Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Unlock the door now!” Honey eyes blazed with fury. I’d never seen Lathan look this mad before. “Neisa I won’t fucking say it again.” He said, wrapping his large hands tighter around the bars.

“No,” I said firmly as I stepped to the side. Kicking the key, breaking it off in the lock. Lathan roared at me, shaking the barred door violently. I trembled, his outburst making me cringe with his ferociousness. I wasn’t defying my mate out of spitefulness. This wasn’t just about my sisters. This was about him. Sephra would hurt him. She would try and bend him, break him. I would not let her. Lathan was mine. He was my mate. I backed away, fighting my panic, fighting my fear. I was a warrior. I was trained to be brave, to protect. I looked at Lathan as he tried to rip the iron door off physically. “Lathan,” I stuttered. “I… love you.” The words fell softly from my trembling lips. I wasn’t sure if he heard me between Asher’s cries and his yelling. I may die without him knowing how I felt. Hot tears threaten, stinging my eyes. I had no time for them. I ran from the fallout shelter. Ignoring the pained screams my Alpha unleashed behind me. “Stop!” I yelled at the approaching masked soldiers arriving on horseback. The men, doing as I told them, confused they pulled the reins up short. “Get down,” I told them.

“My queen?”

“Get off the fucking horse, now,” I ordered the stunned men. Hesitating for a second before doing as I told them. “Knives and bow," I said, taking the soldier’s bow from his back before he could give it to me.

“Yes, my lady.” I shoulder the bow, tucked the extra knife in my pants, pausing to grab the reins. I stopped as another mounted soldier raced up in front of me — my blue-eyed captor. “Get out of my way, or I swear to all things sacred I will kill you," I warned him.

“Death is not my fear; my king’s wrath is.” The blue-eyed man said. “If you are determined to leave, then I am going as well.” He informed me as he tugged the reins to move his horse out my way. I set our horses to a punishing pace. I was demanding speed. Feeding off my urgency, we flew into the night. Nostrils flared and worked to a lather my mount pushed on. Precious time passed with every mile. If I missed the traitor at Red Sun Pass, I’d never get them back. They would be too close to the Shadowland. Two of us against the warlord’s men, not good odds. It felt like we’d been in the saddle for days. But time never moved like you wanted it to. Especially when you were at war with it. I may not be able to bend time to my will. I did, however, have enough moonlight to make traveling easier. The moon was so high and bright; it kept nothing hidden. Hours of the sound of our horses’ labored breathing were suddenly drowned out. The pained screams of a man followed by a higher-pitched voice prickled my skin. I pulled up short, stopping us in a hurry. I sent up a huge thank you to the goddess.

“You fucking idiot.” I could hear Sephra yelling. “These are not simple women. They are warriors.” She bellowed, kicking the Alpha that came to close to her horse. The Alpha was as big as her horse. He growled a second before he grabbed her foot, and damn near pulled her from the saddle.

“Your pact with Zoltan means shit to me, bitch.” He snarled at her. “I’d gladly remind you of your place, beneath me.” Sephra moved faster than he expected, sticking the Alpha in the throat. Violent eyes flashed as shock and pain-filled them. Sephra shoved the blade in deeper, holding the dying Alpha by the hair as she pressed in further.

“You feel so much better beneath me.” She hissed, planting her foot on his shoulder, pushing his lifeless body off her blade. “Get them under control now,” Sephra yelled to the others. I counted six rouge Alpha’s in all. Big men with more muscle than I’d seen before. The giant’s turning to the mess at hand. My sisters were circled around a caged wagon. All had escaped. A story I wanted badly to hear. Ruth and Renthee had managed to get ahold of blades. The others using whatever they’d found. All crouched and poised to attack. I heeled my horse. The blue-eyed soldier cursing before joining me. Our sudden appearance twisted the traitor’s face. That look alone would be worth my death. I’d gladly die knowing she’d underestimated me. I thundered toward the Alphas. One brave soul turned to meet me head-on, smiling as if he wasn’t afraid of me. He crouched, ready to brace himself for the impact of my horse. He may be as big as a horse, but he wasn’t as strong. I leaped high into the air, breaking free of my mount as he continued to drive forward. The Alpha watched, then sidestepped, deciding to let the animal breakthrough their line. I landed a few feet in front of my enemy. The impact ricocheted through my feet. No doubt I’d be feeling that tomorrow, pain I’d gladly deal with. The Alpha smiled at me as he really took me in. A cruel, arrogant laugh left him. I withdrew my sword and blade, running to give this Alpha death. I cut through him quickly. Clearly, the warlord had not sent men of worth to retrieve the stolen Omega’s. I sheathed my blade, took his, and called my sisters. “Luna, here.” I tossed the dead Alpha’s sword to her. She caught it, swinging it once to get the feel of it before she advanced. I took a quick stock of my company before engaging. Maybe I was right chaos was my specialty. Men around me screamed in pain. Not like the pain of the bonded Alphas. Those screams would haunt me forever. I had no sympathy, or remorse for these men, I was fighting. I cut my way behind the line. Gifting another’s falling sword and my short blade to the Omegas.

“Sisters good to see pregnancy has not made you slow.” I joyfully teased them.

“Just Joslyn, she’s having twins,” Luna said

“Twins? Congratulations,” I panted. “I’m tired and hungry Omegas, let’s make this quick.” Armed we pushed out from our protective circle. Forcing the remaining Alphas to engage the masked man behind them or us. Pinned between the rock wall and my Omega’s the last of the warlord’s men took to their knees.

“Surrender.” One of the knelt men panted. Lathan’s masked soldier stood guard as the Omega’s surrounded the men. Knives at their throats, forced to look at me.

“Surrender? My sisters don’t take prisoners or stray dogs.” I seethed at him. Chest heaving and battle-worn I wanted justice for them all. A yell rang out, turning to the sound I tried to move out of the arrows way as it raced towards me. It caught me, gouging a painful path across my arm. The masked man had spotted the traitor Sephra’s deadly arrow. Dropping the bow Sephra cursed as she spurred her horse to leave. We’d meet another day. “Kill them.” The order given the sound of sharp blades tearing flesh was a victorious sound. “Omega’s report,” I called out.

“Two dead, four horses,” Joslyn said.

“Our horses will not be helpful right now,” I told them. We’d worked ours to their limits. “Gather what is vital we leave in five.” The Omega’s set to task, taking stock of what could be useful as I did the same. “My queen,” My masked soldier approached.

“Soldier,” I turned to look at him, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Saving my life and theirs,” I told him sincerely, nodding towards my sisters.

“Your gratitude is not required, my queen. It was an honor to fight beside you.” He bowed before moving silently away.

“Soldier,” I halted his retreat. “I don’t’ this land. We need a good, safe vantage point,” I said, trying to get control of my breathing.

“The road is too obvious but easier to navigate. We are close to the Shadowlands.” He said as he sheathed his weapon. “The safest travel is the road. If we can move through the narrowest parts of the pass, we can get to higher ground and wait.” I nodded my agreement.

“Sisters we are on foot. Except you Joslyn,” I ordered.

“Neisa?” Joslyn asked. Almost offended that I’d suggest she ride.

“No, you Omega’s are the first in our history to be bonded and expecting. Your lives and those of what you carry is priceless.” I told them. “That being said, if you need to rest, tell me immediately. We have many miles to cover and, worried, Alpha’s waiting for us.” We set to a brisk pace and traveled as silently as possible. The road was sandy and taxed my tired legs, still burning from battle. The adrenaline had left my blood, but not the nervous fear that comes with danger. I was grateful for the blue-eyed soldier. More so when he tapped my shoulder to signal for us to head up. Making my muscles burn more. The horses were left tethered off the road. My sisters, trained to spread out and move quietly up the hillside. Once settled, I moved silently among them, embracing women I had known most of my life. Esme was a welcome sight among the group. Sephra must’ve taken her with the Omegas, making me question whether or not she planned to kill them all, resting against a boulder Esme shared water with Joslyn. “Twins,” I marveled at the thought.

“Yes, can you believe it Neisa.” Joslyn quietly beamed.

“No,” I replied, smiling back. “May I?” I so badly wanted to feel the bumped that swelled her.

“Of course.” Joslyn smiled back. Even dirty, fresh from being abducted and battle. She looked beautiful. I laid my hand gently across her abdomen, amazed by how her body had changed.

“Thank you for coming Neisa,” Joslyn thanked me. My breath, catching as I felt an unseen child ripple her flesh with enthusiasm. My eye’s flashing with wonder. “They’re awake now. The rocking of the horse had put them to sleep.” She told me.

“Have you been well?” I asked her.

“Before Sephra you mean?” Her voice changed. The sadness I saw there was sobering. “I struggled, as most of us did,” Joslyn said. “I miss my mate.”

“He misses you too,” I told her honestly.

“Really?” She asked me, surprised. I chuckled.


“What about you Neisa are you with child?” I was startled by the little pang that clenched my womb. I quickly looked away.

“Very doubtful. I barely had my estrous.”

“Why doubtful?” Esme asked me with ancient eyes that saw everything. Mysterious ways and forgotten wisdom that was our Omega healer.

“I don’t know, really. I just came through my estrous,” I repeated as I stared at the elderly woman. “Your ring.” The mystic motioning to the band given to me at my wedding.

“And a lock of hair,” She said. I drew my blade, gathered a few strands of my battle beaten hair. Cutting them close to the scalp. Watching as Esme quickly braided the long strands together before tying one into the band. “Wrist.” I extended my arm. Using the ring and hair as a plumb bob, we watched as the motionless ring begin to move to an unknown beat. Nervous butterflies filled me as I waited for the wise woman to tell me what she saw. Silent minutes passed as the ring swayed for short a time. Stopped, spun in a slow circle, stopped, change directions, and started moving again. “You are with child Neisa, a boy.” She said as she continued to watch the magical energy move my ring. “I see four children in your future.”

“Four!” I gasped, reaching up to snatch the ring. As if I could change her prophecy, “Wait, I’m pregnant?” I asked in complete disbelief.

“The seed is newly planted but growing.” The mystic smiled. The sensation of amazement and fear pulled me in different directions. I was happy and sad at exactly the same time.

“I don’t know how to be a mother,” I voiced my fear

“There was a time when you didn’t know how to be a warrior Neisa.” Esme smiled at me, warmly. “You will learn. Your Omega instinct will guide you as it has done for all Omega’s.” The fortune-telling had left me shocked. I found myself lost. My mind was racing through rational and, delusional thoughts that burned chaotically. My mother had never been nurturing or loving. The obvious reason I had taken so fondle to Lathan’s. I received more love and attention from my mate’s mother than I ever had mine. My mother had been emotionally detached from my earliest memory. Not that I could really falter her for that. She had a rough start, forced into a pair bond at sixteen. She’d had me ten months later. A child, having a child. Hell, I was in my 20′s and scared. Even though I had a strong relationship with my Alpha, I was afraid. I couldn’t imagine how my mother had felt. I would have worried for the rest of the night, but the sound of mounted horses racing down the road set my defenses back up — all of us taking position silently. Riders from the east could only be Lathan. Once confirmed by the masked soldier, a whistle halting the passing rescue party. The blue-eyed soldier jumped down to the road.

“My king.” The soldier called to him.

“Soldier, where’s my mate?” Lathan demanded.

“I am here, Lathan.” I could hear the relief in my voice. I strained into the night to see his eyes. Lathan jumped off his horse and ran up the hillside. Grabbing me fiercely to his hard chest, he kissed me roughly before pulling away.

“I may have failed to discipline you when you poisoned, and escaped me. I will not be lax about this.” He warned.

“I drugged you, not poisoned.” I reminded him.

“Discipline will be coming no matter how you spin the tale.”

“Doubtful.” I scoffed on his decree. “Sisters, meet Lathan Caldwell, King of the Silver Mountains,” Silent, hidden shadows emerged from the night. Shocked was the look that covered my angry Alpha. We made it back before morning. The outpost was a heavenly sight. Reuniting the few Omega’s whose mates had traveled with the king was emotional. Knowing that one of the bonded Alphas was deep in grief, while his brother had ended his life.

“Alphas, cherish your Omega’s. Two of your brothers have lost. Pain you have never known has claimed one with death.” Lathan’s words were solemn. The pain of losing his mate had driven David to suicide within hours of losing her. The same fate could have been Asher’s, if Lathan had not put the man in chains. I turned to leave with Lathan.

“Queen Neisa." An Alpha called out to me.

“Yes?” The Alpha I knew by name only dropped to his knees before me.

“Thank you for saving my Omega, she is my life.” He said before bowing his head. I gasped, shocked by the public confession of the giant Alpha.

“Thank me by treasuring her. Jasmine is a loving, brave Omega. You have been honored to mark and claim her as yours.”

“I have never known pride the way I did when I claimed my Omega. I will never take that for granted.” The Alpha promised me, raising grateful brown eyes to mine.


I pushed away from my plate. Full and mostly content. We had freed eight of our sister’s. Some reunited, the rest had been contacted and knew they were all well. Lathan and his men had seen to David’s burial. Sending him off with respect and honor. An act that tightened my heart. I had not been able to do the same for my fallen. All Omegas were daughters of the earth. Our spirit belonged to the moon. But our bodies belonged to the earth. We had rites that needed to be performed to complete the life cycle of the fallen. So that re-incarnation could take place. We’d just lost the opportunity to re-gift the world two amazing Omegas. I had to swallow the bitterness and look at what actually had been done. With one blue-eyed soldier, a rebellious Omega and eight, very pregnant, Omegas. Thinking like the military captain I was. It was a hell of a coupe. No doubt Sephra’s hatred for me had just grown more prominent. The door to our suite opened, and I lost my thoughts. Truly seeing Lathan for the first time since I locked him in the cell. My massive mate surveyed the room and me.

“You ate well?” He asked as he removed his chest pad and sword.

“I look like a toad,” I complained, rubbing my stomach, I was stuffed.

“Good," Lathan said, chucking his clothing around the room. This was a new mood I was seeing. A mix of “I am pissed off and need to explode,”comb’d with “I am nervous, unsure, and bitter.” I guess I was witnessing the birth of an Alpha temper tantrum. “I believe you, and I need to have a detailed conversation.” Lathan’s tone mirrored every one of those emotions perfectly.

“Ok?” Honey brown eyes that I’d seen burn with every emotion known to man held me captive. Complex and fathomless orbs of hope, fear, and pain.

“Starting with your declaration of love.” My lungs sudden lost the ability to keep themselves functional. I gasped embarrassingly loud. I guess he had heard me. I found myself afraid to look my greatest opponent in the eyes, and my own convictions. Shying away from battle for the first time since I’d become a warrior. I lowered my eyes, stalling for time to find my voice and courage. One second grew to many as I struggled. The silent stress was strangling my heart and pride. It was so hard to do this now. Not at all like when I thought I might never see him again. Taking a deep breath, I buckled under the weight of Lathan’s eyes.

“I have spent my life knowing I was fated to live a doomed existence. That everything I am would no longer matter. Even though you were the devil in my nightmare, I would surrender it all to be your slave. No matter my dreams or hopes. I would be your lapdog. Mindless and grateful for the attention you’d spare me. I didn’t want to be any of those. I didn’t want to be an Omega.” I confessed. “If I were a Beta, you’d never had noticed me.” I had to steady myself. Unable to hold his eyes. “But the more time I spent with you my curse didn’t feel like one. You weren’t trying to change, or manipulate me. Even though you’re confused, pissed off or shocked by me, you tried.” I swallowed hard. “The second I realized I loved you I planned to leave. I didn’t want to hurt you, or disappoint you more. If I simply left no one could use me to hurt you.” I admitted as I steeled myself against Lathan’s eyes.

“You loved me before you poisoned me?” The surprise in Lathan’s voice was a sound I enjoyed. “Drugged, and yes, I did," I confessed. Lathan wasted no time closing the space between us, pulling me from the chair. Honey eye’s filled with hope stole my breath.

“You have never disappointed me Neisa. You are just so…. rebellious.” I smiled at his assessment of my character. “And you are mine.”

“No option, one?” I teased him. The growl he unleased shivered me head to toe.

“I believe I warned you about that subject mate.” Lathan’s hungry warning made me ache.

“I forgot," I said, gasping when he picked me. My legs, wrapping around his waist.

“By the time the sun rises you will remember.” My Alpha was the most honest being on the planet. Morning found me content, sore, hungry, and blissed out of my mind. I lounged in Lathan’s arms. Surrounded by his purr as the powerful, steady rumble resonated happily through my chest.

“Enter,” Lathan responded to the knock at our door. The tall, thin man with blue eyes entered carrying a large tray of food. He stopped short, smelling the pheromone filled air. A torrent of confused emotions flashed across him. He shook his head, trying to move his mental fog. I was embarrassed. Everyone already knew what we had been doing here. But we didn’t need to make it that obvious. I moved deeper into Lathan’s chest, trying to turn my flushed face away. But where I felt embarrassment, Lathan felt something else. “Put it down and come here,” Lathan ordered. The soldier moved quickly, quietly, coming to stand at the foot of the chaise lounge. Eyes fixed ahead, he stood before us. My masked abductor and rebel fighter, this was the first time I’d seen the man uncovered. He was handsome but oddly androgynous.

“What have you done to him?” I asked Lathan. A soft chuckle was not the answer I was expecting. “Nothing, he is one of the many unclaimed.” He replied, placing a kiss to my temple.

“Unclaimed?” I asked, unable to remove my eyes from the young soldier.

“Evolution has regressed our species. Taking a heavy toll on lives such as his.” Lathan tried to explain as I openly stared at this handsome man. “His insufficient and, depleted hormones have left the soldier in limbo. He’s never fully matured.”

“Depleted hormones? I don’t understand.”

“Year after year, we create and birth fewer and fewer Omegas. He is a direct result of that fact. Inferior mothers produce inferior children. He, like so many, are left unclaimed.”

“There are more like him?”

“Yes Neisa, while he has male features and sex, he never developed any further. Neither Beta or Alpha.” Lathan said. I felt a sharp pain hit my heart. This was cruel. I understood what It felt like to have genetics deal you a losing hand. I would have offered a sympathetic sentiment, but the soldier again shook his head, smelling the air, totally mystified. “What has you alerted?” The king asked.

“The smell of your Omega, my king.” The soldier said. I felt myself tense with curious anticipation. “What of it?”

“I don’t know sir. It has me confused.” The man looked bewildered.

“Confused how?” Lathan pressed. “My heartbeat has increased. And I feel anxious, needy.” The unclaimed man tried to explain his frustration. As if he was feeling these emotions for the first time in his life.

“Needy for what?”

“I am unsure my king.”

“What does your instinct desire?” Lathan asked, encouraging the soldier to be truthful.

“I’m afraid to speak out of line.” The soldier replied as he stood at attention.

“Tell me. There will be no consequences for your honesty.” Lathan promised the blue-eyed soldier.

“My instinct desires to taste her.” The soldier’s confession shook me. And I found myself flustered — a hot mess of confused desire. My lover had me pressed against him. Every inch of him was hard. I clearly had not come entirely down from our recent mating.

“My Omega is moved by your truth,” Lathan said. I looked to Lathan surprised, and embarrassed that he knew this. “Look at her.” He gently ordered the man.

“I am unworthy sir.” The soldier refused.

“A soldier who protected my Omega is not unworthy to look upon his queen.” Beautiful blue eyes looked at me with awe. As if he was seeing something surreal.

“What is your name?” I asked captivated by the moment, shocked to see this strange man look at me with desire. It was wrong of me to be aroused by it. But I was.

“I am unclaimed my lady. I have no name.” His reply was not what I expected.

“What about the name your mother gave you?” I pressed. Unable to calm the growing sense of excitement. I was rocked when he spoke.

“I was stripped of my birth name when I failed to mature. I am a number. One of many.” I gasped, horrified to think that he or any child could be degraded and punished for something that wasn’t his fault.

“That’s un-excusable Lathan.” I turned to glare at my mate.

“I did not strip him of his name, Neisa.” He smiled at me. My hostility amused him.

“You’re the king, fix it.”

“Speak a name, and it will be his.” Lathan encouraged me. I turned back to the nameless soldier. It was hard to pull my eyes from his, or calm the excited breathing that moved in my chest. Lathan began to purr again. Why? Was he truly comfortable with how the soldier looked at me? Not that it was threatening, it wasn’t. He was just confused, curious. And while I saw desire warm his eyes, he was not consumed by it. “He protected you Neisa. Such loyalty should be rewarded.” Lathan said as he slid his large hand under the thin gown that covered me. Long fingers found me hot and wet. The purr changed to an appreciative growl. And I moaned, pushing against the pressure his hand was applying. The nameless man’s eyes took us in. Nostrils flared; he shook. Swallowing hard, the thin bead of frustrated sweat glistened on the top of his lip. Lathan’s large erection dripped hot wetness against my back. The feeling caused my mind to want it, to want him. My mate moved so quickly, lifting me up and entering me fast. I gasped and moaned in surprised gratification. The soldier groaned. I should have been mortified, embarrassed. But honestly, I wasn’t. One large hand cupped my neck, pulling me back to meet the hungry eyes and lips of my Alpha king. He kissed me roughly before pulling away. “Reward him Neisa,” Lathan said as he pulled my gown up my thighs.


“Reward the soldier who protected your life, twice. Let him taste the heaven that is you.” My body was rewarding Lathan’s member with gallons of fragrant slick. Puddling on the lounger beneath me. Lathan rocked his hips, filling me to the brim. “Soldier do you want to love your queen?” Lathan asked.

“With my dying breath.”

“Do it now.” The shorn head of the soldier fell between my open legs and I gasped. His inquisitive tongue tasted me. The unclaimed’s chest rumbled. Lathan grabbed my hips, moving me up and down his shaft at a steady deep pace. The sensation of Lathan’s cock, and the unclaimed’smouth, had me at the gates to ecstasy at an alarming rate. My breathing hitched, and I grabbed the soldier’s head. I was trying desperately to ride out the hurricane that torn my body apart with pleasure. Lathan thrust in with a powerful knot that sent me spiraling. My soldier continued to lick me. Slow long sweeps of his tongue kept me trembling after the storm of desire past.

“Soldier?” I called to him. My voice, still drunk with pleasure he stilled to look at me.

“My queen?” I leaned forward, taking hold of his wet face pulling into mine.

“Lathan, I want to kiss him,” I asked my Alpha’s permission, looking deeply into his eyes.

“I will allow this once,” Lathan said.

“I’ve never kissed a woman, my queen. I may disappoint you.” The soldier tried to retreat.

“Shh, I was pure when I was claimed. I did not disappoint my king.” I tried to reassure him. Warm lips grazed mine. Desire still burned new and bright in his eyes. Feeding a barbaric need to be his first. I greedily laid claim on new land. My lust exploded. Whether that was due to my mate buried in me, or the thought of being his first, it only made me burn hotter. I knew the power that I held over him. I knew the intensity and passion that connected my body and soul to Lathan’s. It would be wrong to deny this soldier that feeling. He would now it when he found a mate of his own. I pulled away while I still could. The soldier retreated a few steps back. Chest heaving, he looked every bit bewildered. What I would give to hear his honesty. The soldier fought for reason, falling to his knees.

“I beg you, make me a man worthy of my queen.”

“You already are. Prepare to leave. I’m sending you to train with my guard.” Lathan announced. My heart clenched in worry. I could not catch it before the sound left my lips. The man kneeled at my feet trembled, as if astounded to hear this.

“I am unclaimed. Only Alphas may train with your guard.”

“But that is no longer the case, is it soldier? The queen has claimed you. And you will not let her down.” ”Never sir.” The bent man promised.

“Neisa, give your creation a name.” Lathan’s choice of wording, and my strange barbaric feelings had me riding high on power. I cautioned myself not to let It go to my head. Steadying myself with empathy instead of unjust authority.

“Soldier, please look at me.” Blue eyes took mine. “I hold no power over you, none. This moment, this opportunity is all a credit to your bravery, and instinct.” I felt such pride for this man. “Thank you for fearlessly riding with me to save my sisters. And protecting me, as well as them.”

“I regret nothing, my lady.”

“I do.” It was the first time I said how I felt. “I wish I could have gifted their bodies back to the earth. To properly honor the slain Omega’s.” I choked on the pain I felt for the murdered Omega’s, and their unborn. “Your bravery, and skill saved not only the Omega’s, but their children, and their mates. You have more than earned this honor.” I was taken aback by the emotions that this man displayed proudly. “So, I humbly ask that you allow me the privilege of gifting you with a name.”

“I would be honored, my queen.”

“Shia,” I said, smiling at the soldier.

“Does it bear meaning?” He asked.

“Yes, it means gift. ” I told him.

“A name I will cherish. Thank you, queen Neisa.” Lathan drew me back to his chest, wrapping his big arms around me tightly.

“Prepare yourself, Shia. Life awaits you.” Shia nodded in respect before rising from the floor.


Bathed and dressed, I sat across from Lathan. Suddenly finding myself oddly out of sorts. An uneasiness had crept into my mind. A sensation that apparently Lathan shared. “Words need to be spoken between us.”

“Which words?” I asked, nervous that he may realize how preoccupied I was with the unclaimed soldier. “The words regarding your recklessness.” He said. I hesitated for a second before I reached for my cup of tea.

“Recklessness? I am not following.”

“You disobeyed my order, my command.”

“Disobeying you is reckless?” I asked. He couldn’t be serious. I shook my head when he didn’t respond. “You put yourself in danger.”

“I don’t see it that way," I told him. Golden honey eyes that had been warm and loving turned dark and dangerous. “You disobeyed me, my order. You locked me in a cell while you rode into enemy territory.” Lathan stated. The ire of his mood tainting the bliss of the morning, and his scent.

“I had people to protect. Which includes you.” I tried to pick my words carefully.

“I am the king and your mate. I do the protecting here Omega.” Lathan warned as he leaned forward in his chair. He was back on his throne.

“One of your Alpha’s took his own life to escape that pain, Lathan. My sisters died. The remaining bonded mates would have suffered. How could I not try to help them?” I demanded.

“And what of my pain Neisa?” He demanded. “Does my pain count for nothing?”

“It was your pain that set me on the warpath.” I told him hotly.

“Do you have any idea what I would have done if you’d been...harmed? Do you know what hell I would have unleashed?” The look he gave me radiated nuclear hell. I didn’t need him to elaborate. I stilled, letting the fear I saw and felt chill me.

“Twenty-four lives Lathan. That’s worth something.” I reminded him, “We saved twenty-four lives.” I reasoned with him. “Our brothers and sisters have made history between our kingdoms. Despite the odds. These children are... priceless.”

“Those lives are not as valuable to me as yours, never.” He lashed out at me. “I would have mourned them, but losing you would have killed me. ” Lathan’s words raged with his emotions. I understood him. I felt the same way. But it didn’t change the facts.

“We freed eight Omegas. Bonded Omega’s all who are pregnant. How can you be upset about that?” Even with the truth of my words, I felt his pain throb through our bond, constricting my heart with his fear, and disappointment.

“I can’t lead, or protect my people from my grave.” He lashed out.

“Would you have not done the same? What if it was me that was locked in a wagon? Would you have not tried to save me?” I challenged him.

“I would’ve reigned hell upon the land to save you.” Lathan’s voice burned with passion.


“Because you are my heart.” I couldn’t breathe. The sincere fire that burned so hot and bright in his eyes had me trembling. I rose up on shaky legs.

“Lathan!” He snagged my hands, holding both of them tightly to his chest. Pulling me close cradling me. You are a warrior, be brave, I told myself. I ran my hands through his soft brown hair. Pulling him closer. “And you are mine,” I whispered. He kissed me until we erupted with desire. I moved in his arms, needing a better position. I straddled his wide hips cradling his large head in my hands and loving the feel of my Alpha.

“I will never forgive you for putting yourself in danger Neisa.” Lathan threatened me.

“You will forgive,” I promised him. I shyly took his hand and placed it on my abdomen. Lathan was a smart man. Understanding hit him instantly. Worry and wonder flashed in his eyes.

“How do you know?” He demanded brown eye’s watching me with wonder.

“Esme, she was held with the Omegas. She told me.” I felt my heart flutter. I was excited and scared. Unsure but hopeful. I was an emotional whirlwind.

“The gypsy woman?” He frowned at me.

“Yes, and her name is Esme.” I smiled at my confused Alpha.

“I will protect you both, and I will love you, forever.” Lathan stated. The possessive, protective Alpha that was my mate promised me.

“Love me now.” He laid me down slowly kissing down my neck, stopping to suck my breast.

“You will feed my child with your beautiful breast.” He said, and I moaned. My body responded to the smell and feel of possessive Alpha. He continued hovering above me, slipping down to my stomach. He breathed in my scent. And I watched wordlessly. Lathan starred captivated by the moment. He froze, looking at where his child grew. Perhaps he was having a hard time believing. When he didn’t move, I ran my fingers through his hair.

“Lathan?” I thought I’d see awe and wonder. Instead, I saw fury. He growled, head snapping up to glare at me. My breath caught as I tried to sit up. But he grabbed me. “No.” He warned me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, worried, almost scared. But he didn’t respond. Wordlessly he picked me up from the bed and carried me over to the chaise lounge. Bending me over, so my chest laid across the back. I looked back at him. “Lathan what are you doing?” I demanded.

“The queen is not above being disciplined,” Lathan replied his voice full of anger.

“What?” My answer came in the form of pain as his large hand landed on my ass. Shock and pain turned to blind rage. And I kicked backward trying to get him off.

“I do not think so.” He said, kicking my legs further apart. I tried to throw an elbow, but Lathan took one long arm and pressed my neck down. “You locked me in a cell.” Another hard slap hit me. “You disobeyed me.” Slap. “You put your life, and our child’s in danger.” Slap. I burned with angry shame and embarrassment. My heart ached with disbelief and injustice.

“Get your fucking hands off of me,” I said through clenched teeth. He struck me two more times.

“I am the king.” He bit back. “I will decide when your punishment is over.” The last hit he made count. And I had to bite my lip to stop the yell that wanted out. Still raging Lathan leaned down over my back. Brushing his lips to my ear. “There are consequences for disobeying.” Every muscle in my body wanted to fight. But smart warriors grow into old warriors. I would wait and strike back. I stilled my body, trying to keep the painful panting of my chest under control. He slid down my awkwardly placed body, licking a hot path down my spine, my body shuddered. He didn’t stop at my tailbone but continued down to my wet sex. Anger fueled my desire filling me with a dark lust. I moaned in spite of myself, grabbing the lounger for support. He growled, and I released a flood. Lathan’s tongue feasted on me, giving him full access. I did not deny my body a noisy release. Lathan’s torso was wet from my body’s praise. He turned me, picking me up. Blown pupils, greedy hand, throbbing cock. He pushed into me as I rode out my climax. Big hands cupped my ass reminded me of his discipline. I grew cold, falling instantly back down from my high. A tainted orgasm is not a fulfilling one. I laid stiff across his chest, ignoring his tender touches and soft kisses. My brain thoroughly disgusted with my body. He had no right to beat me, and I had no right to reward him with sex. “You have nothing to say?” Lathan halfheartedly joked. I ignored the stupidity of his question. Instead, I laid balled upon his chest, waiting for the second has knot released me. “Speak your mind, mate. I feel your worry.” I was enraged, not fucking worried. And still, I said nothing. The gentle caresses stopped. Instead, he grabbed my tender backside with his large hands, squeezing. I closed my eyes tight as I cringed. “Alphas discipline their mates. That is how order is achieved. It is my right and duty. Do you understand?” Lathan again squeezed, and I could not stop the hot tears of betrayal and pain from running. He forcefully grabbed my face. But I refused to give in so easily. He just pulled harder. I didn’t know what he thought he’d find in my eyes. But what he found was unexpected and not to his liking. “I am not sorry.” He said with as much control as he could. My heart ached at his words. He may not be sorry, yet. With the knot shrinking, I hurried up off his body. Walking into the other room. Letting my silence speak for me. Minutes passed as I cried quietly. My heart ached as badly as my backside. I could feel the welted flesh begin to bruise. Naked and ashamed, I stood by the balcony doors. I heard Lathan walk into the room. He approached me cautiously. Gently he placed his hand to the flaming skin on my back. “Come, I will tend to you.” He kissed the top of my head and walked into the bathroom. When I heard the water running, I got to it — dressing in record time. I scooped up all Lathan’s clothing, walked to the balcony, opened the door, and dropped it all over the rocky cliff. With my boots unlaced, I marched from our suite smiling. The first stop was the kitchen. I snatched up water and food. The staff confused and flustered hurried to accommodate me.

“Thank you.” I smiled at the beguiled staff. There were perks to being the queen. I answered to no one. And while my bottom still burned I all but skipped to my next stop. He was going to be so livid. With my supplies secured, I climbed the guard tower. It was a good 60 feet up into the Crow’s Nest. To say the two soldiers were shocked was an understatement. ”

My queen?” They bowed. “Please, rise. Gather your things and leave.” The two men exchange confused looks but did as I asked them. “Leave the bow.” That would be useful. I could hear buzzing from inside the villa. Lathan would be on the warpath. The second soldier wasn’t even on the ground before I started to pull up the ladder. With the only entry and exit points safely in my reach, I waited for the show. Barely a minute passed before my Alpha stormed to the foot of the tower.

“Neisa, what madness is this?” Lathan bellowed his bare chest heaving in outrage.

“Nice pants, bit small though,” I smirked they had to be one of the unclaimed’s. Amazing how much larger the Alphas were compared to their counterparts.

“Get down now.”

“Or what? Will, you beat me again?” I demanded. The audience we gathered stopped, all eyes on us. “You were disciplined, not beaten.” I laughed at his delusions.

“You physically restrained me and beat me, my king.” I seethed. I yelled out, “Omega’s.” The camp came to life as my sisters emerged from various buildings. All eight came to my call. A few accompanied by their Alphas. “Sisters, it does my heart good to see you.” I smiled. Truly, I was overjoyed to have them here and safe. ” I regret to say I may have taken you from one cruel leader and giving you to another,” I said.

“What do you mean Neisa?” One of my sisters asked. Lathan roared.

“She is the queen. Address her properly.” He snapped at her. Wanting to kick the dog was not an option. I lost it. Grabbing the bow, I landed an arrow at his feet. Notching another one as he looked at me in disbelief.

“I am her sister, and she is mine. Don’t correct her again.” I warned him.

“You are making a mistake,” Lathan warned me. I reached for the top of my pants. Revealing enough of the huge red and black flesh of my backside. My Omega’s reacted hissing with their outrage, sending the man to angst. “Omega’s, sisters you have waited years to be held in loving arms. You are rare and worthy.” Anger and pain were pounding in my veins and heart. “If your mate ever raises a hand to you, or touches you with anything but proper intention.” I glared at the man who had hurt me. “Even the playing field by whatever means necessary.”

“You cannot do that.” Lathan bellowed at me.

“You’ve been warned, all of you.” I met the outraged eyes of my mate, and king with the same fire. There would be a reckoning, and I couldn’t wait.

“Get her out of that fucking tower,” Lathan yelled at the soldier.

“How, sir?”

“Cut it down.”

“Sir, that is our only lookout. Without it, we are blind to the Shadowlands.” Lathan’s end of the bond sparked and thrashed like the cut end of the high-voltage line. The uncontrolled energy buzzed as it fought to find the connection it needed. I found the chaos very gratifying.

“Climb it.” He ordered the soldier, never taking his eyes from mine. I notched an arrow and aimed. Hitting one of them in the leg and the other in the arm. I really felt bad about shooting them. I pointed the next arrow at Lathan.

“Don’t make them suffer for your stupidity.” I cautioned him.

“You are my wife.”

“You beat me.”

“I did not beat you. You were corrected.” The angry Alpha informed me.

“Send another soldier, and I will correct you, husband.” The camp settled into a nervous hum. Everyone kept one eye on the volatile king and one on my perch. A few hours passed before my unclaimed approached Lathan with his recovered clothing. I watched him rip off the small, constricting clothing he had borrowed and dress right there. It was an exciting and gratifying sight, But I was far more focused on the visibly upset Omega pacing behind him. Karina was a beautiful young Omega. With long black satin hair and green eyes. She’d been picked by the queen to bond because of her youth and beauty. And while she was not yet an accomplished warrior, she was a great student. I walked to the tower’s edge.

“Sister, what troubles you?” I asked her in her native tongue. Her pacing stopped, and she lowered her head. Her small body trembling.

“I need to be released from my pair bond sister. I need to die.” I shook. The pure hopelessness I heard in her voice rocked me. No Omega needed to die. A cold fear I didn’t like or understand shivered my entire body.

“Karina, come,” I told her.

“Thank you.” I notched an arrow. I walked to the edge and kicked the rope ladder down.

“Let my sister pass,” I ordered Lathan. His jaw clenched, but he remained where he stood — allowing Karina to climb the ladder. Once in the tower, she pulled it back up, silently crying as she did it. I pulled my broken sister to my body, trying to comfort her. “Karina, what happened?” I tried to console my sister. She grabbed me tightly. She didn’t talk for several agonizing minutes.

“I… I couldn’t stop him. I tried.… but… he…” She sobbed, and I died. The fragmented words and her traumatized state gave me more than enough information — her painful tears beckoning my own. And my heart broke.

“Karina, I am so sorry for your pain.” And I truly was.

“Tell me, sister, tell me what happened.” She unleashed a new flood crying harder.

“Sephra told them not to touch us. She said it would slow us down.” She sobbed. “He’d been at me for days trying to…” Karina’s entire body froze. I pulled her closer. Feeling the sick, evil dread suck the heat from my own body. “My sisters protected me as best they could.” She looked down, wiping away her tears. “We were all chained and collard.” She paused. “Sephra rode ahead to check the pass.” Her voice faltered. “I fought… I tried so hard to fight.” I felt my stomach roll with sickness. The traumatized Omega looked away.

“Karina?” I tried to steady myself. I tried to be ready to hear the most horrible news in my life. Minutes of pained memories stole Karina’s voice. She turned to stone in my arms. The voice that left her sounded like a ghost.

“His knot wouldn’t go down. Even after more than an hour.” Karina’s voice was falling from her lips. But she was not the woman I knew speaking them. “Sephra… cut his throat. I didn’t even get to kill him.” She said regrettably. “The damage had been done. The horde was edgy. The smell of his rutting had them out of control. They weren’t thinking clearly, and I took his knife when Sephra wasn’t looking.” Karina sat back against the tower. Curling in on herself. “The dogs demanded a turn. I’d been cut from the group. They said it shouldn’t matter to Sephra.” I wanted to go to her. To tried and comfort her, but I was unsure. I watched as my friend, and sister struggled on her own.

“What did she say?” I dreaded knowing the answer.

“They’d have to fuck me on their horses.” I recoiled from the heartlessness. “She said if I could ride a horse for hours, I could ride a knot.” Karina’s ghost looked up at me. “I didn’t fight, not until we started walking back to the horses. Once we got close enough to the wagon. I stabbed the Alpha that wanted to rape me.” The light that used to glow in her eyes tried to shine.

“What happened?”

“I cut his femoral artery so fucking fast. Renthee grabbed him through the bars and helped finish him.” “That’s how you got them out of the wagon?” I asked she nodded. She drew further in on herself. She was trying to draw comfort from her own arms. “I failed.” She sobbed again.

“Failed who?” I gently asked my broken sister.


“You freed the Omega’s,” I said, trying to make her see that her pain had not been for nothing. But she only shook her head.

“Ky will release me from our bond once he knows.” She sobbed.

“Why, because an animal hurt you will you were chained and defenseless?”

“Not just that, I’m not pregnant. All the other bonded Omegas are.” Karina whispered.


“I’m not a fit mate Neisa. You need to do your duty. End my shame. Please.” She crumbled again. This time she reached for me. I did not hesitate to share her pain. Hours passed; Karina had fallen asleep in my arms. Her pain was unforgivable. She’d suffered rape, and feared what her mate and sisters thought about her. I knew how Lathan’s disciplined had shamed and belittled me. I couldn’t imagine Karina’s. Not her pain, nor the utter betrayal that had brought Karina here. Sephra was a murderer, a rapist, and a traitor. She was not my sister. I fell into an emotional vortex that spun wildly in my mind.

“There will be no clouds tonight, Neisa. It will be cold. Come down.” Lathan had been quiet all evening. With Karina’s ordeal taking over my being, I had pushed him out. I looked at the sunset. He was right with no cloud cover; it would be a cold night.

“No,” I replied firmly, not even bothering to look over the edge to address him. The roar that left him shook Karina from her sleep.

“Get down here now.” With my ward awake, I pushed my sore ass off the wood tower floor, coming to glare at the clueless Alpha.

“Are you hard of hearing? I said no.” I yelled back at him. Lathan paced the ground cursing as he stalked.

“How pleased do you think I’ll be if you freeze to death in my tower?” Lathan asked me. I don’t know what made me happier — the look of confusion, disbelief, or outrage.

“Don’t worry. My ass still burns hot from the beating you gave me. We won’t freeze.” I told him coldly. He blew, yelling frustrated obscenities and promising a reckoning. “Goodnight my king,” I said as I turned to walk back to Karina.

“Neisa, you may be the worst behaved queen on the planet.” Karina smiled, shyly at me. And I laughed. “I’ve talked with Lathan’s mother. She would agree with you.” Karina chuckled. “Ready to spend a cold night in a Crow’s Nest with the worst queen on the planet?” I asked, hoping she wouldn’t abandon me. “Just like old times.” She said as we settled in for a long night. The sun hadn’t even been down for two hours, and we were already cold.

“Karina you know you can leave anytime,” I said, trying to still my chattering teeth.

“I’m a bad Omega, not a friend,” Karina said. “You are not a bad Omega.” I hugged her tighter. Praying I could ease her worry even a little. “Will you kill me?” Karina asked me. The hopefulness I heard there was frightening. Almost as frightening as imaging her shame, betrayal, and pain. But I would not even entertain the idea of punishing a victim.

“No, your sacrifice led to our victory. I will not punish you or your mate with more pain.” I felt her tears.

“What if he rejects me?”

“Then he has no honor and does not deserve you.”

“Will you help me?” Karina begged with me.

“Always sister,” I promised. “Omega’s never stand alone.” I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.

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