Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Lathan and his men were on my trail in less than five hours. Obviously, he hadn’t taken the counteracting herb to stave off the splitting headache. I could safely assume Lathan wanted my head. I watched him, and his men tear down the trail I’d left. Waiting, hiding until I no longer heard hoofbeats. I doubled back on my trail, nudging my horse into a gallop. Daybreak was only a few hours away. Offering me the light I needed to reach the mountain pass. If Lathan’s maps were as accurate as I prayed, they were. There was a network of tunnels and passages I could use to cross the mountains. Well documented landmarks came clearly into view. I pulled the reins, stopping my mount. Frantic to keep moving. I smacked the little buckskin on the rump. Sending her down the road. I weighed nothing. Knowing the indentions left by my horse would not give away the fact that I’d left my mount on foot. Still, I kicked the dirt to cover my footprints before taking to the mountainside. Avoiding foot and game trails. Breathing hard and exhausted, I dug deep to find the energy I needed to keep moving. Dawn found me at the narrow opening of a cave. Dropping to the ground, I dove into my pack, digging through it taking out a flashlight. It took me an hour to navigate the cave. Daylight on the other side was a relief. The cliff face was a mixture of rock and wind-beaten grass. Millions of pieces of jagged boulders in varies sizes crowned the top of the mountain. Decreasing in size and amount at the cave entrance where I stood. The canyon floor was a step, long ways down. I stripped naked. Tying my sweat-drenched clothing around a stone. One big enough to gain momentum on the way down the mountain. I hurled the rock. Overjoyed to see gravity pull it a thousand feet below into the canyon bottom. I was taking a huge risk standing in the chilly air naked. Being exhausted, dehydrated, and needing calories. I couldn’t let my body temperature get too low. Turning again to my pack, I pulled out a dry set of clothing and a bottle of witch hazel, rubbing it over myself to disguise my scent and plug up my pores. I dared to take a few minutes to let my skin cool and dry before redressing. I headed higher. Big boulders that had broken loose from the top of the mountain littered the ground. All different sizes and shapes, creating tight cavities big enough for my small body to crawl in between. I could get out of the cold wind and watch the cave exit. I hunkered down and waited — hours of running forced me to crash hard. And I fought to keep awake. Not realizing I’d lost that battle until hours later. The sun had traveled halfway across the sky. I’d been out for a while. My muscles, groaning the second I tried to wiggle in the confined space between Ky’s bow, Lathan’s aggressive mating, and my escape. I was in poor shape. The sun was high above me. Its ray’s a welcome feeling. Keeping the chill of the wind bearable, if I had to spend the night here, it would be miserable. More than an hour passed with nothing for me to do but worry about Lathan. Knowing he’d pursue if only to keep face in front of his men. But I’d underestimated the effort he was putting into it. I stilled instantly believing I heard voices. The thoughts were confirmed movements later. The voices sent my body to shudder. Trained muscles ready to defend and fight.

“Ky?” Lathan asked as his second peered down the side oh steep rocky hillside. “She went down the mountain,” Ky said both men panting heavily.

“Fuck!” Lathan roared.

“Sir, if she crosses the canyon, she will be dangerously close to the Shadowlands.” Ky sounded very worried about this.

“I’m aware of that Commander.” Lathan snapped needlessly.

“I apologize. What do you want to do?” Ky asked him.

“Chain her to my bed and rut her into submission,” Lathan said, breathing heavy as he looked down the steep mountain into the canyon below. “Briar’s crossing is 3 1/2 miles away by horse. It’s the easiest access point across the canyon. The climb down from here will have slowed her down considerably.” Lathan said, aggression in its rawest form quivered my heart and chilled me more than the mountain wind.

“She’s a warrior, sir. She’s not the average woman.” Ky interrupted. “She’s already covered more ground than I thought possible and thrown us off, twice.” Ky’s voice was an odd mix of amazement and surprise. “Noted Commander. We have a lot of daylight to our advantage. Send Asher and David down this way to track her from the canyon. We will ride to Briars Pass.” Lathan ordered.

“Yes sir.” Ky and Lathan wasted no time tracking back into the cave. I gathered my pack. I’d be ready. Waiting for Asher and David. Not more than 30 minutes passed before they exited the cave. Descending the steep embankment with vigor and sure-footedness. The Alpha warriors were covering ground faster than I liked. I crept out of my hiding spot. Hugging the boulders, moving quietly back to the cave entrance. I navigated this cave once already. I made better time going out. Night found me in a hollowed-out tree covered in dry leaves. Sleep hit me fast. But the much needed restfully sleep was gone before morning. Leaving my mind and body painfully aware that this was the first night I’d spent out of my Alpha’s company. Hours spent without his large hard body to make me appreciate my Omega. No touch, no release, no purr. I drifted in and out of blissful and torturous memories of his mating. The ache that claimed my muscles had nothing to do with soreness, but longing. I spent the next two days trying to get as many miles between Lathan and myself as possible. Hard to do on foot. The land was kind at least. Finding berries and edible plants to help me with energy and freshwater running from springs. This was a huge boost to my body. But I desperately needed protein. That would take time I simply didn’t have. The days passed quickly leaving me drained and falling asleep the second I’d laid down. Early morning would find me physically aching for my Alpha. Desire pulling at my muscles. I craved his body. My mind filled to capacity with the memories. The longing actually pulled at the bond. Reminding me that my body was in fact, anchored to a life that was not mine. Demanding that I return it to the musician who knew how to strum the instrument that was me. I was fighting this battle on two fronts. Trying to remind what little reason I still possessed that I was leaving to protect Lathan and the kingdom. Which included his mother. I could not and refused to hurt them. I was not a true warrior if I lead them to their downfall. I could live without his affections. I could not live with his suffering and death. I yelled at my heart to suck it up and be the warrior I was trained to be. My mind could wander through our X-rated memories while I slept. But now, I needed to be focused on my mission. I had only traveled a few hours into my day when a violent cramp stopped me in my tracks. Stealing my breath with its intensity. Dread thundered through my heart at the clear warning. My estrous was on its way. The urgency I had never known before moved me. And I traveled further into uncharted land. Having passed the last mapped landmark yesterday. I was completely blind to where I was headed. I stopped at the top of a mountain waterfall. Surveying my surroundings. Spotting an abandoned homestead a few hundred feet below me in the valley. Obviously not livable the roof had fallen in on a portion of it. I almost made it to the structure when another cramp hit me hard. Doubling me over, forcing me to my knees with its fury. “No!” I gasped as I tried to breathe through it. Praying it would leave as quickly as it attacked. When it receded, I hustled to the homestead. A structure that had been vacated in a hurry. Many valuable items left, which was good for me. I found a small piece of soap and poorly fitting clothes tucked away in a footlocker. I raced to the river discarding my clothing. Gifting them to the fast-moving water. I washed head to toe in icy water. Grateful for the chunk of soap that would help wash away my scent. Even if only for a while. I ransacked the Homestead. Whoever lived here had plans of riding out hard times. Something all Omega’s prepare for, thinking like a prepper, I dug through the Homestead. Finding what the average looter had overlooked. My reward was a stash of freeze-dried protein bars. A huge score for this wrecked Omega. I’d seen no sign of Lathan for a full day. It was tempting to hunker down in the Homestead. Getting complacent now would be stupid. I packed my supplies, shouldered my pack, and left. Trying to find a place I could weather my estrous. I knew if I could find a place to rest, I could buy myself a little more time. Continuous physical exertion did nothing but accelerate its arrival. I left the valley for the base of the mountains in the distance. Keeping a slow, steady pace. Not wanting to raise my body’s temperature. Night was only an hour away. I found an outcropping of rocks that I climbed up onto. Nothing special but sheltered out of the wind. I hydrated and dined on my protein bars. I curled up in an old musty blanket and waited. If I made it through the night without going into estrous, I would climb higher up the mountain tomorrow. Lathan’s voice found me in the predawn light. His husky words were promising to rut me through my estrous while phantom hands slid up and down my body. I moaned, unable, and unwilling to resist what I’d missed for days. Needy I reached for him only to find he was not there. Reality’s struck me as I stirred from my blanket. Finding that in fact, I was not alone. Desire left me to be replaced by fear. And I scrambled back against the rocks, forgetting to take my knife with me. The man that stood before me was covered head to toe in a desert colored fabric that matched the color of the rocks. Nothing exposed but his eyes. Which watched me like a hawk. He was tall and willowy. Whip-cord muscles that would be a challenge for any opponent. Let alone a 5′2 Omega. I felt the immediate need to fight crumble with a sharp cramp. This man was not an Alpha or even my Alpha. But that matters little to the demands of my instinct. He didn’t hesitate to advance while I was vulnerable. Even as I panted out a threat, I could not follow through with. The cramp had not even left me before he’d tightly secured my wrist and set me onto a horse. Even captured, I did not believe myself defeated, I would not beg; I would not cry. I looked, listened, memorizing landmarks, and the terrain. Miles raced by us as the covered man pushed on. Taking me, gods know where. Using the rocking movement of the horse to mask mine, I’d loosened enough of my restraints to be helpful. But with us being in a high walled rock pass I’d have nowhere to go once free. No weapon, no cover, no advantage. It was the first time since I’d left the villa that I truly felt lost. Judging the stride of the horse I’d estimated we traveled five miles. The rocky pass with wind-carved walls opened on an unexpected sight. A military outpost filled with men who looked just like this one. Shrouded, head to toe in desert fatigues. Many stopped to see us arrive, and yet no one spoke a word. The horse wasn’t even completely stopped before the man dismounted and removed me from the saddle. He Immediately noticed my loosened bindings. Shock and surprise flashed in his eyes. And I smirked. If I’d been on my game, I would have evened the playing field with my skill set. It mattered little now as he plucked me up, tossed me over his shoulder, and stalked up the stairs of a large brick and rock fortress. A skewed view showed them to be a resourceful lot, using the natural material to build an impenetrable stronghold. The hallway seemed to go on forever. A few more feet and we took a sharp left. Heading up a flight of stairs, he turned right and opened the door. The tall man forced me into a large room, closing the door wordlessly. I bolted for the terrace, and my heart sank. Whoever constructed this hell was a genius — using the rugged rocky natural terrain to create an organic prison. Even my most accomplished sisters could not have scaled the rocky cliff walls. I trembled. Not only was I at war with my body’s natural. But with an unknown abductor. Within hours I would be at the mercy of my captor. One that I didn’t know. Telltale signs of my heat flushed my body. I raced for the wooden doors that separated the rooms. Maybe there was still hope. I slid the doors open and froze.

“Hello, Neisa.” Lathan purred. The wolfish smile that excited and scared me cause me to tremble harder — gripped with excitement, fear, and disbelief.

“No!” I said beyond, shocked.

“Yes.” He replied victoriously as I backed away.

“No… you are not supposed to be here,” I told him, shaking my head. Honey brown eyes were stalking my attempt at a retreat.

“Where we should be is in our nest.” I was so screwed. The sight and smell of him were already assaulting my body with huge waves of desire. What little reason I had left was working hard to remind me that I had left because I was a traitor. Not just to him but his kingdom. I did not want to betray Lathan or endanger them by staying and fully bonding with him. I had left to protect him, them.

“No…you don’t understand…, I… you…need to leave right now.” Why was he following me? I wondered as I backed into furniture in my attempt to keep us apart.

“Tell me, Neisa, what am I not understanding?” Lathan asked. His nostrils flared, breathing in the scent of my much-anticipated heat.

“I… I…am not what or who you think I am… it’s better if you just let me go.” I babbled as I found myself backed against a wall.

“Better to let you go? Why the hell would I do that, mate?” He said the word with enough implication that I wondered why I was trying to leave myself.

“Lathan, please, I am trying to protect you.” I pleaded with him and my body. The timing sucked. “Protect me from claiming my price, my only want, and truest desire?” He asked as he leaned down to draw in my scent. “To have the honor of rutting you through your magnificent estrous. To have you fully exposed to my body and bond. On no mate. This is my right.” His eyes were almost entirely colorless — the warm brown hidden by the animal that took over his instinct. Posturing to remind me of his prominent role during my estrous. I froze as a cramping fissure ripped open inside of me, releasing a tsunami of instinctual desire. I gasped, doubling over at the sheer power of it.

” No... oh, please no.” I pleaded to anyone who could hear me — my scent broadcasting my rapidly advancing heat. Again, Lathan smelled the air, heaving in huge breaths of it, roaring with a primal instinct to call me and warn others. I panted as another fissure opened, releasing the first wave of slick.

Cramps clenched my stomach, doubling me over. The smell of Lathan pulled at my instinct, digging at a need that had gone unfulfilled all my adult life. Awaking carnal desire, I had never known. I was lost, praying for release I could not find. I stood in the corner of the room, whispering. I was trying desperately to block out the sound of his purr. But it was there, echoing off the rock walls of the room and resonating in my chest. My eyes shut tight. My mind ran wild. He stopped purring. Worry opened my eyes. Why had he stopped? I watched his long fingers undo the laces of his boots. I was jealous of them. Wishing they were mine, removing my constraining clothing. Next, he went to his shirt. I begin to salivate.

“Your willpower is superhuman,” Lathan said. The warm sound of his voice ringing in my ears.

“What are you doing?” I demanded as I tried in vain to retreat further into the corner.

“Fulfilling your prophecy little warrior.” I watched in excited panic as he lowered himself before me, boldly looking at me.

“I know what it feels like to be weak. What it feels like to suffer. I will gladly beg you for everything you give me.” His confession was worse than his purring. Words that he kept repeating. I watched his full lips move. The words were falling freely from them.

“Please… stop!” I begged as my body trembled. He didn’t, the dam that kept my body’s instinct at bay broke — releasing the flood of wet desire roaring down my legs. Lathan growled at me.

“Say the words Nesia set us free.” His eyes were full of greed, and the insatiable need to rut.

“I don’t know how to,” I told him truthfully.

“Accept me as your mate.” I was fascinated by it all. Could it really be that simple? To embrace my dynamic, to take what I wanted?

“I accept you as my mate,” I whispered words he demanded. Lathan was on me in a second, taking my mouth hostage. Overwhelming my taste buds. What a powerful addictive emotion sex was.

“Say it again.” He breathed heavily into my ear.

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