We wouldn’t be half as good without him. He’s made it so people are comfortable coming to us with their problems and work to find a solution. “I wouldn’t be the Alpha I am without my Luna, you still deserve credit.” He points out and I shake my head amused.

Magnar opens the door to the unfinished clinic, with windows in the process of being installed. I glanced around at the plastic covered walls, and built in furniture, the ceiling finished drying from its paint job. Jordan nods to us and finishes his conversation with his builder as Magnar and I inspect the place. “Alpha, Luna, it’s good to see you. I wanted to go over the next plan for the place. These are the design plans I have for this step.”

He turns his tablet around to explain and showcase the paints and floor combination. He also has additional design plans, the interior design expert on hand worked overnight to complete them. I take in the examples of the floor and look around in thought. “Can we go with bamboo? I like that a bit more than the birch.” Jordan nods and produces a paint chip sample set.

“Won’t be a problem, did you have a paint color in mind? Jessie said that this set would compliment the bamboo best for the space.” He offered and I glance over them and take my time before I decide on a pastel lavender with a cream to pair.

“I’m thinking of a cream color with a pastel lavender accent.” I’ve really liked seeing color come back to the pack space and the warm vibrancy it’s brought to the members. Like they’re all living for the first time. Jordan nods and breaks the next step down with Magnar, with the progress of construction and where that’ll leave us. We’re so close to the closing date. It’s crazy to think in under a month this will be fully complete giving us some of the best medical care we’ve had in years.

With the staff waiting on the building all that’s left is their housing. And that’s already on the final steps. Magnar finishes up and excuses us to head to Ronny and Daniels restaurant for our normal lunch. It’s become a central point for the turning of the pack. With Magnar and I dining in town it gives members a boost of confidence to approach us without private reprimand. Not that they’ve dealt with that. It’s been beautiful watching the pack come together and lean on one another in a healthy aspect.

And to think this has all come from a simple investigation. And my mate. The future is something I look forward to now, something I can’t wait to explore. I smile at Magnar as he pulls out my chair and kisses my head in an afterthought, checking in with Ronny and the few members for the early lunch. I’m blessed in so many ways.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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