Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I woke alone. The sensations that stirred beneath my skin were new to me. I felt awake and sedated, free but captured. Feelings that made me feel happy but afraid. I was myself yet not completely. I had been claimed, rutted, and mated during my heat. I was bound, body and soul, to an Alpha, Lathan, my Alpha. I had allowed and encouraged all that had happened. Without him here by my side to calm the panic that was rising in me. I was left to try to anchor myself. I struggled with the complexity of my feelings. I needed out of this bed, the bed that had been my nest. The smell of my mate saturated more than the linens. It saturated me. I sprang free from the bed. Looking around the messy room, torn clothing, discarded belongs laid everywhere. We’d been insane with our need for each other. The only goal had been connecting, locking our bodies together, being one. I was his body and bond. He held a power over me that no one had ever held before. Power, the word hit me hard with the realization. Not just myself but the other bonded Omegas, sister’s that I had left in my homelands. Omega’s that knew the intensity of the bond. A phenomenon my queen meant to exploit, using my kin as human currency. My panic spiraled into borderline hysteria. She could hurt them, their mates, and their unborn. She could hurt my mate and me. A life that I had bonded with, one that held meaning and value to me, I questioned whether I was too late to save Lathan. To keep him from harm, that is why I had left to begin with. To stop my queen from hurting, bending, and destroying a king of worth. He’d loved his people, and they loved him. He was a good Alpha, with a good heart, and she meant to break him. Not caring who or how she achieved her objective. I grabbed the knife that laid on the floor. Not with an intention, it was just there. I looked at it with hope. Could I set him free? Could I save him? It was irrational thought, and hope that made me pull the blade across my wrist. Gasping at the pain that released my blood.

“Lathan!” I panted the name I meant to keep safe by my blood. Wishing I could cut the claim from my chest and return it safely. I ignored the painfully throbbing in my chest. The blaring alarm that screamed inside of me, the precious silver anchor that Lathan had set in my body. The claim that signified I was his. I wanted to keep it safe out of enemy hands. I watched my blood flow from the cut. The drops clotting as they hit the floor. I was dehydrated, weak, and lightheaded. Not from the blood loss. The cut wasn’t deep enough to be life-ending. I couldn’t remember when I’d eaten last — especially a meal of substance. I’d been on the run for days. I was pushing the limits of my strength without proper recovery, falling violently into my estrous the moment I’d been confined with my Alpha. I slumped to the floor. Letting my weakened state claim my muscles. I drew the blade up again. Deciding another pass was necessary. But the door blew open as Lathan thundered into our room.

“Neisa, what madness has taken your mind?” The Alpha king bellowed, grabbing me by the wrists. The force he used made me drop the knife. Yanking my body off the ground, he held me painfully by my wrists. The sudden change in gravity rocked me. The violent jerking and speed caused my blood pressure to bottom out. I saw the black sheet of unconsciousness race towards me.

“I only meant to save you," I whispered the words as I lost the world. My arm was asleep. The feeling on a million tiny needles tingled annoyingly under my skin. I turned, trying to find a comfortable position, but my arm was unresponsive. Moving it again I heard muffled clinking. I looked confused as to why a chain had me anchored to a wall. Panic hit me hard as I sat up. My right arm was not chained. The bandage wrapped tightly around my wrist, brought everything back. I looked around the darkened room. Not sure of how much time had passed. No doubt it had been awhile. Explaining the IV that sat embedded in my chained arm. Given that I felt better, Lathan had rehydrated me with electrolytes. I immediately went to remove it — the movement bringing a screaming pain from my cut wrist. Clearly, I had cut much deeper than I realized. When I grasped the pain, I set to removing the IV. I didn’t want that needle in me a second longer. I jumped at the sound of Lathan’s voice in the darkness.

“Know that you will receive no mercy Neisa.” He emerged from the black corner of the room. The look of absolute hellish rage made me tremble. Chained to the wall, I had no chance of escaping. “No pain medication, no drugs. The words you speak will be untainted.” My heart thundered. My actions had forced me into a position I could not defend. I was being tried. I had to play my hand. Standing bravely and with as much honor as possible. If this was my end, I meant to say my peace. I swallowed the fear. Looking Lathan in the eye as I again told him I was not the Omega he should have chosen.

“You were never to take notice of me, never. Our paths would have never crossed. But you followed the wrong team.” I rubbed my dry lips together. “You fucked it all up.”

“I fucked it up?” Lathan was explosive.

“Yes. Why didn’t you just take Sephra? She was in your care for a month.” Apparently, stupidity was in charge of my mouth. I had no idea why I asked him that. I had already lost focus.

“That woman is a snake and a traitor.” Lathan raged. Brown eyes glaring at me.

“She is a warrior just, like me.”

" You truly don’t know her at all, do you?”

" I know my sister.” I bristled.

“Really? Why do you think I kept her from speaking with you? Did you not wonder why I did not allow her to see me wed you?” My mind tripped over this. Why hadn’t he? “Seventy-two hours. That’s all it took to send your viper into her estrous.” Lathan smiled like a villain. The implication’s enraged me. A dangerous dose of black jealousy surged through me.

“What did you do? Did you fuck her?” I rose from the bed, stalking as close to him as the chain would allow.

“Not even when she begged me. And she begged hard and long.” He sounded proud of himself.

“What did you do to her?” I demanded to know.

“I promised her the world. She offered you as a sacrifice. Telling me all I needed to know about you.” He was gloating.

“Liar!” I yelled at him. He walked nearer.

“You Omega’s are marvelous creatures.” He walked closer towards me. “I caution to tell you. She knows you well. Too well. You unwillingly gave her the means to destroy you Nesia. Which is what she wants.” He had to be all jacked up hormones. He didn’t know her, and, I was in no shape to defend her.

“We knew the mission. We knew what was expected.”

“What is your mission, my queen?” He asked.

“I am not your queen. I am your death.” I lashed out, confused by my feelings and his words.

“And yet I stand with you chained to my bed.” Lathan boasted as he removed his shirt, dropping it to the floor. Revealing fresh scratches on his skin. Marks that I had made in the heat of my estrous. I felt my chest swell with pride at the sight. I’d marked him because he was mine. ”Thirty-one days, you slept in my bed. Thirty-one nights you could’ve completed your mission, and yet you didn’t. Why?” I turned away. The question was an accusation. Pointing out that I had failed. “Why?” He roared.

“I’m a traitor. Honored demands my death.” I was taking the cowards way out.

“I demand your life.”

“I am not yours to command,” I yelled, wanting to be done with the game. He grabbed my face roughly, burning me with his eyes and touch.

“You are mine by your own admission. Don’t forget that.” I had to forget. “My marks scar’s your flesh.” Lathan ground out, using his thumb to remind me as well, pressing hard on it. Lathan snapped, tossing me on the bed, pinning me with his giant frame.

“I’m not who you think I am.” I panted; eyes closed. I fought the bond, fought the intensity in which it burned brighter, more powerful.

“I have always known who you are Neisa.” Lathan said.

“Liar.” I spat at him.

“You think you’re the only one fighting this war?” He ran his hand up my leg. I tried to kick at him. Viselike hands reached down, restraining my ankles, moving up my body, burying his head in my groin, inhaling a deep breath. “Can you feel that little assassin? Do you feel how your body calls to me?” He breathed me in again. “Does it frighten you knowing I hold so much power over you?” My hands pulled violently at the restraint. Lathan smiled up at me. But the smile faded, and his eyes turned black at the sight and smell of the damaged flesh of on my wrist. “This offends me greatly Neisa.” The Alpha king roared his anger, shaking me with its timber.

“I only meant to save you. To set you free.” I pled my case as I tried to scramble away from the angry Alpha.

“Freedom is not what you think it is Neisa. Not in this life or the next.” Lathan was lost to his emotions. He meant to discipline me, to remind me who I belonged to. Crazed hands released his body, and he pounded into me hard. I cried out. “How were you going to kill me?” He demanded slamming me into oblivion. I tried hard to focus on his question.

“With my teeth,” I confessed, panting, fighting the need. He growled, reaching up to pull the chain from the wall.

“Then do it now.” Carnal desire mixed with my confession had me euphoric and manic. I reciprocated growling in response, pushing my lover onto his back. Mounted, I rode him hard and fast. I grabbed his throat, turning his head to the side, sinking my teeth in as deep as I could. He groaned in pure pleasure. Large calloused hands roughly grabbing my hips, trying to keep my frantic pace. I removed his hands. This was my mating, my claiming. Lust and passion propelled a level of need in me that was barbaric. “I am going to fuck you, raw mate,” Lathan said. His words doing nothing but make me hotter. I latched onto him again. Gifting his neck with another set of claiming marks. He rolled me onto my back, grabbed the headboard, and made good on his promise. Teeth dug into his flesh, I panted and moaned as he gave me heaven. The pure white pleasure kept me blissful content for a very long time. Still joined by his knot I tried to push his weight off my chest.

“You’re crushing me dog,” I complained, feeling him smile as he rolled to his back with me on top. The position allowing me to see the puncture marks on his neck clearly. And while they were smaller than his muscular neck, they made me feel invincible. My hand reached out to touch them, eight of them in all. My heart swelled with an intense surge of pride. I stared at them until exhaustion took me. We did not leave our nest for a day. Time, we spent glorifying the bond, our bound. Even with the instinct to mate had faded, I still felt the need to be near Lathan. I laid curled up next to him as I looked out the terrace doors at the hellish rock mountain. “Where are we?” The haze of my estrous had finally left me capable of having a normal conversation.

“We are at Sandstone. The last outpost of my territory.” Lathan said.

“I didn’t see this location marked on the maps back at the villa.”

“A tactic done with purpose. One that I will not share with you at this moment.” He said with no remorse. But I didn’t need Lathan to draw me a clue. I wasn’t the average female.

“Given the location, I’d lay odds on it having something to do with the Shadowlands.” I proudly stated. Knowing we were not far from the eastern border. His chest rumbled with a chuckle as his fingers played with my hair.

“Beautiful and educated in the art of war.” I scoffed at him. This was common knowledge.

“I didn’t fail history class if that’s what you’re getting at.”

“Or evading capture 101.” He said sourly.

“No, I got a B- in that class,” I complained.

“B-?” He asked.

“I didn’t think you’d follow me that quickly, or aggressively. If I’d had more time, I’d have been long gone.” I confessed. The admission instantly offended, and angered my Alpha. His entire body stiffened. “What did you think I would do Neisa? Let you leave me?” He demanded.

“Yes,” I said. “Why would you chase someone not fit to be with you, to begin with.” I only regretted the comment when the low timbered warning moved his chest.

“I clearly remember warning you about that subject Neisa.” The recent rut still held Lathan moodier than normal.

“You asked the question. I didn’t expect you to beat a dead horse forever. What if down the road you regret…” It happened so damn fast, he roared, rolling me beneath his massive body. Outraged eyes burned into mine.

“Regret what?” The Alpha demanded, daring me to speak out of place.

“Me, Lathan. I don’t want you to regret letting me claim you.” I said despite the frightened beating of my heart. His temper flared as he looked down on me with clear and utter disbelief.

“What madness runs through your mind, Neisa?” Lathan asked. “Are you truly oblivious to my feelings for you?” I froze with the turbulent emotional fire that burned in his eyes. My heart fluttered spastically in my chest. It wanted to believe, yet afraid to completely embrace what it saw.

“Feelings that I never knew where possible?” I breathlessly asked, trying to remind him that this was very foreign to me as well. I blinked, and Lathan was out of the bed with me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I squirmed. He didn’t say a word, not until as he stood me in front of the bathroom mirror. “Sometimes, the only way to understand our feelings is to see them.” Oddly agitated his reflection accurately portrayed his mood. I started to worry; panic hit me. I couldn’t move. Pinned between the sink and an aggressive Alpha, I waited.

“Lathan?” I had never seen this look before. I wasn’t a fan. He took hold of my hair, pulling tightly on the tangled mess. The other hand grabbed my chin. Holding me prisoner as he leaned down to me my ear. His eyes did not leave mine, using the mirror to control all of my senses.

“I have spent weeks fighting your rebellious nature. I have watched you fight your dynamic, your instinct, and me.” Lathan growled as he ran his lips down my neck. My body shivered as it responded to him. “Even now, you are trying to fight me. Fooling yourself into believing you are afraid. That is not fear that is pounding in your veins Neisa.” He said, releasing my chin to cup my wet sex. I gasped as he rubbed my excited flesh. Lathan pulled my hair harder when I tried to look away. But Lathan was wrong, I was afraid. I had already given him my body. He didn’t have the right to demand my heart. “Really? don’t tell me how I feel.” I said, but there was no force supporting my words. Not when he was manipulating me. Lathan kicked my legs apart, pushed me forward, and thrust into me. This was total domination. I struggled with it all. I was fighting the urge to surrender, to submit. He felt me reach for my emotional armor. Palms down on the sink, I looked away from the mirror. I would gladly take the physical pleasure he offered, happy to drown in it.

“No, look at me.” He ordered as he forced me up by my hair. Lathan flexed his control over me, every bit of it. The Alpha at my back surrounded me, completely. Exposing us both to the rawness of our true nature. I faltered, unable to keep his gaze. It was all too much, too intense. Lathan bit my ear, a painful sting that tainted the bliss that I was heading for. “Don’t look away again.” He ordered, his hot breath and teeth warned me. The demanding eyes of my Alpha held mine in the mirror. “Do you understand?” Lathan’s hold was a death grip on my body. I whimpered a response when he bit me again. “Your rebellion ends tonight Neisa. You will not deny me or my love for you.” Lathan’s words sent shivers through my heart. I was too stunned, unable to understand or process them before he pierced through my healed claiming marks. I cried out, helpless to the celestial power that shook me. I needed support, reaching behind me, I sunk my nails into his muscular buttocks, latching on as I took his knot. Panting, and unable to get enough air, Lathan relaxed his jaw. I slumped forward. Our bodies quivered and twitched, overcome, and spent we tried to recover. It was too much for me, all of it. His mating, his claim, and his words. My legs buckled, unable to hold myself. Lathan lowered us to the floor, purring as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt it there, his love, fluttering along the edges of the bond. Happy to be set free, to be seen and heard. I pushed my shaky hands past Lathan’s arms, needing to feel it with my own hands. The tears were confusing. I didn’t try to name the emotions that caused them. “Lathan,” I sobbed, “I am not a rebel.” Lathan’s chest locked up, taking the soothing purr with it. The strong arms of my Alpha lifted me. With his knot finally gone, he turned me. Face to face with my mate; he gave me a boyish smile that I’d never seen before — smoothing my damp, and sweat matted hair down. Gently hands took my face, and this time, I could see the storm had left him. He was as wrecked as I was, for once. “You are a rebel, my rebel, and I love you.”


Lathan and I sat in a small room on the first floor. Not fully recovered from the fever of my estrous, I had cut our tour of the outpost short. “How are you feeling?” Lathan asked, pulling me into his arms. He didn’t even wait for me to reply, kissing me breathless. Given my state, that didn’t take long.

“I am fine, Lathan.” I panted. Smiling at his look of disbelief. “I really am stronger than I look.” Lathan laughed dryly, searching his eyes for a clue to what he was thinking.

“You are deceiving on every front Neisa.” His verbal barb hurt. Even if it was the truth, seeing my reaction, Lathan sighed, running his hand down my face. “You took offense.”

“The truth is not always pretty,” I said.

“That wasn’t what I meant Neisa. You are not what I had envisioned an Omega to be.”

“I clearly remember reminding you of that fact.” I watched as the little spark of warning flared in his eyes.

“And I clearly remember reminding you there would be consequences if I heard you say that again.” “I didn’t say anything. I stated a fact.”

“Did I mention you are not like other females?” The king asked me. “Briefly.” I smiled at the exasperated Alpha. “Right after you verbally insulted my character.”

“It wasn’t an insult; it was an observation. An accurate one. What exactly does your queen teach you Omegas?”

“Ruthlessness, greed, and propaganda. Everything else was all me.” I said.

“You trained yourself how to be evasive, resourceful, and troublesome?”


“Good, I don’t know what the world would do with an army full of Omega’s just like you.”

I laughed at the clueless king. “I am sorry to inform you Lathan, but the world better lookout. I was the captain of my very own company. There are more of us. Omegas and Beta’s just like me.” I could not contain the pride I felt. “You have no idea what I am truly capable of.” Lathan’s hold on me got stronger. The Alpha bristled defensively at me.

“That sounds like a threat, mate.” He warned me, pulling me tighter to his hard body.

“Just another fact.”

“Do you know what a king, and claimed mate is capable of rebel?” Lathan was asking dark questions that intrigued me. “Hell would like paradise when I finished. You won’t escape me. Not again.” His warning was crystal clear. It vibrated through the bond like the tail of a rattlesnake, chilling me with fear and fascination.

“I have spent enough time in hell,” I said — Lathan’s need to dominate and assert himself as my mate promised to be gratifying. I was already feeling the waves of his will washing over my body. I would have gladly let him unleash the storm. But duty called, and I was left feeling, edgy. Lathan growled his disapproval. He was trying to regain his control before releasing me. I walked away, under protest. Heading to the couch by the window.

“Enter,” Lathan ordered. Asher, a bonded Alpha rushed into the room escorted by a covered soldier. “Sir, this soldier has something critical to tell you,” Asher said, addressing the king. Lathan waved him forward.

“My king, I came upon a young girl today while on patrol.” The soldier said.

“A girl?”

“Yes sir, she said she needs to speak with the queen.” The man briefly looked at me before dropping his eyes back to the ground.

“Me?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, my lady.” He said, avoiding my eyes.

“Bring her in,” Lathan ordered as he moved to stand in front of me. The rut still had him aggressively guarding me, and overprotective. The door opened, and another covered man walked in, escorting a small figure.

“Kambry?” I asked in total disbelief. Darting out from behind Lathan. “What the hell are you doing here?” My heart lurched at the sight of the young Omega, one that should have been hundreds of miles from here. Sitting safe and bored in a castle room.

“Neisa!” The frightened Omega looked relieved to see me. “Please, you have to help them.” The scared Omega begged as she grabbed me tightly. Sobbing as she held on for dear life. Dread filled my veins. “What happened?” I demanded, pulling the girl away to look at her. Wild and fearful, her eyes left no doubt she’d been through hell.

“Sephra, she’s made an arrangement with the warlord.” She sobbed. “She’s going to take the bonded Omega’s.” Kambry cried.

“For what?” This was unbelievable. I was stunned, confused.

“Leverage, she said she is going kill them to get to the king. To make him agree to her terms. She wants his kingdom. She plans to kill one to demonstrate she can manipulate the bond.” Kambry rambled. “She will control the Alphas through the bond.” She cried. My skin prickled in fear. The bond was very powerful; she could easily wield it as an effective weapon. Bringing strong Alphas to do her bidding, and challenge Lathan’s claim to his kingdom. I fought for air. Shallow panting breaths rocked me. My fear was becoming prophecy. I mentally stumbled over myself as I fought for reason. Lathan did not hesitate to react.

“Soldier, send an emergency communication. All bonded Alphas are to be placed under arrest until we can gather more information.” The soldier bowed.

“Sir.” He replied, turning quickly on his heels. Watching the soldier leave to warn the unsuspecting Alpha’s was sobering, pulling me to the present.

“Kambry how do you know this?” The girl was not privy to matters like this. She never stepped foot out of her tower. The queen purposely isolated her.

“Sephra. She told me when she boarded my ship after the king refused my aunt’s offer. She sent Esme back on The Crow. Sephra took over the ship. She seduced the Beta guards. She laid with them.” The shy girl blushed through her fear. And I instinctively grabbed her harder.

“Did they hurt you?”

“No, she promised me to the warlord. I am his.” She repeated the words as if they true.

“Zoltan?” I asked sick with possibilities of what he would have done if he had got her.

“He sworn allegiance to Sephra,” Kambry said. “He will attack from the west when it’s time.”

“How did you escape?”

“Radley. He got me off the ship.” She cried. “He saved my life. We were taken on our way to find you.” “Taken by whom?”

Novotony, but he let me go.” She sounded relieved but hurt.


“He is on the verge of losing his territory. Not all of his men support his claim.” The little Omega felt a very real empathy for the Alpha would had released her.

“I will send aid. What does he need?” Lathan asked my shaken sister. She looked taken aback. Really looking at Lathan for the first time. Kambry was moved by his offer. I could see she felt a fondness for the Alpha Novotny.

“Sir, he needs loyalty.” She spoke clearly. “He is a fair ruler surrounded by vultures.”

“He will have it by the time the sun sets on this day.” Lathan ferociously promised Kambry, exiting the room with determination, leaving us shaken and uncertain.

“Neisa the queen is mad, but she is not as ruthless and as evil as Sephra” I would not tell her the truth. She’d had suffered through enough. “She will use our sisters to build an empire with our bodies,” Kambry said. “She hates you Neisa, Sephra wants what is yours. And she’s willing to kill to get it.” There was enough disbelief in her voice for both of us. Lathan had only just unveiled the truth of Sephra’s nature. I did not want to believe it. But denial was not an emotion I embraced. Lathan knew intimate, personal details pertaining to me, my queen, and my mission. Information he’d gotten from a very reliable source. Sephra, an Omega that I had befriended, trained, and cherished did not feel that way towards me. If what Kambry said was true, then Lathan was right. Sephra was a viper, and I did not know her, not even a little.

“The bonded Omega’s are spread across the kingdom. It would be hard to take them all at once.” I mused out loud. Needing to focus on facts.

“Sephra’s already collected them,” Kambry said. “She contacted the queen while still on the ship. She told her you promised the king you’d reunite the bonded pairs. They’ve all been taken into custody in the barracks before Sephra had even returned.” The web of lies that Sephra was spinning had placed the bonded Omega’s right where she wanted them. I’d been with Lathan for four weeks now. Which meant they were no longer in my kingdom. She could have them anywhere. I buzzed with what Kambry had just shared. I could not deny that I was very worried. I met Lathan at the door as he came back into the room.

"Lathan, we need to prepare. The bond… it’s powerful.” I shuddered with the reality. “She could hurt you.” Thinking about it angered me. And I instinctively reached for my mate. Grateful for the strength he gave me now. The bond that Lathan’s claim had forged had been powerful. Now that I fully accepted the claim, it had become vital. Filling me with purpose. I breathed for it. I breathed for him. I would do anything to protect it, and him. The day had passed tensely. All the bonded Alphas had been taking into lockdown, all willingly obeying the order. Worry and fear had tainted the air. Ky had been sent away a week ago to the southern outpost. Meeting the commander via old tech. The grainy video had not diminished his haggard features.

“Sir, if the rogue Omega takes my mate’s life promise me you will give me a quick death.” Ky bravely asked Lathan. Ky’s request knotted my stomach with fear.

“Commander, I will not plan your death while all still breathing. I will not let fear crush hope. Do you hear me?” The dominate Alpha again projected the strength he held, on the outside. But turbulent emotions and cold fear heaved his heart. There was no hiding the truth from me.


“Take to your cell. I will keep you posted.” Lathan might have put a brave face on for his men.

“Thank you, sir,” The screen went blank. With our worried audience out of view, I turned back to my young sister.

“Kambry what happened? Tell me everything you remember. Leave nothing out.” Kambry looked confused for a second. “Details matter,” I said as I pulled out a paper. I made notes as the young Omega recounted every detail she could. Her knowledge would be invaluable when the battle for the Omega’s lives came. I commended her bravery. I was asking her to re-live her fear. Kambry was a sheltered Omega. This was hard for her to do. But she didn’t hesitate when I pushed. Giving me nothing but hard facts. Lathan was right. I didn’t know Sephra. I would sort through my feelings for the traitor at a later time. Right now, I had to focus on tangible evidence. I pulled out a map as she spoke. Lathan watching and listening. “I left your ship here.” I marked the map, “Did you pull anchor at all?”

“Yes, but not right away. Sephra contacted my aunt beforehand.”

“If you were to guess what time did you pull anchor?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t look at a clock. But I would say with certainty we waited for two hours.”

“Your ship is not as fast. She was deliberately slowing you down. The Crow would be covering more miles then you already. Without stalling for time.” I shook with what I knew was the real plan. “After you pulled anchor, what happened?”

“I was… told what my fate was to be.” Kambry trembled. “The Beta guards took me to my cabin.” The young woman rubbed her arms, comforting herself.

“Sephra already had these men committed to her cause.” I voiced the truth out loud, a fact that stunned. She’d been playing both sides against the middle. But for how long? Facts that blew my mind. But it seemed not all were committed. “Radley, why was he on your ship?” Radley was not normally assigned to Kambry’s company.

“I don’t know Neisa.” Kambry had not thought that far into this. She was genuinely puzzled — another question for later.

“How did he get you off the ship?” I pressed the girl.

“Easily, Sephra was… occupied with the man.” The crimson blush clashed with her blonde hair. “We launched the dinghy.”

“Risky? If she’d turned around, you would’ve been found. Were you on open water yet?”

“Barely, the shore was two miles away. Well, that’s what Radley said. He sunk it a ways offshore.” “Smart.” I complimented the tactic. It was something I would have done, as well. “What were your surroundings?”

“Surroundings?” Kamrby’s brow wrinkled.

“Trees, land anything that stood out to you.” I clarified. Kambry was a high-born Omega, not a warrior like me. She didn’t understand the importance of my questioning.

“It was dark at first. No moonlight. Radley said we had to keep moving. At daybreak, we found a forest of dead trees.”

“All the trees were dead?” Lathan asked interrupting us.

“Yes, sir.” Lathan’s posture confirmed my suspicion Sephra had been en route to hand-deliver Kambry to the warlord.

“Then what?”

“Radley said we could stop and rest, but I was too scared. We walked for hours. I only felt safer when we left the dead forest. By early evening we found a grass-covered knoll. We spent the night in an abandoned icehouse that had been dug into the hillside.”

“You were wise to keep moving young one.” Lathan praised her. “You’d crossed from the Shadowlands into much safer lands.”

“The Shadowlands? The dead trees?” She asked, swallowing hard.

" The appropriately named forest of the dead. ”

“What happened next.” Kambry breathed out. Pushing forward as I gathered information.

“We traveled another day and a half before we were taken by Novotny’s men,” The frightened Omega shook. “Look at me, Kambry.” I gently ordered the girl.

“Did he touch you?” My heart sunk at the thought. She lowered her eye, tightening my lungs. “No, but he kept me in his chambers. His men… they demanded he claim me, or let one of them claim me. They have no Omega’s in their territory, none.” Kambry was flabbergasted by this. Where we came from, we outnumbered everyone else.

“Life is very different outside of our kingdom Kambry.”

“They acted…crazy when they realized what I was.” She shook. I felt for her truly, but she was clueless about what the world really looked like.

"So, the Sheriff kept you isolated from his men? But he never…made an attempt to claim you.” I was asking but skeptical. The blush on her cheek was a different shade. Worrisome, and curious at the same time.

“No Neisa, he just kept me save. Nothing more.” Kambry said. She sounded wounded by this. Three weeks. He kept the clan of rabid Alphas away from the young Omega. Kambry would never know how lucky she was. “He has a man… An Alpha who frightens me.” She whispered. Her already pale skin blanched.

“It matters not little one.” Lathan’s words stopped her. “You are under my protection. You will not be given to anyone.” He fiercely promised the frightened girl.

“What about my aunt? She will demand I be returned.” Kambry looked wide-eyed and scared.

“A demand I will refuse.” Lathan tried hard to keep his anger under control. “She carelessly played with your life, and your innocence. I am not bound to return what she did not protect.” Lathan proclaimed. The visible release of her body trembled her lip and broke my heart. “Soldier,” Lathan ordered the silent covered man forward. “Take Lady Kambry and Lady Neisa to the guest suite.” The king spoke. “As you are the one who found her, she is your ward while she’s takes shelter at this post.” The authority of Lathan’s voice still rocked me.

“My King.” The man bowed briefly before coming to our stand at Kambry’s side.

“Sire.” Kambry stilled. “Thank you.”

“My kingdom owes you much little one. I do not take kindly to the miss treatment of any woman, child, or Omega.” The tone left no doubt.

Screams of terror rang out in the middle of the night. The agonizing pain tearing us from our beds. Battle ready we rushed to the source of the screams. Finding David, one of the bonded Alphas, clutching his head screaming. Three masked soldiers were trying to restrain him physically. David beyond help hurled the men as if they were nothing. Asher tried to corral the wrecked Alpha. Jumping on to his back as the masked soldier’s tried again to take hold of him.

“David!” The king bellowed. Barely able to demand his authority be knowledge.

“She’s dead; she’s gone.” David wailed, thrashing violently to break free of the men trying to help him. My heart clenched, and my breath caught. Sephra was testing the bond. Using the Omega’s, she’d stolen. Displaying the power, she had. The power she controlled through the pair bond. The raw pain that ripped David apart rocked me.

“She’s dead; my mate is dead.” The strained neck of the devastated male cried out his misery. Sephra had actually done it. She’d killed one of her sister’s. I hadn’t even realized I was crying until the pain and horror left my chest in huge sobs. I instinctively pulled Kambry to my body. Needing to take comfort in my sister. All our lives we strived to protect the Omega sisterhood. Sephra had willingly ended a life she was blood bound to protect. I couldn’t understand the act of treachery. Hours had passed. And still, David cried and screamed uncontrollably, curled up on the cell floor. Shaking and scared, I let Lathan lead us back to the villa. I stood in the parlor holding the frighten Kambry to my chest. Unable to fathom the reality. Sephra had willing and maliciously killed one of her own. We sat silent, trying to cope with the devastating loss, and possible outcome. What if Sephra killed them all? She’d not only take the Omega’s life, but that of the lives they all carried. Caught up in my immediate thoughts of pain, and dread I’d lost the hour or the fact that David’s screams had since stopped. After hours of having my heart bleeding for him, his mate, and his child, I found myself shaking from his silence. At dawn, a knock came to the door.

“Enter.” Even Lathan was at a loss. The sound of authority left his voice. The masked soldier that had brought me in stood in the doorway. “What is it, soldier?”

“The Alpha David has taken his life.” The soldier words, I couldn’t understand them. My head snapping up to look at him in disbelief.

“What?” The king demanding rising from the chair he’d fallen into hours ago.

“He has passed sir.”


“He broke his neck, sir.” The man said. “He paced off his body length. He walked to the foot of his cot and threw himself against the metal footboard.” Lathan cursed, running his hands through his hair. Hurting, confused, and worried he was lost. “Send an emergency alert. Have all the bonded Alphas put on suicide watch, chained and secured. Do it now.” The soldier left as silently as he entered. Leaving us colder than before.

“When Sephra gets to Red Sun Pass she will kill them all.” Kambry said, crying. Even lost in my worry and grief, my mind snapped to attention.

“What did you say?” I asked Kambry.

“Red Sun Pass, that’s where she plans to cross into the Shadowlands.” Kambry sobbed.

“How do you know this?” I demanded, coming to the girl, taking her by the shoulders.

“Radley told me.” My mind was racing with what that meant. Red Sun Pass was only 25 miles away. On horseback it may be possible to reach it before she did.

“No!” Lathan hollered at me, shocking me, ripping my mind from where I planned.


“I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking, but don’t start thinking it. Do you hear me? We will not take soldiers from this post, leaving us scattered and displaced.” The tone he used on me was not one I’d heard before; this was not the voice of a self-righteous king. This was the voice of a wounded, fearful mate. The vortex of emotions that whirled in him had his body twitching. He was on the edge of reason.

“You’re right.” I conceded. “We cannot leave the post undermanned.” I lowered my head to my agitated mate. “If the horde attacks, we need to be ready.” I hoped my admission would be enough to ease some of his worries. I needed to be careful of the thoughts I fed. Lathan wasn’t a mind reader, but a warrior like me. He’d doubted and underestimated me before. He’d never do it again. But I hadn’t evaded and outmaneuvered my enemy by luck and chance. I’d learned, mastering the art of war and survival a long time ago. The room fell back into despair. I did not thrive in that. I again turned to the map. “Give me the history of this out posted. I want to know everything.” I would not be unprepared if the horde moved on us. Lathan did not hesitate, openly telling me critical details. My attempt to plan and prepare ended when the screams started again. This time it was Asher. Back in the cells, I watched Sephra’s deranged powerplay claim more. Even chained Asher thrashed violently against the restraint. His long muscles were screaming in pain as he felt his mate’s death through the bond.

“Everyone out,” Lathan ordered the masked soldiers out, rushing to his brother’s side grabbing the thrashing beast. “Asher!” He wrestled the heartbroken Alpha.

“No, no.” The Alpha was lost in his pain. To gone to be reasoned with, Asher’s massive body dropped like a stone to the floor. Rocking and moaning as waves of grief ripped through him. Muscles racked with pain pulled frantically against the chains that anchored him to the wall.

“Brothers.” Lathan looked to the other three bonded alphas. “Asher needs us more now than ever.” I stood at the cell door. Heartbroken as I watched the giant men kneel and surround their wounded brother. There were eight men left. Alpha’s that Sephra planned to break. Not to mention eight sacred Omegas with child she meant to kill. I could not watch them be tortured. I could not bear the thought of my sister’s pain, Asher’s pain. She was hurting my Alpha, my mate. It was breaking him. Bending the king to her feet. That’s what Sephra wanted. I would do the same to her. I slammed the heavy cell door shut. Barely having enough time to engage the lock before Lathan sprang to his feet. “Neisa what the fuck are you doing?” He roared at me, grabbing for me through the bars. My breathing was already changing. The adrenaline was surging through my blood, preparing my body to fight.

“I’m not going to let them die. I am not going to let her hurt them, or you.” I panted, already fighting to pull myself away from my mate. The pain, anger, and fear that he was pushing into the bond were almost crippling, seizing muscles that used to be mine.

“No.” He roared as he gripped the bars pulling at them in outrage. “I forbid it.” He yelled at me.

“She killed them and their babies. She will kill the Alphas as well.” I tried to make him understand.

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